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Martin W. Longman


What Was Bush Thinking On 9/11?

Millions around the world believe that Bush had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

Most are crackpots. But inconsistent statements and White House stonewalling has

given the conspiracy theorists plenty of material to work with and further damaged

U.S. credibility in the War on Terrorism.

By Martin W. Longman

When Democratic Presidential contender, Howard Dean, recently floated the theory

that George W. Bush had received advanced warning of the 9/11 terror attacks, the

response was swift and overwhelmingly hostile. Bush called it, “an absurd

insinuation.” Former Republican Congressman and current MSNBC talk-host, Joe

Scarborough, spat, “I wonder what my reasonable Democratic friends are thinking

today, as their party leadership becomes obsessed with crackpot conspiracy theories

that only end up making the entire party look foolish and irrelevant. It's gutter politics

at its worst.” Conservative Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer used

the occasion to coin a new diagnosis, “Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset

of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency --

nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.” Dean even got it from the left side of

the Washington Post’s editorial staff when liberal lion, Richard Cohen wrote, “(Dean)

was roundly, and rightly, lambasted for what he said, suggesting once again that

about the only thing that stands between him and the Democratic presidential

nomination is his tongue.”

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The thrust of Dean’s comments, made on the Diane Rehm Radio Show, was aimed

at the administration’s withholding of information from the independent National

Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, (informally known as the

9/11 Commission). Dean warned, “the trouble is that by suppressing that kind of

information, you lead to those kinds of theories, whether they have any truth to them

or not, and then eventually they get repeated as fact. So I think the president is taking

a great risk by suppressing the clear, the key information that needs to go to


Intentionally or not, Dean suggested that the President’s reluctance to share

information with the 9/11 Commission was to cover-up gross incompetence at best,

and the intentional murder of 3,000 Americans, at worst. Making such a poignant

and pregnant insinuation without adequate substantiation, Dean quickly learned, is to

invite ridicule and outrage. Yet, a careful examination of the President’s actions as

the traumatic attacks unfolded, the administration’s comments afterwards, and

subsequent revelations about the extensive warnings our intelligence services

received, leads to a discomforting conclusion. Either the President was not getting

good intelligence briefings, wasn’t paying close attention to them, or something far

more nefarious was at play. The administration’s attempts to prevent and stonewall

the formal investigations of 9/11 only contribute to both global and domestic

suspicions of the latter possibility. As 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser, explained,

"What breeds these theories is that two years out, we have no authoritative account of

how it happened and why it happened." The Bush administration needs to address the

legitimate concerns raised by inconsistencies in the official line.

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The Official Line

On the morning of 9/11, the President was in Sarasota, Florida. Just before 9:00

AM he arrived at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School to hold an event extolling

the good work the school was doing teaching second-graders to read. He later

recounted his arrival for Bill Sammon, the Senior White House correspondent for the

Washington Times. Before heading in, he was getting a last second reminder on how

the event was choreographed. As he and his personal assistant, Blake Gottesman,

went through the details they were interrupted by Bush’s chief of staff, Andy Card,

who said, “By the way, an aircraft flew into the World Trade Center.”1

The North Tower of the World Trade Center had been struck about thirteen minutes

earlier (8:46:26 AM) while Bush was riding in his limousine. The aircraft was

American Airlines’ Flight 11, presumably with Mohammed Atta at the helm. CNN

had been broadcasting footage of the wounded tower belching smoke since 8:48, but

this, Bush told Sammon, was the first he had heard of it. How did the President


“And my first reaction was - as an old pilot - how could the guy have gotten so off

course to hit the towers? What a terrible accident that is. The first report I heard was a

light airplane, twin-engine airplane.”2

That is but one of the official stories, from the President’s own mouth, about how

he first learned and reacted to the news that an aircraft had struck one of the Twin

Towers. There have been others, which agree in some respects and not in others.

1 Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism, From Inside the Bush White House; p.41-42. By Bill Sammon.

2 Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism, From Inside the Bush White Hous e p.42 By Bill Sammon.

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However, the essentials have remained the same. According to Bush, he was

unaware that a plane had hit the World Trade Center for roughly eleven minutes after

CNN began reporting it. He was unaware that any commercial planes had been

hijacked. His information was that it was “a light airplane, twin-engine airplane.”

That Bush was not overly concerned about this is confirmed by the offhand way that

he recalls being informed. “By the way” Andy Card told him. He then proceeded

into a holding room inside the school to take a call from his National Security

Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. After listening to her analysis, Rice remembers Bush

replying, “what a terrible, it sounds like a terrible accident. Keep me informed.”3

Skeptics have latched onto these claims and questioned their plausibility. But the

President has put his own logs on the fire of controversy by giving contradictory


Bush’s Tells a Different Story in Town Hall Meetings

On December 4th, 2001 at a town hall meeting in Orlando, Florida, Bush was asked

about how he first learned about a crash at the WTC and how he reacted. He


“I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the

tower - the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there’s

one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off

there, I didn’t have much time to think about it.”

