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When Healthy Cooking and Eating Becomes a Crash Diet

Page 2: When Healthy Cooking and Eating Becomes a Crash Diet

A desire to cook and consume purely healthy foods in search of weight loss can be carried too far.

 According to an article completed by The Huffington Post, this can lead to the creation of a crash

diet.  These crash diets, which are originally intended for fat burning purposes, can often end up

ruining the natural enjoyment afforded by some of the healthier food options.  The article lists seven

specific crash diets, which have the ability to ruin the positive perception surrounding some of these

healthy choices, through over exposure or other complications.

Page 3: When Healthy Cooking and Eating Becomes a Crash Diet

Grapefruit Diet

The first diet mentioned in this article is the grapefruit diet. One of the requirements is to eat one grapefruit before each meal. The fat burning properties of this fruit allow the person to burn fat while consuming their meals. Although the diet seems harmless and easy enough, the article mentions that binging on grapefruits 3-4 times a day before a meal takes away from the enjoyment of this delicatessen and turns eating this treat into a chore.

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Cabbage Soup Diet The second on the list is the cabbage soup diet. The name alone sounds very unappealing, despite the rave reviews around this fad. This diet calls for people to only eat the vegetable in a boiled state for seven days straight. Similar to the grapefruit diet, this method can steer dieters away from the vegetable and all the other different ways it can be enjoyed.

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The South Beach Diet

The South Beach diet replaces meals and staple cooking ingredients such as cheese and healthy carbs with substances that are manufactured and manipulated into edible products.

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The Slim Fast DietGaining its fame in the 2000s, the Slim Fast diet was endorsed by many people. The diet claims that the chocolate milkshake liquid can help people reach their desired target weight goal. However, the article criticizes this claim, due to the fact that Slim Fast tastes nothing like a milkshake and has indeed tainted this treat for many people.

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Juicing is a current fad that has taken the dieting world by storm. Dieters are expected to blend and consume a plethora of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. Intaking these foods in a liquid form takes away from enjoying of these foods on their own and in their natural states.

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Dukan DietThe Dukan diet is protein based and it focuses on calculating and restricting your calorie intake as you progress in the program. There is a great amount of pressure that is put on dieters in order to measure and record their daily calorie intake. This lifestyle can become exhausting and can deter people from eating at all.