Download - Winter 2014 I - Athletic · Winter 2014 Vaccinations •EWT, WN, Rabies •F/R, Strangles, Potomac Dentistry •Routine every

Page 1: Winter 2014 I - Athletic · Winter 2014 Vaccinations •EWT, WN, Rabies •F/R, Strangles, Potomac Dentistry •Routine every

s it Spring yet? Well, Groundhog Phil has predicted six more weeks of winter, but that doesn’t

stop us from planning for warmer weather. Starting in March, Athletic Equine will be in full swing for Spring shots, wellness exams, fecal exams, and other preventative care.

Dr. Spillman was able to attend two wonderful continuing education series this past Spring,


Winter 2014


• EWT, WN, Rabies

• F/R, Strangles, Potomac


• Routine every 6-12 months

Clean sheath/udder

• Depending on the individual, should be done every 6 months or sooner

Please call to schedule your horse’s

preventative care:


Page 2: Winter 2014 I - Athletic · Winter 2014 Vaccinations •EWT, WN, Rabies •F/R, Strangles, Potomac Dentistry •Routine every

here is an unfortunate phrase that has been used for this time of year to describe the Spring shot mayhem:

“Grab and stab”. This refers to the rapid process of haltering the horse, giving the injections, and running to the next. This process can be not only harmful to the horse’s trusting relationship with you and/or your veterinarian, but it can also be harmful to their health. Although it may appear to save money in the short term by not having an examination performed, giving vaccinations or medications of any sort without a proper evaluation of your horse’s health can cause unneccesary risk to your horse developing problems or complications. It is important that your veterinarian has performed a current physical on your horse, which in turn develops the “client/patient” relationship between your horse and your veterinarian.

Client/patient relationships are not only important for your horse’s well-being, but it are also required by law in order to prescribe or administer medications and treatment.

For this reason, Athletic

Equine requires all patients to

have a current physical

examination before any

medication/prescription is

dispensed and before any

treatment is advised.

This policy ensures that your

horse is receiving the

exceptional and appropriate

care that we strive to


In addition to a routine vital sign evalauation, the importance of Wellness Exams is underemphasized in the equine world. Annual examinations are an expected and supported part of health care for the small animal pets, such as cats and dogs, and


Page 3: Winter 2014 I - Athletic · Winter 2014 Vaccinations •EWT, WN, Rabies •F/R, Strangles, Potomac Dentistry •Routine every

for people. Horses are no exception to needing the same preventative care and medical examination.

Spring and Fall shots are an excellent time to have your veterinarian do a complete physical examination on your horse. It also gives you the time to disscuss any concerns or questions you have. Noticed a lump or bump? Has your horse been losing or gaining weight? Take the time to make a list of questions for your veterinarian to help you remember when the time comes, and to make the

examination efficient and the most effective.

It is also strongly encouraged that you keep a record of your horse’s history, and have it available to present to your veterinarian at the time of examination. Athletic Equine offers a quick “cheat

sheet” to its clients to help them keep records of their horse’s routine care. Just request a client folder at your next visit, or call to have one delivered.

Schedule a Wellness Exam to be

performed at the time of your Spring

shots. This gives you and your

veterinarian the time to discuss

important aspects of your horse’s

health, such as age-related

considerations, diet, exercise, and any

questions you may have

Request a client packet

from our office, which

includes materials to help

you keep track of your

horse’s health and various

coupons for drugs, feed,

and services.

Page 4: Winter 2014 I - Athletic · Winter 2014 Vaccinations •EWT, WN, Rabies •F/R, Strangles, Potomac Dentistry •Routine every

Hutton House Lectures, a non-credit adult

enrichment program housed in Lorber Hall

on LIU Post, offers an outstanding array of

lectures in the arts and sciences. Similar to

a small liberal arts "college," but with no

tests or homework required, Hutton House

provides an opportunity for seniors or

anyone else with volitional time, to take

upper level courses from outstanding

professors in art, music, philosophy,

history, literature and political science, as

well as many of the other arts and sciences.

Horse Health Lecture Series given

by Dr. Kara Spillman


April 9, 16, 23, 30,

and May 7, 1-3pm

Remember, being an advocate for your horse’s healthcare will help them be able to perform their best for you and keep them healthy as competitors or companions.

