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Question Dissection – Part II

US History/Napp Name: _________________

Introduction to Review:

Some things just go together. Like



A multiple-choice question also has parts that naturally go together.

In this review, I will present multiple-choice questions and answers. I will explain what the question is asking and provide its answer. I will also reveal why these two parts of the question must go together.

Yes, some things just naturally go together.

The Question Dissection:

A. Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803?

(1) warm-water ports on the Atlantic coast

(2) rich fishing areas in the Great Lakes

(3) full control of the Mississippi River

(4) vast coal reserves in the region west of Pennsylvania

What the question is asking:

What is the Louisiana Purchase and what did the United States get or acquire with the Louisiana Purchase?

In 1803, France offered to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15 million. Although Jefferson, who had become the nation’s third President, was not sure if the Constitution allowed the federal government to buy territory, he went ahead with the purchase. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. The territory included all the area between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Jefferson believed French control of the territory and particularly of the city of New Orleans, which could block transport on the Mississippi River, was a threat to the United States. Jefferson believed American control of the Mississippi River would provide an opportunity for farmers to move further west and have free transport of the sea.

Thus, the answer must be 3.


B. Which group benefited most from the United States acquisition of the port of New Orleans?

(1) farmers in the Ohio River Valley

(2) Native American Indians in the Southwest

(3) fur trappers in the Columbia River Valley

(4) gold miners in northern California

What the question is asking?

Why is the port of New Orleans important and where is it located?

New Orleans is a port city on the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. So, it is a city with a very good location for trade and commerce. In order to select the correct answer, a student must know where the Mississippi River is located. It is located west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Rocky Mountains.

Of course, farm products from the Ohio River Valley could be transported on the Mississippi River. The Southwest includes states like Arizona and New Mexico and these states are too far from the Mississippi River. California is also too far west and the Columbia River Valley is located in the Northwest.

Thus, the answer must be 1.

C. In the United States, regional differences in economic development are primarily due to

(1) settlement patterns of immigrant groups

(2) pressure from various religious groups

(3) state and federal election laws

(4) geographic factors in various parts of the nation

What is the question asking?

Why did different regions of the United States differ in terms of production?

The United States is a very big country with different regions. Each region has its own geography and climate. New England has rocky soil and good harbors. The South has fertile soil and a long growing season. Thus, plantations developed in the South but not in New England.

Thus, the answer is 4.

D. Because of fertile land and a long growing season, plantations in the thirteen colonies developed in

(1) New England

(2) the Middle Atlantic region

(3) the South

(4) the upper Mississippi River valley

What is the question asking?

What region of the United States has fertile land and a long growing season to support large farms?

The South has fertile land and a long growing season. It is easier to farm in the South than in New England. Thus, plantations or large farms developed in the South.

Thus, the answer is 3.

E. The Mayflower Compact, House of Burgesses, and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut are all examples of the efforts of colonial Americans to

(1) use democratic practices in government

(2) protest British land policies

(3) establish religious freedom

(4) overthrow British royal governors

What is the question asking?

What is the Mayflower Compact? What is the House of Burgesses? What is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? What did the Mayflower Compact, the House of Burgesses, and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut create?

The Pilgrims were strict Protestants who wished to separate from the Church of England. Before landing in Plymouth, 41 adults on the Mayflower signed the Mayflower Compact. This concept of government by compact or written agreement became a cornerstone of American democracy.

Virginia established its own House of Burgesses, in which elected representatives helped govern the colony.

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was as the first written constitution in North America.

Thus, the answer is 1.

F. In which area did good harbors, abundant forests, rocky soil, and a short growing season most influence the colonial economy?

(1) Southern colonies (3) Northwest Territory

(2) Middle Atlantic region (4) New England colonies

What is the question asking?

What region of the thirteen colonies has good harbors, abundant forests, rocky soil, and a short growing season?

New England included the colonies like Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. In this Northeast region, the soil was rocky and the growing season was short. Farming was difficult. However, there were good harbors and many trees. So, fishing, ship building, and trade occurred.

