Download - Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Page 1: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Why a Christian

should never claim

to be a Trinitarian

Page 2: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Things to Think About Before We Begin...

• Was Moses a Trinitarian?

• When the Israelites prayed or heard the words,

“Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one,"

Don't you think they were expected to understand these words?

• If the Almighty was aware that his choice of language and imagery would lead generations of people to believe that He is one person, when He was not one person, wouldn't that make Him a deceiver?

• When the Almighty manifested Himself in the flesh on earth (1 Timothy 3:16), did He ever teach the doctrine of ‘the Trinity’ to anyone?

• Did Paul, who wrote two thirds of the books in the New Testament, ever teach the doctrine of ‘the Trinity’ to anyone?

• Did any prophet in the Old Testament, ever teach the doctrine of ‘the Trinity’ to anyone?

• Has anyone, in the entire Bible, from its beginning to its end, ever taught the doctrine of ‘the Trinity’ to anyone?

• If the doctrine of the Trinity is so fundamental to Christianity, as Trinitarians claim, why is there a complete failure on the part of Yahshua, the prophets or apostles to articulate it anywhere?

God is not a God of confusion … 1 Corinthians 14:33 �2

Page 3: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Now, let’s begin our study…

Question: I was taught there is a ‘trinity,’ or ‘three persons’ in heaven. My question is this. Was God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all in heaven and then God the Father, sent God the Son, to earth?


Trinitarians are taught that for ‘all eternity’ there have been ‘three persons’ who reside in heaven. These ‘three persons’ are who make… ‘one’ God.

The ‘three persons’ are:

THE ‘FIRST PERSON’ - God the Father is preeminent. He is the ‘first’ person.

THE ‘SECOND PERSON’ - The son, is the ‘second’ person.

THE ‘THIRD PERSON’ - The Holy Spirit is the ‘third’ person. �3

Page 4: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

What is the basic difference between those who believe The Almighty is ‘one person’…

and those who believe He is ‘three persons’?

Let’s look at these basic differences.

1. Trinitarians believe that the one Almighty consists of three persons, while those who believe the Almighty is one person, simply believe that the Almighty is… well, one person and there are no ‘other’ persons involved.

2. Trinitarians believe it was the ‘second person’ of the three persons that became incarnated; while those who believe the Almighty is one person believes that the Father, Himself… became incarnated as the Son of God.

To say it another way, trinitarians say it was the ‘second person’ of the trinity, not the Father, who became man; while those who believe the Almighty is one person believe that the Father, became man.

3. Trinitarians believe that the ‘second person’ has always been eternal, while those who believe the Almighty is one person believe that the ‘Son of God’ did not come into being until His manifestation at the incarnation. �4

Page 5: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

These old paintings depict the ‘mental picture’ most trinitarians get when they think of the ‘three persons’ in the ‘trinity.’

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� � �5

Page 6: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Trinitarians are taught that an eternal ‘second person’, came down from heaven...

Friends, this is not what happened!

This is a good time to answer a very important question.

Question: Is the doctrine of the Trinity scriptural? �6

Page 7: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

What if I told you there is no such thing as a Trinity

If I told you there is no such thing as a Trinity mentioned in the Bible, you might become offended. But you must understand that this is not a sacrilegious statement. This is a statement of fact and it’s true based on the Holy scriptures and the concept of the oneness of the Almighty (Deuteronomy 4:35, 39; 6:4; 32:39; Isaiah 41:4; 42:8; 43:3-11, 10-13; 44:6, 8, 24; 45:5, 6, 15, 21, 22, 23; 46:8, 9; 47:4; 48:12; 49:26; 52:6). The Almighty says that He is one.

The Almighty, who has always been one, has presented or manifested Himself in various forms and various ways in times past to accomplish His purposes in the salvation of mankind.

Regardless of how many ways the Almighty has manifested Himself, He was, is, and will always will be ONE.

Let’s look at a few of the ways the Almighty has manifested Himself in times past...

Genesis 18: The Almighty visits Abraham.

