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    Who Really Rule the World ? Freemasons / Rothschilds !

    And Secret Societies in Universities in USA

    Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere

    so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their

    breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924)

    So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those

    who are not behind the scenes. Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881)

    The advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of a banking system based on usury, and scientific and

    technological advancements during the past three centuries have had three major consequences. These have made the

    incredible concentration of wealth in a few hands possible, have led to the construction of increasingly deadly weapons

    culminating in weapons of mass destruction, and have made it possible to mould the minds of vast populations by

    application of scientific techniques through the media and control of the educational system.

    The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity

    extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, and

    for them, most of mankind is garbage human garbage. It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now.

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    Secrecy and anonymity is integral to the operations of the Elite as is absolute ruthlessness, deep deception and the most

    sordid spying and blackmail. The Elite pitches nations against each other, and aims at the destruction of traditional

    values, creates chaos, deliberately spreads poverty and misery, and then usurps power placing its stooges in place.

    These families buy while the blood is still flowing in the streets. Wars, revolutions and assassinations are part of their tactics to amass wealth and power, eliminate opponents, and proceed relentlessly towards their avowed goal,

    generation after generation. They operate through covert and overt societies and organisations.

    Winston Churchill, wrote around 1920:

    From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and

    Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and reconstitution of society on the basis

    of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the

    mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last, this band of extraordinary

    personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the

    hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

    Churchill is also said to have remarked about the Elite: They have transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia (quoted by John Coleman in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Global Publications 2006).

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote in November 1933 to Col. Edward House: The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew


    Interlocking Structure of Elite Control

    In his book Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global

    Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network, Dean Henderson- Stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding

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    companies show many of the banks stockholders reside in Europe. US government works not for the people but for the Elite. No media outlet will raise this issue because the Elite owns the media. The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank

    of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal

    Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with other European and old money behemoths. According to

    company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stockholders of virtually every

    Fortune 500 corporation.

    In 2009, of the top 100 largest economic entities of the world, 44 were corporations. The wealth of these families,

    which are among the top 10% shareholders in each of these, is far in excess of national economies. In fact, total global

    GDP is around 70 trillion dollars. The Rothschild family wealth alone is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars. So is

    the case with the Rockefellers who were helped and provided money all along by the Rothschilds. The US has an

    annual GDP in the range of 14-15 trillion dollars. This pales into insignificance before the wealth of these trillionaires.

    With the US government and most European countries in debt to the Elite, there should be absolutely no doubt as to

    who owns the world and who controls it. To quote Eustace Mullins from his book The World Order:

    The Elites rule the US through their Foundations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Federal Reserve System

    with no serious challenges to their power. Expensive political campaigns are routinely conducted, with carefully screened candidates who are pledged to the program of the World Order. Should they deviate from the program, they

    would have an accident, be framed on a sex charge, or indicted in some financial irregularity.

    James Forrestal, the first Secretary of Defence of the US, according to Jim Marrs, accumulated 3,000 pages of notes to

    be used for writing a book. He died in mysterious circumstances and was almost certainly murdered. His notes were

    taken away and a sanitised version made public after one year! Just before he died, almost fifteen months before the

    outbreak of the Korean War, he had revealed that American soldiers would die in Korea! Marrs quotes Forrestal:

    These men are not incompetent or stupid. Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favour. The Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the mother of all these, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, are bodies where

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    decisions about the future of mankind are arrived at. Who set these up and control them? The international bankers of course.

    In his book The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, Col. Fletcher

    Prouty, who was the briefing officer to the President of the US from 1955-1963, writes about an inner sanctum of a new religious order. By the phrase Secret Team he means a group of security-cleared individuals in and out of government who receive secret intelligence data gathered by the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) and who

    react to those data. He states: The power of the Team derives from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities,

    and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses. He further adds: All true members of the Team remain in the power centre whether in office with the incumbent administration or out of office with the hard-

    core set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world or the pleasant haven of academe.

    Training the Young for Elite Membership

    It is very remarkable as to how they are able to exercise control and how they always find people to carry out the job, and how is it they always make the right decision at the right time? This can only be possible if there exists a hidden program of inducting and training cadres mentally, ideologically, philosophically, psychologically and ability-

    wise, over prolonged periods of time and planting them in the centres of power of countries like the US, UK, etc. This

    training would begin at a young age in general. There must also be a method of continual appraisal, by small groups of

    very highly skilled men, of developing situations with their men who are planted throughout the major power centres of the world so that immediate remedial action, action that always favours Elite interests, can be taken. How does that happen?

    It is in finding answers to these questions that the role of secret societies and their control of universities, particularly

    in the US, assumes deeper importance. Whenever you trace the money source of important initiatives designed to bring

    about major wars, lay down policies for the future, enhance control of the Elite over mankind, etc., you will invariably

    find them linked to the so called banking families and their stooges operating out of Foundations.

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    In April 2008, two day Higher Education Summit for Global Development, held at the US State Department in

    Washington DC. The Summit was addressed by five US Secretaries, including Secretary of State Condoleezza

    Rice. The real emphasis throughout the Summit was only on one thing that universities in developing countries operate in partnership with foundations so that global problems could be solved! These are private foundations and the

    only way to understand this emphasis is to realise the US government is owned by those who own these foundations.

    The inaugural address was delivered by the war criminal responsible for millions of deaths in Rwanda, trained in US

    military institutions, and awarded a doctorate Dr. Paul Kagame! The very first presentation was made by the CEO of the Agha Khan Foundation ( founded by freemasons )!

    Yale secret society Skull and Bones, Antony Sutton in his book Americas Secret Establishment An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, points out there is a set of Old Line American Families and New Wealth that dominates The Order (of Skull & Bones) the Whitney family, the Stimson family, the Bundy family, the Rockefeller family, the Harriman family, the Taft family, the Bush family, and so on. He also points out that there is a British connection:

    The links between the Order and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant bankers. Notably the

    British establishment also founded a University Oxford University, and especially All Souls College at Oxford. The British element is called The Group. The Group links to the Rothschilds in Britain (Lord Rothschild was an original member of Rhodes inner circle). The Order in the US links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families

    Every year 15 young men, and very recently women, have been inducted into The Order from Yale students since 1832.

    Who selects them? A study of the career trajectories of many of those chosen shows how they rise to prominence in American life and how their peers ensure these men penetrate the very fabric of important US institutions. They are

    always there in key positions during war and peace, manipulating and watching ceaselessly.

    The influence of the Elite families on the thought processes of nations is carried out through academic institutions and

    organisations, as well as the media. Sutton writes: Among academic associations the American Historical Association,

    the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society, and the American Psychological Association

    were all started by members of The Order or persons close to The Order. These are key associations for the

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    conditioning of society. The phenomenon of The Order as the FIRST on the scene is found especially among

    Foundations, although it appears that The Order keeps a continuing presence among Foundation Trustees.

    In 1920 Theodore Marburg founded the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of Disputes, but Marburg

    was only the President. The FIRST Chairman was member William Howard Taft ( Skull and Bones ). The

    Society was the forerunner of the League to Enforce Peace, which developed into the League of Nations and

    ultimately the United Nations.The United Nations is an instrument of the Elite designed to facilitate the setting up of

    One World Government under Elite control. The UN building stands on Rockefeller property.

    WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT (1857-1930)

    Twenty-seventh President (1909-1913)

    Initiated: February 18, 1909. Brother Taft was made a "Mason at Sight" within the Body of Kilwinning Lodge No. 356,

    Cincinnati, Ohio, by Grand Master Charles S. Hoskinson. His father and two brothers were also Members of this

    Lodge. Brother and President Taft addressed the Brethren, saying, "I am glad to be here, and to be a Mason. It does me

    good to feel the thrill that comes from recognizing on all hands the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man."

    Brother and President Taft visited the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on the occasion of a Special Communication held

    in the Masonic Temple (One North Broad Street), on March 12, 1912.

    Skull and Bones operates as an independent elite Freemasons lodge.

    It originated as 'the Brotherhood of Death' at Inglostadt Germany, an offshoot of Contintental Freemason Baron Von Hund's

    'Strict Observance' Rite, who was involved with that other infamous Freemason founded & led secret society, the Illuminati of Bavaria.