Thus, the answer is 4.

G. The term “Bill of Rights” refers to —

(1) A the document that specifies separation of church and state

(2) a revision of the Articles of Confederation

(3) the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution

(4) rights given to the colonists by King George III

What is the question asking?

What is the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were added to the Constitution in 1791. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition of government. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. The Third Amendment prohibits the quartering of soldiers in one’s home. The Fourth Amendment prohibits “unreasonable” searches and seizures by the government. The Fifth Amendment guarantees due process of law (procedures carried out according to rules, such as a fair trial), requires grand jury indictments, prohibits double jeopardy (being tried twice for the same crime); prohibits self-incrimination (individuals may not be forced to give evidence against themselves). The Sixth Amendment guarantees that those accused of a crime have the right to a speedy trial by jury, to confront accusers, and be represented by a lawyer. The Seventh Amendment guarantees a jury trial in many civil cases. The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment. The Ninth Amendment states that the listing of some rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights. The Tenth Amendment reserves to the states and the people all rights not given to the federal government.

Thus, the answer is 3.

H. The principle of checks and balances in the U.S. government is reflected in the —

(1) election of Supreme Court justices

(2) creation of separate state and federal court systems

(3) appointment of cabinet-level officers by the legislative branch

(4) ability of Congress to override a presidential veto

What is the question asking?

What is the principle of checks and balances and how is it used in U.S. government?

To make sure that the national government did not become too strong or oppress those it was supposed to govern, the Constitution also gave each branch of the federal government several ways to stop or “check” the other branches. In a system of “checks and balances”, each branch of the government can prevent any one branch from exerting too much power. Thus, the President can veto a bill that Congress has passed but Congress can override a presidential veto if two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and Senate vote to override the presidential veto.

Thus, the correct answer is 4.

The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonial settlement west of a border that ran roughly along the —

(1) Great Lakes

(2) Atlantic Ocean

(3) St. Lawrence River

(4) Appalachian Mountains

What is the question asking?

What was the Proclamation Line of 1763 and what did it prevent?

After the French and Indian War, many colonists began to migrate westward. This invasion of Native American Indian land by white settlers resulted in an uprising of several tribes. The British, who could not protect the frontier, and who wished to avoid further conflicts, issued the Proclamation Act of 1763. This forbade settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountains cover much of the eastern part of the United States.

Thus, the answer is 4.

J. The Virginia House of Burgesses was important to the development of democracy in the thirteen colonies because it

(1) provided an example of a representative form of government

(2) created the first written constitution in America

(3) provided for direct election of senators

(4) began the practice of legislative override of executive vetoes

What is the question asking?

What was the House of Burgesses and what was democratic about it?

Virginia established its own House of Burgesses, in which elected representatives helped govern the colony.

Thus, the answer is 1.

K. “It is not the cause of one poor printer, nor of New York alone, which you are now trying. No! It may in its consequence affect every free man that lives under a British government on the main [continent] of America. It is the best cause. It is the cause of liberty…Nature and the laws of our country have given us a right to liberty of both exposing and opposing arbitrary power (in these parts of the world at least) by speaking and writing the truth.”

~ Andrew Hamilton, 1735

This courtroom summation helped establish which democratic principle in colonial America?

(1) trial by jury

(2) equal voting rights

(3) protection of private property

(4) freedom of the press

What is the question asking?

The question is asking the student to read a passage about a trial and then determine what democratic principle was established from this particular court case?

John Peter Zenger was a printer and journalist. On November 5, 1733, Zenger published his first issue of the New York Weekly Journal – the political organ of a group of residents who opposed the policies of the colonial governor William Cosby. His brilliant defense attorney, Andrew Hamilton, argued that the jury itself was competent to decide the truth of Zenger’s printed statements. To the acclaim of the general public and the spectators, the colonial jury acquitted Zenger on the ground that his charges were based on fact – a key consideration in libel cases since that time. This famous acquittal in a libel suit (1735) established the first important victory for freedom of the press in the English colonies of North America (the Zenger trial).

