Download - Where Angels Fear to Tread: Prologue Pt.3

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Page 3: Where Angels Fear to Tread: Prologue Pt.3

Caryl: So Professor Fong…about that performance bar…

Prof. Fong: Oh of course, I mean if you were still in my course I’d be happy to work on getting that up for you. But you changed remember?

Caryl: Oh yeah, that’s right…but the rose is fresh right? Only best for the best professor

I say.

Prof. Fong: That’s so nice of you.

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Caryl: So I’m all good for the mid term right?

Professor Red Hair: Yes Ms. Angel. No worries.

Caryl: Caryl babe, call me Caryl. Saying Ms. makes me feel old.

Prof. Red Hair: Caryl…that’s nice I like it.

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Caryl: Really llama? You interrupt my make out session for your damn Vo Gerbits?

Kevin: Oh I don’t know, I like it.

Caryl: Kevvie…Caryl needs kissies…

Kevin: In a minute my sweet…he’s almost done.

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Caryl: Mmm…Kevers…

Other Kevin: Mrphh…

Caryl: I am so good at this…Thirteen more to go…

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Castiel: Are you sure this won’t hurt June?

June: I promise young one. I am so glad you called, I was beginning to think you forgot about my card.

Castiel: Oh, no it’s just been a busy semester that’s all. I have some time now.

June: Hold still then…

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June: There, I’ve done what you told me too…

“Very good.”

June: Will you tell me who you are at least? You keep haunting me…

“No, I can’t tell you. Just do what you’re told to and all will be well.”

June: He’ll be powerful won’t he?

“Very. And he will need it to survive.”

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Castiel: Like this?

June: Yes, just like that.

Castiel: What will happen?

June: You’ll see.

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June: Blessed be…

Castiel: Whoa…

June: Just perfect my young protégé…just perfect.

Castiel: I can do that now?

June: For now, yes.

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“This will help to keep the demons at bay…”

June: So warm…and pure…

Castiel: It’s amazing. I feel happy and

safe in the light.

June: This is the Path of Light my protégé, the one you were destined to


Castiel: Really?

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Castiel: What are you doing?

Demi: Craw?

Castiel: Craw? What’s that mean?

Demi: Craw, craw!!

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Demi: I said craw boy!! CRAW!!

Castiel: What…was that supposed to be a peck?

Demi: Forget it, come with me.

Castiel: Where? It’s like 11 pm, I have class in the morning.

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Castiel: Hand—handcuffs? What the hell? Who are you?? Let me see your badge!!

Demi: Can it feather boy, no talking. You have the right to remain silent… *coughandsexycough*

Castiel: What was that last part?


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Castiel: Mom is so going to kill me…I got arrested.


Castiel: I hope this won’t go on record…

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Demi: Ooh, nice ass…

Castiel: What?

Demi: What did I say?

Castiel: Yeah, right to remain silent…yeah. I got it.

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Demi: Don’t look so down hottie, it won’t be long.

Castiel: *remains silent*

Demi: You can speak now.

Castiel: Where am I going?

Demi: It’s a Secret.

Castiel: Oh…so this is what they meant?

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Castiel: Where am I?

SS Members: Ooh, legacy blood!!

Castiel: Legacy what?

SS Members: We can always use more legacy blood.

Castiel: What are you talking about?

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Hat Girl: Look at those wings!! They’re so cuuttee!!

Kevin: Jeeze, way to scare the noob…

Red Head 1: What do we need him for?

Komei Clone: His destiny. Remember?

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Castiel: What destiny?

Blond Girl: You don’t even know why you’re here?

Castiel: No. Should I?

Red Head 2: Shh…we were told not to say anything!!

Hat Girl: CUUTTEE WINNGGS!! Can I pet them?

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Castiel: It seems I won’t get any answers here either…should I be happy about that or annoyed?

Blond Girl: Go with happy…yeah. That’s good.

Castiel: Err, right…happy…

Hat Girl: Wings pet nao?

Red Head 2: God!! Shut up about the wings already!!!

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Castiel: So this is an old society here on campus? What is it for?

Red Head 2: We have our reasons for staying secret. We protect things from the outside world that would otherwise be destroyed.

Castiel: I don’t get it.

Red Head 2: Neither do we, but we do it anyway.

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Castiel: Well, what do you know?

Red Head 2: We have to help you. That’s about all, something is coming and we were told to protect you.

Castiel: From what? What’s coming?

Red Head 2: Not our place to say; we just protect that’s all we do.

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Castiel: And they say to make friends, and since you’re going to be staying here Yusun, I thought I’d get to know you.

Yusun: Oh really? You are so cute do you know that? I’ve been coming by day after day

just to get a chance to talk to you.

Castiel: Umm, thanks I guess. But I have a girlfriend…sorry.

Caryl: So? No reason to stick with just one Cas.