A month later, at a town hall meeting in Ontario, California Bush recalled:


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“Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff—well, first of all, when we

walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There

was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that

anybody could make such a terrible mistake. And something was wrong with the

plane, or—anyway, I’m sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came

and said, “America is under attack.”

These two town hall explanations are basically the same, but they disagree with the

story he told Bill Sammon. He told Sammon that he was informed by Andy Card

before he entered the school as he was talking to Blake Gottesman. In the town hall

versions he was informed by watching the first crash happen on a television monitor

inside the school.

There were four planes that crashed on 9/11, but only one of them was captured on

live television. That plane, Flight 175, crashed into the South Tower at 9:02:54 after

the President had walked into the classroom. It was while the President was sitting in

the classroom listening to children read that Andy Card interrupted (at approximately

9:07) and informed Bush about the second plane. His reaction was captured on tape

and replayed repeatedly in subsequent days.

The only footage of Flight 11 crashing into the North Tower twenty-one minutes

earlier, was captured by French filmmaker Jules Naudet, while he was making a

documentary about a probationary firefighter in lower Manhattan. That footage did

not air on television until September 12th. So, it is a physical impossibility that

President Bush “had seen (a) plane fly into the first building”, either while he was

sitting outside the classroom or when he was walking into it. If the President actually

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saw Flight 11 crash into the North Tower, he did so on a monitor in his limousine,

and why he would have been watching a live feed of the WTC at 8:46 AM is a

question with no innocent answer.

Perhaps Bush was merely embellishing his story to make it more interesting. It is

also possible, in the rush of events, he formed an imperfect memory. Columnist

Stephanie Schorow commented on this for the Boston Herald:

“Will you ever forget the moment you first heard about the Sept. 11 attacks?

That moment will be a marker for a generation, the moment the world changed.

For an earlier generation, the marker was hearing that John F. Kennedy had been

assassinated. For this generation, it will be how and when they heard about the

first plane striking the World Trade Center. Memories of that moment remain

posted on the Web, fodder for future historians. Which is why, ever since the one-

year anniversary, various Web citizens have been puzzling and arguing over

President George W. Bush's recollection of the first moments of Sept. 11.”4

More than just Web citizens are puzzling, because the pieces don’t fit together.

The two versions are mutually exclusive. While this may not be evidence of a grand

conspiracy, it does suggest that the President dissembled about one of the most

important moments of his life and the history of the nation.

As with a sworn witness at trial, the President’s inconsistent testimony in one area

can shed doubt about his credibility in other areas. All of Bush’s recollections, as

well as those of other administration official’s, have agreed at least in this: no one

4 The Boston Herald, October 22, 2002 NET LIFE; What did Bush see and when did he see it? By Stephanie Schorow

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told him about an “accident” at the WTC until after he arrived at the school (between

8:55-8:59). Many people are skeptical about that assertion. In an open letter to the

President, 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani wrote:

“On the morning of the attack, you and members of your staff were fully aware of

the unfolding events yet you chose to continue on to the Emma E. Booker

Elementary School to proceed with a scheduled event and “photo op”. While our

nation was under attack you did not appear to blink an eye or shed a tear. You

continued on as if everything was “business as usual”.”

What Did the President Know and When Did He Know It?

The President had arrived in Florida on September 10th, 2001 and made an

appearance at the Justina Elementary School in Jacksonville. Bush’s “No Child Left

Behind” education bill was held up in conference and the administration was trying to

drum up support for its passage. In the late afternoon he made a brief flight south to

Sarasota, where he lodged at the luxurious, Colony Beach and Tennis Resort. The

next morning Bush awoke before 6 AM and went to the nearby Resort at Longboat

Key Club with Bloomberg News reporter Richard Keil, to have a jog around one of

their golf courses. Bush then returned to his hotel room, showered, put on a suit, and

sat down for his daily intelligence briefing at 8 AM. Right at this moment (7:59 AM

by most accounts, 8:02 by NORAD) American Airlines Flight 11 took off out of

Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts. The Boeing 767 was approximately

fourteen minutes behind schedule for its trip to Los Angeles.