Genesis 32: Jacob wrestles with the Almighty.

Exodus 3:1 Moses and the burning bush, where Yah made Himself known to deliver His people from slavery in Egypt.

Exodus 13: Leading the Israelites out of Egypt into the promised land. The Almighty manifested Himself as a pillar of a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night. Exodus 13:21 �7

Page 8: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Daniel 3: King Nebuchadnezzar and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The three refused to bow down to other gods and were thrown into the fiery furnace. A fourth appeared and even the king called him 'son of the gods' found in Daniel 3:24.

Matthew 1: Yahshua, the Messiah Yahshua is the Father Himself manifested in the Flesh (1 Timothy 3:16). The Almighty, Himself came to Earth in the form of a man, to redeem man back to Himself. He said in the Book of Isaiah 43:11, ‘I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from Me there is NO Savior.’ There are many references throughout the Book of Isaiah where The Almighty made it perfectly clear that He alone is our Savior. As a man, He became our Savior and died for us as a perfect, spotless, sinless man. He promised us that He would come to earth and that He is our Savior. There is no Savior other than The Almighty Himself (Isaiah 9:6; 43:11; 45:21; Hosea 13:4).

Matthew 3: The Spirit of God descended like a dove.

Mark 16:12 “After that, He (Yahshua) appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking along on their way to the country.”

Clearly, there have been many manifestations of the Almighty… but He has always been One! �8

Page 9: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Jewish Believers - One Almighty Verses The Trinity

There is only ONE Church ... and it came through the Jewish people.

Most people don’t realize that to be called a ‘Christian’ (a ‘follower of Christ’) was made possible by Jews. Jews were called ‘Christians’ (followers of Christ) before any Gentile ever was. In the beginning, Gentile believers came to ‘follow Yahshua, the Messiah’ through the ministry and efforts of the Jews. By the Almighty’s plan, Gentiles were invited in, “grafted in” and taught by Jews to be a part of the one church, made up of ALL FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST!

Let’s consider Paul...

Paul described himself as “a Hebrew of the Hebrews”

If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee;

Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5

And in Acts 22:3 Paul said,

"I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers' law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today.” Acts 22:3 �9

Page 10: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Paul also called himself “the apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans 11:13) and twice referred to his role as that of “a teacher of the Gentiles.” (1 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 1:11)

He contended strongly for the full inclusion of Gentile believers in the fellowship of the Church on equal footing with Jewish believers (see Acts 15:1-29). More than anyone else, he is credited with opening wide the door for Gentiles to be saved and embraced as brothers and sisters in the family of Yahshua.

Clearly Paul, who was hand picked by Yahshua Himself, is not a person someone would call a ‘spiritual lightweight’ or an ‘outsider’ to the things pertaining to the Almighty.

Interestingly though, Paul ...

1. with his extensive scriptural knowledge as a Jewish scholar...

2. with his personal revelations from the Almighty Himself...

“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows.”

2 Corinthians 12:2

In this “third heaven” Paul heard “inexpressible things that man is not permitted to tell.”

3. and who personally wrote two-thirds of all the books of the New Testament by inspiration of The Holy Spirit, �10

Page 11: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Paul, NEVER ONCE teaches about (or even mentions) the Almighty being ‘three persons.’

Paul, chosen by the Almighty Himself “to be a teacher to the Gentiles” never utters one word in all his writings about what others would come to call the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ some three hundred years later.

In his simple statement, “I am indeed a Jew” (Acts 22:3), Paul unashamedly declared and embraced all his ethnic and religious identity. This Jewish identity always needs to be emphasized afresh for a number of reasons; but let’s emphasize just one aspect at this time, for the purposes of this writing.

The Jewish religion of Yahshua’s day was strictly monotheistic! The Jewish people were not henotheistic (meaning God is the greatest of many gods), nor were they monolatrous (meaning the worship of God alone but acknowledging that other gods might exist). Jewish people were strictly monotheistic, meaning there is only one Almighty!

