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The Future of Leadership: 10 Principles for Global Success

Laura L. Brown, Founder

World Ambassadors

March 2015

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1 The Future of Leadership: 10 Principles for Global Success

March 2015

Copyright © 2015 World Ambassadors

The Future of Leadership: 10 Principles for Global Success

The modern workplace is complex. Managers are demanding that workers be fast and agile,

and at the same time manage paradox, leverage networks, interact

peer-to-peer, and innovate on the fly. Often, workers also need to

navigate difficult cultural terrain, as businesses accelerate global

expansion. No wonder workers feel overwhelmed.

What does it take to lead in this environment? What are the tools

and resources that workers need to be successful? Nothing short

of a need breed of worker is needed to provide the level of

leadership and service required in a highly complex world.

The Need for a New Form of Global Leadership

What's missing in leadership today is an approach that taps into

new resources that are constructive and sustainable. To meet these challenges, we first need to

make a radical shift into a new mode of interaction and communication. This new mode of

communication represents an evolutionary leap in which we move from knowledge to


As a global community, we are all moving through a communication continuum. This

continuum begins with data and information. It evolves to knowledge and wisdom. From

there, the continuum shifts to understanding and compassion.

Currently, we are entering the stage of evolution where we are shifting from knowledge

to wisdom as a primary mode of communication. Many of us are asking: How can I

bring more meaning into my communication? How can I get more out of my

interactions? How can my relationships with my customers and suppliers be more

productive and profitable?

Global Leaders Support the Evolution to Wisdom

As the communication evolution moves from knowledge to wisdom, new types of workers are

needed to help facilitate the shift. These workers understand that everyone has the capacity to

be a leader. They view leadership as an interdependent process through which there are

opportunities to create and distribute value between and among groups of people.

These workers of the future know how to tap into both their analytical skills and their intuitive

capacities to communicate clearly, quickly, and with deep insight in an agile business


Workers who come from a perspective of wisdom understand that nourishing our values, our

communication, and our sense of community regenerates our core. This core is the well from

which flows all productivity and creativity in the workplace. This core is the source of

abundance, profit, and true purpose for all organizations.

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March 2015

Copyright © 2015 World Ambassadors

Shifting the Leadership Focus from Knowledge to Wisdom Most recently, we have been living in an age of information and knowledge. We have a wealth

of information available at our fingertips. We can apply that information to the intellectual

activity that generates knowledge work. Moving forward, we need to begin to evolve to a

deeper level of knowing, which is wisdom. Wisdom:

• goes beyond direct experience to gain deeper insight into situations and events

• is a foundational point from which we can develop understanding and compassion

• is something each of us is capable of tapping into within ourselves, and

• is easy to access as we learn to focus on it and practice using it in our daily lives.

The Communication Continuum Data are facts used for measurements, statistics, and reasoning on calculation. Information is a collection of data and facts that are usually shared with others. Knowledge comes through familiarity, experience, or direct association. Wisdom is insight, sound judgment, good sense, and a deeper knowing. Understanding is a comprehensive perspective that leads to tolerance and completeness. Compassion is a sympathetic consciousness toward others. It is an acknowledgement of our interdependence.

Getting to Wisdom: Leading as a Global Leader Getting to a place of wisdom requires that we tap into the intelligences found in our right-brain

and left-brain. Using both sides of our brain, in tandem, helps us to approach traditional

problems from a radically new perspective. As a result, we begin to re-define business

practices, decision- making techniques, and work processes at a core level. What arises is a

new style of leadership that maximizes performance from the inside out, versus the top down.

This new style of leadership accesses leaders' ability to inspire people, build agile teams, and

cultivate loyal relationships. This new style of leadership helps prepare leaders to be in

relationship with people and business in a way that is more inclusive, interdependent, and


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Copyright © 2015 World Ambassadors

The chart below describes this new style of leadership. Note how the new form of leadership

moves through traditional styles, transforming certain aspects of the traditional and then

shifting people to a more sustainable source of empowerment.

Old Forms of Leadership and the New Global Leadership

Traditional Leadership Global Leadership

Relies on fear, dominance, and exclusion. Taps into a new mind-set that is dynamic, positive, potent, and abundant.

Views authority as coming from an external source that is absolute.

Allows individuals to tap into a resourcefulness of their own inner authority, which then manifests as external reality.

Relies on analysis, logic, and impatience. Integrates analysis, logic, and assertiveness with intuition, creativity, and receptivity.

Sees trust as a win/lose proposition. It is totally withheld or totally extended.

Bases trust on an inner dedication to discovering our individual sources of genius.

Imposes structure on situations to achieve results. This form of structure remains rigid, static, and blocks continuous creative expression.

Allows structure to arise from our inner source of wisdom. This form of structure allows us to flexibly and easily arrange our lives into patterns of organization moment by moment.

Communicates via Level 1 channel. Level 1 means “to make common for greater understanding.”