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    What Is the Significance of the Skull in Masonic Symbolism?

    The Masons, formally known as Freemasons, make up the world's largest and oldest fraternity. Among these symbols,

    the enigmatic skull and crossbones continues to appear in Masonic culture.

    An Iconic Symbol

    The image of the skull and crossbones is often associated with death and piracy. Likewise, the symbol often serves as a

    warning of dangerous or harmful substances. Today, the skull and crossbones appears at Masonic lodges in Chambers

    of Reflection and in tracing boards used to teach Masonic beliefs and traditions. It can also be seen in the fraternity's

    rituals, such as initiation and knighting ceremonies. The image commonly appears on Masonic paraphernalia, such as

    rings and jewelry.

    Memento Mori

    Throughout history, the skull and crossbones has symbolized the concept of memento mori, which translates from Latin as remember death or remember you must die. In his essay, The Symbol of the Skull and Crossbones and Its Masonic Application, Brother P.D. Newman of Tupelo Lodge Number 318 observes that this remains true for the Masonic symbol, stating the skull stands as the primary reminder of the grim truth that death is ever immanent.

    According to Gurdjieff, every man, has an internal sevenfold constitution which he termed the "Seven Men." This

    notion is not unlike the Theosophical teaching concerning the septenary nature of the soul of man, an interpretation

    which has, since the occult revival of the 19th century, consistently been extended by authors such as Manly P. Hall, J.

    S. M. Ward, and W. L. Wilmshurst to the seven officers which constitute a perfect Lodge.

    "Man, the seven-fold being, is the most cherished of all the Creator's works, and hence also it is that the Lodge has

    seven principle officers, and that a lodge, to be perfect, requires the presence of seven brethren; though the deeper

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    meaning of this phrase is that the individual man, in virtue of his seven-fold constitution, in himself constitutes the

    "perfect lodge," if he will but know himself and analyze his own nature aright."

    The crossbones also have an intriguing Masonic application. In the guidelines provided by the Grand Lodge of

    Colorado for implementing and conducting a proper chamber of reflection, Masons are informed that "[t]he crossbones

    are also a hint at the pillars, the portico of man upon which he must stand as he labors in the quarry."6 As Matthew C.

    Pelham, Sr. demonstrated in his thought provoking article "A Search for More Light in the Symbolism of the Skull and

    Crossbones," the association between the crossbones, which themselves are always constructed using human femurs or

    thighbones, and the two pillars of the Temple, stems no doubt from the verse in Song of Solomon which announces in

    a moving hymn to Deity that "His legs are as pillars." Still, there is another similarity between the pillars of the

    Masonic Lodge and someone's (or, more specifically, something's) legs which is so absolutely striking that I dare not

    fail to mention it.

    In the Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts, the ship Argo sailed to Europa in Crete following Jason's legendary

    retrieval of the golden fleece. On the island of Europa, the Argonauts encountered a great metallic giant called Talos,

    meaning sun or solar, which was cast wholly of solid bronze. His legs, on the other hand, while also made of bronze,

    were cast completely hollow, and one of them, it was said, contained a single vein through which flowed the divine

    ichor or golden blood of the gods. The presence of the ichor within his leg animated the giant, enabling Talos to

    perform the sole function for which he was created, that is to circumambulate Europa three times daily in order to

    protect and guard the land from approaching pirates. If the reader will recall, the Pillars of Freemasonry are also said

    not only to have been hollow and cast from bronze, but according to some traditions within the Craft, it was only

    one of them which contained the treasured archives of Freemasonry, not unlike Talos' peculiar legs, only one of

    which was possessive of the Olympic gods' magical ichor. Lastly, it is notable that scholar A. B. Cook ( real ? )

    interpreted the myth of Talos as being a veiled allusion to the Masonically relevant lost wax casting method of

    metallurgy thus bringing us back full circle to the question of the legitimacy of this symbol.

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    Regardless of the negative connotations which may surround the image, the symbol of the skull and crossbones,

    whether considered exoterically or esoterically, is absolutely possessive of profound Masonic import

    Skull and Bones was founded in 1832. It was co-founded by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft as "the

    Order of the Skull and Bones".

    The society's assets are managed by the society's alumni organization, the Russell Trust Association, incorporated in

    1856 and named after the Bones co-founder. The association was founded by Russell and Daniel Coit Gilman, a Skull

    and Bones member, and later president of the University of California, first president of Johns Hopkins University, and

    the founding president of the Carnegie Institution.

    Founding members

    Frederick Ellsworth Mather (1833), Democratic member of the New York State Assembly (18541857)

    Phineas Timothy Miller, (1833) American physician

    William Huntington Russell (1833), Connecticut State Legislator, Major General ( of Bertrand Russell )

    Alphonso Taft (1833), U.S. Attorney General (18761877), Secretary of War (1876), Ambassador to Austria-Hungary (1882) andRussia (18841885), father of William Howard Taft

    George Ingersoll Wood (1833), American clergyman

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    The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

    The story begins at Yale, where three threads of American social history -- espionage, drug smuggling and secret

    societies -- intertwine into one.

    Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in London, and served with the British East India Company ( owned by

    Rothschilds ), eventually becoming governor of Fort Saint George, Madras, in 1687. He amassed a great fortune from

    Chinese Opium War and returned to England in 1699. Cotton Mather suggested the school be named Yale College, in


    A statue of Nathan Hale stands on Old Campus at Yale University. There is a copy of that statue in front of the CIA's

    headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Yet another stands in front of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts (where

    George H.W. Bush went to prep school and joined a secret society at age twelve).

    Nathan Hale, along with three other Yale graduates, was a member of the "Culper Ring," one of America's first

    intelligence operations. Established by George Washington, it was successful throughout the Revolutionary War.

    Nathan was the only operative to be ferreted out by the British, he was hanged in 1776. Ever since the founding of the

    Republic, the relationship between Yale and the "Intelligence Community" has been unique.

    In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company for the purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling

    it to China. Russell and Company merged with the Perkins (Boston) syndicate in 1830 and became the primary

    American opium smuggler. Many of the great American and European fortunes were built on the "China"(opium) trade.

    One of Russell and Company's Chief of Operations in Canton was Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin

    Roosevelt. Other Russell partners included John Cleve Green (who financed Princeton), Abiel Low (who financed

    construction of Columbia), Joseph Coolidge and the Perkins, Sturgis and Forbes families. (Coolidge's son organized the

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    United Fruit company ( CIA front ), and his grandson, Archibald C. Coolidge, was a co-founder of the Council on

    Foreign Relations.)

    William Huntington Russell , Samuel's cousin, studied in Germany from 1831-32. Germany was a hotbed of new ideas.

    The "scientific method" was being applied to all forms of human endeavour. Prussia, took the principles set forth by

    John Locke and Jean Rosseau and created a new educational system. Johan Fitche, in his "Address to the German

    People," declared that the children would be taken over by the State and told what to think and how to think it.

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel took over Fitche's chair at the University Of Berlin in 1817, and was a professor there

    until his death in 1831. Hegel was the culmination of the German idealistic philosophy school of Immanuel Kant.

    To Hegel, our world is a world of reason. The state is Absolute Reason and the citizen can only become free by worship

    and obedience to the state. Hegel called the state the "march of God in the world" and the "final end". This final end,

    Hegel said, "has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state." Both fascism

    and communism have their philosophical roots in Hegelianism. Hegelian philosophy was very much in vogue during

    William Russell's time in Germany.

    When Russell returned to Yale in 1832, he formed a senior society with Alphonso Taft . Bones is a chapter of a corps in

    a German University.... General Russell, its founder, was in Germany before his Senior Year and formed a warm

    friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority to found a

    chapter here." So class valedictorian William H. Russell, along with fourteen others, became the founding members of

    "The Order of Scull and Bones," later changed to "The Order of Skull and Bones".

    The secretive Order of Skull and Bones exists only at Yale. Fifteen juniors are "tapped" each year by the seniors to be

    initiated into next year's group. Some say each initiate is given $15,000 and a grandfather clock. Far from being a

    campus fun-house, the group is geared more toward the success of its members in the post-collegiate world.

