Download - What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Page 1: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

What’s a PatriarchOld Testament Lesson 8

Page 2: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

“This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… The patriarchs are the ancestors of our faith.”

Page 3: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

BackgroundThe last verses of Genesis chapter 11, starting at verse 27, begin a new literary unit about the family of Terah. (another genealogy list)

Page 4: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Abram’s story is the story of God’s plan to redeem us back after Adam’s fall. The events of the story fit well into the Middle Bronze Age. (2000-1550 B.C.)

Page 5: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

This account is different from other literature of the same age in that it narrows to a story about one family and their journey of faith.

Page 6: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Terah had three sons, Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran had a son named Lot. Terah out - lived his son Haran.

Page 7: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Sarai was Abram’s half sister. By the way, he kept trying to pass her off as his sister instead of his wife, for his own safety. She was stunningly beautiful. (Egypt and Abimelech king of Gerar)

Page 8: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Gen 20:12 Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife.

Page 9: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Terah’s family started out in Ur of the Chaldees, on the Euphrates in southern Mesopotamia near the Persian Gulf.

Page 10: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Ur was the center of pagan worship with the sun and moon being the main deities. Terah was of the “sons of Shem.”

Page 11: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Terah took Lot, Abram, and Saria and set out for Canaan. They got as far as Haran ( 600 miles northwest of Ur) and settled down. Terah died in Haran at 205 years of age.

Page 12: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

After Terah’s death God spoke to Abram and told him to, “Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you.” Gen 12:1

Page 13: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Up until this time God had dealt with the sin problem on a universal scale. Seth’s line was faithful, but the rest of the population didn’t follow God. Even through a universal flood and dispersion of languages mankind still turned from God.

Page 14: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Now, “the faithful obedience of a single individual has universal significance.”

Page 15: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Just a thought, but could God be calling you to an action that would effect the world?Will you say yes to what seems insignificant?

Page 16: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,“ and he was called God's friend.

Page 17: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Friend - 1) friend, to be friendly to one, wish him wella) a friendb) an associatec) he who associates familiarly with one, a companion

Page 18: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

d) one of the bridegroom's friends who on his behalf asked the hand of the bride and rendered him various services in closing the marriage and celebrating the nuptials

Page 19: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

As a friend, Abram would serve as the “best man to Christ.” He would usher the beginning of Christ’s courtship with the church.

Page 20: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Gen 15:6And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Page 21: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Romans 4:11And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them.

Page 22: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Read Genesis 12: 1-4God’s Statements to Abram:* Get out of your country and away from your kin.* Go to a land I will show you.

Page 23: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

•I will make you a great nation.* I will bless you.* I will make your name great.* I will make you a blessing.* I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you.*In you all families of the earth be blessed. (prophetic of Christ)

Page 24: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

Abram does obey God at age 75, but he runs into a trial. In verse 10– a famine hits the land. He went to Egypt and introduces Sarai as his sister. She was 65 years old. She was taken into the house of the Pharaoh.

Page 25: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

God did not allow Pharaoh to touch Sarai. The truth was revealed because Pharaoh’s house was plagued. They were sent out of Egypt with great riches.

Page 26: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…
Page 27: What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…