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Principle of Health - WholefoodsIf you have a serious disease or just want to lose weight or get younger again, there is nothing on the planet that will get you there faster than fasting and eating a diet of whole foods.

Natural intuition is more powerful than all the rocket science in the world. As a species, we are the unhealthiest life form on the planet.

We have been here the shortest amount of time and done the most damage. Actually we are the ONLY species causing damage. We are stressed-out, materialistic, comfort- driven beings totally out of touch with nature, and as a result hundreds of millions of people are rapidly aging, falling apart and dying long before their time. Almost everyone in the modern world has some kind of physical problem now.

Many have silly diseases for no other reason than they are either too lazy or they just don’t know any better. The motto is “I can do what I want, and if something happens, a doctor can fix it”. Right? Wrong. Doctor’s don’t fix. They hide symptoms. They drug you up so you don’t feel anything. They cut out infected body parts and give you poisons to try and kill things. If you break a bone or cut off a finger - they put the bones and finger back in place and hope your body will heal it.

Doctors don’t heal you- your BODY does the healing. Ask a doctor what caused a disease and they probably won’t have a clue. If you had a disease, wouldn’t you want to know what caused it so you could stop doing it and make sure it didn’t happen again?

Get ready for a fresh food detox you’re going to love! In this module you won’t only learn about mouthwateringly delicious raw and cooked healthy foods, but you’ll come to understand the origins and evolutions of food that brought us to where we are today. After completing this week you’ll feel a renewed connection with food and won’t want to buy anything pre-made or manufactured again!

Bulgarians live to be between 105–125 years old. A man in India just died who was 146. So my first message to you is - there is no need to hurry through your day. You have a long life ahead of you. You live longer by slowing down! The longest living animals are turtles and elephants. STOP. Take a walk outside, look and take a deep breath.




Look at animals in the wild. You CAN’T TELL HOW OLD THEY ARE. Once they reach full size, they look pretty much the same until they die. Ever wonder why? Because they follow the natural laws of living, eating and being. They eat things the way they are found in nature. They don’t process food, grind it into flour and bake it. They don’t sauté it in pans with oil, or boil noodles or make crackers out of it.

They also don’t suppress emotions. If they feel something, they do something about it. They don’t whine about their problems to other animals and bore them with self-pity. They also don’t drink alcohol or soft drinks. They don’t smoke or sit around all day on a computer or watching TV. They don’t party all night and drink beer and eat chips. What they DO is wander a lot, explore the world, get fresh air, sunlight, eat naturally, find a mate and make love whenever they feel like it. They rest when they’re tired and get up with the sun. They play whenever possible.

Organic or Not?

Even if it were true that conventional produce had a consistently lower nutrient level, (it typically doesn’t) an organic diet is not necessary for ‘good’ nutrition. You’ll usually pay twice as much, for organic, yet it typically costs less to produce it. In nutrition, the principal of variety is a fundamentally important one, because what you miss from one source, you’ll get form another. Although many studies have been done on the nutritional impact of alternative land management systems, overall these have found no consistent difference in the balance of nutrients between organic and non-organic produce.

I believe that the best thing people can do for themselves is to grow their own food and/or purchase foods from friends, neighbors, and local growers within a 100 mile radius from where they live.

Look at animals in the wild. You CAN’T TELL HOW OLD THEY ARE. Once they reach full size, they look pretty much the same until they die. Ever wonder why? Because they follow the natural laws of living, eating and being. They eat things the way they are found in nature.

Don’t make it complex.




Become Young Again!Ann Wigmore writes in her book, ‘Why You Do Not Need To Grow Old’ (1985):“At fifty years of age I was ready for an early retirement. My hair was gray, I had a terrible case of colitis and other colon problems, I suffered from low energy, and had no clear direction in life. Out of desperation I turned to nature for relief. In wheatgrass, raw foods, and exercise, I found what I feel is as close to the fountain of youth as we are going to get.