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    The family names on the Skull and Bones roster roll off the tongue like an elite party list -- Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay,

    Bundy, Harriman, Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Perkins, Pillsbury,

    Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett and so on.

    William Russell went on to become a general and a state legislator in Connecticut. Alphonso Taft was appointed U.S.

    Attorney General, Secretary of War (a post many "Bonesmen" have held), Ambassador to Austria, and Ambassador to

    Russia (another post held by many "Bonesmen"). His son, William Howard Taft ('87), is the only man to be both

    President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

    Some of the world's most famous and powerful men alive today are "bonesmen," including George H.W. Bush and his

    son George W. Bush, Senator John Kerry, Austan Goolsbee (Chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic

    Advisers), Nicholas Brady, and William F. Buckley. Other bonesmen include U.S. President William Howard Taft,

    Morrison R. Waite (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), Henry Luce (Time-Life), Harold Stanley (founder of Morgan

    Stanley), Frederick W. Smith (founder of Fedex), John Daniels (founder of Archer Daniels Midland), Henry P. Davison

    (senior partner Morgan Guaranty Trust), Pierre Jay (first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Artemus

    Gates (President of New York Trust Company, Union Pacific, TIME, Boeing Company), Senator John Chaffe, Russell

    W. Davenport (editor Fortune Magazine), the first presidents of the University of California, Johns Hopkins University,

    and Cornell University, and many others. Skull and Bones of Yale University , is the most powerful in USA.

    Selecting Future Prime Ministers to Serve the New World Order

    In his article, Oxford University The Illuminati Breeding Ground, David Icke recounts an incident that demonstrates how these secret societies and groups, working for the Elite, select, train and plan to install their men in key positions.

    In 1940 a young man addressed a study group of the Labor Party in a room at University College Oxford. He stressed that he belonged to a secret group without a name which planned a Marxist takeover of Britain, Rhodesia and South Africa by infiltrating the British Parliament and Civil Services. Since the British do not like extremists they dismiss

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    their critics as right-wingers while themselves posing as moderates (this seems like the anti-Semitism charge by ADL, etc. whenever Israel is criticised). The young man stated that he headed the political wing of that secret group and

    he expected to be made Prime Minister of Britain some day! The young man was Harold Wilson who became Prime

    Minister of Britain (1964-70, 1974-76)!

    All young men studying at Ivy League universities, and at others, must bear in mind they are being continually

    scrutinised by some of their Professors with the intention of selecting from amongst them, those who will serve the

    Elite, and become part of a global network of interlocked covert and overt societies and organisations, working for the

    New World Order. Some of those already selected will be present among them, mingling with them and yet, in their

    heart, separated from them by a sense of belonging to a brotherhood with a mission that has been going on for a long

    time. These young men also know they will be rewarded by advancement in career and also that if they falter they could

    even be killed!

    Utter secrecy and absolute loyalty is essential to the continued success of this program. This is enforced through fear of

    murder or bankruptcy and through a cult which probably takes us back to the times of the pyramids and before.

    Philosophically they believe in Hegelian dialectics through which they justify bringing about horrible wars euphemistically called controlled conflict. Their political ideology is collectivism whereby mankind has to be managed by a group of men, them, organised for the purpose a hidden dominant minority. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, members of other known and unknown secret societies, all mesh together under the wealthiest cabal in

    human history to take a mesmerised, dormant and battered mankind from one abyss to the next.

    In his book Memoirs, published in 2002, David Rockefeller, Sr. stated that his family had been attacked by ideological extremists for more than a century Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world, if you will. If thats the charge, I stand guilty.

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    If the average college freshman is expecting to step on a campus where he or she leaves behind the stereotypical high

    school cliques then most will be given a false sense of freedom. Most college students are unknowingly under the yoke

    of the definite yet predominantly silent hold , the university secret societies possess on what is popularly called college

    life. Like a bunch of spiders they position themselves in key places on their web so that their slightest touch affects the

    entire college web.

    At the University of Virginia the number 7 mysteriously pops up on campus buildings and other campus fixtures and

    checks in the amount of 1,777 or 7,777 are sent to the university. For nearly 100 years candidates picked by the most

    secretive society have virtually always won the University of Alabama's student government elections.

    Secret societies put university politics into play like a well-oiled machine. In fact, it is well documented that Machine,

    University of Alabama's secret society, has used all manner of illegal tricks and threats to both win university elections

    and discourage opponents from running against them. No one knows the exact membership, their leadership is

    especially secretive, but Machine's representatives inform potential election candidates what student positions Machine

    will allow them to pursue. Burning Spear is comprised of the most elite of the student senate and student government

    association, incidentally most currently belong to Insight Party, the FSU political party that has been sweeping

    university elections, under one name or another, for several years.

    Often considered the first secret collegiate society in North America, the Phi Beta Kappa Society, founded in 1776 by

    students at the College of William and Mary, was in fact antedated by other societies at the College established as long

    as a generation earlier. The society had a rudimentary initiation and maintained an uncertain level of secrecy. Since the

    1840s, Phi Beta Kappa has operated openly as an academic honor society. Other societies as Chi Phi (1824),Kappa

    Alpha (1825) and Sigma Phi Society (1827) many of which continue as American collegiate social fraternities (and,

    later, sororities) to the present day. Sigma Phi remains the oldest continuously running collegiate secret society. Yet

    there was also a second strain of development, when at Yale University, Chi Delta Theta (1821) and Skull and

    Bones (1832) were founded ultimately serving as antecedents for what would become known as class societies.

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    After Skull & Bones , Scroll & Key (1841), and later Wolf's Head (1883), among students in the senior class. Alpha

    Delta Phi and Psi Upsilon remained junior class societies there. There were sophomore and freshman societies at Yale

    as well. A stable system of eight class societies was in place by the late 1840s.

    Delta Kappa Epsilon is actually a highly successful junior class society, founded at Yale in 1844. None of the 51

    chapters the parent chapter spawned operates as a junior society, but DKE did come from the class society system.

    Likewise, Alpha Sigma Phi started out as a Yale sophomore society and now has 68 chapters (although, again, none of

    Alpha Sigma Phi's chapters have remained sophomore societies).

    The development of class societies spread from Yale to other campuses in the northeastern States. Seniors at

    neighboring Wesleyan established a senior society, Skull & Serpent (1865), and a second society, originally a chapter

    of Skull and Bones, but then independent as a sophomore society, Theta Nu Epsilon (1870), which began to drastically

    increase the number of campuses with class societies. William Raimond Baird noted in the 1905 edition of

    his Manual that, "In addition to the regular fraternities, there are in the Eastern colleges many societies which draw

    members from only one of the undergraduate classes, and which have only a few features of the general fraternity

    system." From Wesleyan, the practice spread more widely across the Northeast, with full systems soon in place at

    Brown, Rutgers, and other institutions.

    Kappa Sigma Theta, Phi Theta Psi, Delta Beta Xi, Delta Sigma Phi, were all sophomore societies at Yale, and the two

    large freshman societies of Delta Kappa and Kappa Sigma Epsilon lived until 1880. Delta Kappa established chapters at

    Amherst, the University of North Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Dartmouth College, and Centre College. Kappa

    Sigma Epsilon had chapters at Amherst, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Dartmouth. Other class societies existed

    at Brown, Harvard, Syracuse, Colgate, Cornell, and other Northeastern institutions. At universities such as Colgate

    University, these secret societies have evolved and morphed over the years.

    Theta Nu Epsilon spread to about 120 colleges and universities, but many of its chapters operated as three-year

    societies .

    Colgate University

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    Since being founded in 1819, Colgate University has had a rich tradition of student societies. Over the years, Colgate

    has had numerous secret societies with various degrees of secrecy.

    Although there have been many underground organizations on the Colgate campus, the first secret honour society on

    record is the Skull and Scroll society founded in 1908. Members of the Skull and Scroll wore white hats with a black

    skull and scroll added to them. The Skull and Scroll had a rich history of membership with important names in Colgate

    history such as Ellery Huntington, Melbourne Read, and Harold Whitnall. The Gorgon's Head, was founded in 1912

    and had members that wore black hats with a golden emblem. The Gorgon's Head chose people for traits such as

    character, distinguished service, and achievement. These two organizations merged in 1934 to create the Konosioni

    senior honour society.