Thus, the answer is 4.


L. In the 1780’s, many Americans distrusted a strong central government. This distrust is best shown by the

1. lack of debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution

2. plan of government set up by the Articles of Confederation

3. development of a Federal court system

4. constitutional provision for a strong President

What is the question asking?

Why did many Americans distrust a strong central government after the American Revolution? It is important to remember that independence was achieved in 1783.

The colonists had fought a king and understood that a king had absolute power to determine laws and taxes. After fighting for the principles like “no taxation without representation” and limiting the power of government, they feared a strong central government. The colonists understood that strong central government often abused the rights of the people. Since the colonists distrusted or did not trust a strong central government, when independence was achieved – they established a weak central government under the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no national executive or court. A weakness of the Confederation Congress was that the Congress could not levy national taxes, regulate trade, or enforce its laws. Each state government was more powerful than the new national government.

Thus the answer is 2.

M. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; . . .”

This quotation is evidence that some of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence were

(1) Limitations of the principles underlying most European governments of the 1700’s.

(2) Adaptations of the laws of Spanish colonial governments in North America.

(3) Adoptions of rules used by the Holy Roman Empire.

(4) Reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment.

What is the question asking?

Where did the ideas from this passage in the Declaration of Independence come from?

In the passage, there is a reference to natural rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Of course, John Locke, the Enlightenment philosopher, was the first to write of natural rights – life, liberty, and property. Therefore, the founding fathers were referring to the words and ideas of the great Enlightenment philosopher, John Locke. The Enlightenment was also known as the Age of Reason. New ideas about government and law were created. Montesquieu spoke of the separation of powers.

Thus, the answer is 4.

N. According to the Declaration of Independence, the people have the right to alter or abolish a government if that government

(1) is a limited monarchy

(2) violates natural rights

(3) becomes involved in entangling alliances

(4) favors one religion over another

What is the question asking?

When do the people have the right to revolution? When do the people have the right to overthrow a government?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the people have the right to overthrow the government when the government fails to honor the social contract. In other words, the people give the government its power and obey the government as long as the government protects their natural rights. To violate natural rights is to fail to respect natural rights. If the government officials deprive or deny the people their natural rights, the people have the right to remove the government officials and the government from power.

Thus, the correct answer is 2.

O. The Mayflower Compact is important to the concept of a democratic society because it represents

(1) an effort by the colonists to use force to resist the King

(2) a clear step toward self-government

(3) an early attempt to establish universal suffrage

(4) an attempt by the colonists to establish freedom of religion

What is the question asking?

What was the Mayflower Compact and why was it democratic? How did the Mayflower Compact encourage democratic institutions in the future?

The Pilgrims were strict Protestants who wished to separate from the Church of England. Before landing in Plymouth, 41 adults on the Mayflower signed the Mayflower Compact. This concept of government by compact or written agreement became a cornerstone of American democracy. In 1620, Pilgrims crossing the Atlantic signed the Mayflower Compact, which established a colonial government deriving power from the consent of the governed. Consent of the governed basically means voting for government officials.

Thus, the correct answer is 2.

P. During the Revolutionary War period, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was important because it

(1) described a military plan for the defeat of England

(2) convinced many Americans who had been undecided to support independence

(3) contained a detailed outline for a new form of government

(4) argued for the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution

What is the question asking?

Who was Thomas Paine? What was Common Sense? And how did Common Sense encourage colonists to fight for independence?

In his pamphlet, Common Sense, Thomas Paine wrote that it was ridiculous for the American colonies, located on a huge continent, to be governed by a tiny far-off island like Great Britain. Paine argued that it was only “common sense” for the colonies to seek independence.

Thus, the correct answer is 2.

Q. “The only representatives of the people of these colonies are persons chosen therein by themselves; and that no taxes ever have been, or can be constitutionally imposed on them but by their respective legislatures.”

-Statement by the Stamp Act Congress, 1765

What is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from this quotation?

