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In crafting the foundational documents for our republic, our Founders chose to follow the advice of John Locke. They constructed our government with the Nature of Man in mind. Perhaps nothing better sums up the Founder’s perspective of the Nature of Man than Cato Letters 59&60 (1720AD-1723AD):

Men, having been given free will, are not virtuous by nature and, acknowledging their imperfections, create governments so that they may live in safety and harmony together.

Acting on this knowledge, our Founding Fathers built into our Government and Constitution, various checks and balances. Amongst these checks and balances were transparency and accountability. [ ]

Until this just past week it seemed that our Federal, State and Local governments had forgot about their obligations of transparency and accountability to WE THE PEOPLE. In the past few days Minnesotans have been tantalized with the prospect of the return to a policy of checks, balances, transparency and accountability in our State and local governments in accordance with the Constitution and the vision our Founders had for this Country.

In rapid succession, our state and federal government, some local law enforcement and the federal judiciary have agreed to the outsourcing of the investigation of complaints against Minneapolis police officers (MPD), financial disclosure by Minnesota State Judges and a Federal Judge has ruled the majority of data mining by the NSA to be unconstitutional. These actions represent a move in the right direction by Federal and Minnesota State and Local Governance in providing peaceful resolution to redress grievances brought by a wide-ranging coalition of citizens.

This writer will begin by providing you links to various Major Media reporting of these actions. Then this writer will offer his perspective and analysis of these Liberty expanding actions over

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the course of 3 successive daily installments. This analysis to include pointing out major media‘s spin, which this writer believes accrues to the detriment of rank and file Americans. In the end, this writer will ask the reader to use their own observations and reasoning to determine truth for themselves (pursuant to Natural Law) using Critical Thinking [].

With Major Media feeling obligated to run ads alleging they are more trustworthy than the internet, it will be interesting to hear whether you find major media’s reporting or this writer’s reporting as better reflecting the truth you will determine for yourself?

You can read the major media’s spun versions of these expansions of Transparency and Accountability of government here:

Minnesota BCA to Handle High-Profile Minneapolis Police (MPD) Internal Investigations

Minnesota Governor Dayton Rejects Minneapolis Police Chief’s Misconduct Investigation Plan

Judge: NSA phone snooping likely unconstitutional

Minnesota Judges face new financial disclosure requirements

Though one of these actions seems to be lacking in sincerity and scope, they represent concessions in a well documented struggle by groups this writer has led, leads or has otherwise been affiliated with to achieve peaceful resolution to some of our Natural Law Right Petitions for Redress of Grievances without fear of punishment and reprisal as reduced to writing in the 1st Amendment.

For those new readers who are unaware, this writer has been involved in what he now calls the WE THE PEOPLE TAR (Transparency, Accountability and Reform) movement for more than 20 years. While this writer has been primarily engaged in demanding Judicial TAR and Government Fiscal TAR, he has been aligned with and affiliated with groups with diverse demands for redress of grievances from our government. Since 2005, hundreds of Minnesotans have sought and been denied a hearing to give evidence and testimony of systemic corruption in the Minnesota Judiciary before the Minnesota House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

Your government, who misleads rank and file Americans into believing it is benevolent, is anything but. Your government actively, illegally and unconstitutionally, punishes and reprises against the voices of political dissent. At least one individual has moved out of the country to escape the retaliation. Others have moved out of state and assumed a low profile to escape retribution. Others have lost jobs and/or had businesses destroyed. Others have been estranged from their children by court order in happenstance divorces. (This writer has had his business, finances, health and reputation destroyed in punishment for being perceived as one of the leaders of these rank and file citizens who simply wanted to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights.) It has been saddening and maddening to see your government ruthlessly punish average Americans for simply pointing out the injustices in which our government and judiciary has been engaged.

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(And writer chooses not to disclose their names so those who wish, can avoid further retribution from your government.)

The point of these previous 3 paragraphs being that these recent actions of government were paid for by some of your fellow citizens that your government forced to endure retribution and hardship to restore what should have been simple right.

"eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."

Andrew Jackson

If you should run into any of your fellow citizens who have paid the price, so that we all can secure their blessing, please make sure you thank them for their efforts and sacrifices.

Before anymore is said, this writer appreciatively calls for “hat’s off”, a hard handshake and full support of US Federal Judge Richard Leon and Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau. Judge Richard Leon ruled the NSA phone snooping unconstitutional and Police Chief Janeé Harteau called for the outsourcing of complaints against Minneapolis Police Officers. These two patriots refused to “go along to get along” with the current corrupt status quo and sided with WE THE PEOPLE. This writer, knowing the retaliation these two patriots will be subjected to, calls upon rank and file Americans to openly and vigorously support and defend Judge Richard Leon and Police Chief Janeé Harteau as true champions of WE THE PEOPLE. If WE THE PEOPLE don’t support and defend our own champions, who will?

ANALYSIS: Outsourcing Minneapolis Police (MPD) Internal Investigations

This will likely be the shortest of this writer’s three analysis, as it appears so straight-forward.

The Minneapolis Police Department has had a number of complaints against its officers in recent years. These complaints have resulted in big lawsuits for which the taxpayers have had to pay. Yet, most often the accused does not lose their job and often gets a mere slap on the wrist. Distrust of law enforcement in certain sub-communities has led to rising concerns of community unrest. So great have the financial and community unrest concerns become that Minneapolis is scheduled to equip each officer with video cameras.