    Konosioni initially was tasked with enforcing rules, such as mandating that all freshman have to wear green beanies,

    with the punishment of paddling. The 1970s saw a change in course for the society as it became focused on leadership

    and the community. Konosioni now leads torch light processions for first-year students during Convocation and for

    seniors during Graduation.

    The College of William & Mary

    The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, was home to the first known secret collegiate society in the

    United States, the F.H.C. Society (founded in 1750). The initials of the society stand for a Latin phrase, likely

    "Fraternitas, Humanitas, et Cognitio" or "Fraternitas Humanitas Cognitioque" (two renderings of "brotherhood,

    humaneness, and knowledge"), but it has long been publicly nicknamed the "Flat Hat Club". William & Mary alumnus

    and third American president, Thomas Jefferson, was perhaps the most famous member of the F.H.C. Society. Other

    notable members of the original society included Col. James Innes, St. George Tucker, and George Wythe. Jefferson

    noted that, "When I was a student of Wm. & Mary college of this state, there existed a society called the F.H.C. society,

    confined to the number of six students only, of which I was a member, but it had no useful object, nor do I know

    whether it now exists." The best opinion is that the society did not survive the British invasion of Virginia at the end of

    the American Revolution. The society was revived in 1916 (at first, as the Flat Hat Club) and revived again in 1972.

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    William & Mary students John Heath and William Short (Class of 1779) founded the nation's first collegiate Greek-

    letter organization, Phi Beta Kappa, on December 5, 1776, as a secret literary and philosophical society. Additional

    chapters were established in 1780 and 1781 at Yale and Harvard. With nearly 300 chapters across the country and no

    longer secret, Phi Beta Kappa has grown to become the nation's premier academic honor society. Alumni John

    Marshall and Bushrod Washington were two of the earliest members of the society, elected in 1778 and 1780,


    During American Civil War , several societies to disappear, many were revived during the 20th century. Some of the

    secret societies known to currently exist at the College are: The 7 Society, 13 Club, Alpha Club, Bishop James Madison

    Society, Flat Hat Club, The Spades, W Society, and Wren Society.

    Cornell University

    Cornell University has a rich history of secret societies on campus. Andrew Dickson White, the first President

    of Cornell University and himself a Bonesman, is said to have encouraged the formation of a "secret society" on

    campus. In the early years, the fraternities were called the "secret societies," but as the Greek system developed into a

    larger, more public entity, "secret society" began to refer only to the class societies. In the early twentieth century,

    Cornell students belonged to sophomore, junior, and senior societies, as well as honorary societies for particular fields

    of study. The majority of the societies disappeared or became inactive in a very short time period, and today, the two

    organizations which operate on campus are: Sphinx Head (founded in 1890) and Quill and Dagger (founded in 1893).

    Notable Members: E. B. White, Marc Lacey, Oswald C. Brewster, Paul Wolfowitz

    Interesting Facts: Quill and Dagger was the first of the Ivy League societies to admit women into its ranks. With

    membership now being too difficult to conceal, the names of newly tapped Quill and Dagger members, like those of

    several other secret societies at other campuses, are published in Cornell's student newspaper. Quill and Dagger,

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    however, takes this one step further and publishes a book, available on Amazon, with the names and addresses for each

    member. This society has also embraced social media and operates a LinkedIn group for alumni.

    Infamous Incidents: In the early '90s, Quill and Dagger was accused of blackballing activist minorities who were against "the establishment." Minorities, who otherwise would have been on the short list for getting tapped, werent admitted if they took part in any activist movements that current members and alumni saw as anti-establishment.

    However, at the time of this accusation, 12 of the 40 members of Quill and Dagger were minorities.

    Dartmouth College

    Dartmouth College's Office of Residential Life states that the earliest senior societies on campus date to 1783 and

    "continue to be a vibrant tradition within the campus community." Six of the eight senior societies keep their

    membership secret, while the other societies maintain secretive elements. According to the college, "approximately

    25% of the senior class members are affiliated with a senior society." The college's administration of the society system

    at Dartmouth focuses on keeping track of membership and tapping lists, and differs from that of Yale's, though there are

    historical parallels between the two colleges' societies.

    Dickinson College

    The Raven's Claw is an all-male senior honorary society at Dickinson College. It was founded in 1896, making it the

    first society unique toDickinson College. Membership is limited to seven senior men who are selected by the seven

    previous members. The new members are chosen based on a variety of factors, these include: campus leadership, a

    solid academic record, and athletic participation. New members are inducted in a "Tapping Ceremony" which is held on

    the "Old Stone Steps of Old West." The ceremony is traditionally conducted during commencement weekend. They are

    called "claws" or "white hats", denoting the white caps they wear around campus to signify unity and loyalty. While the

    members of the group are known, the majority of their actions and traditions are concealed. The group prides itself in

    serving the Dickinson College and Carlisle, Pennsylvania communities through discreet service activities. The group's

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    alumni organization is also responsible for founding one of the college's largest scholarship funds and the McAndrews

    Fund for athletics.

    Founded in 2001, The Order of Scroll and Key is a senior honour society at Dickinson College which recognizes

    seven senior men each year. Every member is tapped at the end of their junior year on the basis of their dedication to

    the College and the surrounding Carlisle community. Their current membership includes fraternity presidents,

    community advisers, community service leaders, as well as many other individuals. Their alumni have gone on to be

    successful community leaders, businessmen, artists, etc. The Order of Scroll and Key works to benefit numerous area

    charities and philanthropies, and in recent years has supported Carlisle C.A.R.E.S., Safe Harbor, and Sadler Health

    Clinic, among others. As one of Dickinson's distinctive "hat" societies, members can always be recognized by the gray

    hats that they wear.

    Wheel and Chain is Dickinson College's Senior Women's Honorary Society. Founded in 1924, members are elected in

    the spring of their junior year on the basis of participation in campus activities, service to the college and community,

    leadership skills and personal character. Membership is limited to ten senior women. New members are inducted in a

    "Tapping Ceremony" which is held on the "Old Stone Steps of Old West" in April. In May, each incoming Wheel and

    Chain class ceremoniously rings the bell in Denny Hall during Commencement ceremonies. Colloquially known as the

    "blue hats", members are known to the public; however, the society's activities remain secret.

    Georgetown University

    In 1903the Jesuits formed an all-male secret society called the Society of Stewards to work anonymously and in the

    shadows to ensure that the core traditions that established Georgetown as a Jesuit university are kept safe. Since then,

    the Society of Stewards has been known to tap promising student leaders in their sophomore and junior year to join

    them in order to uphold Georgetown's Catholic identity amidst American secularization. While not much is known

    about the secret society, a Georgetown student newspaper leaked details of their existence in 1988 which sparked

    outcry from students who protested that the society promoted elitism and exclusivity. In the early nineties, the Society

    of Stewards split in two over ideological reasons, one group claiming to be the "true line" of stewards, while the other

    taking up the name the "Second Society of Stewards." The original group dwindled and died out during the 1990s, but

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    leaks and exposes throughout the past decade show that the Second Society of Stewards is still very much active and at

    the forefront of the Georgetown community. At their purported meeting place in the dark cellars of Healy Hall, the

    words "Circuli Crux Non Orbis Prosunt" are grafitied in blood red along the walls. Four of the eight student body

    presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2014 election were also revealed to be Stewards, though the issue

    was not as contentious as it had been the year before.

    Georgia Institute of Technology[

    The Anak Society is the oldest known secret society and honor society at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia

    Tech) in Atlanta, Georgia. The society's name refers to Anak, a biblical figure said to be the forefather of a race of


    Although not originally founded as a secret society, Anak has kept its activities and membership rosters confidential

    since 1961. Membership is made public upon a student's graduation or a faculty member's retirement. The Anak

    Society's membership comprises at least 1,100 Georgia Tech graduates, faculty members, and honorary members.

    The society has been influential in the history of Georgia Tech. Anak played a major role in establishing several of

    Georgia Tech's most active student organizations .

