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Page 1: Whispers of Color (Children's Book)

Whispers of Color

for children

by Sue Elizabeth Lee

Page 2: Whispers of Color (Children's Book)

Whispers of Color for Children

By Sue Elizabeth Lee

Illustrations by Michael C. Stokes

Copyright 1996

All rights reserved

Many have asked me where the idea for my DVD programming

“I Believe in Me!”came from. Well, here it is,

from my book for children written in 1996,

Whispers of Color for children.

There’s a Whispers of Color for adults as well.

The use of color in this way came to me “As whispers in the night”

to this day I am forever grateful that I woke up and began writing. . .

To contact Sue Lee email: [email protected]

Page 3: Whispers of Color (Children's Book)

Colors are in alphabetical order:

Almond Periwinkle

Ambrosia Petal Pink

Aqua Plaid

Beige Poppy

Berry Powder Blue

Black Pumpkin

Brick Red Pure White

True Brown Purple

Butterscotch Rust

Cappuccino Cream Silver

Chartreuse Silver Threaded Mercury

Crystal Clear Sparkling Gold

Daffodil Yellow Straw

Deep Red Tangerine

Earth Blue Teal

Emerald Green The Blue That Has No Name

Faded Blue Jeans Violet

Fern Green Willow

Forest Green Yellow

Indigo Blue

Inlet Green




Midnight Blue



Neon Blue

Neon Yellow



Pearl Gray

Page 4: Whispers of Color (Children's Book)


What is Almond?

Almond is the sound of slippers

coming down the stairs.

The sipping of soup

and the eating of crackers.

It is falling asleep on the couch

with the cat

and the dog.

Almond is watching

people on the sidewalk

below your apartment building.

It is riding a horse

that will go real slow

and that kindness can be strong.

What is your Almond?

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What is Ambrosia?

Ambrosia is running barefoot

and ripples upon the lake.

It is knowing how to laugh

how to cry

and how to be sure of yourself.

Ambrosia is hot chocolate on a cold day

and ice cream on a hot one.

It is the truth that grass grows,

flowers bloom,

snow falls,

and rain makes puddles.

What is your Ambrosia?

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What is Aqua?

Aqua is the smooth part

left on the sand

when the waves have pulled back.

It’s giving a hug

to others when they hurt

and telling them, “You’ll be okay.”

Aqua is playing in the sprinklers

on a hot summer’s day.

It is being small,

yet strong

and doing all that you can.

What is your Aqua?

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What is Beige?

Beige is quiet

It is walking as softly as you can.

It is a gentle breeze,

the rock of a cradle

and the flicker of a candle.

Beige is telling the truth,

being kind,

lending a hand.

It is the smell of cake,

the sound of a kitten’s purr,

and the feel of a feather.

What is your Beige?

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What is Berry?

Berry is using stepping stones

to get across the stream.

looking ahead and knowing where to go.

It is unloading groceries for Mom,

putting toys away

and feeling proud to be a helper.

Berry is doing what needs to be done

and not getting mad.

It is being glad

about what you can do!

It is how everyone should feel.

What is your Berry?

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What is Black?

Black is the night sky

where stars hang.

It is the times you yell “Hooray!”

and the turning of circles

until you’re dizzy.

Black is knowing that good things happen

and wishes can come true.

It is remembering when things seem hard,

to keep trying and trying

until you can say, “Hey that’s easy!”

What is your Black?

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What is Brick Red?

Brick Red is knowing you can

cross the road,

shovel snow,

and share with friends.

It is being brave

when you might be a little scared.

Brick Red can be practicing sports,

playing the piano,

or learning to dance.

It is doing what it takes

and loving yourself

for who you are

and what you can do.

What is your Brick Red?

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What is True Brown?

True Brown is playing hide and go seek

and being the best hider.

It’s climbing a tree

you’ve never climbed before.

It is trying hard

and getting to where you want to go.

True Brown is making a fort,

catching a football,

and riding your bike

up and over a big hill.

It is being determined.

What is your True Brown?

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What is Butterscotch?