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Bush’s briefing lasted less than twenty minutes and included a warning of an

elevated risk of terrorism. (As we shall see, intelligence suggesting a major terror

attack was immanent had been coming in all summer long). It was during this

briefing that Flight 11 stopped responding to Air Traffic Control (8:13 AM) and

turned off its transponder. When the controllers gave permission to climb to 35,000

feet there was no response and the “blip” on the radar screen disappeared. Around

8:20 AM Flight 11 began to deviate from its flight plan and, after seven minutes

without radio contact, the Air Traffic Controllers became very concerned about a

hijack. At 8:24 AM that possibility was confirmed when two brief cockpit

transmissions were picked up: “We have some planes. Just stay quiet, and you’ll be

O.K. We are returning to the airport… Nobody move, everything will be O.K. If you

try to make any moves, you’ll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.”

Another transmission reiterated these instructions at 8:33:59: “Nobody move

please; we are going back to the airport. Don’t try to make any stupid moves.”

Just about the time of this last transmission Bush entered his 2001 Cadillac DeVille

stretch limousine and headed for his appearance at Booker Elementary to continue

his “war on illiteracy”. When Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower at 8:46:26 AM

President Bush was in transit. The seven-seat limo was designed by the General

Motors Specialty Vehicle Group, hand-customed and equipped to be the most

technologically advanced car in the world.5 Michael O’Malley, Cadillac General

Manager, has been quoted saying that just as Air Force One is a flying Oval Office,

the Presidential limo “provides the same amenities for our nation’s leader while


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traveling on the ground.”6 Los Angeles Times reporter, Terril Yue Jones characterized

its capabilities, “…assume that President Bush has enough satellite communications

technology at his fingertips to wage war from the back seat.”

In spite of the all this communications technology, all official accounts, claim that

no one made the President aware of a major “accident” during his journey from

Longboat Key to downtown Sarasota. But other travelers in the motorcade were

made aware. Kia Baskerville, a CBS News White House producer recalled, “as the

presidential motorcade headed to President Bush’s first event, I received a call on my

cell phone from a producer who said that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center

in New York.” The White House Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, was informed by

pager as well as by radio. As the Christian Science Monitor reported on September

17th, 2001, “about six blocks from the school, a news photographer overheard a radio

transmission. Press Secretary Ari Fleischer would be needed on arrival to discuss

reports of some sort of crash. The radio also said that Mr. Bush had a call waiting for

him at his holding room in the school from national security adviser Condoleezza

Rice.”7 And U.S. Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, the director of the White House

Situation Room, was contacted by her deputy in the Situation Room, who informed

her about the crash. 8

Skeptics think it is unlikely that the President was not alerted to the accident until

after he arrived at the school when many other people in the motorcade were. The

report of a radio transmission increases their doubt. To say the least, it seems strange


7 A Changed World, by Peter Grier The Christian Science Monitor September 17, 2001


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that millions of people around the world were aware for ten minutes, or more, before

anyone thought it necessary to inform the President.

The growing suspicion that Bush may have known about the hijackings and

deliberately failed to take actions to prevent them is fed by such oddities in the

official line. But the real crux of the matter has to do with the President and his

handler’s decision, once he was informed about the first crash, to continue on with his

reading demonstration as scheduled. Mindy Kleinberg, another 9/11 widow, wonders

“that a national emergency was in progress. Yet President Bush was allowed to enter

a classroom full of young children and listen to the students read.” The White

House’s explanation for this is that the President did not realize an emergency was in

progress. According to them, Bush had been told that the first plane was small, had

initially thought that it was an accident, and had been stunned and unprepared when

Andrew Card leaned down and whispered in his ear that a second plane had hit the

WTC and the country was under attack. For many, the difficulty in believing this

explanation lies in an analysis of the extensive warnings the government had received

over the summer that we might be attacked by civilian aircraft.

The President’s Trip to Italy

The President had just traveled to Europe in late July, 2001. The main event was a

G-8 economic conference in Genoa, Italy. In recent years, major economic summits

had been drawing large numbers of protestors, and had resulted in riots in Seattle just

the year before. So, security for the leaders of the eight major powers was a major

concern. But this concern was greatly enhanced more than a month before the

conference, when foreign intelligence services began to pick up warnings that Osama

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bin-Laden’s, al-Qaeda organization was planning to make an assassination attempt on

Bush, or, perhaps all eight leaders.

A full month before the summit, on June 22nd, 2001, the New York Post reported:

“President Bush’s meetings with world leaders at next month’s G-8 summit in

Italy might be moved to an aircraft carrier or cruise ship because of terrorist

threats, Bush administration sources said. Security officials from several countries

are discussing threats by Osama bin Laden to assassinate Bush and commit other

acts of violence during the Genoa summit… Security officials were said to be

alarmed about the vulnerability of the Genoa summit site to remote-controlled

airplanes and other exotic weapons.9

The threat was taken so seriously that CNN reported, “…the U.S. President may be

staying at U.S. Camp Darby military base in Livorno or offshore on the American

aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise to avoid any terrorist risk.”10

In the end, the Italians cleared all the air space around Genoa, put fighters in the air

and anti-aircraft batteries on the ground, while keeping the sleeping arrangements of

the various leaders a closely guarded secret.