April receives a gift from Nino’s grandson

Dr. Spillman will be teaching basic horse health this Spring in a lecture series offered by Long Island University! Come learn about the basics of keeping your horse healthy and the details of different ailments, vaccinations,

and medications. Great for horse owners new and experienced!

Learn more about the Hutton House lectures and how to enroll in Dr. Spillman’s classes:

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he recommendations for testing for Cushing’s syndrome (PPID) have recently been updated due to

new research. Due to the apparent (but not fully proven) concern that steroids can contribute to a laminitic event, steroid stimulation has been replaced with a test known as the “TSH stimulation test”. In this test, a hormone (TSH) is used to stimulate the pituitary gland and assess for Cushing’s disease, which causes metabolic problems in horses and can contribute to laminitis, decreased immune system, and poor body condition. Currently, Athletic Equine uses a simple baseline ACTH test which has proven very effective and safe for detecting Cushing’s syndrome. In cases where the initial tests come back inconclusive, the TSH

stimulation test can be used to reassess a horse’s pituitary health.

Although Cushing’s generally affects older horses (Athletic Equine recommends every horse 15 years and older should be screened at least annually), it can affect younger horses as well. If you have questions concerning your horse’s health, or would like to learn more about testing, please contact our office.

Dr. Spillman gives Enzo from Reali Equine a pep talk at Reali Stables. Good luck at WEF Reali Equine!


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Real cases from real life!

This picture is of the right front knee (“carpus”) of a yearling colt that the owner noticed was acting lethargic and mildly lame on the right front leg. Upon physical examination, there was a visual swelling on the upper inside of the knee (red arrow in picture). The swelling was warm and painful to the touch. Radiographs revealed changes within the

growth plate that showed inflammation (red arrows below).

Typically the growth plate, which is responsible for “growing” the long bones during development, doesn’t close (ie cease bone production) until just over two years of age. Thus, for the first two years of life, young horses are susceptible to trauma and inflammation of this area that can lead to lameness and, if not adequately addressed, permanent problems with limb development.

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Ephiphysitis: epiph·y·si·tis/

(ĕ-pif″ĭ-si´tis) inflammation

of an epiphysis (growth plate) or of the cartilage joining the epiphysis to a

bone shaft.

Photo demonstrating one use of Equi-tape to manage

circulation in an affected ankle. Demonstration

performed courtesy of Dr. Beverly Gordon.

This problem can occur from a variety of factors, both genetic and environmental. Growing too rapidly causes stress on the growth plates contributes to this condition, medically termed “epiphysitis”. Thankfully, with proper control and restriction of diet and exercise, this condition will generally resolve on its own. Pain management is important while the foal heals, so it is critical that you involve your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment if you suspect a problem with your foal.

Effectively managing conditions during this critical growth period will help prevent problems later in life. Thanks to the proper management and control of this young colt’s diet and exercise, his

mild ephiphisytis is resolving well.

Dr. Spillman was very fortunate to join the Equi-Tape™ team once again – this time in sunny Florida! Equi-tape has been gaining fast recognition as a supportive modality to a variety of conditions and training purposes. To learn more about the benefits of the tape and/or the certification process, visit:

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PLEASE NOTE our change in contact numbers! Due to the confusion between 561 and 516, we have adopted new office and emergency phone number contacts. You will still be able to reach us on the old numbers for a period of time, but we urge you to save the new numbers in your contacts.

For scheduling appointments, billing inquiries, and non-urgent calls, please use the office phone at: 631-494-6897. If your call is not answered right away, please leave a message and someone will be in touch with you within the next business day.

For emergency or urgent calls, please call: 631-320-8381 or you may contact Dr. Spillman directly at 561-319-7781.

We are very pleased to have Anna Mulhaul, LVT join our team at Athletic Equine! A native of Greenlawn, Anna has many years of technician experience and owns four of her own horses – including a very cute mini named Sprinkles! She most recently adopted a colt, “Vegas”, from Project Sage Rescue. We are

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very fortunate to have Anna contribute her excellent technician skills as well as have her help with the day to day office work. Her most challenging job will be keeping Dr. Spillman organized! She looks forward to meeting you and your horse as part of the Athletic Equine team!

on’t forget to continue to follow us on the Athletic Equine page on

Facebook for news, tips, and updates!

ur website continues to be a source of information on our

services, and articles written by Dr. Spillman to help with horse care and ownership. Check us out!