Download - What will happen if we are forced to find another electricity source? By Olivia Bryan.


What will happen if we are forced to find another

electricity source?By Olivia Bryan

This slide show will tell you about some of the energy sources we use today. It will also tell you about renewable and non renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy is a source of energy that can be used over and over again.These include:oSolar poweroWind powerAnd geothermal

Solar power is energy generated from the sun onto glass panels like these that generate electricity throughout the building. Other things that use the heat from the sun is solar hot water systems which is like solar panels but it heats up water instead.

Wind power Is converting wind energy into electricity. They way they collect all the wind is they usually have 20m high turbines in wide open spaces. The reason why they are so tall is because the wind is usually stronger further from the ground.

Geothermal energy is heat from the earth. It is a clean and sustainable source of energy that will not harm the environment. Things like shallow ground and hot water a few miles underground can generate the energy.

Non renewable energy is a source of energy that can only be used once.These include:oOil ocoalAnd natural gas

Oil is a liquid that is mixed with other sources to make electricity. In 2050 there is a chance that their will only be less than 10% of oil will be left underground so cities like New York which uses 8% of oil in their electricity mix will have rolling black outs. Oil can also be known as petroleum.

In Australia, black coal is responsible for 54.9% of electricity. Coal is one of the main reasons that Australia enjoys some of the cheapest electricity prices. The earliest conventional method for generating electricity was by burning lump coal on a grate in boilers to raise steam.

Natural gas is a colorless and odorless fossil fuel that is made up mostly by methane and also made of prehistoric plant and animal waste underneath the surface of the ground in rocks. It is mainly the fuel we use in homes, building, offices and shopping centers to heat things up like heating and cooling, stoves and ovens.

We will have rolling blackouts just before it ran out

We will be forced to go by candle light.

We will have to walk every where because our cars will be out of fuel.

Hospital machines will not work.

We wouldn’t be able to call or text people because our phones would be dead.

Food would go all mouldy because it is not chilled.