After the disaster in September, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini

reflected back on the precautions they had taken in July, “Many people were ironic

about the Italian secret services. But in fact they got the information that there was the

possibility of an attack against the U.S. president using an airliner. That’s why we



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closed the airspace and installed the missiles. Those who made cracks should now

think a little.”11

For those who haven’t experienced it, it is difficult to gauge the normal reaction to

being told that terrorists intend use an airliner to kill you, but it seems the idea that al-

Qaeda might use aircraft as weapons should have been quite fresh in Bush’s mind.

Even if the initial report Bush received was of a “light airplane, twin-engine

airplane”, the recent concern about “remote-controlled airplanes” in Genoa should

have set off alarm bells.

Terror Warnings

If the fright and disruption of his sleeping arrangements in Genoa didn’t make

much of an impression on Bush, there were plenty of other reminders that al-Qaeda

was gunning for us. Chief among these were warnings coming in from foreign

leaders and intelligence agencies that suggested an immanent threat of terrorist attack.

In the summer of 2001, the Jordanian General Intelligence Division (GID), made a

communications intercept that contained not only the basic outlines of the 9/11

operation, but even its code name: “the big wedding”12. Jordan then relayed its

contents to Washington and to Germany. Although the intercept did not mention

hijacking or any specific date, it did clearly state that the attack was to be within the

continental United States and that aircraft would be used. This was a warning of an

attack with aircraft, not a mere hijacking. John K. Cooley, of the International Herald

Tribune, after confirming this story, commented, “When it became clear that the


12 In Arabic, “Al Ourush al Kabir”

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information about the intercept was embarrassing to Bush administration officials and

congressmen who at first denied that there had been any such warnings before Sept.

11, senior Jordanian officials backed away from their earlier confirmations.” 13

Two days after 9/11 Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), citing

anonymous German intelligence officers, reported that U.S. and Israeli intelligence

agencies had at least three months warning that Middle Eastern terrorists were

plotting attacks on “symbols of American and Israeli culture” using hijacked

commercial aircraft as weapons. As in Jordan, German revelations of this type

quickly dried up, but the FAZ report is partially corroborated by a report in the Times

of London from June 14th, 2002. According to the Times:

“Britain's spy chiefs warned the Prime Minister less than two months before

September 11 that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda group was in "the final stages"

of preparing a terrorist attack in the West…The heads of MI6, MI5 and GCHQ,

the signals eavesdropping centre, suggested that while the most likely targets

were American or Israeli, there could be British casualties. Their warning was

included in a report sent to Tony Blair and other senior Cabinet Ministers on July

16. But the agency chiefs admitted the "timings, targets and methods of attack"

were not known…The JIC [Cabinet Office Joint Intelligence Committee]

prediction of an al-Qaeda attack was based on intelligence gleaned not just from

MI6 and GCHQ but also from US agencies, including the CIA and the National

Security Agency[NSA], which has staff working jointly with GCHQ. The CIA

13 The U.S. Ignored Foreign Warnings, Too by John K. Cooley The International Herald Tribune May 21, 2002.

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sometimes has a representative on the JIC. The contents of the July 16 warning

would have been passed to the Americans, Whitehall sources confirmed.”14

Even Bush friendly Fox News has reported that, “in July and August

[2001], British intelligence shared “general” information that it had learned through

surveillance of Khalid al-Fawwaz, a Saudi Arabian dissident who has publicly

acknowledged being a bin Laden operative...” Fox News further acknowledged

summertime warnings from India, Israel, France and reported of Russia: “President

Vladimir Putin has said publicly that he ordered his intelligence agencies to alert the

United States last summer that suicide pilots were training for attacks on U.S.

targets.” 15

Some of this intelligence of an immanent attack may have never reached the

highest echelons of the American intelligence community. But it is clear that much

of it did. That the CIA and FBI were very concerned during the summer of 2001 that

a highly destructive, even spectacular, attack was looming can be seen from the

testimony of Eleanor Hill. Ms. Hill was the Staff Director for the Joint Inquiry Staff,

the congressional committee that investigated 9/11. When she testified before the

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, on September 18, 2002, she characterized

the atmosphere at the time:

“…in the eyes of the Intelligence Community, the world did appear increasingly

dangerous for Americans in the spring and summer of 2001. During that time

14 Spy Chiefs Warned Ministers of al-Qaeda Attacks, by Michael Evans, The London Times, June 14, 2002


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period the Intelligence Community experienced a significant rise in information

indicating that Bin Ladin and al-Qa’ida intended to strike against United States

interests in the very near future. Some individuals within the Intelligence

Community have suggested that the increase in threat reporting was

unprecedented, at least in terms of their own experience.”

