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Why this audience?Emilia Waterhouse

Did we make the right choice?

I believe that we chose the correct Target Audience for our production. This is because the feed back from our questionnaires mainly corresponded with our original ideas and there were no problems involving communication. In addition we have taken into account all of the feed back we were given by our target audience, and some from the secondary audience. We have also made a conscious effort to consider any changes which may have displeased or effected the audience.

Why the audience was appropriate

The audience were appropriate for our media product because they realize that the representations in our product are stereotypical ones and they enjoy the way in which they can actively challenge them. Also the way we have challenged certain convents; such as having a female protagonist.

The secondary audience were appropriate because they are the people who will appreciate and experience issues such as the pressure of popularity, peer pressure and bullying.


The film appealed to a sophisticated audience who actively wanted to challenge and be challenged by the product and who also wanted to be engaged by the product and learn from it. Our target audience will receive entertainment and diversion, social interaction, information and surveillance.

People of a lower income bracket were also targeted by the film because they would receive personal identity from it, we could have chosen this group as our target audience. However the younger people from a lower income bracket are our secondary audience because they do no wish to be challenged and would only receive entertainment, diversion and personal identity from the production. This suggests that our audience choice was correct because our primary audience receive more from our product.

The questionnaire

How does this indicate a correct choice of audience?

Questions two and 9 shows us that we do have an understanding of our audience because the large majority were in agreement that we should use an inner city location and parks and high streets rather than flats. Also the audience want something that is informative and thought provoking rather than laid back. This informs us that we have chosen a narrative that appeals to our Target Audience as these locations and themes were in our original, rough, narrative.


Questions 2, 11 and 12 indicate that despite choosing the correct audience, our understanding of them could have been improved and there were certain things in our production, which we needed to change. Our audience wanted minimal dialogue and we had originally planned for an almost even amount of dialogue and music. They also wanted an even amount of low and high-key lighting whereas we had planned for more low-key lighting.