According to the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, on no other point were the Jews more united than on the confession "God is one" (vol. 3, page 98).

Jewish people are, and have been, strictly monotheistic for one very good reason - because from the very beginning of their history as His chosen people, Yah Himself has told them to be monotheistic! (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5; Job 13:7-8; Malachi 2:10) �11

Page 12: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

On this point, Paul had to teach the Gentiles from a Jewish perspective, the oneness of the Almighty, so they would not be deceived into believing in a doctrine of more than one God according to the paganistic beliefs of that day. Could the same be true today?

Only with an understanding of Paul’s intensely Jewish heritage of knowing ‘God is one’ can we fully appreciate the significance of Paul repeatedly calling Yahshua, our Lord!

Paul’s words to a young disciple say it all:

And I thank Christ Jesus, our Lord, ...

Note: No doubt Paul was very familiar with Isaiah 40:3 which says,

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the

desert a highway for our God.

Note: Because of Paul, “a Hebrew of the Hebrews,” Jewish believers today need never feel they are foreigners in the community of the Messiah where it is well known that...

“Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one!” �12

Page 13: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

What Yahshua taught about monotheism

Yahshua was addressed as “Rabbi” by His disciples, the Pharisees, John the Baptist’s disciples, the common people, teachers of the Torah, Herodians and the Sadducees.

And Jesus answered and said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he said, “Rabbi, what is it?” Luke 7:40

And behold, a rich man came up to him and said, “Rabbi, what good thing must I do to have eternal life?”

Matthew 19:16

A lawyer asked him a question to test him: “Rabbi, what is the greatest commandment in the Torah?”

Matthew 22:35-36

And someone in the crowd said to him, “Rabbi, order my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Luke 12:13 �13

Page 14: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Rabbi, rebuke your disciples.” Luke 19:39

Some of the Sadducees came up to him…and they asked him, saying, “Rabbi….” Luke 20:27-28

Note the diversity of those who addressed Yahshua as Rabbi. Seven (7) different groups/types of people refer to Yahshua as “Rabbi” or “teacher” (the rough translation):

1. His disciples (Mark 9:5; Mark 11:21 etc.)2. Pharisees (John 3:1-2) 3. John the Baptist’s disciples (John 1:35-38) 4. Common people (Mark 10:51; John 6:24-25) 5. Torah teachers (Matthew 8:19)6. Herodians (Luke 3:12) 7. and the Sadducees (Matthew 22:23-32)

Additionally, Yahshua refers to Himself by this title!

(See Matthew 23:8; John 13:12-14; Luke 22:10-11) �14

Page 15: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

When a scribe asked Yahshua which command was greatest, Yahshua replied by quoting the Shema':

“Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Mark 12:29-30

With this the scribe agreed wholeheartedly:

“Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He. (verse 32)

Notice... The scribe, speaking of the Almighty, said “He” …. in the singular, denoting or referring to just one person.

Note: This would have been a great ‘teachable moment’ if Yahshua would have wanted to help him with the ‘NEW’ Jewish doctrine of the ‘Trinity’. Yahshua might have said something like, “Well, the Almighty is one in unity but God is really ‘three’ persons.”

Or, something like that.... but... He didn’t.

‘God is One’... More New Testament Scriptures to look at:

Mark 12:29; Luke 2:11; 1 Corinthians 8:4; 1 Corinthians 10:4; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Colossians 1:14-19; 2:9; Hebrews 1:3; Philippians 2:6, 10-11; Colossians 2:8-10 �15

Page 16: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Yahshua has always told us that He is one; not ‘three persons’, not a ‘trio’ of persons, nor ‘three in one’. You must first believe in the oneness of the Almighty in order to understand who He is.

The Trinitarian Doctrine is man’s effort to explain how the Almighty has revealed Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, yet remained one God.

Once you understand the oneness of the Almighty and that Yahshua is the only Almighty, you will find that all the other scriptures will be both logical and harmonious.

