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  • 8/3/2019 White Throne


    "In so many words, Father, they can't stand at the white throne judgment, You're going to stand in their

    place. Never come to the judgment, but has bypassed the judgment, and has Eternal Life through Jesus


    Second miracle P:55 [51-0729E]55 Five hundred years from tonight, just imagine, I hear the winds howling; I look at the earth; it's out of

    its orbit. The atomic bombs has throwed her from her orbit; yonder she lays into the sun. She's whirlingfast; the winds are blowing. There's not a living thing on earth. The sands are blowing across, howling.

    Many times, and thousands times fahrenheit of heat laying against her. No more water, but fire this

    time.What do I see sticking up there in the sand, oh, it's a tombstone. Somebody's name's on it. They may

    be setting in the meeting tonight. Where's your soul then, friend? If you're not right with God.

    Then let's draw a little farther out. I see God bring it back into its orbit again. She's rehabited. The wolf and

    the lamb shall feed together. I see a beautiful dawn, a tropic like an orient, big palm trees, and beautifulbirds a singing. I come, look, walking down through the garden yonder, the white doves a flying from tree

    to tree. What's approaching? The One that's going to set on David's throne, and His white robe moving

    along. Oh, I want to stand along this side there, don't you? Be just possible that the tears comes down my

    cheeks while He passes by and look at Him, I say, "There's the lovely One that redeemed me."

    Patmos vision P:139[60-1204E]

    139 Oh, it's breathtaking, friend. See Him standing there in the supreme--the supremacy of His Deity.

    He's the Judge, the Priest, the King, the Eagle, the Lamb, the Lion, the Alpha, the Omega, the Father, Son,

    Holy Ghost; He that was, which is, and shall come. Tread out the winepress of the fierceness of God, andpleased everything, until God said at the cross... When He raised up, He said, "It's finished." Pleased God

    so, till the Spirit that left Him come back on Easter morning and picked Him up and rose Him again for ourjustification. There John looked up and saw Him standing there with feet of brass, eyes like flames of fire

    running to and fro throughout the earth. Daniel saw Him seven hundred years before that in the same

    position, the same kind, same Man standing there, the Ancient of days, and One like the Son of man that

    joined in with Him, and all judgment was committed to Him, stand at the white throne judgment.

    And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said unto me. These are they which have come up out of

    great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

    Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in the temple:...

    Mark of the beast P:65 [61-0217]

    65 Notice, brother, it is the truth. Remember, when Jesus came--Daniel, he came to the Ancient of days,

    the Ancient of days Whose hair was white as wool, which mean He was a judge, like all the judges wear awig of white wool, judges. You notice He was girded about in Revelations around the pap, not as a priest

    down here around the waist; over the paps like this as a judge, judge robe, you judge. That's the reason

    John didn't see Him on any Sabbath day or on any Sunday; he seen Him in the Lord's day, the coming of

    the Lord when He was Judge, not, no, these other days.We see Him over in here now. We see Him when

    He come--Daniel saw Him. And He come with ten thousand times ten thousands of His saints. Is that right?And the books were opened and another book was opened, which was the Book of Life and every man...

    See? There comes up your lukewarm church, sleeping virgin. Here is the real one with Him come from

    glory after being at the wedding supper. And there was a sinner. White throne was... The judgment was set,

    white throne judgment. Oh, there you are.

    Hebrews Chapter 2 part 3 P:28[57-0828]

    28 Now, all... "He wasn't made in the form of an Angel, but He took on the Seed of Abraham." God

    became the Seed of Abraham.Now, if we had time to go back and show how he did it in the covenant,you've heard me preach on it many times; how that he took those animals and cut them apart, and throwed

    the turtledove and pigeon in. And then he looked and he noticed a little smoke of black horror: death; next,a smoking furnace, hell. But beyond that went a little white light. And that little white went between each

    piece of that cut sacrifice, showing that what He would do. And He took a oath when He did that, and He

    wrote a Covenant showing what He would do.