(1) The colonial legislatures should be appointed by the English King with the consent of Parliament.

(2) Only the colonists’ elected representatives should have the power to levy taxes.

(3) The English King should have the right to tax the colonists.

(4) The colonists should be opposed to all taxation.

What is the question asking?

The student must read the statement by the Stamp Act Congress. In reading the passage, the student will read “the only representatives of the people of these colonies are persons chosen by the people.” Of course, the Stamp Act (1765) required colonial newspapers, books and documents to carry an official government stamp. Colonists objected to the tax since they were not represented in Parliament.

Thus, the correct answer is 2.

R. In its economic relationship with its North American colonies, Great Britain followed the principles of 18th-century mercantilism by

(1) outlawing the African slave trade

(2) limiting the colonies’ trade with other nations

(3) encouraging the development of manufacturing in the colonies

(4) establishing laws against business monopolies

What is the question asking?

What is mercantilism and what did Great Britain do that revealed it accepted the idea of mercantilism?

Mercantilism is the belief that colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country. Colonies only trade with the mother country. Colonies only export natural resources or raw materials to the mother country. Colonies import finished goods from the mother country.

Thus, the answer is 2.

S. The tax laws imposed on the colonists by the British government were viewed as unfair and created support for declaring independence because —

(1) the laws did not apply to all British colonists

(2) colonists were taxed without direct representation in Parliament

(3) the laws were designed to deregulate trade

(4) British merchants were taxed at a higher rate than colonial merchants

What is the question asking?

Why did colonists view British taxes as unfair? How did this contribute to a desire for independence?

Colonists believed in taxation with representation. Since colonists could not vote for members of Great Britain’s Parliament, they believed that Parliament did not then have the power to levy or make taxes. In other words, there can be “no taxation without representation.” Consent of the governed demands that the people vote!

Thus, the answer is 2.

T. The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government in order to —

(1) promote western migration

(2) allow colonies to pay off their debts

(3) protect the power of the states

(4) help contain nationalism

What is the question asking?

What were the Articles of Confederation and how did the Articles of Confederation create a weak central government?

An agreement known as the Articles of Confederation went into effect in 1781, while the Revolutionary War was still being fought. The confederation was a weak, loose association of independent states. Each state sent one representative to the Confederation Congress, where it had one vote. There was no national executive or court. A weakness of the Confederation Congress was that the Congress could not levy national taxes, regulate trade, or enforce its laws. Each state government was more powerful than the new national government.

Thus the answer is 3.

U. The principle of federalism in the U.S. Constitution is reflected in —

(1) the right of states to negotiate foreign trade agreements

(2) the right of the national government to remove a state from the Union

(3) the separation of power among the three branches of the national government

(4) the division of power between the national and state governments

What is the question asking?

What is federalism and where does a student see federalism in U.S. government?

Federalism is a system of sharing power between the national and state governments. The Federal (national) government deals with national matters and relations among the states, while state governments deal with matters within each state. Concurrent powers, such as the power to tax, are held by both the federal and state governments. Reserved powers are those held exclusively by state governments.

Thus the answer is 4.

V. The original settlements in the thirteen British colonies were all located

(1) east of the Appalachian Mountains

(2) along the Gulf Coast

(3) on the Great Plains

(4) west of the Mississippi River

What is the question asking?

Where were the original thirteen colonies located?

The original thirteen colonies were located on the eastern seaboard – near the Atlantic Ocean. The original thirteen colonies were located east of the Appalachian Mountains. It is important to remember that the British forbade settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains with the Proclamation Line of 1763. Thus, a student must know where the Appalachian Mountains are located and a student must know east from west. When looking at a map, east is to the right of the map and west is to the left of the map.

Thus, the answer is 1.

W. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 set a precedent for other western territories by

(1) allowing slavery

(2) including voting rights for women

(3) providing a method for the creation of new states

(4) setting aside land for churches

What is the question asking?