Communicates via Level 1 and Level 2 channels. Level 2 allows us to open more fully to each other.

Views conflict as a win/lose proposition. Views conflict as a creative opportunity. Embraces the unity and diversity of conflict and simply allows new options to emerge.

Wages war against others. Demands that people confront the wars inside themselves.

Forces people to conform to predetermined standards.

Encourages true harmony by requiring individuals to express their uniqueness within groups. Does not impose a single form or structure.

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March 2015

Copyright © 2015 World Ambassadors

Overview: 10 Principles of the Global Leader

How do we begin to practice being a leader of the future? What are the tools and techniques we

can use to effectively lead a complex global organization? World Ambassadors suggests that

there are 10 foundational principles from which a Global Leader operates.

As people begin to practice these principles, we encourage you to question them, debate them

vigorously with others, and refine your understanding of them. It is through such critique that we

can all grow in our relationship to the principles. It is through such thoughtfulness and testing

that we discover the qualities of leadership that truly endure through the ages.

Reading about the model will give you a good intellectual foundation for using it. However, our

experience has shown that ultimately it is your commitment and dedication to using the model

and its principles consistently in your life that will provide you with the most benefit. The

experiences you have as you practice the principles will give you the deepest and most lasting

benefits. Ultimately, you are responsible for your success in using the principles.

The principles of the Global Leader do not have to be followed or developed in a linear way.

You can start with any principle that you feel is right for you at this time. You can study that

principle, use it in your life, and refine it. You can work on several principles at a time. You can

work on the principles sequentially. It does not matter. The principle or principles you feel most

drawn to will be the right ones for you to begin to use. Trust yourself in making this choice.

Ultimately, a master of Global Leadership will demonstrate peak performance in all of these

principles. However, mastery is not a competition. We each can reach mastery in our own time

and at our own pacing. Again, the experiences you have as you use each principle are the most

important to your growth.

Principle 1: The Power of Intention Principle 1: 1 and everyone has the ability to become a Global Leader simply by declaring to

be one, and then acting from that place of being. Principle 1 focuses the power of intention to

help us create what we have requested. Intention is a “super-goal” that harnesses the energy of

your thoughts, emotions, and core values to help you create your reality. Intending to become a

Global Leader is the first step in making the shift to being a Global Leader. By simply declaring,

“I am a Global Leader,” you have empowered yourself toward a new model of growth and self-


Principle 2: The Genius Mind Principle 2: 1 honor the spirit in all people—their gifts, skills, and energy. Principle 2 taps into

the power of the genius that resides within each individual. Each one of us has unique gifts and

energies that can be developed and expressed. We tap into our genius mind when we learn to

integrate both our right-brain and left-brain functioning. As a result, a new form of creativity

flows through each of us. By honoring the uniqueness in each individual, we open new gifts and

skills to help with a particular situation.

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Principle 3: Dynamic Flow Principle 3: 1 understand that leadership is an equal giving and receiving proposition. Principle 3

helps us learn to balance our relationships to others. By understanding that leadership is an equal

exchange that is constantly evolving through a dynamic flow, we remove barriers that make us

interact in fearful ways. In a balanced partnership, we can create something more with others than

we could create on our own.

Principle 4: Leading through Interaction

Principle 4: Leadership results from the interaction within

a relationship where the gifts, skills, and energies of all

people are honored, appreciated, and used. Principle 4 asks

us to lead through the process of interaction itself. By

opening to a mind-set of abundance and excellence— a state

in which our right-brains and left-brains are fully engaged—

leadership emerges through our interactions with others.

Principle 4 asks us to let go of our egos, our agendas, and our

left-brained plans and tap everyone's gifts and skills to co-

create a new reality in the moment.

The first four principles lay a foundation for understanding the

new form of Global Leadership. Principles 5, 6, and 7 help us

focus the foundational principles on three specific aspects that

are central to the way a Global Leader works.

These three areas are: dialogue, conflict, and partnership.

This dynamic way of interaction invokes the type of

leadership that allows everyone to participate in a more equal way. This potent way of interacting

frees the energy inherent in all people to create a larger whole than can be expressed from forms

of leadership that seek to dominate individuals or groups.

Principle 5: The Power of Dialogue Principle 5: 1 assume a leadership role by helping individuals cultivate their uniqueness

through dialogue so that the individual and the organization benefit. Principle 5 asks that we

learn to cultivate dialogue in our interactions. Dialogue goes deeper than discussion. Dialogue

demands that we explore the seen and the hidden within ourselves and individuals. Dialogue asks

us to reach for our excellence and the excellence of others. Through dialogue, we balance the

energies of two people, or groups of people, to include more options to complex situations. When

we help people cultivate people's uniqueness through dialogue, the individual and the

organization benefit.