    Harvard University[

    Harvard has final clubs, fraternities, sororities, and a variety of other secret or semi-secret organizations.

    Final clubs are secretive about their election procedures, and they have secret initiations and meetings. However, there

    is little secrecy about who is a member. They are larger than secret societies generally are (approximately forty students

    per club). Guests are admitted under restrictions. However the Porcellian, AD, Fox and Fly clubs are somewhat stricter

    than the others, having rules against admitting non-members to most areas of their buildings. "Punch Season" and the

    "Final Dinner" is analogous to "Tap" at Yale.

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    Final clubs at Harvard include The Porcellian Club (1791), originally called The Argonauts; The Delphic Club (1846);

    The Fly Club, (1836), a successor of Alpha Delta Phi; The Phoenix - S K Club (1897); The Owl Club, originally called

    Phi Delta Psi, (1896); The Fox Club (1898); The Spee Club; and The Oak Club (2005), a successor of Delta

    Upsilon(1890) and later The D.U. "Duck" Club (1940).

    There are also five female clubs: The Bee Club (1991), The Isis Club (2000), The Sablire Society (2002), The Pleiades

    Society (2002), and La Vie Club (2008).

    Harvard also has five fraternities, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Delta Kappa

    Epsilon, and four sororities: Delta Gamma, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Alpha Phi. These

    organizations are semi-secret in nature, have secret initiation processes and meetings but a more transparent process for

    gaining membership. All three sororities and the Sigma Chi fraternity also have rules against admitting non-members to

    many parts of their buildings.

    There are also several final clubs and fraternities which are now defunct, including Pi Eta Speakers, The D.U. "Duck"

    Club, Delta Upsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha, and The Iroquois.

    Approximately 10% of men and 5% of women are in final clubs. Approximately 7% of men and 15% of women are in

    Greek letter organizations. Additionally, an unknown number of students are in other secretive on-campus groups.

    Other secretive social groups include the Hasty Pudding Club, Harvard Lampoon, Harvard Advocate, the Signet

    Society, and The Seneca.

    Finally, Harvard Lodge is a university Masonic lodge, founded in 1922 by Harvard Law School Dean/Professor Roscoe

    Pound, members of the Harvard Square & Compass Club, and members of the Harvard Masonic Club (which

    included Theodore Roosevelt). It is the oldest academic lodge in North America, its membership is restricted to males

    with a Harvard affiliation, and it operates in the building of Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, overlooking Boston


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    Eucleian Society

    Institution: New York University, Founded: 1832, Notable Members: John Harvey Kellogg, Walter Reed, Frederic


    NYU's Eucleian Society, while exceptionally secret today, wasnt always so. The society initially served as a literary and debate group for students that often hosted lectures that were open to the public. One of the most notable

    lecturers? Edgar Allen Poe, who became such a popular guest among the group that they nicknamed themselves "The

    Raven Society" after Poes most famous poem. Now, little is known about who the members are and what they do, as the societys records have been redacted or written in a symbolic shorthand understood only by members.

    In 2009, the Eucleian Society set off beepers in classrooms across campus with the intention of disrupting class to

    deliver this message: Fellow Classmates, Truth is something you find outside of the classroom, outside of the walls of this university, and only from the professor in front of you insofar as he can serve as an experienced guide. Were not here to preach. Were here to simply say, NYU has its secrets too. This is your friendly wake-up call. Regards, The Eucleian Society

    Pennsylvania State University

    There are currently three well-known societies at the Pennsylvania State University: Parmi Nous (1907), Lion's

    Paw (1908), and Skull and Bones (1912). Penn State has seen a number of different honorary societies with varying

    levels of publicity and activity. In 1907, the first "hat" society, so-named because of such organizations' emblematic

    headwear, Druids, was formed; similar societies expanded and included dedicated groups for women

    (e.g. Chimes, Scrolls) and men (e.g. Blue Key, Androcles) based on class standing and extracurricular

    involvement. These groups were temporarily governed by a "Hat Society Council" which was made up of

    representatives from each organization from 1948 to 1958. Hat societies were involved in University life passing down

    traditions (called "freshmen customs") for first-year students, forming honour guards for football players as they went

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    on to the field, and recognizing leaders, scholars, and athletes in the Penn State community. The three remaining senior

    societies no longer operate as publicly but continue to serve the University in a variety of functions.

    Princeton University

    Princeton's eating clubs are not fraternities, nor are they secret societies by any standard measure, but they are often

    seen as being tenuously analogous.

    Additionally, Princeton has fraternities; the most visible is a chapter of St. Anthony Hall, Delta Psi. The 21 Club, an all-

    male drinking society, is also a notorious Princeton secret society. Princeton also has a long tradition of underground

    societies. While secret society membership is relatively public at some schools, Princeton's historical secret society rolls

    are very secretive. One such society is Phi (pronounced f), a society dating to 1929 when members of the Whig society splintered off after the merger of the Whig and Cliosophic debating societies. Phi's membership is secretive and

    difficult to discern, because no more than 10 active "Phis" exist at one time: Phis usually receive offers at the end of

    their 3rd year. As an adaptation to Princeton's stringent anti-society rules, each active class does not meet the preceding

    class that selected it until the 1st of June (after their first Reunions and before graduation). 1.6... is the Golden Ratio,

    hence the namePhi. Another society is the exclusively female Foxtail Society, founded in 1974 soon after Princeton

    began admitting women in 1969. The society was founded in response to the lack of eating clubs open to women. While

    admittance numbers have changed over the years, the Foxtail selects anywhere from 10 to 15 women to become

    members at the end of their junior year.

    Rutgers University

    As eighth oldest of the colleges in the United States, Rutgers University has had several secret societies on campus.

    Documented societies date as far back as 1834 with the establishment of the Poor Knights of the Order of the Bull's

    Blood (also known as "Lodge 443"), and 1872 with the establishment of the Sword and Serpent. Students associated

    with these societies were allegedly involved in the Rutgers-Princeton Cannon War in 1876. At the turn of the 20th

    century, Rutgers had developed two full sets of class year societies based on the Yale model, down to the freshman

    societies such as the Chain and Bones and Serpent and Coffin. The senior class societies at Rutgers included the

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    Brotherhood of the Golden Dagger (18981940), Casque and Dagger (1901), Order of the Red Lion (2006) and Cap and Skull (1900). Cap and Skull is no longer secret society and was dissolved in the 1960s after complaints of elitism.

    In 1982 the name was revived for university-sanctioned senior-year honour society.

    The Order of the Bulls Blood

    Notable Members: Garret A. Hobart, Louis Freeh, Milton Friedman

    Interesting Facts: The Order of the Bulls Blood is so secretive that many dont believe it actually exists. Others believe that while the society does exist, it has made up its history in order to be more like the societies of the Ivy

    League. Nevertheless, its presence is best marked through a slew of pranks, all of which have taken place on Princeton


    University of Georgia

    The University of Georgia is home to a chapter of the Order of Omega, an honour society which selects the top 3% of

    Greek Fraternity students for membership. A group unique to UGA is the men's secret society known as the Order of

    the Greek Horsemen which annually inducts five fraternity men, all leaders of the Greek Fraternity system. Likewise,

    the highest achievement a male can attain at the University is claimed by the Gridiron Secret Society. Palladia Secret

    Society was founded in the early 1960s as the highest honour a woman can attain at the University of Georgia. Palladia

    inducts approximately 12 women each fall and has an extensive network of alumni, including administrators at the

    University of Georgia and prominent female leaders across the state. One of the debate societies on campus is said to

    have a secret society associated with it. The Panhellenic sororities also have a secret society known as Trust of the

    Pearl, which inducts five accomplished sorority women each spring.

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    University of Miam

    Iron Arrow Honor Society Iron Arrow Honor Society, founded in 1926 in conjunction with the University of Miami's

    opening, is the Highest Honor Attained at the University of Miami.

    University of Michigan

    The University of Michigan Ann Arbor hosts three secret societies: Order of Angell, Phoenix, and the Vulcan Senior

    Engineering Society. Order of Angell and Phoenix were once under the umbrella group "The Tower Society", the name

    referring to their location in the top of the Michigan Union tower. Michigauma (Order of Angell) was all male while

    Adara (Phoenix) was all female.