If you have ever tried to understand the Trinity, forget it, it is scripturally unexplainable. I have never found anyone who understands the Trinity, nor can they logically explain the Trinitarian concept.

Over the years, endless books and articles have been written about the ‘Trinity Doctrine’… but oddly… Yahshua, the prophets, Paul and the other inspired writers of Holy Scripture… never mention it!

It is a painful experience to watch people attempt to explain, what they invariably always end up calling, ‘the unknowable, unfathomable mystery of the Trinity.’

Example: This is an actual quote from an article, written by one who espouses and teaches the ‘Trinity Doctrine.’

“Trinity Doctrine - How Can We Comprehend It? The most difficult thing about the Trinity Doctrine is that there is no way to adequately explain it. The Trinity is a concept that is impossible for any human being to fully understand, let alone explain.” �16

Page 17: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

And another quote…

“Trinity Doctrine - A foundation of the Christian faith that's beyond human comprehension.”

Is it any wonder why people struggle to teach and explain the ‘Trinity Doctrine.’ They struggle because The Old Testament doesn’t teach it; the New Testament doesn’t teach it, Yahshua doesn’t teach it; Paul doesn’t teach it, nor has anyone in the Bible ever taught this Doctrine.

Who wouldn’t struggle and be frustrated trying to teach people that the Almighty is “three persons” ....when the Almighty Himself has always taught His people He is one!

The Trinitarian doctrine is the main reason why Jewish people cannot, and will not, accept Christianity. Remember, the Jews were warned on more than one occasion by the Almighty Himself.

“Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one!”

Deuteronomy 6:4

How can they accept, or even understand the philosophy of the ‘Trinitarian’ doctrine? Based on the scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments, the ‘Trinitarian’ concept is not taught, nor explained by the writers inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The ‘Trinity doctrine’ is not understandable, nor is it scriptural. �17

Page 18: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

If you study the “Trinity” in other religions, you will see the relationship between the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ and the false gods of these religions. The Almighty does not have a relationship with other gods or “persons.”

The Jewish people are absolutely correct in believing in the “absolute oneness” of the Almighty and that same oneness can be proven in the New Testament.

Yahshua stressed this oneness when He said,

“The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, The LORD our God, the LORD is one.”

Mark 12:29

It is biblically incorrect to speak of the Almighty as a ‘trinity’ or ‘trio’ of ‘persons.’

“Persons,” in reference to the Almighty, is not in the Bible, it is not scriptural, nor is there a commandment to worship ‘three persons’. This makes the doctrine of the Trinity an unsound doctrine.

People attempt to use human logic and tradition to think that the Almighty is ‘three persons’ but the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ is unscriptural.

The ‘Trinity Doctrine’ should never be associated with the Christian faith. True Christians are strictly monotheistic. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Luke 2:11; Mark 12:29; Philippians 2:6, 10-11; Colossians 2:8-10) �18

Page 19: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

How is it that ‘Trinitarians’ will tell the Almighty that He is ‘three persons’, when the Almighty Himself repeatedly tells us He is ONE?

Let’s do an experiment which will tell you immediately whether the Almighty is ‘three persons’ or one person.

If you know your Bible, find a scripture where the Almighty refers to Himself as “three persons.”

Now, let me show you where He has spoken of Himself as one Almighty, and one person (Deuteronomy 6:4; Job 13:7-8; Luke 2:11; 1 Corinthians 10:4; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Colossians 1:14-19; 2:9; Hebrews 1:3).

“God is not a God of confusion,” nor will He contradict Himself. The Almighty is one person and He has revealed Himself as one person in the face of Yahshua, the Messiah. (2 Corinthians 4:6)

The New Testament will align itself perfectly with the beliefs of the Jewish people who believe in one Almighty as they were correctly taught in the Old Testament.

There are a number of faiths that consider Christians to be idolators and infidels because we try to push the theory of ‘three persons’ in one Almighty.

The three person theory is foreign to true Christianity and to Jewish people that believe in the one Almighty of heaven and earth. �19

Page 20: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

The Apostle Paul warns us....

