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Windows Programming Using C#

Classes & Interfaces

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Classes Inheritance Operator Overloading Structs Interfaces

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C# Classes

The class is the main data structure in C# It blends ideas from both C++ and Java

All methods are declared inline, as in Java No C++ style header files Supports only single inheritance Inheritance syntax from C++ Allows multiple classes to be declared in one file like

C++ Methods can be used before being declared

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Class Declaration

[attributes][access-modifiers]class ident


{class-body}Attributes & modifiers discussed laterFor now, just use publicAn optional base class can be used for


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Class Declaration

using System;

public class Person {string name;int age;

public Person(string nm, int ag) {name = name;age = ag;


public string getName() {return name;


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Access Modifiers

Modifier Explanation

public Visible to any method of any class

private Visible only to methods of the declaring class. This is the default access modifier if none is specified.

protected Visible to declaring class and subclasses

internal Visible to any method in the same assembly as the declaring class

protected internal

Visible to declaring class, subclasses, and classes in the same assembly

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Object Creation

Primitive types like int, char, etc. are value types and are created on the stack

Objects are reference types and are created on the heap Declare an object reference variable Use the new operator to create a class instance on

the heap Assign this new instance to the reference variable

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Object Creation

Person p = new Person(“Ann”, 34); This creates a new instance on the heap The constructor for the new instance is invoked The reference to the new instance is assigned to the

variable The object will be destroyed when there are no more

references to it and it is reclaimed by the garbage collector

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A constructor is a special method with the same name as the class

It is run to initialize the class Before it is run the class is

undifferrentiated memory After it is run, the memory is an instance of

the class

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Constructors never have a return type Constructors are usually public Constructors may be overloaded If no constructor is provided, the CLR will

create one which does nothing If any constructor is provided, no default

constructor will be created

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Member Variable Initialization

C# allows you to initialize a member variable when it is declaredint day = 30;This is called an initializer

If you do not provide an initializer, a default value is assigned

This means that there are no uninitialized variables in C#

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Default Values for Primitives

Type Default Value

numeric 0

bool false

char ‘\0’

enum 0

reference null

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Copy Constructors

A copy constructor is simply a constructor which accepts an instance of the same class as a parameter and makes a copy of it

You must create a copy constructor if you need one, the compiler will not create one for you

public Person(Person p) {name =;age = p.age;


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this is a keyword referencing the current object It can be used in any non-static class It can be used to

Disambiguate parameterspublic Person(string name) { = name;


Pass a reference to the current objectList.add(this);

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Static Members

Classes have two types of members Instance members

Every class instance has its own copy

Static members The member is associated with the class, not the instance All instances access the same members stored with the

class Must be qualified with the class name, NOT the name of an


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Static Methods

Static methods are not associated with an instance and have no this reference

Static methods cannot refer to non-static members

Static methods are useful forUtility operations associated with the classOperations which modify the static data of a


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Static Constructors

Are invoked to initialize static members Are invoked before any other constructors A static constructor cannot have an

access modifier (ie. public) A static constructor cannot access any

non-static members

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C# has a garbage collector When there are no more references to an

object, it is marked for destruction Some time later, the garbage collector will

actually destroy the object Unlike in Java, the object is guaranteed to

be destroyed

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A C# destructor looks like a C++ destructor ~MyClass() { /* do destructor work here */ }

That is the end of the similarities You only need a destructor if you have to free

unmanaged resources like file handles References to managed objects will be handled by

the garbage collector without the need for a destructor Never call a destructor directly, the garbage collector

will call it for you

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This syntax is really a shortcut for calling a Finalize() method which will chain up to the base class

It is translated to~MyClass() {

try {// work of destructor

} finally {base.Finalize();


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The problem with destructors is that they will not run until the object is reclaimed by the garbage collector

This means that precious resources might be held for longer than necessary

You can fix this by Implementing the IDisposable interface Defining the required Dispose() method Having clients call Dispose() when they have

finished with a class instance

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If Dispose() is called and freed the resources, you must not have the destructor do the same thing

You can suppress finialization byGC.SuppressFinalize(this)

You should ensure that the resources are only freed once

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using System;class Testing : IDisposable {

bool is_disposed = false;

protected virtual void Dispose() {if (!is_disposed) { // only dispose once!

// perform cleanup for this objectGC.SuppressFinalize(this);

}this.is_disposed = true;


~Testing( ) {Dispose(false);


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The Using Statement

Since there is no way to guarantee that client code will call Dispose() , the using statement is providedusing ( Font theFont = new Font( "Arial", 10.0f ) )


// use theFont

} // compiler will call Dispose on theFont

This guarantees Dispose() is called on theFont when the using block is exited

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Parameter Passing

Normally, value parameters (int, char, etc.) are passed by valueA copy is made and passed to the methodThe method might modify the copyThe copy is not returned and the original is

left unchanged We can modify this using the ref keyword

to use pass by reference

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Pass By Reference

public add3(ref int n) {n = n + 3;

} Since a reference is used, the original

value in the calling code is modified There is no need to dereference anything

as you would do with a C pointer

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Out Parameters

Definite assignment requires that a parameter be initialized before it can be used

