Download - Winter 1 cooke


Arbor Watch: A BACCThe Fourth Season: WinterCookeBy: CanImarryapony

DOUBLE RAINBOW!!!!! Welcome back to Arbor Watch where it's winter and there's SNOW!

This chapter's Julien Cooke's house. I accidently played a bit over last rotation, so Day one starts a little late.

I don't think the tomatoes are going to make. Poor things all covered in snow.

Julien makes some quick desserts before heading off to work.

The business continues to struggle, of course I really wouldn't want to buy food that's on the ground in the snow.

Back home, I pulled the Humble Computer out of Julien's inventory. He needs another source of income and the game isn't letting him dig because of the snow on the ground. I guess it makes sense.

I debated on selling it, but that's a short fix. So I made Julien start writing a cookbook. 1001 ways to make Chili-Legacy style.

Then I remembered about Sandy, I could move her in and then they can have babies and moneys. Call her up Julien!

As you can see, Julien and Sandy were very happy to see one another.

Sandy fell in love first shortly followed by Julien.

Sandy moves in and Julien proposes. Sandy brings in a whopping $16,000. I think I might actually get to like her.

I let them have a little fun, luckily Sandy has yet to roll the fear to get married. I was going to have them wait a little on the wedding, but I'm not going to push my luck here.

Sandy also had a few extra sets of clothes. Sweet I didn't have to look at her pants forever. It was hard to find a haircut that fit her nicely. But this getup works.

Anyways it's day two and that means WEDDING. Sandy is a bad romance sim and hasn't yet rolled the fear of getting married.

Julien and Sandy dressed in their best, thank heavens, that Sandy came with extra clothes to make her look pretty for the wedding. Her original dress was awful.

The wedding glitched and they didn't get to the whole awesome makeout kiss. But rings and vows were exchanged and surprisingly all the guests made it to their chairs.

Unlike Amber, Julien isn't a cake shover.

Can Sandy's cheeks get any bigger. That's gonna be my last joke about Sandy's looks. I though I was going to hate her, but I found out I actually quite enjoy playing her. So much for tradition.

The wedding party was a success, even though two of the guests left early. It was scored at a great time.

The guests were shooed home and Julien and Sandy enjoyed the rest to the day to themselves....well and a lullaby.

Well what do you know, some of the tomato plants made made it. WOOT!

I unloaded Sandy's inventory, she's been making liberal use of the bookstore. I feel a little guilty keeping all her move in funds even though they really need the money. I had Julien and Sandy put them all on the bookshelf instead of selling them. I figure that's fair enough, maybe I'll take out some extra taxes too, I don't know yet.

Day Three means no more food in the snow!!!! Meet the new and improved More Than Food.

It's not near finished, but there's the small bakery in the front and eventually a diner in the back. The diner's blocked off right now so customer's don't get lost back there. I just realized I forgot a breakroom, but I can fix that later.

An indoor shot of the bakery, I was going to go country themed, but it didn't really fit Julien. Maybe when he's older. For now it's internationally themed with crisp black and white colors.

With a roof overhead the business is doing much better. Not quite level one but at least they got some stars.

They closed up about sixish with no profit due to the remodel. But that will change quickly now that there's actually a store and not a cash register in the snow.

Not much happened after they got home. Sandy's pregnancy popped during the night. I love babies. I think I want Julien and Sandy to have a big family. Poor Sandy would hate that....what to do...

Julien is trilled about the baby. Look at their matching pjs.

I sent Julien up the store by himself, and one of his first customers was the reporter. *crosses fingers*

And More than Food got the best of the best award and a good review. YAY!

I decide Julien needed an employee, it was a little overwhelming for him to help customers and run the register.

The options were pretty limited so I ended up with a Vacation sim as an employee. Her name is Emmy Hourvitz.

Julien closes the store and heads home, but Sandy's napping and there's not much to do around the house.

I sent Julien up to Sue's because I hadn't done a cooking contest since he got married. He finally got the cooking point needed to make baked Alaska.

Baked Alaska versus Baked Alaska who will win!!!

Actually neither won, Nicole Thompson whipped her super secret trout surprise and took the ribbon. But at least Julien got to eat his baked Alaska. Is it Baked Alaska or baked Alaska I don't know.

Sandy showed up at Sue's too, though I left her safely at home napping. Now her baby bump is going to be messed up, For some reason in my game if a pregnant sim goes to a community lot they automatically get the bigger baby bump. Doesn't hurt anything, just mildly annoying.

Back home, Sandy is finally awake and they have some innocent family bonding in the kitchen.

As the day ended Julien whipped up some pork chops and they called it a day.

Day five means getting the house cleaned up. I seriously let it go and so Julien and Sandy spend their morning hard at work.

All work and no play makes sad sims. I let Julien and Sandy have a little time together before sending Julien to work.

The store needed a new shelf, but unfortunately that ate up most of the renovation funds. No Reno day this week for the Cooke's but they got a huge store built so it's fair.

Julien didn't open the store until almost 2 but it was still flooded with customers quickly. He got his silver sales badge and the business ranked up to level two. I chose the first wholesale reward and the first money one. I don't like the money tree much, but hey he earned it. Not to mention needed it.

Julien closes the store around six thirty and trucks home.

As soon as the lot loads I spy this. Some honest to goodness tub-pirating. I never get tub-pirates. I love Sandy. She hasn't rolled in pregnancy fears either. Woot!

No sooner than she hops out of the tub she goes into labor. The little thing says two babies on the way, but I have the Triplets and Quads hack. Please not quads.

Whew only twins. First up is boy Julian, he has blue eyes and black hair. I'm going to see how long I can keep the name Julien/julian in the family.

Julian is hand off to Julien, boy that's going to get confusing, and Sandy gives birth to Amanda. Who also had blue eyes and black hair.

That's it for this week. I love how the Sims always surprises you. I never saw Sandy Bruty being a closet family sim. The Cooke's finish out the week with $509 in funds so 50 of that is taken away in taxes.

~Stats~Rotation: Winter 1Households: 2 of 2Playable Sims: 8# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 8

Community Lots: 2Business Diststricts: 0Universites: 0Downtown: No

SM: 2

Population: 16

CAS Available: 1/2

University Funds: $634

# of Fires: 1# of Burglaries: 0# of Electrocutions: 0# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Amber's Tales - Amber Vega - 9More than Food - Julien Cooke - 2Careers:None

*Stat sheet inspired by THEOlive211

Happy Simming!