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:8-9

Again… Things to Think About

Did Yahshua, Paul or any of the inspired writers of the New Testament ever teach the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ to anyone… ever?

Did any prophet in the Old Testament ever teach the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ to anyone...ever?

Has anyone in the entire Bible ever taught the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ to anyone? �20

Page 21: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Why the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ is so damaging to believers!

It is unscriptural!

1. Truth be told, the trinity doctrine actually forces people to oppose the Almighty’s written word regarding His number.

• The Almighty, His prophets and His word say one thing in the Holy Scriptures regarding His number. The ‘Trinity doctrine’ teaches people something completely different.

2. It creates confusion for the believer.

• Is the Almighty one person? ..... or three persons’? Who can understand or relate to one being with three person’s in it? No one!

3. It keeps people from knowing and proclaiming the Almighty’s name.

• If the Almighty is ‘three persons’… and all three persons are gathered together as Trinitarian paintings depict… What is His Name? �21

Page 22: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Trinitarians teach people to worship and pray to ‘Three Persons’

Here is an exact quote from a ‘Trinitarian’ website:

“So our one God is present in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the doctrine of the Trinity. It is appropriate to worship all three, and we should be careful to ensure that our worship of one person of the Trinity does not overshadow our worship of any other person of the Trinity.”

There are actually books telling people they need to make sure they pray to the ‘third person’ too, and not to leave him out! The books tell people that this oversight on their part (not praying specifically to the ‘third person’) is probably why their prayers aren’t being answered. They have neglected and offended the ‘third person’ of the ‘trinity’ and have not given him his due!

The Catholic Pope Francis, told people on January 11, 2015…

“We usually pray to Jesus,” Francis said. “When we pray the ‘Our Father,’ we pray to the Father. But we don’t pray so much to the Holy Spirit. It is so important to pray to the Holy Spirit,” he said.

Catholics, as well as many Protestants, are teaching their followers they should pray to three separate entities! This is totally unscriptural and is in fact, paganistic. �22

Page 23: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Where did the Trinity Doctrine come from?

Several hundred years after the Apostle Paul lived, the Catholic institution came up with the ‘Nicene’ and ‘Athanasian Creeds’ which forced believers to accept the unscriptural ‘Trinity Doctrine’ or face condemnation, excommunication and worse.

These Catholic Creeds condemned all non-Trinitarian people! Because of these ‘creeds,’ multitudes of people were tortured and put to death!

And for what reason? Because they held on to their belief that, “Yahweh is One” …not three.

This fact alone should have ‘sounded the alarm’ in the Christian world concerning this false doctrine!

What about the Protestant Church?

“At the time of the Reformation, the Protestant Church took over the doctrine of the Trinity, without serious examination.”

New International Encyclopedia; 1916 Ed.; Vol. 23; p 47, 477

When the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ came… confusion came. People were confused about which person they should pray to; and what was His singular name since He was of ‘three’ persons?

Because of this confusion, His name ‘YAH-shua’ is seldom, if ever used and has been replaced by the generic term ‘God’. �23

Page 24: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA What do these names mean?


YAH, is The Almighty Father’s name

Sometimes you will hear people say that ‘YAH’ is the shortened, or abbreviated form of the Almighty Father’s name, but that is not correct. YAH is the name of the Almighty Father.

King David tells us clearly in Psalm 68:4 that the Almighty Father’s name is ‘YAH’.

Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him.

The prophet Isaiah tells us the Almighty Father’s name is ‘YAH’ in Isaiah 12:2.

Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’

YAH: (YAH - Strong’s H3050)Exodus 15:2; Exodus 17:16; Psalm 68:4,18; Psalm 77:11; Psalm 89:8; Palm 94:7, 12; Psalm 102:18; Psalm 104:35; Psalm 105:45; Psalm 106:1, 48; Psalm 111:1; Psalm 112:1; Psalm113:1; Psalm �24

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113:9; Psalm 115:17, 18; Psalm 116:19; Psalm 117:2; Psalm 118:5, 14, 17, 18, 19; Psalm 122:4; Psalm 130:3; Psalm135:1, 3, 4, 21; Psalm 146:1, 10; Psalm 147:1, 20; Psalm 148:1, 14; Psalm 149: 1, 9; Psalm 150:1, 6; Isaiah 12: 2; Isaiah 26:4; Isaiah 38:11.