This was not news to the committee because on February 6th, 2002, DCI George

Tenet had told them that in July and August 2001, “it was very clear in our own

minds that this country was a target. There was no texture to that feeling. We wrote

about it, we talked about it, we warned about it. The nature of the warning was almost


Given this level of anxiety it is easy to understand the July 26th, 2001 report of

CBS News Correspondent, Jim Stewart. According to Stewart, the FBI, citing

security concerns, had advised Attorney General John Ashcroft to fly non-

commercial aircraft for the remainder of his term. Breaking precedent, the Justice

Department leased a G-3 Gulfstream that cost “more than $1,600 an hour to fly.”16

The Memo

It was within this context of alarm that Tenet briefed the President on August 6th,


The briefing had been instigated on July 5th, the same day the Federal Aviation

Authority [FAA] issued a circular to the airlines warning that terrorists had ''an


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intention of using explosives in an airport terminal.'' Disturbed by all the “noise in the

system” Bush had requested that Condoleezza Rice put together an analysis of what

al-Qaeda’s intentions might be. Now as Bush began a month long “working

vacation” at his Crawford, Texas ranch, he got an opportunity to see the results. It

was a document referred to as a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB). Beyond that the

details are disputed. The administration claims the briefing was titled ‘Bin Laden

Determined to Strike the United States’. It is a tightly guarded document with very

limited circulation within the government. But leaks have suggested that the title was

actually ‘Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the United States’ (emphasis added). The

subtle difference in emphasis has become important because the administration spent

so much time emphasizing that intelligence that summer was focused abroad. A

memo reviewed by the President just a month before the attacks, that focused on

domestic hijacking attacks, would severely undermine the official line.

By the time word of this memo leaked, in May 2002, eight months had passed since

the attacks, and the administration had insisted emphatically that we had no warning.

No one could have predicted 9/11, they said, and nothing could have prevented it. It

came as a shock to hear that the President had been specifically briefed on the subject

of al-Qaeda hijacking. Tom Brokaw led the NBC Nightly News by announcing: “at

the White House tonight it is all hands on deck as the White House tries to deal with a

storm of criticism”.17 The pro-Bush New York Post’s headline blared, “BUSH

KNEW”. The father of WTC casualty, Bill Doyle, said at the time, “I believe our

whole government let people down”. Ron Willet, whose son’s phone cut out when


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the North Tower was struck, agreed. Asked whether he thought the government

shared some responsibility for the loss of his son, Willet replied, “I have to. We had

the suspicions all along. We’d talked about the possibility of the government


On May 16th, a shaken Dr. Rice held a press conference to do damage control.

She tried to downplay the significance of the leak and the memo, claiming it was

merely a page and half long and was an, “analytic report, which did not have warning

information in it of the kind that said, they are talking about an attack against so forth

or so on…(it) mentioned hijacking, but hijacking in the traditional sense… the

overwhelming bulk of the evidence was that this was an attack that was likely to take

place overseas.”

When asked why the administration had not volunteered this information she

responded, “this all came out as a result of our preparations to help the committees on

the Hill that are getting ready to review the events. It wasn’t—frankly, it didn’t pop to

the front of people’s minds, because it’s one report among very, very many that you


Interestingly, the Bush administration refused to provide access to this memo to

those “committees on the Hill” whose very existence they did their utmost to

discourage. Over White House objections, the Senate Select Committee on

Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence had decided

in February 2002, to conduct a “Joint Inquiry into the activities of the U.S.

18 Springfield News -Leader (Springfield, MO) May 26, 2002 Families differ on what they want to know, Eric Eckert.

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Intelligence Community in connection with the terrorist attacks perpetrated against

our nation on September 11, 2001.” Eventually this Joint Inquiry produced a report

(officially S. Rept. 107-351 and H. Rept. 107-792) that ran 832 pages. The result

was so unsatisfying that the families of 9/11 victims raised a public outcry leading to

the formation of a new independent commission called the National Commission on

Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (informally known as “The 9/11

Commission”). Former Democratic Senator Max Cleland, a member of the new

commission who recently resigned, characterized this process:

The joint inquiry made up of Democrats and Republican members of

Congress…issued a report this summer , but they couldn’t get at the PDB’s

[Presidential Daily Briefings]. They kicked the can down the street so that the 9/11

Commission could get at the full story. That’s the reason for this independent

commission, with the time and energy and staff to get at all of this. Had the Joint

