Download - What's New in SAP E-Recruiting 6.00

  • Whats New In SAP E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)

    Kim LessleyERP Solution Manager, SAP Labs, LLCNovember 16, 2005

  • Availability and TimelinesWhats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Special Talent Management Feature Pack

  • SAP AG 2005

    Release Planning

    SAP E-Recruiting 3.0 (mySAP ERP 2004) Mass shipment February 28, 2005

    SAP E-Recruiting 6.0 and Succession Planning

    (mySAP ERP 2005) Ramp-up October 24, 2005 Service Pack 2 expected Q4 2005 Mass shipment expected Q2 2006

    Talent Management Fast Track (mySAP ERP 2005) Shipped within Service Pack based on ERP 2005 / E-Recruiting 6.0 Scheduled delivery Q2/Q3 2006

    SAP E-Recruiting 7.0 and Succession Planning

    (mySAP ERP 2007) Shipment expected Q1 2007

  • Availability and TimelinesWhats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Special Talent Management Feature Pack

  • Whats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Talent GroupsCandidate QuestionnairesDeletion and Retention ToolsHR Integration and ESA ServicesSuccession Planning

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Focus through Talent Groups

    Talent GroupsGroup like candidates together for TRM actionsPerform activities on group outside of a requisitionProactively market your company to specific groups

    Some Talent Segments require special attention, and may require specific processes, staff, etc. Talent Groups

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Groups: How They Work

    Administrators create Talent Groups

    Only Talent Group support team members can : Assign candidates to Talent Group (from the Talent Pool) See which candidates are in the Talent Group See which Talent Group activities have been created

    Candidates can belong to multiple Talent Groups

    TRM activities can be created and tracked against specific Talent Groups

    Talent Groups can have questionnaires/candidate ranking

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Groups Assignments


    Possible Talent Group UsesPipelining candidatesSourcing for candidates (search template element)Talent relationship managementTalent campaignsGrouping obsolete candidates

  • Whats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Talent GroupsCandidate QuestionnairesDeletion and Retention ToolsHR Integration and ESA ServicesSuccession Planning

  • SAP AG 2005

    Candidate Questionnaires

    Candidate QuestionnairesSend questionnaires outside of a requisitionSearch Talent Warehouse by questionnaire responsesRank by questionnaires

  • SAP AG 2005

    Candidate Questionnaires: How They Work

    Attach questionnaires to candidates directly:

    Outside the context of a requisition

    For talent relationship management (TRM) activities candidates within the Talent Pool or within a Talent Group

    Search for and rank candidates based on these questionnaires

    Complete questionnaires on behalf of a candidate

  • SAP AG 2005

    Candidate Questionnaires (Activity Management)

    Questionnaires are now allowed for candidates independently of the assignment to a requisition.

  • Whats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Talent GroupsCandidate QuestionnairesDeletion and Retention ToolsHR Integration and ESA ServicesSuccession Planning

  • SAP AG 2005

    Deletion and Retention Tools: Background

    Provide an easy way to keep the talent pool updated and delete obsolete records when required

    Legal compliance of application data (country dependent) When applications are aborted or the recruitment process is

    completed (especially, when this is done without a registration) the application and most of the candidate information have to be deleted (e.g., Germany)

    The application and audit trail data have to be retained over a specific period of time (e.g., USA: EEO)

  • SAP AG 2005

    Definition of Expiration and Retention Periods

    Expiration Period: The maximum period of time an application and the person-related data

    of the associated candidate may be retained in the system once therecruitment process has been completed (when the application status isset to rejected or withdrawn)

    Retention Period: The duration a requisition and all related information (applications,

    applicant data, activities, audit trails, and so on) must be retained beforethey can be deleted

    Defining the expiration and retention periods: Periods are defined for branches in customizing Branches are assigned to requisitions The expiration and retention periods stored in customizing are derived

    from the branch assigned to the requistion Periodic reports are used to delete applications

  • SAP AG 2005

    Deleting Candidates: How it Works

    Deleting candidates from the system is a two-step process:

    Earmark candidate for deletion Assign candidate to a specific talent group Deregistration (by candidate or by administrator on behalf of


    Delete the candidate Delete external candidates (two reports available) Delete requisitions (and assigned candidates)

    The reports take the data retention dates set in customizing into consideration



  • Whats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Talent GroupsCandidate QuestionnairesDeletion and Retention ToolsHR Integration and ESA ServicesSuccession Planning

  • SAP AG 2005

    HR Integration

    Import position and job requirements from HR onto requisition Import employee qualifications from HR into employee profile

    Button: Transfer of HR Requirementsto pull job / position requirements from HR onto the requisition

  • SAP AG 2005

    ESA Services

    Job Board Integration

    Send publication data to a job board via XI server Data is mapped to an HR-XML-Consortium-based structure

    New Hire (Integration to HR Administrative Services)