YAH-weh, is the Almighty Father’s name with a ‘descriptor’ added.

The name ‘Yahweh’ (YAH-weh) is the Fathers name YAH, followed by a ‘descriptor’. The descriptor is the Hebrew word ‘weh’, which means, ‘The Self-Existent one’ (I AM). So, the name YAH-weh means, ‘YAH - The Self-Existent one’.


YAH-shua, is the Almighty Father’s name with His highest descriptor added.

The Almighty Father waited to give us His highest name until He came to us Himself in the New Testament!

Now, YAH combines His name with His highest ‘descriptor’! This ‘descriptor’ is the Hebrew word ‘shua’, which means ‘is salvation’. When you combine the Almighty’s name YAH, with the word ‘shua’, it means, “YAH is salvation”!

The Almighty Father is proclaiming His name to us as Savior! This is why the name YAH-shua, is the name above every name! Philippians 2:9 �25

Page 26: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Scriptures teach the Almighty hates ‘Child Sacrifice’

Yet, Trinitarians teach HE engaged in it Himself!

This following article is taken from from

Question: "What does the Bible say about child sacrifice?"

Answer: The horrific practice of child sacrifice has been committed throughout the world for thousands of years. Generally, the sacrifice of a child was intertwined with the worship of a pagan deity, often a fertility god. Worshipers sought to obtain a blessing from their god(s) or to confirm or complete a vow taken in the name of the god.

Ancient Aztecs, Incas, and a few other peoples in South and Central America practiced child sacrifice. The same for the Druids of Europe. The city of Carthage in North Africa contains evidence of child sacrifice related to the worship of Ba’al Hammon, a god imported from Phoenicia. Many Roman writers refer to this barbaric act in Carthage. �26

This quote is from the CBN Website:


“God saw fit to make the sacrifice of His only Son.”

Page 27: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

The Bible contains the heart-breaking tale of child sacrifice practiced in the name of Molech (also spelled Moloch or Molek), a god of the Ammonites. Molech worship was practiced by the Ammonites and Canaanites, who revered Molech as a protecting father figure.

Images of Molech were made of bronze, and their outstretched arms were heated red-hot. Living children were then placed into the idol’s hands and died there or were rolled into a fire pit below. Some sources indicate a child might also be “passed through the fire” prior to the actual sacrifice in order to purify or baptize the child.

Molech worship occurred in the Hinnom Valley near Jerusalem. Because of this, the valley became associated with the idea of Tophet, or hell (Isaiah 30:33; Jeremiah 19:12; Mark 9:45).

God prohibited child sacrifice. Leviticus 20:2-3 states,

“Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name.

Many other Old Testament passages affirm God’s zero-tolerance for child sacrifice. �27

Page 28: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

The evil king Manassah offered his own son as a sacrifice (2 Kings 21:6), as did King Ahaz (2 Chronicles 28:1-4). The people of Judah participated in this crime against their own sons— a sin so “detestable” that God said it had never even crossed His mind (Jeremiah 32:35).

They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin.

Jeremiah 32:35

Child sacrifice was one reason for the Babylonian captivity (v. 36).

Some critics of the Bible point to the story of Abraham, who laid his son Isaac on an altar and prepared to sacrifice him as directed by God (Genesis 22;1-14). However, in this case, God was testing the obedience and faith of Abraham. God stopped him from actually following through and provided a ram as a substitute sacrifice.