Butterscotch is the sound

of walking in the sand,

the call of a picnic,

the topside of ice cream

on a summer’s day.

It is Mom stirring something in a bowl

and Dad setting the table.

Butterscotch is watching TV

when there’s a snowstorm outside.

It is the doorbell ringing

and company is coming!

What is your Butterscotch?

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What is Cappuccino Cream?

Cappuccino Cream is smooth like milk,

soft like silk,

and quiet like a hush.

It is the look

in a pony’s eyes,

the smile of a llama,

and the thoughts of a butterfly.

Cappuccino Cream is sitting on the bench

at the playground

and feeling really good.

It is climbing in the car

and being able

to buckle your own seat belt.

What is your Cappuccino Cream?

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What is Chartreuse?

Chartreuse is when you keep trying

to get tough things done.

Being stung by a bee,

being brave and feeling big.

It is the squeaking of the swing,

the jangle of Mom’s jewelry,

and Aunt Gertie’s laugh.

Chartreuse is the sound of a sneeze,

the gaze of a snake,

and standing on top of a tall place.

It is knowing the answer that is just right

and asking a hard question.

What is your Chartreuse?

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What is Chili Pepper Red?

Chili Pepper Red is the sound of “Wow”

It is the “Oh My” of life.

It is standing up

for what is right,

and listening to others

instead of a fight.

Chili Pepper Red is hot soup on a cold day

and covers pulled up when it’s cold at night.

It is giving food to the hungry

and gifts to those in need.

What is your Chili Pepper Red?

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What is Crystal Clear?

Crystal Clear is the squeak of a shoe,

the clap of your hands,

and the snap of your fingers.

It is the giggle in your belly,

rain drops falling on your head,

and the splash of a puddle jump.

Crystal Clear is knowing to

open the door for someone,

pick up trash,

and put dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

It is when you help without being told

and helping when you’re asked.

What is your Crystal Clear?

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What is Daffodil Yellow?

Daffodil Yellow is

the gentle glide of the porch swing,

the last spin of the top,

and being able to sit still.

It is a field of flowers

that you can run through

and it’s okay.

Daffodil Yellow is the sound

of the phone ringing

and it’s grandma and grandpa calling!

It is the smile a robin gives,

the song a grasshopper sings,

and the way a hug

from a caterpillar would feel…

What is your Daffodil Yellow?

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What is Deep Red?

Deep Red is a fire

during a winter’s storm

having a coat to keep you warm

and a hat to put on your head.

It is your favorite blanket

the song you love to sing

and the movie theater

right when the lights go out.

Deep Red is wrapping presents,

giving gifts

and having gifts to open.

It is better than happy!

What is your Deep Red?

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What is Earth Blue?

Earth Blue is helping the animals.

Feeding your pets,

caring for birds,

enjoying the deer,

the fox,

and the squirrel.

It is the quietness of the pond

and the silence on the path.

Earth Blue loves to laugh,

yet knows how to cry.

It is listening to your heart

and doing what’s right

with all your might.

What is your Earth Blue?

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What is Emerald Green?

Emerald Green is magic.

The wonderful things

that seem too good to be true.

It is warm sunshine,

a gentle breeze,

and a hammock to lie in.

Emerald Green is when

the leaves in the tree,

work like an umbrella

and keep you dry.

It is when someone believes in you

and they really do know

how special you are!

What is your Emerald Green?

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What is Faded Blue Jeans?

Faded Blue Jeans is the smoothness

of a worn river rock

and the patch of grass

gone from the yard

where the dog walks.

It is feeling wonderful,

feeling terrific,

and feeling fantastic!

Faded Blue Jeans is

going to birthday parties

blowing out birthday candles

and eating birthday cake!

It is when life feels special and

you do something about it!

What is your Faded Blue Jeans?

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What is Fern Green

Fern Green is a baby’s breath

upon the cheek

or the curve of a pillow

under your head.

It is believing in yourself,

trusting your friends,

and telling no lies.

Fern Green is the shadows on the playground,

the twirl of the jump rope,

and the sound of tires over the road.

It is the look in the eyes of an owl,

the smile of a deer,

and birds in their nest.