Twenty-five years after my discovery, my hair has turned fully naturally brown again. My weight has been a stable 119 (the same as it was in my youth) and my energy level is limitless. I haven’t needed the services of a physician in years. My work has taken me all over the world on many demanding lecture tours, sometimes for months at a time. Yet, I have more energy than I can ever remember having as a child – and I am no child at 76.”




What Can I Eat On The Raw Food Diet?

There is so much information and misinformation on the raw food diet out there that our recommendation is to go with what feels right to you. First, do what makes sense to you. Second, eat what tastes delicious and makes your body feel good. Then go ahead and experiment with new foods.

We Are Frugivores

We like to start with Douglas Graham’s list of raw foods from his book, The 80-10-10 Diet, because it is limited to mostly delicious foods. His theory is that we are “frugivores” – creatures that live primarily on fruits with the addition of tender greens.

We tend to agree with this because if you picture yourself foraging for food in nature, we can’t imagine that you would look for, or eat nasty tasting foods. So, although we don’t limit ourselves to this list, it is a good starting point.

Many individuals claim Mostly fruit and many claim mostly greens or mostly vegetables. I say “Mostly FRESH!!” Try different things and really give it the time it deserves, we have our whole lives to discover what works best for us!!

Try high greens, then high veg, then high fruit and give each one 2 weeks with balancing other things in your life as well and then go half and half… Whatever you discover will be fantastic because it’s all great and it’s fresh and living foods!!




The 80-10-10 Diet

In addition to the foods above, we would add the foods below, mainly because we love them, but also because of their nutritional value, especially juiced. We feel the foods in these two tables offer the beginner the easiest place to start, with foods you know and love!




Raw Food For The Beginner

In the table below are additional foods to consider from Fit For Life, by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond:

Fit For Life




Note that many of the above are not necessarily delicious raw, especially alone. However, some contain amazing nutrients and are tolerable when juiced or blended with fruits and other vegetables. Banana, lemon, oranges and pineapple are great at cutting strong or bitter tasting greens. When you’re just beginning a raw food diet, we recommended that you stick with foods that are familiar to you.

Which Foods Serve Your Body Best?You might think that a raw food diet may seem restrictive and cumbersome to follow, this is why we want to show you different options and leave the choice up to you. Learn to experiment to find which foods serve your body best. We also recommend that you use as large a variety of foods as possible to get the full spectrum of nutrients.

We encourage you not to label yourself a raw foodist yet, unless or until, you know you are willing and able to just eat a mostly raw food diet, and are ready for it emotionally and physically. Really after 7 years of doing something then you can say that’s what you are made of and the statement is true!! You are composed of the last 7 years of what you have eaten :)

We aren’t at the 100% raw level, We think the 80/20 rule (80% raw, 20% cooked) is best because that’s what works for us. I also like to observe the seasons and do what makes sense. (Use your Senses)

Our mission is to make switching to a raw food diet as easy, fun and healthy as possible – so you really can do it AND ENJOY IT!!




Starting A Raw Food DietStarting a raw food diet can be easy. First, take a look at why you’re doing this. This may determine how you start. Are you ready to jump in with both feet due to severe health challenges?

Some say this is the easiest. It will produce the quickest results. It may also produce the most uncomfortable detoxification symptoms. If you eat a lot of toxic food (such as sugar, table salt, dairy, process grains or process food) or have some toxic habits (smoking, too much caffeine, or alcohol) and eat little raw food, a total raw food diet may be a shock to your system.

If you just want to look better, feel better, have more energy, clear up some minor health issues AND remain in your comfort zone, you may want to move a little more slowly. You also may have a family to consider, and they may not be on board with an all raw food diet.

Starting A Raw Food Diet With Food You LoveMake a list of the raw fruits and vegetables you love that you can eat alone or in smoothies or juices. Check out my wisdom sheet “What Can I Eat On The Raw Food Diet” for a list of foods. What raw foods would you like to eat more of? You choose.

