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Page 1: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Who is this kid with a Kippah?



Page 2: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -


OROVILLE WA 98844Dr. Stan Chester

Parsha: Tazria

Understanding Yitzkor - Remembrance


Page 3: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

27 Adar II, 5771 1 April 2011

Tazria - Seed

PARSHA: Leviticus 12:1 to 13:59


Torah Portion: Leviticus 12:2-3

Torah: Leviticus 26:45

Torah: Genesis 25:23

Breit Hadasha: Luke 22:19


Page 4: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

Leviticus 12:2-3"Speak to the children of Israel,

saying: 'If a woman has conceived, and borne a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of her customary impurity she shall be unclean.

And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.”



Page 5: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

I. Tazria (taz-ree-ah) means ‘seed’ in Hebrew

A. This is in the sense of bearing a child; progeny

B. Every child is a ‘seed’

C. THE Seed = Messiah5

Page 6: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

D. THE “seed of the woman”, Messiah, was promised back in Genesis

Genesis 3:15“And I will put enmity between

you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."



Page 7: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

E. GOD made this Covenant promise to all the human race

1. HE remembers His Covenants, and HE expects us to remember His Covenants.

2. Dozens and dozens of times in the Bible we are urged by GOD to remember His Words, HIS acts and HIS Covenants.


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Parsha Tazria

Leviticus 26:45But for their sake I will remember

the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Lord.'"



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Parsha Tazria

II. From the very beginning of the nation of Israel, “Remembrance” has been a key element of the Jewish culture

A. Yizkor – to remember – memorial

1. In Yiddish = Yahrzeit (one year)

B. When a Jewish person dies, the mourners have a special ‘Meal of Consolation’


Page 10: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

C. This meal, to this day as from ancient times, includes eating Red Lentil soup

1. Each year, on the anniversary of the death (yahrzeit), once again a special meal is eaten which includes Red Lentils

2. This custom and the understanding of it, brings more light to certain events written of in the Bible.


Page 11: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

Genesis 25:30And Esau said to Jacob, "Let me

eat some of that red pottage, for I am famished!" (Therefore his name was called Edom.) RSV

3. The word ‘pottage’ is NOT in the Hebrew Torah – the word “Red” is repeated: i.e. “let me eat some red red…” = Adom Adom is red lentils


Page 12: Who is this kid with a Kippah? Jacob 1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844 Dr. Stan Chester Parsha: Tazria Understanding Yitzkor -

Parsha Tazria

4. What was happening here was that Jacob was preparing the “Consolation Meal” on the yearly anniversary of Father Abraham’s death

5. The one acting as the spiritual leader for the family was to fast and prepare this meal for the mourning family members.


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Parsha Tazria

6. Isaac had been leading this solemn mean for years – now he was too old and feeble

7. As the eldest son, Esau SHOULD have been preparing this meal and fasting

8. But, what was he doing? He was out deer hunting!

9. This son of the very wealthy Isaac, could care less about spiritual things


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Parsha Tazria

10. No, he was out hunting deer.

11. He had missed breakfast, since he left early to hunt, so he was famished – NOT at the point of death – missing one meal from the bountiful table of Isaac will not lead to immediate starvation


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Parsha Tazria

12. When he asked for some of the Red Lentil soup – Jacob reminded him of his spiritual obligation to fast on this memorial day of Abraham’s death – by saying: do you want to sell me your spiritual birthright for this pot of red lentils?

13. Esau said: There is no monetary value in a spiritual birthright – you can have it for this pot of Red Lentils!


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Parsha Tazria

14. Esau did NOT give up his physical inheritance – he still got a double portion of Isaac’s goods as the firstborn son when Isaac died.


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Parsha Tazria

III. The promise of THE SEED in Genesis went down to Noah

A. From Noah to Shem, and then on down to Abraham

B. Abraham had 10 sons – the eldest Ishmael did NOT inherit the birthright of Messiah, it went to Isaac, the second son.


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Parsha Tazria

C. Isaac had two sons; Esau and Jacob

D. Esau the eldest did not a heart for GOD and spiritual matters

E. GOD knew this and chose Jacob, the second born, even before the twins left the womb.


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Parsha Tazria

Genesis 25:23And the Lord said to her, "Two

nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger."



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Parsha Tazria

F. So, Esau sold the right to have Messiah born through his line for a bowl of Red Lentils.

G. So this Red Lentil memorial meal means even more to us Jews.


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Parsha Tazria

H. Rashi commentary on Genesis 25:30

1. Rashi was born in 1240 AD – over 900 years ago


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Parsha Tazria

J. For centuries we have celebrated the anniversary of the death of loved ones and of special people that have impacted our people for good.

K. The memorial meal for the mourners was well known and well celebrated in the time of Messiah Yeshua


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Parsha Tazria

L. Keeping that in mind, reread what Messiah said at the Last Passover meal He was to have with His Talmudim (disciples).


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Parsha Tazria

Luke 22:19Also, taking a piece of matzah, he

made the b’rakhah, broke it, gave it to them and said, “This is my body, which is being given for you; do this in memory of me.”


A. Do this as Yizkor – make Pesach a memorial meal for ME!


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Parsha Tazria

IV. The Last Passover Supper

Matthew 26:18-1918 “Go into the city, to so-and-so,” he replied, “and tell

him that the Rabbi says, ‘My time is near, my talmidim and I are celebrating Pesach at your house.’”

19 The talmidim did as Yeshua directed and prepared the Seder.



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Parsha Tazria

A. It was NOT just the last supper Yeshua would have with His Talmidim before His assertion to heaven – it was a Last Passover Supper!


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Parsha Tazria

1 Corinthians 11:24-2524 And when he had given thanks, he brake

it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.


B. Yizkor – a remembrance meal – Messiah was about to die – on the Cross!


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Parsha Tazria

C. IT was a Passover Seder

1. The bread was Matzah – unleavened bread – not dinning room bread

2. The wine was special filtered Passover wine – not dining room wine


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Parsha Tazria

D. Once more we deal with poor translation work

1 Corinthians 11:25In the same manner He also took the

cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."



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Parsha Tazria

1. The Bible does NOT say: drink this 3rd cup – (the cup following the meal part of the Passover Seder) often

2. It says: whenever you drink the 3rd. Cup of Passover – do it in remembrance of My shed blood.

3. In other words – at Yahrzeit – the yearly anniversary of My death!


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Parsha Tazria

4. The Prophetic fulfillment of Passover –Pesach – was the death of Messiah Yeshua – THE Lamb of GOD

5. THE SEED of the woman that would crush the head of Satan

6. Our Jewish people faithfully celebrate this Feast – have done so for 3,500 years


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Parsha Tazria

7. It takes place ONCE a year – not daily; not once a week; not once a month; not once a quarter

8. The Step-fathers of the Church changed times, names and dates from the GOD given times (yearly); GOD given date -14th of the first month; GOD given name - Feast of unleavened Bread – a week long feast.