What is your Fern Green?

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What is Forest Green?

Forest Green is winning the race,

being first in line,

and hiding in a tree.

It’s knowing some people are different,

some are the same,

and we’re all okay.

Forest Green is caring for others,

helping when someone is sick

and feeding the neighbor’s dog.

It is being in the right spot at the right time.

What is your Forest Green?

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What is Indigo Blue?

Indigo Blue is never going away

and knowing someone will always be there.

It is gentle,

strong and good.

Indigo Blue is how happy you feel when

hurt feelings are made better

and go away.

It is knowing it is okay to take a cookie

and you can put your feet

up on the furniture when you

take your shoes off.

What is your Indigo Blue?

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What is Inlet Green?

Inlet Green is the path secrets take

and the feeling in your heart when you smile.

It is the shadow of little animals

and the gentleness of large ones.

Inlet Green is the moss on the forest floor,

the skirt of a fairy,

and the hat of an elf.

It is when tough things

become easy

and bad things are made good.

What is your Inlet Green?

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What is Lavender?

Lavender is the sound of thunder far away,

the beginning of snow,

and the hole in my sock.

It is what it feels like

when you are riding your bike.

It is your Grandma’s smile

and what hides in her pocket.

Lavender is seeing the leaves from under a tree,

or looking at a fish from under the water.

It is holding hands with your best friend.

What is your Lavender?

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What is Lime?

Lime is the look on the pioneer’s face

and the sound

of an astronaut’s heartbeat.

It is the smell of the campfire,

the snap of a twig,

the call of an owl.

Lime is the lizard’s footprints on the sand,

the tasting of salt and not making a face.

It is being able to say “I’m sorry”

when you hurt someone’s feelings.

What is your Lime?

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What is Mauve?

Mauve is being able to blow a bubble,

knowing that 1+1=2

and that the letter s comes after r

in the alphabet.

It is being able to tie your shoe

and being able to reach the top shelf.

Mauve is setting the table

and remembering where the

knife, fork and spoon go!

It is that you know marvelous

means to feel good

and yucky means to feel bad.

What is your Mauve?

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What is Midnight Blue?

Midnight Blue is holding your head up

and having courage

when you feel afraid.

It is being able to stay up late

and sleeping in, in the morning.

Midnight Blue is coming out of the shower

and how wonderful

it feels to have a soft towel

to dry off with.

It is skipping and jumping with joy,

even when you have lost the race,

because you know you can’t always be first!

What is your Midnight Blue?

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What is Mist?

Mist is where you go when

you want to be alone.

It is curling up with your teddy bear

and reading it a book.

Mist is hunting for

small stones along a path,

shells from the beach,

or pine cones in the forest.

It is when you can

turn grumpy into happy

and hate into “I’m sorry.”

What is your Mist?

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What is Navy?

Navy never cheats.

It’s doing the best you can

over and over again.

It is standing tall,

taking a bow,

and playing by the rules.

Navy is big ships,

small airplanes,

and station wagons full of kids.

It is scoring in soccer,

making a touchdown,

and breaking the ribbon

at the end of the race.

What is your Navy?

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What is Neon Blue?

Neon is riding in a fancy car

and seeing city lights at night.

It is eating in a fancy restaurant

and not spilling anything on yourself.

Neon Blue is riding a roller coaster,

hiking on a tough trail,

and sleeping out at night.

It is doing new things and feeling bold.

What is your Neon Blue?

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What is Neon Yellow?

Neon Yellow is hitting a homerun,

the smell of pizza,

and the yell of the crowd.

It is walking on top of a wall,

riding in an elevator,

and sledding down a hill.

Neon Yellow is shouting for joy,

and whispers of, “I did it! I did it!”

It is Playing tag,

at night in the house with flashlights.

What is your Neon Yellow?

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What is Orange?

Orange is the beginning of a skip,

the end of a jump,

and the turn of the merry-go-round.

It is the smell of breakfast on the table

and feeling sunshine

coming through the window.

Orange is knowing to say, “Pass the biscuits, please.”

Orange is giving smiles and receiving hugs.