Intelligence Committee been able to do its job, there wouldn’t have even been a

9/11 commission.19

But the administration has set barriers to even this new commission seeing the

August 6th memo, which may not have been as short as a page and a half. According

to Oliver Schröm, a reporter with the German newsweekly, Die Zeit, the memo ran

“11 and one-half printed pages, instead of the usual two to three.” The truth about

this memo may never be known, because the White House has the Commission by

the short hairs. Technically, they have subpoena power to force the administration to

turn over the document. But, the Commission is only funded until May of 2004, and

19 Salon Magazine "The president ought to be ashamed", 11/21/03, Eric Boehlert

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if Bush exerts executive privilege he can tie the matter up in the courts and run out

the clock.

So, Thomas Kean, the Chairman of the Commission has negotiated some very

unfavorable terms just to get any access at all. Only four members of the commission

will be allowed to look at the most sensitive materials and the White House can deny

them the right to take notes or even to share information with other members.

Moreover, the White House reserves the right to decide what materials are relevant

even within documents. Cleland says this arrangement is an attempt to, “kick this can

down past the elections”, and adds, “It should be a national scandal.” Responding to

the deal, Matthew Sellitto, whose son died in the attacks, said, “I have a lack of faith

in the administration. How else can I feel?”

If the British Sunday Herald can be believed, the content of the memo has the

potential to damage Bush’s reelection prospects if it is publicly exposed. An article

published 5/19/02 claimed:

“Britain gave President Bush a categorical warning to expect multiple airline

hijackings by the al-Qaeda network a month before the September 11 attacks

which killed nearly 3000 people and triggered the international war against

terrorism…According to US government officials, the British warning of al-

Qaeda plans to hijack US airliners was contained in a crucial briefing sent to

Bush on August 6, a month before the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the



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President Bush insists that he didn’t know “that the enemy was going to use

airplanes to kill on that fateful morning.” Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle

responds, “I think the question is, why didn’t he know? If the information was made

available, why was he kept in the dark? If the president of the United States doesn’t

have access to this kind of information, there’s something wrong with the system.”

International and Domestic Skepticism

The rise in global anti-Americanism since Bush took the United States on a path to

war in Iraq is well known. The alarming growth of conspiracy theories about 9/11 is

less so. Americans might expect many in the Islamic world to reject the idea that

Muslims were responsible for such an atrocity and, indeed, that is increasingly true.

UPI columnist, Arnaud de Borchgrave recently observed that “It is becoming

increasingly hard to find Arabs and Muslims who believe 9/11 was an attack against

the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by al-Qaida terrorists.”21 Yet, this

conspiratorial thinking goes beyond the Muslim community to include our closest

traditional allies. In France, journalist Thierry Meysson has a bestseller called “11

Septembre: L’Effroyable Imposture” (9/11: The Big Lie). The book alleges that

Flight 77 did not really hit the Pentagon and that members of the U.S. military carried

out the attacks to rally the country for a series of wars. Despite its bizarre premise

(where did the flight go, then?) the book had a bigger single-week gross than any

European book ever published.

In Germany, journalist Mathias Broecker penned “Conspiracies, Conspiracy

Theories and the Secrets of September 11” which has sold over 100,000 copies.

21 Commentary: Loony lucubrations, ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE, WASHINGTON, Oct. 6 (UPI).

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Broecker made the case that unanswered questions about September 11th suggest the

possibility of an enormous cover-up by the Bush administration. The book was so

successful that a follow-up has recently been released. In Britain, The Times of

London recently noted the prevalence of people asking questions about what really

happened on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001: “But for millions of people around the

globe, the answer is clear: the US government knew the attacks were coming and

allowed them to happen. The only mystery is whether the perpetrators were Mossad,

the Israeli intelligence agency, or the Saudis. Or the Swiss. Or possibly even the


Several attempts have been made to explain away the doubters and dismiss their

concerns. Yet, even these attempts show signs of unease. Kelly Peterson of the

Ottawa Citizen, in the process of mocking the conspiracy theorists, paused to ask:

“Why did Mr. Bush blithely go on with his public appearance after learning about

the first attack? How could the U.S. defences around the Capitol and the Pentagon

have failed so spectacularly? And it’s downright eerie that the bin Laden family

invested in the Carlyle Group, an equity firm with large defence industry holdings

for which Mr. Bush Sr. is a senior adviser, and in which several other high-profile

U.S. politicians have been involved.”