Principle 6: Transforming Conflict Principle 6: 1 know that the overall success of any project requires an agreement of the stated

goals and objectives by all people involved. I see conflict simply as an expression of a larger

option wanting to emerge. Principle 6 seeks a new understanding about how to transform

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conflict into a more meaningful and creative evolution. Through conflict, we grow. Through

conflict, we surface the many different approaches to an issue. Through conflict, we learn that we

can be united in our intentions, and yet have very different ways to achieve the intention. Conflict

honors the unity and diversity of all people. Conflict is, simply, an indicator. It is an indicator that

a larger option wants to emerge.

Principle 7: The Power of Partnership

Principle 7: 1 understand that in true partnership, our individual and unique spirits matter.

Principle 7 frees us to explore new ways to create true partnerships. Partnership asks us to honor

both our individual excellence and the excellence in others. Partnership implies a totally equal

exchange. Both the giving and the receiving act in a dynamic balance. By cultivating dialogue

and transforming conflict, we create a more powerful partnership that releases new energy to

create new options to complex issues. This form of partnership frees up energy so that new

options are created easily and effortlessly. Each partner is engaged with all aspects of their Whole

Being. When this occurs, the least effort will yield the greatest impact.

The three remaining principles of Global Leadership help us to apply the first 7 principles in a

way that propels us to peak performance. Principles 8, 9, and 10 explore the qualities of

excellence, the dynamic process of spontaneous development, and the power of personal


Principle 8: The Qualities of Excellence Principle 8: 1 support the highest in myself and others. I am concerned with those qualities of

the human spirit such as: love, compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, contentment, and

a sense of personal responsibility and harmony. Principle 8 explores ways that we can

champion the qualities of our individual genius. Creating excellence in ourselves and others

means opening to the qualities that sustain us as humans. These qualities include compassion,

patience, tolerance, and forgiveness. When we extend these qualities to ourselves and others, we

begin to more deeply explore who we are and what we can achieve. From this position of

strength, we can live and work with more purpose and commitment.

Principle 9: Spontaneous Development Principle 9: I am willing to be responsible for maintaining faith, hope, and a spirit of co-

operation. Principle 9 helps us to learn to co-create our business success. When we co-operate,

we create together. We operate using all aspects of our selves: body, mind, emotions, and core

values. We begin to understand that hope and faith that the right outcomes will emerge sustain us

through those periods when we face uncertainty. Co-operation and co-creation allow us to

maintain a core level of constancy as life changes around us.

Principle 10: Personal Responsibility Principle 10: I take personal responsibility for making a positive difference in all of my

interactions. Principle 10 tells us that, ultimately, we master leadership through personal

responsibility. When we truly understand and experience that we alone create our realities, we

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begin to take total responsibility for our lives. Each and every moment of our lives is

orchestrated by our most excellent selves to evolve and grow. When we allow this process to

unfold, we open to our true purpose in life. When we open to the larger forces at work in our

lives, we come to know that everything happens for a reason. Our job is to uncover our deepest

needs to clarify how our realities are helping us to evolve and grow. When we take total

responsibility for every moment of our lives, we know that we have the power to generate what

we need, store what we have, and release what no longer serves us. When we apply these

capacities toward our interactions, we begin to make a positive difference in our lives and the

lives of everyone around the world.

Are You and Your Organization Ready to Become Global Leaders?

People and organizations who are ready to model the new form of Global Leadership demonstrate

a number of characteristics. Some of these characteristics are detailed below. Global Leaders:

focus on innovation and early adoption of new concepts

strive for excellence in products, services, and people

believe that current forms of leadership aren't working and want to embrace more sustainable

forms of leadership

are ready to tap into new sources of empowerment—based on a new mindset—and the

abundance that flows form these sources

believe that most people use only a portion of their whole selves, and want to discover

perspectives that integrate right-brain and left-brain intelligences

want people to discover their own wisdom, genius, and sense of personal responsibility to

increase productivity, employee participation, and profitability within organizations

are committed to opening to deeper levels of communication, to redefining conflict, and to

creating more powerful partnerships for business success

are ready to shift to a new sense of timing, a new source of profitability, and new uses of

cultural intelligence in a global workplace

foster a work environment that is light-hearted and fun, and

have the resources necessary to support full success of a new leadership model

The Global Leader model, and the 10 principles upon which the model is built, creates

tremendous opportunities and benefits for business success. Our experience at World

Ambassadors shows that this model allows people to become more spontaneous. Creativity

flows more freely. People begin to co-operate from a spirit of abundance.

The Global Leader model helps awaken a wisdom within ourselves that expands our capacity

to both be and act. People become more determined. They make better choices for themselves

and for the organization. They reach higher levels of integrity. They learn to face difficult

moments with more calm and clarity.

People who have implemented the Global Leader model have more awareness about who they

are in their excellence, who the company is in its excellence, and what their customers need.

This translates to bottom-line results as productivity increases, profitability increases, and

customers remain loyal to an organization.