This means we have to initialize a variable before we pass it to a method, even though the method will set the value and never use it

We can use the out keyword to modify this behaviour

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Out Parameters

public void init(out int n) {n = 34;

} This code can be passed an uninitialized

parameter It can assign a value to the parameter and

return it

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Properties allow code to access the state of an object as if they were accessing a field directly

However, a property does not access a field A special class method provides the access and

controls what is determined This simplifies the interface while prohibiting

unrestricted access to class internals

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Access to properties is provided accessorsA get accessor to return the valueA set accessor to set the value

These accessors are placed inside the property declaration

You can omit either the set or get accessor if they are not needed

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Properties Consider adding a Name property

public class Person {string name;int age;

public Person(string nm, int ag) {… }

public string Name {get {

return name;}

set {name = value;



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The set accessor has no parameter The value passed to it is called value We can use the accessors like this:

Person p = new Person(“Jane”, 29);


p.Name = “Janie”;

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Readonly Fields

Readonly fields can only be assignedBy initialization orBy a constructor

Sometimes, you want to create a public static constant but cannot initialize it

You can make it readonly so that it can be initialized by one of the constructors

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Readonly Fields

public class Color {public static readonly Color Black = new Color(0, 0, 0);public static readonly Color White = new Color(255, 255, 255);

private byte red, green, blue;public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b) {

red = r;green = g;blue = b;


We cannot initialize Black & White as constants because their values cannot be computed at compile time

Making them readonly has a similar effect to making them constants

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Classes Inheritance Operator Overloading Structs Interfaces

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C# supports single inheritance Syntax:

public class ListBox: Window Inherits all base class members It can extend the base class by adding new

members It can override any method in the base class with a

new method using the keyword new

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public class EmployedPerson: Person {

float salary;

public float Salary {

get {return salary;}



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Base Class Construction

The base class must be constructed before the derived class

To do this, each constructor for the derived class must invoke the constructor for the base class

Constructors cannot be inherited, so each class must implement its own

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Base Class Construction

If the base class has a default constructor which is accessible, it will be called automatically

If no default constructor is in the base class, another constructor must be called

A base class constructor is invoked with the base keyword

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Base Class Construction

public class EmployedPerson: Person {float salary;…public EmployedPerson(string name,

int age, float salary):base(name, age) {this.salary = salary;


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New Methods

When a derived class declares a method with the same name as a method in the base class it canHide the method in the base classPolymorphically override the method in the

base class To hide the method in the base class, you

must use the new keyword

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New Methods

When you invoke a new method in the derived class A reference to the derived type invokes the method in

the derived class If the derived instance is assigned to a base class

reference variable, invoking the method with the base reference will invoke the base version of the method

* see Person example

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New Methods

public class PersonBase {…public string ClassName() {

return "PersonBase"; }}public class EmployedPerson:

PersonBase {…public new string ClassName() {

return “EmployedPerson"; }}

…PersonBase pb1, pb2;EmployedPerson ep1;

pb1 = new PersonBase("Julie", 34);ep1 = new EmployedPerson("Betty", 28,

37000.0);pb2 = ep1;

Console.WriteLine("pb1.ClassName() = {0}", pb1.ClassName());

Console.WriteLine("pb2.ClassName() = {0}", pb2.ClassName());

Console.WriteLine("ep1.ClassName() = {0}", ep1.ClassName());


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With true polymorphism, we can override methods and the compiler will always invoke the correct method

For this to workThe method in the base class must be virtual

The method in the derived class must be declared override

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System.Object declares the method ToString() as virtual

This is provided to convert every object to a string representation

We can override it in PersonBase by

public override string ToString(){ return name + ", " + age;}

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Calling Base Class Methods

We want to override it again in the EmployedPerson class

This time, we want to call the version in the parent class using the base keyword

public override string ToString(){ return base.ToString() + ", " + salary;}

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Suppose we have classes BaseClass DerivedClass

Now, let’s add a virtual method to DerivedClass

public class DerivedClass: BaseClass {

public virtual void NewMethod() {…}


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All is well Now, pretend the author of BaseClass decides

to provide the same method public class BaseClass {public virtual void NewMethod() {…}

} When this is compiled, a warning states that

NewMethod() in DerivedClass hides the one in BaseClass

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The way this works is To find a virtual method the compiler searches up the

class chain for the first method marked virtual For the derived class, this would be its version of the

method For the base class, its version would be used

The benefit of this is A base class can be modified without breaking

anything done in a derived class

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The warning statesDeclare it new to hide the base method and

eliminate the warningDeclare it override to override the base

methodOr leave as is to hide with a new virtual

method and still get the warning

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Abstract Classes

A class can be declared abstract and not have a body abstract public void MyMethod();

Any class with an abstract method must be declared abstract abstract public class MyClass { …}

Abstract classes cannot be instantiated Abstract methods must have implementations

before a class becomes concrete

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Sealed Classes

A sealed class cannot be extended This is the same as final in Java To use it, place the sealed keyword

before the class declaration

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This is the root of all objects All classes are derived from it even if they

do not derive from any class This class provides methods which are

inherited by every object

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Object Methods

Method Purpose

Equals() Compares two objects for equality

GetHashCode() Provides a hash code

GetType() Returns a type object for the object

ToString() Produces a string representation

Finalize() Cleans up non-memory resources

MemberwiseClone() Creates copies. Do not override!