Castiel: I only want one; Mimete.

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Mimete: I like the hair baby, very sexy.

Castiel: Yeah, I’ve been letting it grow.

Mimete: I love it.

Castiel: Want to get a seat? I’m starved.

Mimete: Sure.

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Castiel: A toast, to the end of Sophomore year.

Mimete: For you…but alright.

Castiel: You are going to graduate right?

Mimete: Of course but I’m a year behind you.

Castiel: Oh that’s right…I forgot.

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Castiel: I can wait for you if you want.

Mimete: No, no sense in holding up your grad just for me. I’ll get there eventually.

Castiel: It’ll be a lonely year without you though.

Mimete: I know, but it can’t be helped.

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Waitress: What’ll it be kids?

Castiel: I’ll just have some mac and cheese, and she’ll have a Baked Alaska.

Waitress: Sure, coming right up.

Castiel: Thanks.

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Mimete: Just mac and cheese? Seems a little underwhelming for a place like this baby.

Castiel: Well, I’m just in the mood for something simple; kinda nervous


Mimete: What for?

Castiel: Things…

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Castiel: For this, actually.

Mimete: Oh Cas, is that…

Castiel: Yep…

Mimete: And you’re…

Castiel: Uh huh…

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Mimete: Oh Cas…it’s beautiful I don’t know what to say.

Castiel: Uhh, yes would be good…

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Castiel: Mimi…don’t leave me hanging like this…will you marry me or not?

Mimete: It’s shiny…give me a sec…

Castiel: Nice guy here remember?

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Mimete: Yes, I will.

Castiel: Oh thank God…Mimi that was mean.

Mimete: Oh come on, I have to make you wait it’s like code or something.

Castiel: Still not nice though.

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Mimete: So when you graduate where are you going to live?

Castiel: I don’t know, somewhere. Not with my mom though, I kinda want my own place. I need to get a good job too, make my way in the world; the usual.

Mimete: I love flowers, can you plant a garden for me?

Castiel: I’ll see what I can do. I mean I don’t even know what size of a house I want yet.

Mimete: A nice sized one, because we may want kids some day too you know.

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Castiel: Kids…that would be great. Maybe three?

Mimete: Three huh? Is that all?

Castiel: Yeah, seems like a nice number to have. I’ll make sure they have a beautiful garden to play in.

Mimete: And growing things, like vegetables too, I want to do that.

Castiel: Sure.

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Caryl: What’s your damage woman?

Demi: CRAW!!??

Caryl: What the hell is craw?

Demi: Craw is craw!!

Caryl: You forget your meds today or something?

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Demi: CRAW!! *poke*

Caryl: The hell?

Demi: Alright, come with me. I’ve had enough.

Caryl: Look I don’t do girls…though this does give me some ideas…

Demi: You have the right to remain silent…

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Caryl: Kevers!! Aww you shouldn’t have.

Kevin: Yeah, well you deserve it babe. Welcome.

Caryl: You got booze?

Kevin: Umm…no. Sorry.

Caryl: What kind of secret club doesn’t have booze?

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Kevin: We got a cow-plant and a counterfeiter in the basement though.

Caryl: Really huh? A cow-plant you say?

Kevin: Yeah, she’s the best.

Caryl: I might have to look into that.

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Caryl: Got a double bed back home with your name on it Kevers…

Kevin: Ooh…sounds good.

Caryl: I thought it might.

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“So she made sure Cas was turned right?”

“Yeah, I told her myself. Michael’s orders.”

“He can only use it while he’s still in college though, he can’t cast outside after it begins.”

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“He has to lift the Paranormal restrictions first. It’s part of the deal we made.”

“And you think he’ll get it?”

“Shinia, I know he will. It’s in his blood.”

“I know that Morte, but does he know that?”

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Shinia: You would think having a Death Angel for a father would kinda make you want to lift restrictions dealing with death first wouldn’t you?

Morte: Only…he doesn’t know that Kaze is his father yet. No one has told him.

Shinia: He will be told right?

Morte: Michael says so, but I don’t know when.

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“I miss Kaze-sama…he was the best leader we ever had.”

Morte: Kuolema, you always say that.

Kuolema: Yes, and it’s still true.

Shinia: And you still carry that torch for him don’t you kiddo?

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Kuolema: I—I…do not…Kaze-sama was my senpai.

Morte: Shinia, don’t tease her.

Shinia: But it’s adorable to see her blush.

Kuolema: *blushes*

Shinia: See? How cute is that?

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Michael: Have you three informed Castiel about what restriction he will lift first like I asked?

Kuolema: No, Michael-dono. He’s still in college with two years left.

Michael: Well don’t wait too long, it’s important he lift Paranormal so he can cast that spell to bless his home.

Kuolema: I won’t forget, I swear.

Michael: See that you don’t.