It would be a mistake to attribute this interna tional skepticism solely to knee-jerk

resentment of Bush’s foreign policy, the War on Terror, or American power. There is

plenty of domestic skepticism, as well. Perhaps the most telling skeptics are the

plethora of 9/11 widows and survivors that have joined the choir. Mindy Kleinberg’s

22 Sunday Times (London) September 14, 2003, Plot thickens with Mossad, US and Swiss taking blame, Jon Ungoed-Thomas.

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husband Alan, worked on 104th floor of the North Tower. Mrs. Kleinberg made a

memorable appearance at the second public hearing of the 9/11 Commission. Talking

specifically about the President’s actions on the morning of 9/11, she posed a series

of tough questions:

“Before the President walked into the classroom NORAD had sufficient

information that the plane that hit the WTC was hijacked. At that time, they also

had knowledge that two other commercial airliners, in the air, were also hijacked.

It would seem that a national emergency was in progress. Yet President Bush was

allowed to enter a classroom full of young children and listen to the students read.

Why didn’t the Secret Service inform him of this national emergency? When is a

President supposed to be notified of everything the agencies know? Why was the

President permitted by the Secret Service to remain in the Sarasota elementary

school? Was this Secret Service protocol? In the case of a national emergency,

seconds of indecision could cost thousands of lives; and it’s precisely for this

reason that our government has a whole network of adjuncts and advisors to insure

that these top officials are among the first to be informed—not the last. Where were

these individuals who did not properly inform these top officials? Where was the

breakdown in communication?”23

And Lorie van Auken, another September 11th widow, commented stingingly, “I

couldn’t stop watching the president sitting there, listening to second-graders, while

my husband was burning in a building.”24

23 First public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Statement of Mindy Kleinberg, on March 31, 2003.

24 New York Observer, August 25, 2003, Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush, Gail Sheehy.

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Kleinberg and Van Auken’s outrage arises mainly from the fact that in spite of

being informed of an airplane “accident” involving the World Trade Center, President

Bush decided not to take decisive action or to personally ascertain the facts, but went

ahead with his prescheduled appearance at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School

with a class of second graders. But it goes deeper than that.

The first plane crashed at 8:46 am, and was reported by CNN at 8:48. Millions of

people all over the world knew that a plane had crashed into the WTC for over ten

minutes, the White House maintains, before anyone bothered to tell the President.

Condi Rice didn’t feel the urgency to contact him immediately but was willing to wait

for him to arrive at the school. Since he arrived at the school shortly before nine, and

had already settled into the classroom by no later than 9:03, it is clear that Rice did

not have a very long conversation with him. She does recollect him saying, “it

sounds like a terrible accident. Keep me informed.” Was Rice, the National Security

Advisor, whose job it is to coordinate national security, really unaware that NORAD

had at least two other suspected hijacks in the air? After all, approximately forty

minutes earlier Flight 11 had inadvertently broadcast the message, “We have some


Even if she wasn’t aware of it, might she not have reminded Bush that the WTC

was a terrorist target, of his August 6th briefing, and that an accident was unlikely?

Whatever the case, it doesn’t appear that Bush was too concerned by what Rice had to

tell him. As Jena Heath of Cox News reported on September 12, 2001, “Bush did not

appear preoccupied as he introduced Education Secretary Rod Paige and shook hands

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with Sandra Kay Daniels...There was no sign that Rice had just told Bush about the

first attack on New York's World Trade Center during a telephone call”.25

This sanguine attitude is especially strange because he has at least twice publicly

claimed to have watched a plane crash into the towers just prior to walking in and

shaking hands. If that is just a faulty memory or casual embellishment, we still have

to evaluate Bush’s decision to go ahead with the reading lesson rather than make any

phone calls or find a television. Apparently his political strategist Karl Rove, and his

Chief of Staff Andy Card also thought this was appropriate. Surprisingly, even the

Secret Service had no objections, although they might have been expected to fear a

repeat of the threat Bush had faced in Italy. But if this all seems strange, what

happened next is even stranger.

At 9:02:54 Flight 175 struck the South Tower. In a nearby holding room, Bush’s

entourage watched in horror. At this point there was no longer any question that the

greatest national emergency in American history was in progress. Andy Card

considered his options. He needed to inform the President but he decided it would be

best not to disrupt the reading lesson. Quietly slipping into the classroom, he

carefully crafted his words, as he waited for a break in the action. Then he leaned

down and whispered to the President of the United States that “a second plane has hit

the second tower. America is under attack.” But before the President could ask any

questions he walked away, out of camera shot. Bush looked to the back of the room

25 Bush Vows To Punish Attackers And Those Who Harbored Them by Jena Heath,

Cox News, September 12, 2001.

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where Ari Fleischer was trying to catch his eye. He held up a legal pad on which he

had written "Don’t say anything yet."