It is having a brother and a sister.

What is your Orange?

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What is Peach?

Peach is talking with your Mom at night,

the warmth of the fireplace,

and the softness of your pajamas.

It is when you fall asleep on Daddy’s lap

while watching TV,

and feeling safe.

Peach is remembering

to give Grandma a hug

and the feeling when you wear Grandpa’s hat.

It is when something great happens

and puts a smile on you face.

What is your Peach?

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What is Pearl Gray?

Pearl Gray is the whistle of the train,

the feel of dew on the grass

and the tail of a deer as it disappears.

It is remembering good times

knowing you can get through bad ones

and if you wait, the good ones happen again!

Pearl Grey is the smell of hot chocolate

and marshmallows that you have

after playing in the snow.

It is going back to a favorite spot

and finding new ones.

What is your Pearl Grey?

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What is Periwinkle?

Periwinkle is the sound of the crunch of the snow.

The look in Grandma’s eye

when you’ve snuck a cookie!

It is the tight coolness of a popsicle,

your fingers crossed

and skipping down the street.

Periwinkle is running fast,

playing hard,

and being able to turn a somersault.

It is where you go when you

play hide and go seek.

What is your Periwinkle?

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What is Petal Pink?

Petal Pink is making a wish and

hoping it will come true,

believing in yourself and in others.

It is the cat’s tongue,

the rabbit’s nose,

and the path of a parade.

Petal Pink is crawling into bed

and dreaming of tomorrow.

It is trying your best,

giving all you can,

and knowing you’re a great player.

What is your Petal Pink?

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What is Plaid?

Plaid, “Wow” what a color,

it’s everything come together.

It is the shiny spot on the apple

and the smile of all your friends,

Plaid is packing for a trip,

remembering to take everything

and being able to pull your own suitcase.

It is what is fun,

like rounding the corner at the end of the race,

finding money in your pocket,

and paint on your face.

What is your Plaid?

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What is Poppy?

Poppy is the chirping of the birds

early in the morning,

and the cat waking you up.

It is knowing Mom will be at the bus stop.

Remembering trips to the zoo,

that monkeys climb trees

and that strawberries will always

taste like strawberries.

Poppy is sitting on the bench in the park,

watching the lady who feeds the birds,

and the people who walk their dogs.

It is knowing that tomorrow comes after today,

and that some things happen in an order.

What is your Poppy?

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What is Powder Blue?

Powder Blue is the tingle of a bell.

the side of a cloud,

and the smell of Spring,

It is when the light changes

and you know when

to cross the street.

Powder Blue is when you

ride the bus and hold Daddy’s hand.

It is the sound dry markers

make on the marker board,

and playing at your preschool.

What is your Powder Blue?

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What is Pumpkin?

Pumpkin is the “oomph” of a good hug,

the dust under your feet on a summer’s day.

It is asking, “Can I help?”

It is the bounce of the lamb,

the waddle of the geese,

and the scattering of chickens.

Pumpkin is the smell of pumpkin pie,

the remembering of Thanksgiving

and always being kind.

It is looking for the good times

that come in each day.

What is your Pumpkin?

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What is Pure White?

Pure White is the flutter of a butterfly’s wing,

a kitten’s step,

and happy wishes to a friend.

It is when you think of something fun

or a song that you like.

Pure White is remembering to say,

“Please” and “Thank you.”

It is going to bed when you are told.

What is your Pure White?

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What is Purple?

Purple is knowing you see with your eyes,

smell with your nose,

taste with your tongue,

and feel with your skin.

It is the path the car leaves

when your family drives at night.

Purple is helping your friends to

feel good

and telling them they did a good job.

It is a letter in the mailbox

that is just for you.

What is your Purple?

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What is Rust?

Rust is the path the old rocker

has worn on the porch.

It is the weather vane on the barn

and the city bus at night.

It is the twinkle in the eyes of

the old woman who you call friend.

Rust is the chiming of the clock in the hall,

the turning of the wagon wheels long ago.

It is remembering that good times happen

and so do hard ones.

It is learning to do some grown up things

the best way that you can.

