Download - Why SMART RFID is the most effective tool for car park management systems?

Page 1: Why SMART RFID is the most effective tool for car park management systems?




Page 2: Why SMART RFID is the most effective tool for car park management systems?

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The only tool for car park management that usesRFID, Bluetooth and GSM


Page 3: Why SMART RFID is the most effective tool for car park management systems?

3 in 1 How does it work?

To open the barrier, driver may use:- RFID tag as windshield sticker or card- smartphone with application- or any phone

Page 4: Why SMART RFID is the most effective tool for car park management systems?

RFID tag as a windshield sticker or card

smartphone with

application or any phone

How does it work?

Smart RFID System for entry/exit control is built of:

RFID and Bluetooth reader

RFID antennas

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The only RFID reader with 4 relay outputs (direct control in steering the door/barieer/gate)

Communication interfaces: Ethernet (UDP, TCP), RS-232, RS-485, Wiegand

Power over Ethernet

Master 01 reader is easy to install and integrate

May be connected up to 8 antennas (it can manage many entries/exits)

3 in 1 How does it work?

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Antennas with various read distance: from 3 to 15 mPolarization : circular or linear.

Antennas with various radiation patterns.


3 in 1 How does it work?

RFID UHF antennas

A 19, A24

70o | 70o

A 42

25o | 20o

A 45

40o | 40o

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activates Master 01 reader, which opens the gate

Tag put on windshield or card (RFID) smartphone with application (Bluetooth)Phone (GSM)


How does it work?

Page 8: Why SMART RFID is the most effective tool for car park management systems?

How does it work?

Smart RFID allows to create car park managemenyt systems in various modes:

autonomous mode – simple system of entry and exit control that does not need to connect with computer and that does not use control software;

system mode – advanced system of entry and exit control, in which high-level software verifies entry/exit qualification.

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Autonomous modeSimplified method for entry/exit management

No computer required.All you need is:

RFID UHF reader RFID UHF antennas RFID UHF tags

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Autonomous modeSystem scheme

The relay outputs of reader ought to be directly connected to a driver of barrier.

And there it goes!

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Autonomous modeHow does it work?

The group of EPC tags numbers, which are authorized to enter/exit car park, are written in Master 01 reader.

In the same moment, when authorized tag is verified, Master 01 opens the barrier.

Master 01 allows to create systems of entry/exit control working in autonomous mode even

for several thousand of users.

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System modeComputer and software with database are responsible for entry/exit authorization.

When RFID tag or smartphone with application is identified, software sends an authorization message to Master 01 reader.

Master 01 reader opens the barrier.

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SMART RFID is easy to install and integrate.

Your system may be integrated with any software available due to SDK.

You may as well use our software Smart Parking Management

System mode

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Smart Parking ManagementDeveloped by Smart Technology Group application is used to manage users and their qualifications.

Application allows to:

- identify and monitor the number of cars on a car park- identify the specific number of entries/exits- give temporary authorizations- give authorizations for specific entries/exits- manage the infinite number of entries/exits- export and filter registered events (to *.CSV file)

Software compatible with Windows OS (starting from XP). It works on the basis of data written in MSSQL database.

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InvincibleSMART RFID system works properly in every weather conditions: downpour, snow-storm, blizzard or extreme heat do not affect it.

The drivers’ comfort is ensured.

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InvincibleTag /smartphone is recognized fromseveral metres away.

Driver never has to wait for barrier to be opened.

Smooth flow of cars is guaranteed.

Traffic jams are eliminated.

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InvincibleEven when the barrier is broken, SMART RFID systemregisters every event (entry/exit).

Car park manager has always an access to full and the most up-to-date data.