    And He, Jesus Christ come to the earth (God, Emmanuel: God in flesh). And at Calvary He was torn apart.

    And His Spirit come back on the Church. And His Body was lifted up and set on the throne of God. The

    throne of God? The One that's on the throne is the Judge. We know that. Well, where is the judgment? The

    Father has given the... He judge no man. But the Father has commit all judgment to the Son. So He is...
  • 8/3/2019 White Throne


    And His Life is the High Priest, setting there with His own body as a sacrifice to plead our confessions.

    Amen. Brother, that puts something in you.

    Christ is not on His right throne; He's on God's throne now in the heavens. But when He returns back, He

    will come to David's throne, which He's an heir to. Now, notice, now He's here in the form of the Spirittonight to do the same thing, love same love; He just saved the sinner out there; that's the love He had.

    Now, He will heal the sick, same love He had. He will show signs and wonders, just the same love He had,the same Jesus.

    Daniel, when he saw the thrones at the judgment, they were empty, he seen thrones cast down, come down

    from heaven, the Ancient of time came down from heaven. But when John saw it, the throne was already

    occupied by Jesus, and the thrones for the disciples and the patriarchs, redeemed, was already fulfilled.

    See? Daniel saw it five hundred years before the time of Christ. And then after Christ, makes twenty-fivehundred years, and John was living over into the age that is to come, and he had done seen all this happen.

    Where, Daniel didn't see it. See, he just seen the Ancient of time come; he saw Him come. But when John

    saw Him, the throne was filled (See?); the thrones was cast down with the Ancient of time, and judgment

    was set. But when John saw Him, the elders had not yet been chosen in the time of John--or the time of

    Daniel, but they was already redeemed at the end time. Praise the Lord. Oh. my. Oh, isn't that... Isn't He


    As the poet said, "Let me at the throne of mercy, find a sweet release.2 Our heavenly Father, we are now approaching the throne of Thy grace. Now, we would not come by the

    throne of justice, because if we'd get justice we'd all die. We could not come by the throne of judgment, butwe have been bidden to come by the throne of grace, with the promise that our Lord told us, "If you ask the

    Father anything in My Name, I will--it'll be granted."

    My revelation by the Holy Spirit is: Christ and the Holy Spirit is the self same Person (See?), only in a

    different form.

    87 You cannot go to judgment. "He that heareth My words and believeth (No man can believe until he's got

    the Holy Ghost.)--and believeth on Him that sent Me (when the Holy Ghost has testified of His

    resurrection) hath Eternal Life, and shall never come into judgment, but has passed from death unto Life."

    What? You'll never catch the judgment. You'll never stand at the white throne for judgment; you meet yourjudgment right here. You've passed your judgment when you've passed and say, "I'm no good, and my

    learning is no good. Lord, come into me, and take me, and lead me, Lord. I don't care what this crazy world

    says. Lead me, Lord, by Your Spirit." You've judged then. Judge yourself as a fool for Christ. And in Hisrighteousness that day we'll stand immortal in His likeness. 21 Did you notice the--the arrangements of

    that? See? "Set with Me in My throne," not "on My throne," "in My throne." That's in His domain. See?

    And now, as--as Christ is the Ruler, throne Ruler at this time of the complete domain of God, so will the

    Church be with Him, the Bride be with Him in His throne in the entire domain. See? Not "on My throne,"

    but "in My throne" (See?) where His domain reaches. A throne is over a domain. And--and a domainreaches just as far as its boundaries does, and this is from eternity to eternity. Just think of it.. Dedication


    11 Gracious and holy Father, as we come into Thy Presence, leaving this room, by faith we come to the

    throne of God where that golden altar stretches from sky to sky, where every mortal, creed, race, or color

    has a right to come. Every creature in which Christ died and laid Himself upon that altar as our sin offering,

    we have a right to come boldly to the throne of grace. We thank Thee for this great privilege that we can

    have today, and have got. We thank Thee for every member of Thy body on earth today that has come to

    this great throne, and has accepted the peace offering, and the peace that passeth understanding, of theGospel.Now, we pray, God, for this church, this group of people that's coming to this little building this

    morning for a dedication of love, and tokens of their hands and heart, to fix the place where that the peoplecan come worship. And we pray, God, that You'll bless their efforts. And we pray that You'll bless the

    pastor, our gracious brother, and his wife, his family, the deacons, trustees, the board, the members, and all