    Order of Angell, known as "Order", is an evolved version of a previous society Michigauma. It was inspired by the

    rituals and culture of the Native Americans of the United States. Since its creation in 1902 the group is credited with

    creating Dance Marathon, one of the largest charitable events at the University of Michigan and construction of the

    Michigan Union for which it was granted permanent space in the top floors of the tower which they refer to as the

    "tomb". In 2007 the group changed its name to Order of Angell.

    Phoenix, (formerly known as Adara) holding to astrological roots, formed in the late 1970s by the women leaders on

    campus. In the early 80's they joined the tower society and occupied the 6th floor of the tower just below Michigamua.

    Phoenix, alongside Order, is now co-ed.

    Vulcan Senior Engineering Society, known as "the Vulcans", occupied the 5th floor of the Union tower though were

    not formally a part of the tower society. They draw their heritage from the Roman god Vulcan. The group which used

    to do its tapping publicly is known for its long black robes and for its financial contributions of the University of

    Michigan College of Engineering.

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    University of Missouri

    In 1895, the Alpha Theta Chapter of the Theta Nu Epsilon sophomore society was founded under the guidance of

    faculty member Luther DeFoe. DeFoe also served as a mentor to the founding members of the QEBH senior men's

    society, which was founded in 1898. Mystical Seven was founded in 1907 and has become the second most well known

    society on campus. Some have suggested that Missouri's Mystical Seven was modeled after Virginia's Seven Society,

    which had been established just a couple years earlier. Other secret societies followed, including Society of the Hidden

    Eye for junior/senior men, LSV for senior women, Thadstek for freshman/sophomore men, Tomb and Key for

    freshman/sophomore men, and Kappa Kappa whose membership composition was unknown. During this period of

    rapid expansion of secret societies, a network of sub-rosa inter-fraternity organizations also established itself on campus

    with no purpose other than socializing and mischief making. This network, known commonly as the "Greek

    Underworld" included organizations such as Seven Equals, Kappa Beta Phi, Sigma Phi Sigma, Kappa Nu Theta, and

    Sigma Alpha Beta..

    Mizzou is currently home to at least six secret honour societies that still participate in annual public Tap Day

    ceremonies at the end of each spring semester. QEBH, Mystical Seven, LSV, Alpha Xi Chapter of Omicron Delta

    Kappa, Friars Chapter of Mortar Board, and Rollins Society each use the Tap Day ceremony at the conclusion of the

    year to reveal the members who were initiated over the past year. Missouri is one of few remaining institutions in which

    the local Omicron Delta Kappa and Mortar Board chapters carry out much of their work in secrecy. The Jefferson

    Society, which attempted to take part in Tap Day and was denied, claims to have been around since 1862. In addition to

    Tap Day activities, several of the societies maintain a public presence during some athletic events. QEBH is the

    caretaker of the Victory Bell, along with Nebraska's Society of Innocents, awarded to the winner of the MissouriNebraska Rivalry football game each year. The Friars Chapter of Mortar Board exchanges a gavel with Nebraska (The

    Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board) at each MU-UNL football game. Mystical Seven and Oklahoma's Pe-et

    Society were likewise entrusted with the Peace Pipe trophy that was awarded to the winner of the biennial Missouri-

    Oklahoma football match. Omicron Delta Kappa previously served as caretaker of the Indian War Drum trophy

    awarded to the winner of the annual Border War football game between Missouri and Kansas.

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    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    The library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill contains the archives of the Order of Gimghoul, a secret

    society headquartered at the Gimghoul Castle. The order was founded in 1889 by Robert Worth Bingham, Shepard

    Bryan, William W. Davies, Edward Wray Martin, and Andrew Henry Patterson, who were students at the time.

    The society is open to male students (rising juniors and higher), and faculty members by invitation. The society centers

    itself around the legend of Peter Dromgoole, a student who mysteriously disappeared from the UNC campus in

    1833. The founders originally called themselves the Order of Dromgoole, but later changed it to the Order of Gimghoul

    to be, "in accord with midnight and graves and weirdness," according to the university's archives.

    Tradition has it that the order upheld the "Dromgoole legend and the ideals of Arthurian knighthood and chivalry."

    From all accounts, the order is social in nature, and has no clandestine agenda. Membership is closed and information

    about the order is strictly confidential, as is access to archives which are less than 50 years old.

    The Order of the Gorgon's Head, another secret society at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was founded

    in 1896 by Darius Eatman, Edward Kidder Graham, Ralph Henry Graves, Samuel Selden Lamb, Richard Henry Lewis,

    Jr., and Percy DePonceau Whitaker. Membership has always been limited to male members of the junior, senior,

    professional, and post-graduate classes along with male faculty members. Inductees may not be members of other

    societies. Officers include Princeps (chief officer), Quaestor, and Scriptor. The purpose of the Order is to promote

    friendship, good will, and social fellowship among its members. The Order of the Gorgon's Head was one of two

    "junior orders" established at the University in the 1890s. The two orders had written agreements that they would not

    attempt to recruit freshmen or sophomores. Each order had a lodge (the Gimghouls later built a castle), where members

    gathered for meetings and events. Each had secret rituals based on myths. Those of the Order of the Gorgon's Head

    centered on the myth of the Gorgons, three monstrous sisters prominent in ancient Greek and Roman lore.

    The University's library also contains the archives of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies. The Societies were

    founded in 1795 by some of the first students to attend the University, and are the oldest public school societies in the

    nation. While at first maintaining strict secrecy in their proceedings, the Societies' meetings are now generally open to

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    the public; however, the Societies reserve the right at all times to call an "Executive Session", at which point all non-

    members are escorted from the chambers. All undergraduates may attempt to join one of the two societies by

    petitioning, but only a select few are admitted, upon mutual agreement between current Society members.

    Most recently, in 2011, the Daily Tar Heel reported the first of two donations to campus entities by a secret society

    named Infinity. In 2011, the society gifted $888.88 to the Eve Carson Scholarship fund, which honors the late Student

    Body President Eve Carson. In 2012, the society gifted $888.88 to the Student Enrichment Fund, a student-created fund

    allowing students to apply for grants to attend off-campus events such as speeches, conferences or other academic or

    extracurricular opportunities. The significance of the digit '8' comes from the symbol for infinity that resembles an eight

    on its side.

    The Order of Gimghoul is headquartered in an on-campus castle rumored to be constructed on the spot of Peter

    Dromgooles disappearance in 1833. Legend has it that Dromgoole entered a duel over a girl he fancied and lost, his blood forever staining a rock that now resides next to the castles entrance. Originally called the Order of Dromgoole, the name was changed to Gimghoul because it sounded creepier and more sinister. The society operates around the

    legendary values of chivalry and Arthurian life. To this day, little is known about who the members are, how they are

    chosen, and what they actually do.

    The Chris Gethard Show, a public access show out of New York, made several allegations against the members of the

    Order of Gimghoul regarding rape in recent years. The show even went as far as going to the campus to demand that

    someone speak to them. However, all of these allegations have remained unfounded.