    Send external candidate data to the HR system via XI server

    HR Administrative Services receive the data and triggers the creation of an employee

    HR Administrative Services sends back the new employee ID together with the candidate ID to switch the external to an internal candidate

    Note: Both implementations are thought as examples to implement a customer specific scenario

  • SAP AG 2005

    System Landscape

    E-Recruiting HR-System



    Hire Request

    Hire Confirmation


  • SAP AG 2005

    Job Board Integration: How it Works

    New periodical service class CL_HRRCF_PUBLISH_XI_PUB reads the interface table, collects the data and calls the XI proxy class

    The data flow (including mapping) can be seen in transaction SXMB_MONI, in sending system and XI system

    New publisher class CL_HRRCF_PUBLISHER_XI fills the new interface table T77RCF_XI_PUB

    XI server: Mapping of E-Recruiting structure to HR-XML

  • SAP AG 2005

    New Hire Integration: How it Works

    Alternative technique to RFC connection and PA48

    New periodical service class CL_HRRCF_HIRE_REQUEST_XIreads the interface table, collects the data and calls the XI proxy class

    Simple mapping of E-Recruiting structure to HR-ADMIN structure on XI server

    Receiving class CL_HRRCFHIRE_CONFIRMATION_IN is called by proxy

    Note: Prerequisite is the usage of HR Administrative Services and activating the T77S0 switch RECFA HRXI

  • SAP AG 2005

    Demo: Whats New in E-Recruiting in 6.0

  • SAP AG 2005

    Demo: Whats New (Administrator)

  • Whats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Talent GroupsCandidate QuestionnairesDeletion and Retention ToolsHR Integration and ESA ServicesSuccession Planning

  • SAP AG 2005

    Succession Planning Process

    Strategic Demand Identification

    Potential Talent /Sucessor


    Selection andSuccession

    PlanEstablish IndividualDevelopment Plans

    Safeguard the strategically most important positions

    Build transparency on career opportunities before the position becomes vacant

    Analyze and update requirements for representativepositions / benchmark jobs

    Build foundation for interrelated HR processes like recruiting, learning and performance management

    Get understanding on employee population in specific target group

    Build transparency of competency gaps

    Establish talent peer groups (e.g. high potentials, top performers, trainees, etc.) to target talent services

    Preselect potential talents to fulfill strategic demand

    Derive and establish strategic development programs

    Execute on demandfulfillment

    Get transparency ofpotential successors

    Evaluate and rate talents on shortlist

    Start communicationwith the business(manager and employee) on Plan

    Adjust plan based on business area goalsand goal conflicts (e.g.readiness)

    Get transparency onstrategic developmentneeds

    Break down toindividualdevelopment plan

    Get commitementfrom business andemployee to executeon plan

    Start long-termdevelopment plan

    Monitor progress ondevelopment planexecution

  • SAP AG 2005

    Succession Planning Highlights

    Use succession plan requisitions to designate key positions and jobs Source based on pre-defined pools of high potentials (talent groups) Take advantage of predelivered processes for succession planning Import position and job requirements from HR Import employee qualifications from HR Print succession profiles of successors for offline review

  • SAP AG 2005

    Process Template

    Predelivered customizing for succession planning

    Predelivered processes and activitites Predelivered processes and activities Assignment of activities to relevant processes

  • SAP AG 2005

    Identify Potential Successors: Candidate Search

    Search for Talent Groups Use talent groups as search criteria

    Restricted with authorizations

    New Search Profile

    Uses hidden information to select internal candidates (employees) only

    Candidate status is not taken into consideration

  • SAP AG 2005

    Identify Potential Successors: Reuse of Employee Qualifications

    Employee Qualifications from HR in Profile

    Eliminates need for employees to maintain their skills and qualifications in multiple locations

    Simplifies the comparison of potential successors against key positions

  • SAP AG 2005

    Create Succession Plan

    Search for potential successors Perform activities (individual or mass) Rate successor readiness for position Display assignments to other succession plans Maintain profile on behalf of employee Record notes on potential successors Print successor list for offline talent review meetings Create follow-up activities

    Successor Readiness Rank potential successors

    readiness for the position

  • SAP AG 2005

    Demo: Succession Planning

  • Availability and TimelinesWhats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Special Talent Management Feature Pack

  • Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Support Team EnhancementsAgency SupportRecruiter Worklists

  • SAP AG 2005

    Support Team Enhancements in Requisitions

    Logically group a collection of users with different roles (customizing) Assign several support team members at once Search and replace feature for support team members

    User List

    Assign user group or individualmembers to a support team

  • SAP AG 2005

    User Lists - Support Team

    User list created in customizing can be displayed to select members of support team (IT 5131) in requisitions



    NFTalent Group

    IT 5131

    User list in Customizing

    User list 1US MUELLER 0002US SMITH 0002US CLARK 0003

    MUELLER 0002SMITH 0002GARCIA 0011SMITH 0007

    User lists can be assigned to categories in customizing to classify them, for example according to regions or other organizational criteria

  • SAP AG 2005

    Adjust Support Team

    Adjust support team

    Adjust support team

  • SAP AG 2005

    Support Team Search (Activity Management)

    New enhancement for assigning support team members to activities

    Search for ProcessorsOn this page you can either select a member from the support team or search for employees.