What was the Northwest Ordinance and what idea or principle did it establish that was followed for many years? A precedent is an example that will be followed for years to come.

The Confederation Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance (1787), which provided a system for governing the western territories. Between 1803 and 1848, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin were admitted as states from the Northwest Territory. The purpose of the Ordinance was to establish orderly and equitable procedures for the settlement and political incorporation of the Northwest Territory. In other words, it established a method for a new territory to become a state.Thus, the answer is 3.

X. The presence of which pair of geographic conditions discouraged the development of a plantation economy in the New England colonies?

(1) wide coastal plain and absence of good harbors

(2) rocky soil and short growing season

(3) numerous rivers and humid climate

(4) flatlands and lack of forests

What is the question asking?

Why did the geography of New England prevent the establishment of plantations? What prevented the establishment of plantations in New England?

New England included colonies like Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. New England had good harbors but a short growing season. It had many trees and forests but rocky soil. Thus, farming was difficult in New England. A plantation is a large farm. A plantation is built where conditions for farming are good.

Thus, the answer is 2.

Y. Since the late 1700s, the Mississippi River has been a vital waterway because it

(1) divided the northern territories from the southern territories

(2) allowed American farmers direct access to Canadian markets

(3) connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean

(4) provided farmers and merchants an outlet to the Gulf of Mexico

What is the question asking?

Why is the Mississippi River important for trade and travel? Where is the Mississippi River located?

The Mississippi River is west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Rocky Mountains. It flows to the port of New Orleans and to the Gulf of Mexico. Of course, most rivers are good for trade and travel.

Thus, the answer is 4.

Z. Which geographic area was added to the United States by the Louisiana Purchase?

(1) Appalachian Mountains

(2) Columbia River valley

(3) Great Plains

(4) Piedmont Plateau

What is the question asking?

What did the United States gain from the Louisiana Purchase?

Jefferson bought the land from France. It included full control of the Mississippi River and the Great Plains. Thus, the answer is 3.


Here are some more to practice. You may need my Two Hundred and Fifty Facts to Pass the US History and Government Regents to find the answers. This packet is the first link on my U.S. History – Consent of the Governed page on my webpage. Here is a link to my U.S. page:

According to the theory of mercantilism, the principal purpose of the thirteen original colonies was to provide Great Britain with

(1) naval bases

(2) raw materials and markets

(3) workers and manufactured goods

(4) military recruits

Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence:

· The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries…

[such as:]…quartering large bodies of armed troops among us . . .

…depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury . . .

…transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses . . .

… [answering] our repeated petitions…only by repeated injury.

These colonial grievances were directly addressed in —

(1) the Articles of Confederation

(2) presidential decrees

(3) congressional legislation

(4) the Bill of Rights

According to the Declaration of Independence, which of the following is a right that all people have and that legitimate governments should protect?

(1) Economic right

(2) Implied right

(3) Unalienable right

(4) Expressed right

According to the Declaration of Independence, the fundamental purpose of government is to

(1) protect people’s natural rights

(2) equalize opportunities for all citizens

(3) provide for the defense of the nation

(4) establish a system of free public education


Challenges for Leaders of the American Revolution

· Developing diplomatic relations

· Limited financial resources

· Accusations of treason

The information above represents some of the challenges that leaders of the American Revolution faced when they —

(1) began participating in the slave trade

(2) established trade relations with Spain

(3) attempted to negotiate a peaceful settlement with France

(4) declared independence from Great Britain

A major argument for American independence found in the Declaration of Independence was that the British

(1) stopped participating in the slave trade

(2) refused to sell products to Americans

(3) deprived Americans of their natural rights

(4) censored American representatives in Parliament

The authors of the United States Constitution believed that the voice of the people should be heard frequently. Which part of the Government was instituted to respond most directly to the will of the people?

(1) Senate

(2) House of Representatives

(3) Supreme Court

(4) Presidency

In the United States, the use of implied powers, the amending process, and Supreme Court interpretations have resulted in

(1) a general loss of individual rights

(2) a strengthening of the principle of separation of powers

(3) the Constitution being adapted to fit changing times

(4) the limiting of Presidential power in domestic affairs

Which quotation from the United States Constitution provides for a Federal system of government?