Raw fruits and vegetables come packaged in the perfect, precise combinations of nutrients the body needs. How bad could they be? It is very difficult to over eat raw fruits and vegetables. See what tastes good and makes you feel good.

Starting A Raw Food Diet By Examining What You Are Eating Now

Write down what you are eating now. Do this for about a week. Note how you feel afterwards. Do you feel energized? Tired? Bloated? Do you have heartburn or indigestion? Here’s a hint – if you don’t feel energized, that food is not for you. If it gives you heartburn, stop eating it. Give your body a break. You may need to cleanse yourself to correct the stomach acid issue your having as well?

I have found that food I was sensitive to when I first went raw, like pineapple and walnuts are fine for me now. Your body will change - for the better.




Starting A Raw Food Diet Is A Do-It-Yourself Plan

This is a do-it-yourself plan. That’s why it is easy. You choose how fast you want to do this. You choose whether you want to go all raw or just add more raw food to your current lifestyle. You choose what you want to eat and how much.

Some Ideas for Starting A Raw Food Diet

• Just start adding more raw food – have baby or cut carrots, celery, beet, and jicamasticks for snacks and just before dinner.

• Make smoothies with fruits and greens. All you need is a blender - werecommend a vitamix. Please check out our smoothie recipes in week 3!

• Start juicing vegetables and greens. We recommend using a cold-pressed juicer.

• Try one meal at a time – start with a raw food breakfast – smoothies are great.

• Add lunches – think salads, big fruit bowl, smoothies or juices.

• Try all raw until dinner or as we like to call it raw to five.

• Start all meals with raw and end with cooked.

• Gradually increase the amount of raw food you eat.

• Start making raw meals from uncook books.

• Start by eliminating foods one at a time - sugar, table salt, dairy, un sproutedgrains, processed foods – until everything is replaced with raw.

• Don’t eat until you are hungry. Many times your just thirsty, drink a liter of water whenyou are hungry and see what happens.

Starting A Raw Food Diet – Noticing Progress

As you start to feel better, look better, and notice other changes, your motivation will rise and eating raw food will become easier. You may begin to question why you are eating cooked food at all. Sure you love those cooked foods, but do they love you back?

Although you may have emotional attachments to your cooked foods, you will come to a point where you no longer look at cooked food as a treat.




Starting A Raw Food Diet On The Fast TrackIf you do have health challenges and want to go totally raw right away, I would still recommend a transition phase. You may want to fast for a week on raw fruit and vegetable juices.

Starting a Raw Food Diet As If Your Life Depended On It

Please stop poisoning your cells. If you are serious about getting healthier, putting anything into your body that doesn’t create healthy cells is just silly. It would be like cleaning your kitchen floor and then tracking mud all over it.

You are totally in control of what you put in your mouth. Eating shouldn’t be an unconscious habit. Use more raw food to take the place of food that your body cannot utilize or digest properly. Eating enzyme rich food from Mother Nature which is designed to heal your body is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Be kind to this body that is always striving for health no matter what we do to it. You can still be healthier than you have ever been. There is a vast difference between surviving and thriving. Give your body a chance to show you what it can do with the proper fuel – raw food.

Why Raw Food Health Is Best?

Raw food health supports the body in three critical ways. First, the enzymes in raw food ensure perfect functioning of everything in the body. Second, raw food nourishes the immune system enabling it to defeat all threats to the body. And third, raw food creates a mineral rich alkaline biological terrain in the body to keep it disease-free.

Imagine how great it would be to know your body is functioning exactly the way it was meant to all the time. No more worries about anything threatening your health since you are confident your immune system can handle anything. There is no longer any concern about disease because you maintain a pristine environment in your body where health thrives. Raw food health is a big part of that answer.

Raw Food Health And Raw Food EnzymesEnzymes are molecules doing specific jobs in the body, such as digesting food, building protein in the bones and skin, and aiding detoxification, to name a few. There are over a thousand enzymes identified, so far.