ReferenceEquals() True if two references refer to the same object

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Boxing is the conversion of one of the primitive types to an object

Any of the primitive types can be Assigned to an object reference Passed to a method expecting an object as a parameter

In these cases, the compiler will automatically convert the primitive into an objectint i = 57;Console.WriteLine(“i={0}”, i);

This expects an object, boxes the primitive and then calls ToString() on the resulting object

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This is retrieving the primitive value from a boxed value

It requires an explicit conversion since the type stored in the object is unknown to the compiler

int i = 57, j;Object o = i;j = (int) o;

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Nested Classes

One class can be nested within another This is often done for helper classes

unused outside the outer class Nested classes have access to all

members of the outer class Can be declared public if they can be used

outside the class

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Classes Inheritance Operator Overloading Structs Interfaces

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Operator Overloading

C# provides operator overloading similar to C++ All operators must be static, unlike in C++ The goal is to make user-defined classes more

like system types Not all .NET languages support operator

overloading and equivalent methods should be used if interoperability is an issue

* see example Fraction

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Operator Overloading

To overload ==, you should also overload Equalspublic override bool Equals(object obj) { bool result = false; if (obj is Fraction) { Fraction f = (Fraction)obj; result = numerator == f.Numerator &&

denominator == f.Denominator; } return result;}

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Operator Overloading

public static bool operator==(Fraction obj1, Fraction obj2)


return obj1.Equals(obj2);


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Many operators must be overloaded in pairsOverload == and you must overload !=Overload < and you must overload >Overload == and you must overload


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Conversion Operators

Conversions can be Implicit

Automatically performed by compiler No loss of information

Explicit Requires cast by user Might involve loss of information

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Conversion Operators

public static implicit operator Fraction(int i){ return new Fraction(i, 1);}

public static explicit operator int(Fraction f){ return f.numerator / f.denominator;}

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Classes Inheritance Operator Overloading Structs Interfaces

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Structs are lightweight substitutes for classes Structs are always value type, not reference

types Structs support

Constructors Properties Methods Operators Indexers Nested types

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Structs do not support InheritanceDestructorsBeing a reference type

You cannot extend a struct although it can implement multiple interfaces

All structs are derived from object

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Structs are simpler than classes and usually more efficient

They can also be used to interface with libraries written in C++

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Declaring Structspublic struct Location {

private int xVal;private int yVal;

public Location( int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate ) {xVal = xCoordinate;yVal = yCoordinate;


public int x {get { return xVal; }set { xVal = value; }


public int y {get { return yVal; }set { yVal = value; }


public override string ToString( ) {return ( String.Format( "{0}, {1}", xVal, yVal ) );


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Creating Structs

You can create a struct byLocation l1 = new Location(1,2);Location l1;

These both create the Location on the stack as a value type

The second one does not invoke a constructor and field values must be assigned before it can be used

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Passing Structs

Since structs are value types, they will be passed by value

This means that changes made to a struct in a method will not be passed back unless a ref parameter is used

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Classes Inheritance Operator Overloading Structs Interfaces

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An interface is a contract which statesAll implementers of the interface guarantee to

implement all Methods Properties Events And indexers

Of the interface

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Declaring Interfaces

[attributes][access-modifier] interface ident

[:base-list] {interface-body}

interface IStorable {void Read();void Write();


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Implementing Interfaces

A class can implement an interface Using the same syntax as inheritance Implementing the required methods, etc.

public class Document: IStorable{public void Read(){…}public void Write(object obj){…}…

} A class can implement multiple interfaces

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Extending Interfaces

You can extend an interface using the colon notation

This allows you to add new requirements to an existing interface

You can extend several interfaces to form the union of all their requirements in a new interface

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Working with Interfaces

Any class which implements an interface can be assigned to the interface typeDocument doc = new Document(“test”);

IStorable stor = (IStorable) doc;

Only the methods etc. defined in the IStorable interface can be used on the stor object

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The is Operator

Before you cast an object to an interface, it is good to know if the object implements the interface

The is operator can tell you thisIf( doc is IStorable) {stor = (IStorable) doc;

} This avoids exceptions being thrown

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The as Operator

The as operator Checks to see if an object implements an interface If it does it casts it If it does not, it returns null

stor = doc as IStorable;

If(stor != null) {



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Explicit Interface Implementation

What happens if a class implements two interfaces which require the same method?

The class must explicitly qualify the method names with the interface names so that the compiler can tell them apart

One can be left unqualified since it must belong to the interface which has yet to have the method implemented

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Explicit Interface Implementation

A qualified interface name cannot Have an access modifier, they are all public Be abstract, virtual, override or new

For example IStorable has a Read() method ITalk has a Read() method

The a class implementing both interfaces would declare void Read() void ITalk,Read()