    University of Pennsylvania

    At UPenn, secret societies are smaller than their Greek counterparts, and tend to vary in degree of secrecy.[63][64]


    are three senior honorary societies. The Sphinx Senior Society and the Friars Senior Society were both founded at the

    turn of the 20th century, while The Mortar Board Senior Society was founded in 1922. None of these societies was

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    intended to be secret, in that their undergraduate and alumni membership were and continue to be publicly known, they

    share many of the characteristics of undergraduate secret societies of the time; they tap a diverse group of campus

    leaders to become members during their senior year, organize social and service activities throughout the year, and

    maintain an extensive network of successful and notable alumni. Alumni of Friars, for example, include Harold Ford

    Jr. and Ed Rendell; the Sphinx alumni roster boastsRichard A. Clarke and John Legend. In addition, there are several

    other groups called "secret societies". These groups generally denote a social club that is independent of any official

    organization. For this reason, the society is not regulated by the university and is not accountable to a national


    University of Southern California

    The University of Southern California is home to the Skull and Dagger Society. Founded in 1913, Skull and Dagger is

    USCs oldest honour society. The Society inducts Trojans who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership on campus or who have brought fame and notoriety to the University. In the early 20th century, the Society published its members

    names and accomplishments, however in recent years has kept its members' identities secret. Members often include

    student body presidents, Daily Trojan editors in chief, All-American athletes, football team captains and inter-fraternity

    council presidents. Little is known about the rituals and practices of the society aside from once a year when the society

    pranks the school, drops a banner from the Student Union Building, and runs through campus wearing odd hats and

    tailcoats. Recently, the society has been criticized for its annual prank practice with opponents stating the pranks

    damage the trustworthiness and credibility of respected campus services. Although originally an all-male society, Skull and Dagger now admits women. Skull and Dagger has been known to make gifts to the University. In 1994, the

    Society donated "The Wall of Scholars" to honor students who have won national and international fellowships, as well

    as recipients of USC awards. In 2011, the Society embarked to restore the University's class marker tradition and has

    been donating class markers ever since. Skull and Dagger has additionally endowed two scholarships, which are

    awarded annually to students "who have demonstrated significant campus and/or community leadership."

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    University of Virginia

    Secret societies have been a part of University of Virginia student life since the founding of the Eli Banana society in

    1878. Early secret societies, such as Eli Banana and T.I.L.K.A., had secret initiations but public membership; some,

    such as the Hot Feet, now the IMP Society, were very public, incurring the wrath of the administration for public revels.

    The first truly "secret society" was the Seven Society, founded circa 1905. Two decades before, there had been a

    chapter of the Mystical 7 society at Virginia, which may have been an inspiration. Nothing is known about the Seven

    Society except for their philanthropy to the University; members are revealed at their death. A few other societies that

    flourished around the turn of the 20th century, such as the Z Society (formerly Zeta), who were founded in 1892, the

    IMP Society, reformulated in 1913 after the Hot Feet were banned in 1908, and Eli Banana, are still active at the

    University today. The Thirteen Society was founded February 13, 1889. After an unknown period of inactivity they

    reemerged in 2004. Currently The Thirteen Society operates as a mainly honorary society for those who demonstrate

    "unselfish service to the University and excellence in their respective fields of activity".

    New societies have periodically appeared at the University during the 20th century. The most notable are

    the P.U.M.P.K.I.N. Society, a secret group that rewards contributions to the University and which was founded prior to

    1970; and the Society of the Purple Shadows, founded 1963, who are only seen in public in purple robes and hoods and

    who seek to "safeguard vigilantly the University traditions". The A.N.G.E.L.S. Society started sometime in the late

    1900s is known to place white roses and letters on doors of those mourning, needing encouragement, or showing "kind

    behavior" to others. They are known to promote a stronger community of kindness throughout the University,

    completing many acts of service for students and faculty. Many of the secret societies listed contribute to the University

    either financially or through awards or some other form of recognition of excellence at the University.

    Washington and Lee University

    Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia is known for two secret societies, the Sigma Society and

    the Cadaver Society.

    Founded in 1880, the Sigma Society is one of Washington and Lee's "oldest, continuous social organizations." While

    membership information is not necessarily anonymous, the group's purpose and inner workings remain a secret. The

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    group has long had a connection to President George Washington, though the extent of that relationship is unknown to

    the public at large. Similarly, the acronym P.A.M.O.L.A. R.Y.E. - which can be seen inscribed on buildings and in

    classrooms throughout the Lexington area - also bears an unknown significance to the group. The group has largely

    gone underground since undergoing a public spat with the University in 1994 when University officials paid the Sigmas

    $15,000 after it tore down the Sigma cabin. As noted by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Associate Justice to the

    Supreme Court Lewis Powell, Jr. is one of the group's most prominent members.

    The membership and organizational structure of the Cadaver Society are largely unknown. Cadaver has been in

    continuous operation since its founding in 1957. The Cadavers have a bridge that bears their name, connecting the main

    campus to Wilson Field, as well as their symbol in many prominent places throughout the campus. The society has been

    criticized for their secrecy

    The Cadaver Society is thought to be comprised of mostly pre-med students, but no one really knows since membership is still

    successfully kept in the dark. Meetings only occur after dark, with members dressed in black capes with hoods to conceal their

    faces. The meeting place is unknown, but it has been speculated that there is a system of underground passageways used by the

    members to keep themselves invisible from the rest of campus. Many theories exist regarding the entrances to these

    passageways, including suspicious doors that are always locked in the science building's basement, manhole covers, and a small

    door in the wall of the Leyburn Library. Its symbol a skull inside of a C can be seen across campus and is most often left at

    the scene of various pranks.

    Yale University

    The term "secret society" at Yale University encompasses organizations with many shared but not identical

    characteristics. The oldest surviving undergraduate secret societies at Yale parallel various 19th-century fraternal


    In the traditional Yale system societies were organized by class year. There were two, (then three), senior societies,

    three junior societies, two sophomore societies, and two freshman societies. All the societies were independent, all had

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    their own traditions, and each class-year pair or trio shared common traits appropriate to their class year; the freshmen

    societies were rambunctious and owned little real property, the sophomore and junior ones were progressively more

    elaborate, (the sophomore ones regularly maintained live theatre in their halls), and the senior ones were extremely

    small and elite, and with quite expensive property and celebrations.

    Each of the societies had a link to a society in the class year before it and after it; that is, members of one freshman

    society would all get elected to the same sophomore society year after year, and so on, so that there were two or three

    parallel sets of linked societies. From time to time, there would be a coup, and one society would break the pattern,

    forcing the other societies to likewise change election strategies, or cause the creation of a new society. Delta Kappa

    Epsilon, a junior society, was created in reaction to a botched election process to the junior class societies in 1844.

    This process held from the 1840s to the 1910s. This system kept Yale out of the more typical intercollegiate college

    fraternity system, although some regular college fraternities were created out of the Yale system. Yale-type class

    societies also extended across northeastern colleges.

    This system has not survived the introduction of regular fraternities and other changes. The senior class societies

    continue to prosper today without any of the lower class societies. A similar system was introduced at Wesleyan

    University in nearby Middletown, Connecticut, but with a pair of societies in each class year and dual memberships

    between class societies and college fraternities, so that most class society members were also fraternity members. The

    older societies survived because of their endowments, real estate, and the vigor of their respective alumni organizations

    and their charitable Trusts.

    In the past century, the size of Yale has allowed for a wider variety of student societies, including regular college

    fraternity chapters, and other models, so that it can be difficult to categorize the organizations. And there are societies

    like Sage and Chalice and St. Anthony Hall which cross ordinary categories.

    There are typical attributes of the Yale societies. They are often restricted by class year, especially the senior class.

    They usually have fifteen members per class year. They "tap" their members, mostly on the same "Tap Night," and a

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    member is off-limits to recruitment by another secret society, (i.e. reciprocal exclusivity) The normal pattern now is that

    a group of secret societies places an advertisement in the Yale Daily News in early spring that informs students when

    Tap Night is taking place and when students should expect to receive formal offers (usually 1 week before official Tap

    Night). Tap Night is typically held on a Thursday in mid April; the most recently held Tap Night was April 10, 2014.

    From 1854-1956, "'Sheff'," the Sheffield Scientific School was the sciences and engineering college of Yale University,

    and it also had a fraternal culture that differed in some respects from the humanities campus.

    Many societies have owned meeting halls, with different accommodations. Following the example of Skull & Bones,

    the halls are often referred to as 'tombs'. A series of articles on Dartmouth and Yale secret society architecture provides

    an overview of the buildings. Societies that own tombs or halls are sometimes known as 'landed' societies. The three

    oldest landed societies are Skull and Bones (1832),Scroll and Key, (1841) and Wolf's Head, (1883). The surviving

    landed Sheffield societies are Berzelius (1848) and Book and Snake (1863),St. Elmo (1889), and the Aurelian Honor

    Society (1910). St. Anthony Hall (1867) calls itself a "final society". Three newer societies that own property

    include Elihu (1903) whose building is the oldest of the senior society buildings at Yale Manuscript Society (1952), and Mace and Chain (1956). Yale's Buildings and Grounds Department lists the societies with halls in its online

    architectural database.

