Download - Where I’m From Brainstorming Think back to your childhood memories and jot down the first three things that come to mind for each of the following topics:


Where I’m FromBrainstorming

Think back to your childhood memories and jot down the first three things that come to mind for each of the following topics:




Towns of significance

Summertime activities

Family traditions

Extracurricular activities

Types of music, songs, or specific musicians

Pets/ animals of significance


Types of candy

Nicknames or names specific for your family

Games played with friends

Lessons you’ve learned

Rules you had to follow

TV shows

Items that “date” you to a specific time period/ generation/ culture


Now, use some or all of these to create an “I come from…” or an “I remember…” piece.

For example:

I am from a quiet neighborhood, an orange house on

Bedford Street, and three cars in the driveway

From a house full of games, humongous chairs, and a

crimson candle that smells like pine.

I come from a time of scrunchies, neon pink, and plastic jellies that viciously rubbed blistered on my feet.

A time of smocked dresses, checked jumpers, and a bow the size of my head to match every outfit.

A time when dressing like Punky Brewster, singing like Paula Abdul, and solving crimes like Nancy Drew were a top priority.

A time of Mall Madness’s “There is a sell at the Fashion Boutique,” Little Mermaid’s “Part of your world,” and Mr. Rogers’s “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood” were phrases I heard often.

A time of Saturday morning Saved by the Bell, frequent trips to the library for the latest Babysitters’ Club book, bubble tape and icees, Barbies and G.I. Joes, slap bracelets and “Best Friends” necklaces, and Mary Poppins and The Goonies.

I come from slumber parties where the goal was to stay up for the sunrise, hide-and-seek on dark, balmy summer nights, fireflies stored carefully in hole-punched jars, and summers when nothing mattered buy swimming, playing, and sleeping in.

I come from the smell of warm, freshly baked bread, the taste of Nana’s creamy macaroni, Granny’s flat, buttery, melt-in-your-mouth cornbread, and the scent of Bob’s Barbeque on the way to school.

I come from watching the terrifying Jaws, getting enough courage to jump off the high dive at Sports Com, riding the biggest roller coasters at Opryland, and playing year after year of softball all to make my Dad proud.

I come from shopping trips to the dreaded Caster Knotts, American Girl tea parties, modeling a dress under construction (and trying not to get poked with a pin), and working at school on Saturdays to help my mom.

I come from summer vacations to Cincinnati for a Reds game and Kings Island, fall camping trips to Tim’s Ford, and winter trips to Gatlinburg in search of snow.

I come from the dancing light of the campfire, the perfectly roasted marshmellow, the feeling on freedom on my bike, ghost stories, treks to the bath house in the middle of the night, and the picturesque colors of trees.

I come from the glow of the Christmas tree, Santa tracker on the TV, Amy Grant’s Home for Christmas , cookies and coke by the fireplace (Santa didn’t like milk), and the excited anticipation of Christmas morning.

I come from “Jesus loves me,” flannel board stories, youth retreats, late night talks, friendships that will last forever, and family that runs deeper than blood.

I come from learning friends may come and go, discovering the best things really do come to those who wait, and finally realizing my calling in life.

I come from a family who loves me despite my faults, friends who offer never-ending encouragement and adventure, a church family that offers prayers and support, and a multitude of love.