Today, child sacrifice is practiced throughout the world. There has been a resurgence of child sacrifice in Uganda. Witch doctors have been implicated in the mutilation and death of children who were killed in an effort to bring good fortune and wealth to those willing to pay for it. There is also a correlation between child sacrifice and modern-day abortion. Unprecedented numbers of children have been “sacrificed” at the hands of abortionists for the sake of convenience, immorality, or pride. Hundreds of thousands of babies have been killed so that their parents can maintain a certain lifestyle. �28

Page 29: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

God hates “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17), and we can be sure that God will judge this horrendous sin.

End of article.

Question:If the Almighty Father Himself, clearly teaches in His word that He hates the terrible sin of ‘child sacrifice’, do you actually believe He would engage in ‘child sacrifice’ HIMSELF?

If the Almighty Father sent, what the trinitarians call the ‘second person’, to die on the cross, then He instituted CHILD SACRIFICE. This is in total disharmony with anything Biblical concerning the nature of the Almighty. The Almighty Father did not so love the world that He said, “Son, I love them down there so much, I’m going to sacrifice you!” The Almighty Father did not send an ‘eternal second person’ to die for mankind! He came Himself!

The Almighty Father wrapped Himself in flesh and endured an insulting, humiliating death - all to pay the ransom for sinful, condemned mankind.

‘I, even I, am the LORD, (Yahweh) and apart from Me there is NO Savior.

Isaiah 43:11

Always Remember...

Immanuel does not mean, “God’s son with us.”

Immanuel means, “God with us.” �29

Page 30: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Let’s return for a moment to Abraham, in the book of Genesis. Let’s see something that’s very important in Genesis 22:8:

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide *(for) himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

* Please note, the word for is not in the original manuscripts, but was added by the translators.

The verse is actually:

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

Do you see that?

The Almighty will provide HIMSELF a lamb…

1Timothy 3:16 tells us: 

“God was manifested in the flesh…”

Scriptures do not say God’s son was manifested in the flesh! �30

Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers,

to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Acts 20:28

Page 31: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Do we REALLY know who the Almighty is?

A challenge for you....

Go to a Christian Bible study and ask this simple question...

“What is the Almighty’s name?”

This is what you will most probably experience...

a. The people will get a blank, confused look on their face, as if you had just asked them, “What time is it in Istanbul?”

b. Then they will look around to see if anybody is going to make a guess.

c. At some point, someone in the group will timidly make a first guess, “It’s Jehovah, isn’t it?”, “I think it’s Jehovah ...right?”

“Isn’t it Jehovah?” they look to the other group members for a little help and support!

d. Then, another in the group will reluctantly venture out with a guess of their own, “Isn’t it Adonai?”... “I think it’s Adonai” .... as they too scan the faces of those around them looking for some sign of validation... or approval.

e. “I think it’s Elohim,” says another nodding his head up and down. �31

Page 32: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Friends, this should not be!

We, of all people, should know the name of the Almighty!

Thomas did! He called Yahshua his “Lord” and his “God.”

Our Gods name is Yahshua!

What love and grace it was when the Almighty, the Creator of the whole universe, gave us His highest name… the name above all names!

At just the right time the Almighty, Himself came to save us.

He came to help us in a human body…to do for us, what we could not do for ourselves!

Specific instructions were given to Joseph in a dream by an angel: 'Call His name Yahshua.’

He did not allow others to decide His name!

His instructions were clear and delivered by an angel; His name is Yahshua!

The ‘Yah’ in Yahshua is the Almighty’s own name (Psalm 68:4)

"Shua" means ‘is salvation.’

Yahshua means YAH is salvation!

This, is the name the Almighty chose for Himself! �32

Page 33: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

The name Yahshua literally means "YAH is salvation."

Yah, is the Almighty’s name. The name ‘Yahshua,’ then, actually contains the Almighty’s very own name.

When the Almighty’s name Yah, is combined with a verb (shua), it describes what the Almighty does. The name ‘Yahshua’ then describes ‘Yah, is salvation!’

Who is Yahshua? He is YAH, saving His people from their sins.

Yahshua literally means, “Yah is salvation.”