    Search for employees within the support teamThis list shows the employees on the support team. Select a processor from this list.

    New tab: Support Team to restrictprocessor search to team members


  • Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Support Team EnhancementsAgency SupportRecruiter Worklists

  • SAP AG 2005

    Agency Support

    Data entry by agenciesSpecial access to relevant data entry pageAutomatic tracking of which agency submits candidates

  • SAP AG 2005

    Agency support: User Group

    Re-use of object user group (UG) via transaction SUGR Assignment of users with corresponding E-Recruiting authorizations

    UGUser Group 1

    User group withspecified users handedto agency for data entry





    Full NameUser Name

  • Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Support Team EnhancementsAgency SupportRecruiter Worklists

  • SAP AG 2005

    Candidate Shortlist

    Candidate shortlists will show total number of candidates as well as number of new candidates (read/unread concept)

    Total In Process Unread

  • SAP AG 2005

    My Planned Activities

    Recruiters can quickly find and edit all their planned activities

    My Planned Activities

    My Planned Activities

    Filter by activity and date range.Edit activities directly from list.

  • SAP AG 2005

    Candidate Hit List

    A new hit list is separated into candidates already assigned to requisitions and those not yet assigned.

    Not yet assigned (30)

    Tabs to differentiate hitlist betweencandidates already assigned and not yet assigned

  • SAP AG 2005

    Demo: Service Pack 2 Functionality

  • Availability and TimelinesWhats New in E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)Enhancements Delivered with Support Pack 2Special Talent Management Feature Pack

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Management Feature Pack: Objectives

    Strengthen the Talent Management suite in mySAP ERP HCM Minimize silos between Recruiting, Succession Planning, Employee

    Development, Performance Mgmt/Compensation, and Learning Establish more complete, end-to-end processes Engage all users attached to each process with a harmonized UI

    Professional, External, Employee, Manager Enable complete control of both defining the organization and

    executing all the processes required to drive comprehensive talent management

    Measure all processes and strategies through analytics

    First Delivery planned for end of Q2 2006 (feature package)

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Management Feature Pack I

    New Composite Talent Planner Role

    A collective role supporting the processes of Succession Planning, Performance Management, Organizational Development and Compentancy Management

    Dashboard-like navigation to high risk areas of concern and monitoring through analytics

    Links to executable transactions

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Management Feature Pack II

    New PD Object: Job Family

    Will provide a consolidated view of functional areas within an organizational structure and will be embedded in a preliminary view for montoring (may be extended by other HR modules in later releases)

    Succession Planning

    Enhanced employee profile with HR data Search on performance feedback results Side-by-side comparison of potential successors

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Management Feature Pack III

    Recruiter Support (E-Recruiting)

    Improved visualization of workload through filtering/authorizations for activities in applicant tracking

    Quick activity creation (single-click creation from candidate lists) Conservative estimate of 900-1,200 clicks saved per requisition* /

    13,500-18,000 clicks saved for the average 15 requisitions a recruiter is working on at any given time

    New confirmation activity type possible use cases include Candidate confirms scheduled interview data and time Interview panel votes yes or no on whether to hire candidate Works council (or union representative) confirms its okay to hire

    proposed candidate

    *Assumption 100 applicants with 3 activities each

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Management Feature Pack IV

    Technology / Integration ESA enablement (E-Recruiting)

    Integration with resume parsing solution providers

    UI Enhancements (E-Recruiting)

    Recruiter dashboard proactive pushing of important information to recruiters with the ability to take action on that information, e.g.

    Postings about to expire New applications Feedback from hiring manager / interview panel member

    Posting enhancements defaulting data from HR

  • SAP AG 2005

    Talent Management Feature Pack V

    Search Enhancements

    Simplification of the search UI Expanded search capabilities

    Defaulting requirements from requisition Restriction of search criteria to those relevant to organization Personalizable columns in hit list Automated default ranking of candidate shortlist

    Side-by-side comparison of candidatesSearch criteria


    Optional criteria Mandatory criteriaFree-text search

    Interest group:


    Area of study:


    Candidate rating:

    Education type:

    Functional area:

    Candidate Percentage match Candidate rating Education type Functional area

  • Whats New In SAP E-Recruiting 6.0 (mySAP ERP 2005)

    Kim LessleyERP Solution Manager, SAP Labs, LLCNovember 16, 2005

  • SAP AG 2005

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  • SAP AG 2005

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