    There may be any number of unknown or underground secret societies at Yale. Any group of students may self-

    constitute themselves as a society at any time. Certainly there have been many which did not last long enough to leave

    any significant records. Indeed, the Yale Rumpushas in recent years published names of students it believes are in

    various secret societies. According to the Rumpus, numerous other societies (such as Cup and Crown, Phoenix ("Cage

    and Feather"), Nathan Hale, WIPS, L&C, Looking Glass, Spade and Grave, Boar and Rampant, Ox, ISO, Truth and

    Courage, Linonia, Llama and Cardigan, Red Mask, Crab and Bell, Ceres Athena, Gryphon, Fork and Knife, Ink and

    Needle, etc.) are either active or have been active recently. They typically meet in off campus apartments, fraternity

    common rooms, classrooms, and other available spaces. Some groups have enough resources to rent a permanent

    meeting space. Given the extracurricular zeal and competition for society spots evident in the Yale student body

    culture, a definitive list of secret societies that exist on the campus (or on any campus) can change year by year.

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    Rounding out Yales big three along with Scroll and Key, Wolfs Head was created by a number of junior males from Skull and Bones or the aforementioned. Wolfs Head was the last all-male society at Yale, finally tapping women in 1992. The society's tomb, dubbed "The Hall," is the largest of the university's secret societies.

    Jessica Albas husband, Cash Warren, is an alumnus of Wolfs Head and, he once brought the starlet to a meeting. Pictures from Albas visit were leaked, disclosing the members and giving the public a glimpse of The Hall.


    Ordo Templi Orientis Ordo Templi Orientis is a mystic organization that was started in the early twentieth century. The group was established

    along the same lines as the less secretive Freemasons, and supposedly relies on ritual and occult practices as a means

    for members to move from one level of prestige to another within the organization. The general philosophy of the group

    was a belief in new age esoteric principles and practices as a method of realizing ones true identity. Famed occultist and all-around eccentric Aleister Crowley composed much of the groups lore, including a manifesto called the Mysteria Mystica Maxima, and he later became its head. After his death, the influence and popularity of Ordo Templi

    Orientis began to wane, but it still exists today and has various chapters scattered across the world, chiefly in the United

    States, the U.K., and other parts of Europe.

    As Aleister Crowleys popularity as a new age figure has continued to grow, more and more of the teachings of the Ordo Templi Orientis have come to light. As such, the group makes much less of an attempt to be secretive today than

    it did in the past. This doesnt mean that they dont still have some bizarre practices. Chief among these is the groups fixation on the sexual, especially their teachings on the adoration of the phallus and the magic of masturbation.

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    The Bilderberg Group No members, but attendees have included Ben Bernanke, the royal families of Spain and the Netherlands, World Bank

    officials, and representatives from major corporations

    The Bilderberg Group is not a secret society per se, but it does operate under a similar veil of mystery. The group was

    started in 1954, and since then it has convened every year as an exclusive, invitation-only conference of various world

    leaders, captains of industry, and media moguls.

    No press is allowed in the conference and no significant details concerning the topics discussed are ever officially

    released to the public. Secrecy, along with the intense security of the meeting sites, which often feature armed guards,

    police, and even fighter jets patrolling the skies overhead are some noticeable features . The most popular is that the

    group tries to steer the direction of public policy, financial markets, and media in certain prescribed directions of their

    choosing, perhaps even with the goal of forming one world government.

    Hashshashin The Order of Assassins The Hashshashin, or Nizari, were a mysterious band of Muslim assassins that operated in the Middle East during the

    13th century. The group was made up of Shia Muslims who broke off from a bigger sect and banded together in order

    to establish a utopian Shiite state. Because their number was small, the group used guerilla tactics in their battle against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage, and, most famously, political assassination. The Hashshashin would plant

    highly trained moles inside enemy strongholds, with instructions to only attack when the time was right. They were

    known for their extreme discretion in minimizing civilian casualties, as well as their penchant for using stealth to

    intimidate their targets.

    Around the time of their downfall, the library that contained all Nizari records was destroyed, so much of what is

    known about them today has taken on the status of myth. The most controversial legend centers of the groups use of

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    drugs and other intoxicants Hashshashin translates roughly as Hashish userwhich some have said were employed by the members in battle. This has been widely discredited, but the term Hashshashin as it refers to the Nizari is believed to be the origin of the modern word assassin.

    The Black Hand The Black Hand was a secret society of anti-imperialist political revolutionaries that was started in Serbia in 1912. It

    formed as an offshoot from Narodna Adbrona, a group that sought to unite all of the Slavic people of Europe under one

    country. This required the separation of Serbia from the monarchy of Austria-Hungary, which had annexed the country

    some years before.

    Black Hand would be all but forgotten today if not for their unlikely involvement in one of the biggest events of the

    twentieth century. In 1914, the group engineered the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The job

    was badly botched, and was only completed when a low-level hood named Gavrilo Princip stumbled upon the

    Archdukes car and shot him to death at close range. Still, the results of the assassination were catastrophic. Within days, Austria-Hungary had declared war on Serbia, and after the allies of both countries joined the fray, the small

    dispute managed to escalate into WWI. The aftermath of WWI eventually led to WWII, and this led to the Cold War,

    which makes the Black Hand one of the most strangely influential forces of the twentieth century.

    The Boule' Sigma Pi Phi

    Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was

    before the 1st black "college" frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated which was founded December 4, 1906. The

    Boule' is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull &

    Bones. The Boule's primary founder was Dr. Henry Minton (along with Dr.'s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence

    Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick), of Philadelphia.

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    DuBois emphasized, as Cokely stated,


    "the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afrocentric organization that articulated

    and captured the black professional would give YT no safe haven in the black community, so the Boule' the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white

    systemas produced by YT having stolen this land...This is post reconstruction. Taking away the articulate negro, now

    desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self improvement. So we find in the same

    period, as the founding of the Boule', the founding of the 4 black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi

    Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and 4 black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma

    Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororities...We also find the founding of the NAACP and Urban League."

    The name Boule' is a greek term, meaning "advisor's to the king". The question is, who's the king?! The king that they

    advise, or protect, are the white secret societies responsible for white supremacy: the first white greek fraternity, Phi

    Beta Kappa, the Illuminati, Rhodes/Rothschild secret society, Skull & Bones, the Masons, the Round Table Group, The

    New World Order, One World Government, the Carnegie, Mellon, Rhodes, Milner's Kindergarten, The Rhodes Crown,

    Times Crown, All Souls Group, Clevedine Sect, and numerous other wealthy family organizations (all are simply alias'

    and go by many names, but consist of same members and ideology). These white beasts have raped, murdered &

    colonized our people for hundreds of years and their children continue the genocide against people of color around the


    The Knights of the Golden Circle

    Famous Members ------ John Wilkes Booth, Jesse James , Franklin Pierce

    The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society that flourished in the U.S. during the American Civil War. In the

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    beginning, the group sought to encourage the annexation of Mexico and the West Indies, which they believed would

    help the waning slave trade to once again flourish. But once the Civil War started, the group switched its focus from

    colonialism to fervent support of the newly established Confederate government. The Knights soon had thousands of

    followers, many of whom formed guerilla armies and began raiding Union strongholds in the West. In the Northern

    states, the mysterious order had an even bigger impact. Many newspapers and public figures engaged in witch-hunts

    where they accused supposed Southern sympathizers, including President Franklin Pierce, of being members of the

    Knights of the Golden Circle.

    Unlike most secret societies, the Golden Circle didnt just concern itself with clandestine meetings and mysterious plans. Instead, the group often formed renegade armies and bands of bushwhackers in order to forward their agenda by

    force. In 1860, a group of the Knights made a failed attempt to invade Mexico. During the war, they robbed

    stagecoaches and attempted a blockade of the harbor in San Francisco, and a group of them even managed to briefly

    take control of southern New Mexico.


    Although they are less influential and secretive today than they once were, the Freemasons remain one of the most

    famous fraternal organizations in the world, with a membership somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 million. The

    group was officially founded in 1717, but documents relating to its existence date back