Download - Wingate School Tenerife Newsletter... · 2020. 2. 19. · Wingate School Tenerife KS3 Newsletter - February 2020 -3rd Edition WELCOME If you have a story about our KS3 pupils that


    Wingate School Tenerife KS3 Newsletter - February 2020 -3rd Edition 

    WELCOME If you have a story about           our KS3 pupils that you         would like to share please         let me know via email:         [email protected] 

      The theme this half term         has been looking after       ourselves - our minds       and our bodies.   We have been advising       pupils on how to look         after their bodies     focusing on coughs and       sneezes! Coronavirus is     not currently a worry in         Tenerife but we still want         to make sure we are         protected if it does make         its way over here, as well           as protecting ourselves     from any other airborne       illnesses.  Pupils had an assembly       on the topic where Mrs         Hopewell and Mr Macrae       discussed how to be       hygienic - encouraging     pupils to use tissues,       flush them, wash hands       and use the alcohol       sanitizers in the room. It         has been great to see         pupils following this     advice sensibly and     taking it all very       seriously. I am sure the         amount of flu viruses       

     Wingate welcomes all the new students who have joined 

    us after Christmas!  The new students have settled in well and have made a great start 

    to their Wingate life!   

     Pictured are Donatile, a returning year 9 student  

    and Fedor a new year 9 student 

      The Spring term always focuses heavily on academics - we want students to achieve to the best of their ability so teachers have been pushing their students to do just that!   We hope you can join us on Friday (21st February) in the afternoon for the Open Day to receive further feedback on how your child(ren) have been working.   

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  • going round both the       staff and students have       been cut down!  We have also been       encouraging pupils to     look after their minds.       Earlier this month was       ¨Time to Talk Day¨. This         day was set up to         encourage people to talk       to others about anything       they are going through.       Try to take time within         your day or within your         week to talk to your         children about their     mental wellbeing.    The year 9s have been         looking at mental health       issues in more detail -         see the wonderful work       from them further on in         this newsletter.   I hope you have a         fantastic half term - stay         safe - mentally and       physically!  [email protected]  


    A quick guide to KS3 reports: Attainment - this is the actual level pupils are achieving in class, this may have been assessed through a test, or a may be a cumulative mark based on how they have performed all term. The grades run from 1-9, with 9 being the highest grade possible.   

     If pupils are achieving grades 1-3 for attainment this indicates they have not fully understood all the course materials. Some kind of intervention needs to take place for that child to improve. If pupils are achieving grades 4-5 they are working well, have understood the objectives of the course and can demonstrate this through assessment.  If pupils are achieving grades 6-9 they are going above and beyond what is necessary for the course.  Every child is different and should all be applauded in their different areas of strength.  The main thing to look for in the academics column is - is your child maintaining or improving their grades? If they are, this is fantastic news and should be rewarded as such! If their grades are going down there may be a problem - discuss this area of their academics with them and see how they can be supported.   There are so many pupils achieving highly academically at Wingate - so many success stories! Below are a number of pupils who have shown excellent progression with their academics from October to February:  Year 7 Daisy, Milo, Javier (not pictured), Mariya, Lucas (not pictured), Clara, Puri, Christopher (not pictured) and Jemima 


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  •      Dates for your Diary: Just a reminder of events coming up that you may wish to put in your planners   Friday 21st February - school finishes at 12.30 for pupils, senior  1.30 - Open Day for parents to visit teachers to receive feedback  Monday 2nd March - School reopens after carnival break Thursday 5th March - World Book Day - your child may come into school dressed up as a character from a book - the whole form should be dressed as the same book! Friday 3rd April - COMPULSORY community service trip for all pupils in years 7- 9 - your child will receive more details about this next half term.  Friday 3rd April .- End of term Monday 20th April - School reopens for Summer Term    Mrs Hopewell Head of KS3 [email protected] 