We have (1) metabolic enzymes which work in blood, tissues and organs (2) raw food enzymes (food enzymes from raw food) and (3) digestive enzymes.

Cooked food (over 118 degrees) is lacking in enzymes. Most of the protein has been destroyed or converted to new forms which are hard to digest by body enzymes. Many of the vitamins have also been lost.

Baking bread kills enzymes. Pasteurized products have no enzymes. Canned juices may have some vitamins and minerals, but the heating process has killed the enzymes.

Food processing, refining, cooking and more recently, the advent of the micro-wave are detrimental processes that cause dramatic changes in the food we eat. They have rendered us enzyme-deficient.




Raw Food Health And Pottenger’s CatsFrancis M. Pottenger, Jr., M. D. (Pottenger’s Cats) carried out a ten year experiment using 900 cats, which were placed on controlled diets. The cats on “raw foods” produced healthy kittens from generation to generation.

These cats maintained healthy membranes, tissues and fur (with very little shedding). Their bones and internal organs retained normal function. They proved resistant to infections, fleas and other parasites, and showed no signs of allergies. They were gregarious and friendly. The usual causes of death were old age and injuries suffered in fighting.

Those on “cooked food” developed our modern ailments (heart, kidney and thyroid disease). Liver impairment on cooked protein was progressive – the bile in the waste becoming so toxic that even weeds refused to grow in their pens.

The first generation of kittens was sick and abnormal; the second generation was often born dead or diseased; by the third generation the mother was sterile. Consequently, there was no fourth generation. When cats of the first and second generation “cooked food” group were returned to raw food, it took approximately four generations to regenerate a normal state of health.

Do you think this experiment might explain the degenerative state of our health today, and the wide-spread fertility problems Western society is experiencing?

Raw Food Health And The Immune SystemSince the immune system is one of the last things to get energy, after crucial muscle, organ and digestive functions, it is important to nourish it, not replace it. This system is designed to fight off anything and everything - as long as we nourish it properly.

The number one threat to our health is the food that is not food (sugar, alcohol, processed and cooked food) that we eat. Raw food is the one thing the body recognizes as food, and which does not activate an immune response.

If the immune system is mobilized every time we put non-food in our mouths, it becomes exhausted. Within 30 minutes of eating cooked or fake food, the body’s blood count is high in white cells – an immune response – the same as if a foreign organism had invaded the body,




warning as if something is wrong and help is needed. Maybe you don’t have an autoimmune disease you have a cooked food disorder!!

When the immune system targets molecules as foreign invaders, it surrounds them with water as part of the inflammatory response in an attempt to flush them away.

As more invaders (“food” the body can’t digest) are introduced, cells become congested with water, resulting in tissue swelling. The vast majority of people carry at least five to ten extra pounds of water, in their bodies, at all times. The only way to overcome this phenomenon is to permanently avoid ingesting fake foods. This is why we talk about a lifestyle change. Raw food health is the best thing we can do for our immune system.

Raw Food Health For A Brand New YouFor total rejuvenation you must begin to purify your body at the cellular level. The human body is almost magically regenerative. Every cell in your body replicates itself on a regular basis – as often as every few days. Even slow-growing bone cells are completely replaced every six months.

If you start to clean out your cells today, you can have a purer body within a matter of days, and a whole new you in six months. Raw food health is a good start, even if you are not aiming for total regeneration.

Source: and edited by Tyler Tolman




Raw Food BenefitsWhat’s In It For YouThe raw food diet is simply a return to food in its natural state – the food we were meant to eat. Raw food benefits can be as simple as increased energy or as dramatic as the results listed below which people have reported after switching to a raw food diet.

• Permanent weight-loss management

• Beautiful skin and hair

• Increased energy and stamina

• Mental clarity and focus

• Emotional balance

• Spiritual connection

• Decreased cravings

Healing of ailments from minor to life-threatening – such as acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, congestion, constipation, diabetes, herpes, infertility, menopausal symptoms, obesity, thyroid problems, ulcerative colitis and much more.