(1) “He shall have power . . . with the advice and consent of the Senate, . . . and . . . shall appoint . . .“

(2) “Every bill . . . shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President of the United States; . . ."

(3) “The powers not delegated to the United States . . . are reserved to the states . . .”

(4) “Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.”


The system of checks and balances is best illustrated by the power of

(1) the President to veto a bill passed by Congress

(2) Congress to censure one of its members

(3) a governor to send the National Guard to stop a riot

(4) state and Federal governments to levy and collect taxes

Which Presidential action is an example of the unwritten constitution?

(1) appointing Justices to the Supreme Court

(2) granting pardons for Federal crimes

(3) submitting a treaty to the Senate for ratification

(4) consulting with the Cabinet

Adherence to a strict interpretation of the Constitution would have prevented President Thomas Jefferson from

(1) making the Louisiana Purchase

(2) writing “State of the Union” messages

(3) receiving ambassadors

(4) commissioning military officers

Which factor has made the strongest contribution to the development of religious freedom in the United States?

(1) Most citizens have shared the same religious beliefs.

(2) Religious groups have remained politically unified.

(3) School prayer has been ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court.

(4) Guarantees in the Constitution have encouraged religious expression and toleration.

Which phrase from the Declaration of Independence most clearly reflects the idea that the people are the source of government?

(1) “. . . that all men are created equal...”

(2) “. .. all men are . . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights

(3) “. . . deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

(4) “. . . governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes . . .

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

This quotation reflects beliefs mainly derived from

(1) the Magna Carta

(2) the divine right monarchs of Europe

(3) John Locke’s theory of natural rights

(4) Marxist philosophy


Antifederalists criticized the United States Constitution primarily because governing power was concentrated in the

(1) State legislatures

(2) President’s Cabinet

(3) delegates to the Constitutional Convention

(4) National Government

The Supreme Court’s power of judicial review is a result of

(1) an order by the President

(2) the Court’s own interpretation of the Constitution

(3) a provision in the Bill of Rights

(4) the Court’s decision to hear appeals regarding taxation

During the debates over the ratification of the United States Constitution, Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed most strongly over the

(1) division of powers between the national and state governments

(2) provision for admitting new states to the Union

(3) distribution of power between the Senate and the House of Representatives

(4) method of amending the Constitution

An example of the unwritten constitution in the United States is the

(1) sharing of power by the national and state governments

(2) development of the political party system

(3) separation of powers among the three branches of government

(4) guarantees of due process of law

When the United States Constitution was written, which compromise was reached by the authors to gain the support of the states with small populations?

(1) Congress would consist of both a House of Representatives and a Senate.

(2) Five enslaved persons would be counted as three free persons for the purpose of taxation

(3) The President would be selected by the direct vote of the people.

(4) Exported goods could not be taxed, but imported goods could be taxed.

The significance of the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison is that the decision

(1) advanced civil rights for minorities

(2) upheld the constitutionality of a national bank

(3) limited Presidential control of foreign policy

(4) established the power of judicial review

The decision of the United States Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the power of the

(1) House of Representatives to impeach the president

(2) Congress to override a presidential veto

(3) president to veto congressional legislation

(4) Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws

Alexander Hamilton’s argument that the government has the power to create a National Bank is based on which part of the Constitution?

(1) the Preamble

(2) the elastic clause

(3) guarantees to the States

(4) the Bill of Rights

“All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well born, the other the mass of the people. . . . The people are turbulent and changing. . . . Give therefore to the first class a distinct permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second.”

-Alexander Hamilton

The author of this quotation suggests that

(1) the will of the majority should guide public policy

(2) wealthy people are too preoccupied to rule well

(3) the common people cannot be trusted to run a stable government

(4) poorer people must work harder to gain access to economic and political power

Always read carefully!