What is your Rust?

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What is Silver?

Silver is remembering fun times,

walks with Dad,

shopping with Mom,

and playing with your family.

It is going to the corner store.

and helping to push the grocery cart.

Silver is the path the newspaper takes

when the paper man throws it.

It is what the cat leaves on your arm

when she licks it!

What is your Silver?

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What is Silver Threaded Mercury?

Silver Threaded Mercury

is sliding down a slide,

jumping in a pool,

and sleeping out all night long

in a tent.

It is truth, trust and believing.

Silver Threaded Mercury is sharing a story

and listening to others.

It is knowing you are growing up

and soon will be going to school.

What is your Silver Threaded Mercury?

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What is Sparkling Gold?

Sparkling Gold is the feeling of

running faster than anyone else.

It is the jumping into leaves,

the look on your Grandpa’s face,

and the dog taking you for a walk!

Sparkling Gold is knowing you

can do anything

and be anybody.

It is like carrying a secret in your pocket

and no one knows it’s there.

What is your Sparkling Gold?

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What is Straw?

Straw is the first rays of light

in the morning.

It is the spot where the rabbit

sits under the fence,

It is the smell of cookies fresh

from the oven.

Straw is gentle and kind.

It is like laying down on a bed of feathers.

It is when you smile at someone

and they smile back.

What is your Straw?

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What is Tangerine?

Tangerine is walking barefoot in the creek,

scratching the horse’s nose and

hiding in a tree house.

It is taking a nap because you’re tired

and the puppy comes up

and curls up by your side.

Tangerine is playing late at night,

having friends to sleep over

and watching videos with popcorn to eat.

It is fun times,

that you can do again and again.

What is your Tangerine?

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What is Teal?

Teal is the beginning of a laugh,

the middle of a jump,

the up in the air of riding a swing.

It is running in the door

knowing your Mom has made lunch.

It is how you feel when

the ice cream truck comes.

Teal is sitting on the grass

with your favorite friend.

It is just feeling good to feel good.

What is your Teal?

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What is the Blue That Has No Name?

The Blue That Has No Name

is the moment you get an idea

and say, “Hey, what about this?”

It is being kind instead of mean,

and knowing everyone makes mistakes.

The Blue That Has No Name

is the sky on a summer’s day,

the slick spot on the ice,

and the smell of flowers in the spring.

It is the path the ants take

determined, strong,

and never giving up.

What is your Blue That Has No Name?

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What is Violet?

Violet is when you squeeze

your eyes real tight,

and what you see

in the middle of the night.

It is swimming under the water

and not being afraid.

because you know

how to hold your breath.

Violet is not getting mad

when your friends can’t play,

It is knowing that the nightlight

will come on

when the lights go out

at the end of the day.

What is your Violet?

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What is Willow?

Willow is how nice your hand feels

when it’s inside your Daddy’s hand.

It is drawing pictures on the

sidewalk with colored chalk.

Willow is waiting your turn,

not being pushy,

and being what adults call patient.

Willow is the quietness at the end of the day

and the waking up in the morning when you

still feel just a little bit sleepy.

What is your Willow?

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What is Yellow?

Yellow is Grandma’s favorite color.

It was the twinkle from her eyes

and the sound of her laughter.

It is the feel of the warm sun,

the touch of the wind,

and the sound a moving cloud makes.

Yellow is pancakes,


and apple pie.

It is what feels good

and what makes people happy.

What is your Yellow?

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Dear Young Reader,

Thank You for reading, Whispers of Color for children. I hope you enjoyed it – I enjoyed writing it.

I’d love for you to share your ideas for the colors written! You can

do that by going to and send me your colorful

ideas… simply write, just like in this book:

Begin with: The name of the color

Next write the question: What is (color you are writing about)?

Then write: What you think it might be.

Finish by signing your name and age

It’s OK to get an adult to help you – this is all for fun and some of

you are too young to write the words on your own.

We’ll try to post as many as we can – you can see what other

kids write as well!

Thanks for reading!

And, keep on reading and writing yourselves,

the world needs lots of writers!

Sue Lee