    Year 8 Lucrezia, Adriana, Sam, Poppy, Eduardo and Bogdan 

     Year 9  Matteo (not pictured), Joanna, Lily, Pablo and Mason 


  • Effort - the effort grades range from 1-4, with 1 being the highest  If pupils are achieving an effort level of 1 in a subject this is fantastic! They are working hard in the class and are putting a great amount of effort into their work If pupils are on effort level 2, this is classed as ¨good¨ effort and should be celebrated - there are still areas for improvement but they have shown a good attitude towards the subject.  If pupils are achieving effort levels of 3´s or 4´s there is a problem that needs to be rectified quickly. All students cannot be academically strong but we expect all students to make an effort.  It is also important to compare their October and February effort grades - have they improved since the start of the year, or are their effort levels falling? 

      The following pupils achieved the unbelievable feat of attaining a level 1 for effort in every single subject they study: Year 7 Kirsten 


  • Year 8 Sohanna, Neelesh, Lucas (not pictured), Nicolas, Diego, Alejandra, Zulaya 

     Year 9 Mansi, Lapo, Prerna (not pictured), Mariya, Donatile and Natasha  

      Well done to all pupils on their reports! Each and every pupil has something to celebrate on their report and each and every pupil has an area to improve on. Lets see even more improvements by the end of the academic year!  

  • Year 9 Social Science trip On Monday the 27th of January year 9 went on a trip to Santa Cruz, the capital of our island. The pupils were to visit the Museum of Nature and Archaeology (MUNA), an activity planned by the Social Science department. There, the students had a chance to get familiar with the procedures and methodology of field Archaeology in a workshop held by the museum staff. They also learnt lots of facts about the past of the Canary Islands in their visit to the museum, in which they filled in an information file of the different sections they came across.  After MUNA, we all went to Candelaria, a coastal town where pupils found and identified the different Menceyes of Tenerife. I believe it was a positive experience for all of the students who attended, and all of the accompanying teachers were very pleased with the diligence with which the year 9 completed all proposed activities as well as with their behaviour. Well done Year 9. Srta Astorgano 

      Spanish In Spanish pupils have, as always, been working very hard. The following pupils from different Spanish sets have shown big improvements in their work and have thus been crowned students of the half term - well done! 

     Zulaya, Javier, Joe and Lucy 

  •  Jemima, Maria, Artem and Helene 

     Chirag, Adi, Gemma and Mariya 

    RE Year 7 and 8 pupils were asked to carry out a RAOK - a Random Act of Kindness! It was lovely to see year 7 and 8 pupils really making an effort to be kind over the last few weeks. Below are some of the RAOK that were carried out:  Helped to tidy up Picked up someones jumper from the floor Picked up someone else's rubbish and put it in the bin I thanked a teacher for a great lesson I gave 6 bags of clothes to a charity for the homeless I complimented a teacher on their lovely skirt I complimented a fellow student on their nice new hair style I walked my friends dogs I looked after my cousin I helped someone when they were lost I paid for someone's tuck I complimented different people 

  • Social Science The year 8s have been creating different guides for around the Canary Islands. Zulaya´s work is pictured below as a particularly good example  

       PSHE Pupils in year 9 have been discussing Eating Disorders in their PSHE lessons.  The group pictured had the best presentation and teamwork in the task of researching Eating Disorders. Their topic was Binge Eating Disorder. They were very knowledgeable and showed maturity in handling this serious topic.  Olivia, Ayush, Mansi, Rodrigo, Adi, Seb  


  • English Year 9 pupils have been working on a mystery and suspense homework project. The runner up was Luna who had strong use of the mystery conventions in particular her imaginative plot development!  

     Caterina produced the winning piece due to the originality of ideas, meticulous detail and humorous appeal 


  • The year 9 top set English class have been working on their creative writing skills. They have produced some phenomenal work on personal conflict. The work is actually very informative and may even help both adults and children dealing with any of the issues covered.  



  • Mansi 


  • Emma 



  • Gina 



    I would love to include every pupil in the newsletter, but clearly this is not possible - hopefully your child(ren) will appear next half term!