    So quicker we can line up with that word, better off we'll be. God keeps His Word.. Love is not

    jealous. Love is not puffed up. Love doth not misbehave itself. Love is

    always gentle, sweet, forgiving, kind. No matter how bitter the others is, love remains itself.
  • 8/3/2019 White Throne


    And God don't judge you; you judge yourself. That's true.

    As long as you're under this spray of blood that's around the world, you have a--a right for mercy. God's...

    The Blood of Christ keeps God from killing you, or He'd kill you just as soon as you sinned. But that's

    still... re... holding a gru... holding God from you, from your death.But when... You're a free moral agent now. But when you die and your spirit goes beyond that, then you're

    already judged. You don't have to wait for judgment; you're judged already. God done said, "The day youeat thereof, the day you die." And that settles it.


    E-64 What is it? I've seen that happen time after time. When love is projected, sovereign grace will have to

    come in and take its place.


    the time will come when God will give out the rewards for those who were faithful, and the rejecting ofthose who failed to be faithful.

    Christ will come. He will be the judge . But before He can bring judgment, He has to offer

    mercy to be a just God. And if He offers mercy and mercy is spurned, then there's nothing left but

    judgment. And you've judged yourself by rejecting Him. Don't reject Him any more.

    But oh, if you could only know the glory of Him. That's... He's Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End.

    The Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star, the Root and Offspring of David, He that

    was, which is to shall come, the omnipotent, the true and living God, the resurrected Christ, the Judgeof all eternity, the King of the Church, the power of Him that was dead and is alive again forever

    more. Glory to His holy Name.

    75 I'm a sinner. That's correct. I have nothing. There's no way, at all, I could find any--any price to be paid.God required death. And if I give my own life, if I give my life, then how can I repent? Cause, you... The

    debt has got to be paid, first. And God was the only One who could lay His life down and take It up again.

    So He could become sin, and lay His Life down and pick It up, and call it "justice," and the debt is paid.

    There you are. "Would the Judge of all the earth make the innocent suffer with the guilty?"

    Certainly not, the Judge of all the earth will do righteous.

    God doesn't have to apologize to nobody or nothing. Sin will be judged, and it'll be punished, just as sure as

    there's a God Who can make judgment. And God's judgment is Holy, God is holy. And therefore, His

    judgments and His works must be just and holy, because it becomes a holy God for His works and Hisjudgment.

    They're sealed away in the Sea of Forgetfulness.

    But one day at the judgment bar , they're going to pull out the big screen, flash on the

    camera yonder, and that tape recording's going to be played. And I'm going to stand and listen at it; I want

    to hear my voice warning against it. God will judge me when my voice comes against it." Yes,

    sir. When we see this life, this generation, re-enacted again yonder at the judgment ... Certainly.

    We're living in a terrible time. And there it is.

    what will it be at the judgment bar , when God's great tape recorder of my

    life turns on? and your recorder? and the world recorder? and the great television screen that's on the sky

    and your life is before God and the entire world? I'd rather be right here now, and be honest.

    Oh, rise, trim your lamps. You got too much oil mixed up with your spirit, or too much water. It'll makecarbon, and your lights will go out and smoke your lamp chimney up. You won't be able to see the

    Kingdom of God when it's at hand. We're at the end now, rise and trim your lamp,and let's be going. Remember, before this world meets its great disaster, that's predicted in the Scriptures

    that it will come, God in His mercy shall take His church out of it, because the church will not be here tostrike one speck of the tribulation.

    For You said, "Till heavens and earth pass away, not one Word of Mine shall pass away."