Download - Who Would Be the Audience for My Media Product?


Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience is those aged from 15 to 24. This is for many reasons, firstly, as my characters are in the middle of this age bracket and are doing, wearing and experiencing things that many people that age do. This makes my opening sequence relative, and when it’s relative it makes it easier and more enjoyable for the audience as they have an understanding or can place themselves in the film.

The more modern individual would enjoy my opening sequence more so in my opinion as it involves modern activity, iPhones, relationships and socialising- priorities for the modern teenager.

My audience research helped me understand what kind of demographic I should be aiming for and how I should go about attracting and entertaining this audience. Through researching tribes and looking into many aspects of my desired audience I found that the audience would be people around 15-24 who do not take life seriously and enjoy modern technology and the latest fashion.

Through vox pops and surveys I found out what my kind of audience members were interested in which helped me incorporate these types of things into them. A lot of the audience members I quizzed about what they like and what they would expect from a horror film named similar things. The things that popped up frequently I focused on putting in more so I could make sure the audience were going to enjoy it. Having a small gap for an audience age group also made it easier to incorporate aspects they would enjoy.

When I researched Pearl and Dean’s audience categories I was able to see where my audience would slide into and how other people view and pick their demographics. I learned that my audience could be interested in lots of different things within a film and that its content is hugely significant.