What’s in it for you? – you will look better, feel better, and reverse aging.

Raw Food Benefits For HealthYour job is to deliver the groceries (nutrients) to your cells and take out the trash (waste), so to speak. As you add more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet, you are receiving maximum nutrition from your food & helping to take out the trash.

The nutrients from raw foods are delivered through the blood to the cells resulting in cleaner blood and healthier cells. This is the goal. Superior nutrition will return your cells to their more youthful state. Because raw foods are easy to digest, this frees up energy for healing and cleansing.




Elimination is one of the functions of the body that rarely gets completed. How many meals and snacks do you consume every day? Two? Three or more? How many bowel movements a day do you have per day? These #’s should be the same.

Most people think that it’s normal to have one. Where do you think all those other meals are hiding? Raw food speeds up elimination and makes constipation a thing of the past. It may feel strange to be eliminating more often, but remember, more elimination is always a good thing.

What waste doesn’t get eliminated gets stored in your cells as toxic residue and lines your digestive system as plaque. Our digestive system does not handle cooked or processed food as easily as raw food, so it stores these toxins until it can find a way to eliminate them, which might be never if we never give our bodies the chance to detox.

All this waste is the fundamental source of most excess weight in your body and the process of cells storing these toxins is called dis-ease.

If it gets too toxic around the joints, we call the disease arthritis; around the lungs, we call the disease colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma; around the stomach, we call the disease indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers; and anywhere in the body these toxins have been accumulating too quickly, we call the disease cancer.

Disease is a lack of health. Cells can’t perform their function. We don’t catch diseases, we earn them from the wrongs we have done to our bodies, which also includes negative thoughts. We can help our cells by eating mostly raw plant food, flushing out the toxins and replacing them with nutrients – keeping our cells clean and healthy, and able to function.

Raw Food Benefits For Weight LossPeople frequently notice a weight loss when they start eating a raw food diet – especially all raw. At raw food institutions, such as the Optimum Health Institute and the Hippocrates Health Institute, the average weekly weight loss is four to fifteen pounds.




As you replace cooked and processed foods with more raw food, you can expect to release unhealthy weight quickly and consistently, and keep it off. We are talking about a lifestyle change here, not just another diet, even if it’s just adding more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet, rather than going all out and switching to a completely raw diet.

Simply start with 60% raw plant based foods and work your way upto 80% then 90% and see how you feel, if you don’t feel better over time simply revert back to the previous %.

Raw Food Benefits For Beauty As Well As HealthIn addition to weight loss, as a beauty benefit, most people, especially women, notice that skin loses its puffiness (from retained fluids, sick tissues and fat). Y Wrinkles will actually disappear as these are a sign of poor organ health, which will improve and our eyes will be brighter, hair shinier and nails stronger.

When people finally realize the quality of their skin was dependent on what they put into their body, not on it, and began to eat more quality foods and less junk, people’s skin became softer, more firm, and their pores became finer and smaller.

Some people report less gray hair and their cellulite disappearing. When working out, many of my clients have found their body recovers faster after going mostly or all raw.

Many women will not start eating raw for their health, but they will for beauty. You will look younger. Your true vitality appears. Your skin glows. You radiate bright positive energy. You simply look better!

Raw Food Benefits For Energy And Stamina The body will always distribute energy in these priorities:

• Crucial functions, like brain function, respiration and circulation

• Muscles and organs

• Digestion (uses the most energy)

• Cleansing, elimination, immunity and fat loss

The body rarely gets around to completing digestion, let alone cleansing, healing or fat loss.




Just eating more raw food and less cooked food, decreases the need for extra energy to digest your meals. We now have more energy and stamina for physical activity and whatever we need or want to do – like having FUN!

Raw Food Benefits For Mental Clarity And FocusConsidering you are what you eat, diet affects not only physical health, but ideas, perceptions and even dreams. Raw food provides the nutrients the brain needs. Memory sharpens and concentration improves. You are now alert and have the mental stamina to complete what you need to do.

