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Page 2: Wildlife in Turkey

Many of our happiest times are spent watching the abundant wildlife of the village and the mountains. If we're lucky, we can sometimes catch some of the animals and birds with the camera.

Page 3: Wildlife in Turkey

These are red squirrels, the Persian or Caucasian Squirrel, sciurus anomalus. They can be found all over the Middle East, but not in Europe, except for a few which have found their way into Lesbos, one of the Greek islands.

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Several families of hedgehogs inhabit in our garden, living on beetles, worms and slugs - but they have become accustomed to adding to their diet whatever food the dogs leave uneaten in their bowls.

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Wild tortoises can be found wending their inscrutable way all over the mountains of south Turkey, and Bezirgan is no exception. Many of them find their way into the garden, some staying for many years, and we recognize them as they come out of hibernation each year.

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The robin redbreast is surely the world's favourite bird, and here he is in Turkey, too. Whenever anyone ploughs or digs, there he is at their side, hoping for worms. The Turks call him "kina", which is "henna", for his red breast.

Page 7: Wildlife in Turkey

Bezirgan is a brilliant place for bird watchers. It's not necessary to be an expert - the joy is in watching the birds go about their everyday business, with the added thrill of sometimes spotting a rare bird or a rare event.

Plan a Turkey Tours and see the wild side of Turkey…

Page 8: Wildlife in Turkey

The most widely recognized vertebrates in Turkey fit in with the rat family, in any case, the nation still houses bigger species like the striped hyena, the tan bear, the ash wolf, the caracal and the Eurasian lynx.

Species like cheetahs, lions and tigers once existed in the nation however are presently mainly terminated.