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Who wants to be an Adverb Who wants to be an Adverb Extraordinaire?Extraordinaire?

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Page 3: Who wants to be an Adverb Extraordinaire? Hosted by Mr. Hronec.

LifelinesLifelines• “Phone a friend”• Ask the audience

Page 4: Who wants to be an Adverb Extraordinaire? Hosted by Mr. Hronec.

Sample Sample QuestionQuestion

• What kind of word does the adverb in this sentence describe?

• He jumped extremely far. A)Noun C) AdjectiveB)Verb D) Adverb

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Question 1Question 1

• Which adverb in this sentence describes another adverb?

He almost always remembers his homework.

a) Remembersb) Almostc) Alwaysd) His

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Answer 1Answer 1

• B- Almost

“Almost” describes the adverb “always” which is describing the verb, “remembers”.

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Question 2Question 2

• What does the adverb in this sentence tell us?

She usually raises her hand.

a) Whenb) Howc) Whered) Who

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Answer 2Answer 2

• A- When

The adverb “usually”, tells us when she raises her hand. “Raises” is the verb being described.

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Question 3Question 3

• They drove excitedly to the concert.

Which adverb describes WHERE?

a) Tob) Drovec) Excitedlyd) Concert

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Answer 3Answer 3

• A- “to”

• “To” describes “where” the action is taking place.

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Question 4Question 4

• What is the adverb in this sentence?

He usually answers the phone.

a) Usuallyb) Answersc) Phoned) he

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Answer 4Answer 4

• A- Usually

“Usually” is describing when the action “answers” takes place.

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Question 5Question 5

• What kind of word does the adverb in this sentence describe?

• He leapt over the hurdle.

a) adverbb) Adjectivec) verbd) noun

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Answer 5Answer 5

• C- Verb

The adverb “over” describes the verb “leapt”. It tells us where they leapt.

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Question 6Question 6

• What does the adverb in this sentence tell us about the word it is describing?

He skated aggressively for the puck.

a) Whereb) Howc) Whyd) when

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Answer 6Answer 6

• B- How

How did he skate? Aggressively. The adverb is describing an action.

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Question 7Question 7

• What is the adverb in this sentence?

It’s always sunny in California.

a)It’sb) Californiac) Sunnyd) always

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Answer 7Answer 7

• D- Always

• The adverb “always” describes “when” it is sunny in California.

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Question 8Question 8

• The sun is shining, outside.

• What is being described by an adverb in this sentence?

a) Nounb) Verbc) Adjectived) adverb

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Answer 8Answer 8

• B- Verb

The adverb “outside” is describing “where” the action “shining” is taking place.

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Question 9Question 9

• Which adverb in this sentence describes HOW?

• Clyde flew effortlessly to the basket.

a)Flewb)Effortlesslyc)Tod) basket

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Answer 9Answer 9

• B- Effortlessly

• The adverb “effortlessly” describes how he flew to the basket.

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Question 10Question 10

• What is the adverb in this sentence?

• He shoveled the snow ferociously.

a)Shoveledb) Snowc) Ferociously d) he

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Answer 10Answer 10

• C- Ferociously

The adverb “ferociously” describes “how” the subject was shoveling.

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Question 11Question 11

• What is the adverb in this sentence?

• She vaulted into the pool.

A) PoolB) VaultedC) IntoD) she

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Answer 11Answer 11

• C- Into

The adverb “into” describes “where” the action took place.

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Question 12Question 12

• How many adverbs are in this sentence?

• Our team won most often.

A) 1B) 2C) CD) 4

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Answer 12Answer 12

• B- 2

• “Most” and “often” describe “when” the team won.

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Question 13Question 13

• What kind of word does the adverb in this sentence describe?

• The class was excruciatingly boring.

a) Adjectiveb) Adverbc) Verbd) noun

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Answer 13Answer 13

• A- adjective• The adverb “excruciatingly”

describes the adjective “boring”. Boring is describing the noun “class” (but not this one!).

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Question 14Question 14

• What kind of word does the adverb in this sentence describe?

• The car was shockingly clean.

a) Nounb) Adverbc) Adjectived) verb

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Answer 14Answer 14

• C-adjective

• The adverb “shockingly” describes the adjective “clean”.

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Question 15Question 15

• How many adverbs are in this sentence?

• The children awoke unusually early.

A) 0B) 1C) 2D) 3

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Answer 15Answer 15

• C- 2

• The adverbs “unusually” and “early” describe the verb “awoke”. They describe “how” and “when”.

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Question 16Question 16

• What is the adverb in this sentence?

• It’s freezing cold outside!

a)It’sb) Freezingc) Coldd) outside

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Answer 16Answer 16

• B-Freezing

• The adverb “freezing” describes “how” cold it was outside.

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Question 17Question 17

• How many adverbs are in this sentence?

• The dancer jumped breathtakingly high.

A) 0B) 1C) 2D) 3

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Answer 17Answer 17

• C-2

• The adverbs “breathtakingly” and “high” describe the verb “jumped”.

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Question 18Question 18

• How many adverbs are in this sentence?

• The yellow dog yelped wildly.

A)0B)1C)2D) 3

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Answer 18Answer 18

• B- 1

• “Wildly” describes “how” the dog yelped. “Yellow” describes the dog, but a dog is a noun.

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Question 19Question 19

• Which adverb describes an adjective?

• The boy grew dramatically tall.

A)BoyB)Grew C)DramaticallyD)Tall

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Answer 19Answer 19

• C- dramatically

• The adverb “dramatically” describes the adjective “tall”.

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Question 20Question 20

• What does the adverb in this sentence tell us?

• The student is often late.

A)HowB) WhereC)WhyD) When

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Answer 20Answer 20

• D- When

• The adverb “often” tells us “when” the foolish student is late. When is he late? Often.

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Question 21Question 21

• What kind of word does the adverb in this sentence describe?

• She tripped awkwardly.

A) NounB) VerbC) AdjectiveD) Adverb

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Answer 21Answer 21

• B- Verb

• The adverb “awkwardly” describes how she completed the action of tripping.

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Question 22Question 22

• What kind of word does the adverb “extremely” describe?

• She is extremely, impressively, brilliant.

A) AdjectiveB) NounC) VerbD) adverb

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Answer 22Answer 22

• D- Adverb

• The adverb “extremely” describes another adverb “impressively”. The two adverbs together are describing the adjective “brilliant”.

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Question 23Question 23

• Which adverb is describing a verb in this sentence?

Bill laughed loudly at the funny clowns in the parade.

A) LaughedB) LoudlyC) InD) funny

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Answer 23Answer 23

• B- Loudly

• The adverb “loudly” is describing the verb “laughed” “Funny” is describing the clowns, but funny is an adjective not an adverb, and clowns are nouns.

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Question 24Question 24

• What kind of word is underlined.

She sang beautifully.A)NounB)AdjectiveC)AdverbD)verb

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Answer 24Answer 24

• D- Verb

• The underlined word “sang” is an action, therefore, it is a verb.

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Question 25Question 25

• How many adverbs are in the following sentence?

• She usually exercises daily.A)0B)1C)2D)3

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Answer 25Answer 25

• C-2

• The adverbs “usually” and “daily” each describe “when” the action, “exercising” takes place.

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