Raw Food Benefits For Emotional BalanceWith more raw food, a clean body contributes to a clear mind. Emotional health is enhanced and an increase in positive thinking is experienced, leading to a more open-minded and optimistic view of life. Mood swings decrease, mind chatter calms and emotional ups and downs are smoothed out.

The modern chemicals in junk food create mild to extreme stress, pollute the consciousness and cause “storms in the body” which also cause storms in our emotions.

I find that although caffeine may seem like a nice little pick-me-up on occasions, it can also cause me to be more impatient or aggressive than I want to be.

Imagine what all the hormones, pesticides and antibiotics in our food can do, with more long-term consequences than caffeine.

Victoria Boutenko, in her book 12 Steps To Raw says that when we eat for stimulation and momentary pleasure, or to change the way we feel (instead of for nutrition), we drain our vitality. However, with a high raw food diet, we can be freed from cravings.

Regarding former addictions, desire falls away. Behavioral problems, such as depression or hyperactivity, may disappear. Many have found (including me) that more greens alone can help reduce cravings within a matter of weeks, in some cases days.




The high raw food lifestyle supports this journey as a peaceful way of life. As we work with raw food, cleaning and preparing it, then consuming it, we can feel closer to nature and the divine character of everything. People have reported a state of inner bliss, enhanced meditation, prayer, intuition and psychic abilities. Such is the power of raw living food.

A Few More Raw Food BenefitsYou will save money on processed foods, junk foods and medical bills.

You will derive more pleasure from the simplest foods. Natural tastes so much better.

You will have more free time – no scrubbing of pots and pans, no grease. The clean up of blenders and juicers is a snap.

It’s better for the environment. Fruits and vegetables feed many more people than grain- or meat-based diets. It costs less to grow fruits and vegetables than it does to raise cattle – and there’s no slaughter involved.

As you can see, there are a number of raw food benefits and they are not just good for you, but, good for the planet as well.

Source: and edited by Tyler Tolman

Raw Food Benefits For Spiritual ConnectionMost spiritual traditions consider the body as the temple of the soul/spirit and pursue purification, cleansing, fasting and renewal as a path to the divine and for awakening spiritual awareness.




Your Pantry EssentialsYOU WILL NEED● Food processor (Magimix)

● Vitamix (Vitamix)

● Slow press juicer (Horum)

● At least 2 good quality very sharp knives

● A small wooden chopping board for chopping garlic, turmeric, ginger & onion

● A large chopping board for chopping everything else

● A Small bowls/ramekins

● Wooden spoons

● A pair of tongs

● A whisk

● A good grater (microplane)● Scales, measuring cups and spoons

● Spiralizer

● Storing containers (I use glass containers to store my left over food in)

● A deodorizer for the fridge (to deodorize the fridge)

● Oat Groats

● Steel-cut oats

● Cumin powder

● Coriander powder

● Cayenne pepper

● Kaffir lime leaves


● DatesTamari

● SauceSesame oil

● Olive oil

● Coconut oil

● Apple cider

● vinegar




● Unpasteurizedmiso

● Shredded coconut

● Raw honey

● Maple syrup

● Cacao powder

● Savoury yeast

● Sunflower seeds

● Pumpkin seeds

● Sesame seeds (black and white)

● Sundried tomatoes

● Almond butter

● Rice paper

● Nori sheets

● Sun bread or Essene bread

● Raw flax crackers

● Raw wrap bread

● Curry powder

● Chia seeds

● Psyllium

● Pulse (mango, plain, and chocolate)

● Hemp seeds

● Cinnamon

● Tahini

● Cashews

● Almonds

The veggies I have used in these recipes are certified biodynamic, organic or spray

free from farmers that cannot AFFORD the certification or their farms are

in conversion. I wash all the veggies well, and have left most of the skins on the fruit

and veggies when creating a dish.