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Why Personal Intelligence?(EQ + IQ)

12 Myths Busted by Science

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Science: EQ All Grown Up!

Launched 1999 Launched 2015

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Exhilarating Disruptive Revolution

If you are not disrupting your industry, someone else will be

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People resist change because they believe in myths science has disproven

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Myth 1: We only use 10% of our brain

Speculation from the 1930s:Used as a marketing ploy to sell seminars that supposedly helped gullible people use more of their brain

... only Homer Simpsonwould believe this now!

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Neuroscience: All of our brain is used

... all of the time

8 different forms of

intelligence produce

what we call ‘talent’.

Learn to see capacity in

everyone and get the

best out of each person

by leaning into their

strong points.

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Myth 2: Brain is fixed & immutable

fMRI scans peek into the functioning brain

Findings:• The brain is a ‘plastic’ mouldable structure

This means:• We are more flexible than we think

• We can adapt to change

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Too boring for our brains

Question everything - systems, processes, policies, strategy, markets ... the whole lot!

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If you don’t use it ...

Our brain is refreshed and stimulated by newness We need to fear predictability far more than we fear change

Learn to energise and

inspire teams with

challenges that compel

them to stretch to their

best thinking and best


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Myth 3: Genes dictate who we are

Scientists agree: New: Genes X Environment - creates the infinite possibilities we see in human beings

Old: Nature vs Nurture - a futile argument and a limiting myth

There is no such thing as pure genetic determinism We can be free from ‘life-sentences’ we inherited

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Not the contents of our jeans (or genes)

Genes switch on or off depending on the environment they exist in (i.e. our bodies)We can choose how healthy that genetic environment is

You can teach an old

dog new tricks. The

prime reason people

are stuck is because of

false, outdated beliefs

they hold. Brain-based

training liberates teams

from this.

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Myth 4: Are you a righty or lefty?

Even pictures of Einstein can’t help prove the validity of this false idea ...


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Lie made up to sell ‘integration’ courses

Our left and right brain work together – everyone can be both creative and logicalIt’s pure nonsense that we are trapped in a left- or right-brained thinking style

Get more ROI from

training that breaks

through the nonsensical

labels, boxes and

quadrants that limit

people’s perception of


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Spot the difference!

Any difference between a male and female brain is due to social conditioning

Written or unwritten

gender biases rob

organisations of the full

brain-power women

can offer. All prejudice

is based on ignorance –

it can be cured through


Male Brain Female Brain

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Myth 6: You are your brain

Are we our brain or our conditioning?

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Thoughts ‘wire-up’ the brain

Memes (units of social conditioning) soft-wire the brain and we get into the habitof behaving according to who we think we are – this we call our ‘personality’

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You are your memes

Not all memes are true, neither are they necessarily useful.We don’t need to believe every thought (meme)

that wanders through our brain

Brain plasticity works all

the time. Shake up

outdated brain wiring

through rigorous

debate and learn how

to rely on conflict to

discover new solutions.

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Myth 7: You can’t trust feelings

... scientists tell us we can trust our feelings and explain why we should

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Mood: the emotional habit we’re in

Emotion: the life-giving system that runs the traffic between our brain and body Feelings give us important feedback about our wellbeing (read: energy levels)

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Happiness is mood stasis (balance)

Stormy moods are warning lights – emotions tell you what is threatening your happiness

Happiness at work is

the energy that fuels an

individual’s contribution

through commitment,

creativity, confidence

and motivation. It’s

about ROI not child’s


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Brains follow what feels good:Any activity used to soothe unhappyfeelings can become an addiction i.e.arguments, shopping, tv, junk food, social media, complaining, gambling, procrastination, sex, needing to be right ...

Myth 8: The brain is rational

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Unfelt emotions >>> addiction

Addiction (defn): something you can’t stop

New research shows howyou can break free


addictions interfere

with productivity. New

research into the

development of habits

means healthier

behaviour can be


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Myth 9: The power of the mind

‘If our thoughts had the magnetic power to attract material goods and/ or money our heads would stick to large metal objects like our cars or refrigerators.’

Barbara Ehrenreich: Scientist & Author of Bright-Sided How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America

It’s no ‘Secret’ ...

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The brain likes shortcuts

Shortcuts such as ‘magical thinking’ appeal to our energy-efficient brain but ...

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Magical thinking is de-motivational

Techniques to ‘manifest’ success use the energy needed to get on with the task or challenge20 years of research into starry-eyed day dreaming shows you do worse when you use magical thinking

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Mind Power – Magic Wand?

Quick Fixes: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Tired of spending lots of

valuable training budget

on unscientific hot-air

that may sound good

but has been proven to

be useless & can even

be harmful?

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Myth 10: Multi-tasking is efficient

Multi-tasking usually means doing everything badly

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stimulation expectation

complaints noise







































deception consumption


eatingboredom moaning



We wanted more & we got it

Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress!

Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress!

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Breathing space needed

Antidote 1) make margin in our lives

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Antidote 2) mantra for being future fit



Glorifying ‘busy’ is very

last century – it

interferes with a team’s

ability to work smart

and unearth new ways

of doing things.

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Myth 11: Self-esteem is important

The emphasis on self-esteem is producing narcissism

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Confidence produces results

Confidence is about ability

Approx 10 000 hours of deliberate practise

produces expertise fromability

‘Deliberate practise’requires feedback and


Performance appraisals

can be opportunities to

provide helpful

feedback that fuels

confidence ... but this

requires maturity in the

managers doing the


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Myth 12: Live your passion ...

... and the money will follow

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Passion helps but ...

"I play tennis for a living even though I hate tennis,

hate it with a dark and secret passion and always have“

Andre Agassi,

eight-time Grand-Slam champion & still considered one of the greatest

tennis players of all time

Greatness is produced

by persistence, grit,

mental strength,

emotional maturity &


determination ...

capacities that can be


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Conclusion: We are our habits

Perception = thinking habits Mood = emotional habitsHealth = physical habitsPersonality = behavioural habitsWellness = all habits above rolled into one

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So, what makes change possible?

People don’t necessarily

fear or resist change;

what they resist is how

change is imposed on


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The good news is ...

Our habits were programmed in and with persistence and determination we can use Personal Intelligence skills (EQ + IQ) to re-programme (or rewire)

these habits and keep changing (or reinventing) ourselves

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Benefits of shaking old habits

Welcome changing circumstancesThink clearlyMake well-informed decisionsFocus on prioritiesLive comfortably in your own skinFind more energyMake marginEnjoy uncluttered relationships(at work and at home)Manage inevitable conflict Gain cooperationConfidently produceMake things happenEnjoy lifeLive happily ever ... NOW!

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If you want real science to help you develop future fit

teams who are inspired by change

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[email protected]

Tel: +27 11 486-1211

Personal Intelligence: Future Fit Now available at leading bookstores and (Kindle)

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