More pros than cons on police body cams

Perhaps some of the most outrageous miscarriages of injustice came via the Metro Gang Strike Force a few years back. Tasked with rooting out gang activity across the Twin Cities Metro area, this law enforcement group apparently went rogue. Law enforcement officers in the Task Force beat up, robbed and abused innocent citizens for years with little or no oversight. Again, taxpayers got to foot the bill but this writer does not recall any officer being criminally charged or convicted or even losing their job.

Metro Gang Strike Force gets off scot free

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In the face of this, Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau boldly and decisively acted in the best interests of rank and file Minnesotans. Police Chief Janeé Harteau, in discussions with other government agencies, decided that she would outsource the investigation of certain internal investigations. In one decisive act, Police Chief Janeé Harteau was going to protect the general public from the abuses the current status quo tolerated and/or promoted while at the same time being fiscally responsible with the taxpayer’s pocket book. But how did Police Chief Janeé Harteau come to this decision?

And this is where this writer’s long involvement in Judicial TAR pays off. The folks comprising the Judicial TAR movement have diverse concerns. While this writer was primarily concerned with Judicial Corruption, he often listened to and supported other citizens who had issues with law enforcement. What follows is a summary of workings of the “blue line”.

To begin with, while rank and file Americans are taught a Standard of Morality of absolute right and wrong, our Government officials and Judges have a different Standard of Morality. Their Standard of Morality is “Plausible Deniability” and “Might Makes Right”.

The Standard of Morality of Plausibly Deniability essentially means “if you can’t prove they did something, they won’t admit to the allegation”. Most everything government officials and judges do is geared to this mentality. This is why government officials and judges prefer denying interviews, speaking off the record, get offended when secretly recorded and/or prefer verbal communications. “The Spoken word evaporates”. And also why we all get off–point form letters in response to our persistent and/or written communications.

Might makes Right essentially refers to the fact that every civil and/or criminal investigation comes down to a matter of resources. The average citizen does not have the resources to take on the government. (You can’t fight City Hall). In its present state of opaqueness and unaccountability, your government can destroy virtually any rank and file citizen (oppress, suppress, repress political dissent). Further, their often exists a Quid Pro Quo arrangement amongst government officials. In the common vernacular, “they have each other’s back”. Boasts by government officials that any innocent citizen can be destroyed, even put in jail are not mere idle threats; they are truths.

With regards to law enforcement, most Americans have heard of the “Blue Line”. It is an unwritten code by which law enforcement protect each other. In Court and Government Investigations they speak in terms of Standards of Evidence. (e.g. preponderance of the evidence, guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, etc) What many people don’t recognize is that only evidence on the official record matters. It doesn’t matter how many time to told your family, told your attorney, posted it on the internet, or published it in the paper; if its not on the official record it is as though that evidence does not exist.

Next, comes that “Might Makes Right” problem. In most current Police Departments, the reviews of complaints about officers are most often heard by other officers, former officers and/or by others with connections to the law enforcement community.

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Further, the testimony of Law enforcement officers are generally given greater credibility than that of the accuser(who often stands accused of a crime). So essentially the accuser faces 6 insurmountable hurtles.

1. Accusers most often are not practiced at the law and testifying whereas police usually are;

2. Often the Accuser is the only witness to the transgression;

3. Accusers don’t know the Rules of Evidence, can’t afford an attorney and/or must choose between feeding their family or purchasing justice;

4. Other police officers will most often not corroborate the accusers accusations, regardless of the validity of the accusations;

5. The accused and others involved in the process subscribe to the Standard of Morality known as “Plausible Deniablity”;

6. In the current status quo, the person(s) hearing the matter have a loyalty and relationship with law enforcement and are predisposed to believe the accused rather than the accuser.

And so it is, that Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau sought to peacefully address and resolve the concerns of Minneapolis taxpayers and citizens.

And then Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton weighed in, in opposition. After meeting with the police union, Governor Mark Dayton Announced the State will not cooperate with Chief Janeé Harteau, despite the agreement having been hammered out at lower levels of Minnesota Government.

This writer’s assesses this situation as follows: There is a battle currently going on between the corrupt, status quo and those Government Officials who seek to uphold their oaths of offices which require them to represent the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE. Perhaps this quote best suggests how this standoff should be viewed by WE THE PEOPLE.

“I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.”

John Locke

While I respect and commend almost all individuals who are engaged in law enforcement, the Metro Gang Task Force and other recent incidents demand a departure from the status quo.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Again, this writer asks his readers to call or write Governor Mark Dayton’s office to challenge his position. And as, or more importantly, also call Chief Janeé Harteau and offer her thanks and support.

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The champions of WE THE PEOPLE must never be abandoned to face retribution alone.

Those were my thoughts.

Part 2 of 3 will consist of:

ANALYSIS: Judge Richard Leon finds NSA phone snooping likely unconstitutional

To read part 2 of 3, please click here

In Closing:

Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.

If what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact your local elected officials and let them know. If you are afraid of repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and ask them to respond in the local paper or their own monthly/quarterly internet newsletter. Even if this article refers to something outside you geographic area, it still likely applies to your location. Remember all those taxpayer training junkets we taxpayers send the bureaucrats on? They all learn the same “livestock management” techniques to use on WE THE PEOPLE.

And that leaves WE THE PEOPLE with this conundrum: While our #Government works full time with compensation and funded with our money for the cause of #Tyranny; WE THE PEOPLE are forced to work part time without compensation for the cause of #liberty with what is left over of our time, money and energy.

Finally, this article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense”

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty, Don MashakThe Cynical Patriot Mashak Google Plus


End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System) #ETFNational Minneapolis

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Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP

Lawless America #LawlessAmerica

Term Limits #TermLimit

Justice in Minnesota #JIM

Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking ( in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.