There is no name higher than Yahshua!

The New Covenant teaches that Yahshua is the name above all names. There is no name higher than Yahshua.

Yahshua is the Almighty in flesh!

... God was manifested in the flesh...

1 Timothy 3:16 �33

Page 34: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Isaiah 9:6 clearly shows us that Yahshua... the son the Holy Spirit our Mighty God the Everlasting Father!

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Yahshua is the “Everlasting Father” of Isaiah 9:6 and the Almighty manifested in flesh. �34

Page 35: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Yahshua... Yah is Salvation!

Yahshua... is Mighty God! (Revelation 1:8)

Yahshua... is the Everlasting Father! (Isaiah 9:6)

In the New Testament, three people are recorded speaking directly to the Almighty in heaven.

These three were Stephen, the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John.

In every instance, they all spoke with Yahshua!

Thomas spoke to the risen Yahshua and called Him, “My Lord and my God!”

Let us also rejoice and proclaim the Almighty’s name!

His name is Yahshua! �35

Page 36: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Salvation is a gift for you!

Salvation is a gift that we receive by faith. We cannot earn it through our deeds or works. We cannot obtain it by being a “good person” or by attending church. Yahshua earned it for us by dying for our sins on the cross.

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:12

My friend, everyone who calls upon the name of Yahshua will be saved; so call upon Him now. Tomorrow is not assured.

Here is a simple prayer that you can repeat for salvation:

Yahshua, I believe You died on the cross for my sins. I ask You to be

my Savior. Thank You

If you just prayed this prayer, congratulations! You are saved and you are a new creation in Him! 

Therefore if any man be in Messiah, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;

behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Yahshua P.O. Box 3121

Kingman, AZ 86402 �36

Page 37: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

Yahshua Ministries - What I Believe�

1. YAH The Almighty Father’s name in the Old Testament YAH - Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Isaiah 26:4; Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6 (see page 5). YAH-WEH means, ‘YAH - The Self-Existent one’ (I AM). I believe in a strict Monotheism. I do not believe the Almighty is ‘three persons.’ I believe the Almighty is numerically one.

2. YAHSHUA The Almighty Father’s highest name revealed - New Testament Yahshua is the name above every name!Yahshua literally means, ‘YAH is Salvation’.

3. The BibleI believe the Bible to be the inspired word of Yahshua and to be free from error in the original manuscripts when all grammatical, historical, literary and cultural issues have been considered. I believe the Bible is the only Yahshua-given authority which man possesses; therefore, all doctrine, faith, hope, and all instruction for the church must be based upon and harmonize with the Bible.

4. Yahshua, the MessiahI believe the Almighty Father of the Old Testament, became a man in the person of Yahshua, the Messiah. I believe the name Yahshua, meaning ‘Yah is salvation,’ is the Name above all names. Yahshua, is both fully the Almighty and fully man. He is the visible image of the Almighty Father. As it pertains to His humanity, Yahshua was born of a virgin in time. �37

Page 38: Why a Christian should never claim to be a Trinitarian · 2019-08-24 · Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:4-5 And in Acts 22:3 Paul said, "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

5. The Holy SpiritI believe that the Holy Spirit is none other than the Spirit of Yahshua Himself.

6. SalvationSalvation is a gift that we receive by faith.  We cannot earn it through our deeds or works.  We cannot obtain it by being a “good person” or by attending church. Yahshua (“God manifested in the flesh” 1 Timothy 3:16) earned it for us through His death, burial and resurrection.  It’s a gift that’s been made available to everyone who calls upon the name of Yahshua.  

7. The Second ComingI believe that Yahshua died for our sins, was resurrected and ascended into heaven where he presently reigns. I also believe in a literal, bodily return of Yahshua after a time of Great Tribulation, both to claim his bride and to execute judgment on an unbelieving world.

8. Final JudgmentI believe there is coming a time when all who ever lived will stand before Yahshua to be judged and that all who are not saved will be cast into the lake of fire. I believe this judgment to be literal and eternal.

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