So, Bush stayed put. He composed himself. And then, to quote from the widely

disseminated article, An Interesting Day: President Bush's

Movements and Actions on 9/11, by skeptics Allan Wood and Paul Thompson:

“Bush picked up the book and began to read with the children. In unison, the

children read out loud, "The - Pet - Goat. A - girl - got - a - pet - goat. But - the -

goat - did - some - things - that - made - the - girl's - dad - mad." Bush mostly

listened, but occasionally asked the children a few questions to encourage them.”

Bush went through with the reading assignment as though nothing had happened.

Washington Times reporter Bill Sammon described Bush’s demeanor in his highly

complimentary book on Bush, Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism- From Inside

the White House. “Now that the lesson was over, Bush would finally be able to

return to the holding room and get to work. But there was no sense in rushing his

exit…He decided to remain seated, as if he were in no hurry whatsoever to the leave

the classroom...The notoriously punctual President…was now lollygagging as if he

didn’t want the session to end.”

He asked the children if they practiced their reading and was happy to hear that they

did, “Oh that’s great,” purred Bush, smiling as if he didn’t have a care in the world.”

Bush’s press handler, Gordon Johndroe, began herding the press out of the classroom,

but Bush lingered on to chat with Principal Gwendolyn Tose-Rigell. Not until all the

press had run out to find a television, did the President finally leave and head over to

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the holding room. Karl Rove later told Tim Russert what happened next: “And as he

came into the staff room, the television was playing—was replaying the footage of

the second plane flying into the World Trade Center, and the president looked—

walked in, looked at the television set and said, ‘We’re at war.’”

A lot of focus has been directed on the performance of the FAA and NORAD.

People question why it took so long to get our jets in the air. But, ultimately, it didn’t

matter because the only person with the authority to have the hijacked flights shot

down delayed too long in issuing the order. This point is made clear from the

following exchange between 9/11 Commission chairmen Kean and Hamilton and the

commander on the day of the attacks, Air Force Major General Larry Arnold:

HAMILTON: Now one of the things that curious to me, General Arnold, you said

that you did not learn of the presidential order until after the United 93 had already

crashed. That was about a little after 10:00 in the morning. The first notice of

difficulty here was at 8:20 in the morning, when a transponder goes off on the

American Flight 11. I don't know how significant that is. But 20 minutes later, you

had notification of a possibly hijack. So there's a long lapse of time here between the

time you are initially alerted and you receive the order that you could shoot that

aircraft down. Am I right about that?

ARNOLD: That's right.

HAMILTON: In your time line, why don't you put in there when you were notified?

SCOTT: For which flight, sir?

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HAMILTON: Well, (inaudible) getting the notification from the president of the

United States that you have the authority to shoot a commercial aircraft down is a

pretty significant event. Why would that not be in your time line?

SCOTT: I don't know when that happened.

HAMILTON: Had you ever received that kind of a notice before?

ARNOLD: Not to my knowledge.

HAMILTON: So this was the first time in the history of the country that such an

order had ever been given, so far as you know.

ARNOLD: Yes, sir. I'm sure there's a log that would tell us that, and I appreciate

the question. HAMILTON: Yes. Maybe you could let us know that. And then, finally,

as I understand your testimony, it was not possible to shoot down any of these aircraft

before they struck. Is that basically correct?

ARNOLD: That is correct. In fact, the American Airlines 77, if we were to have

arrived overhead at that particular point, I don't think that we would have shot that

aircraft down.

HAMILTON: Because?

ARNOLD: Well, we'd have not been given authority to...

HAMILTON: You didn't have authority at that point.

ARNOLD: And you know, it is through hindsight that we are certain that this was a

coordinated attack on the United States.

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KEAN: But, had you gotten scrambled earlier, notified earlier of 77's deviance

about when it turned east, for instance, certainly you could have got the F-16's there

and presumably there would have been time to communicate to either get or be

denied authority, no, for 77?

ARNOLD: I believe that could be true. I believe that'd be true. It would have had to

happen very fast. But, I believe that to be true.

HAMILTON: What efforts were made that day to contact the president to seek that


ARNOLD: I do not know.

Quite aside from any precautions that might have been made to prevent the attacks,

the President is, and was, the only official empowered to authorize the downing of a

passenger jet, and on the morning of 9/11 the President did not issue that order in

time to down any of the four hijacked planes. That fact could be the result of an

innocent failure to comprehend the magnitude of the threat, an honest mistake of a

shocked, ill-prepared, and poorly briefed President, or, as many cynics claim,

evidence of a conspiracy.

If we give the President the benefit of the doubt that he is not a mass murderer, it

appears that the White House has tried to gloss over this failure, as well as the extent

of specific warnings to our civil aviation, in the interest of calming a jittery nation and

protecting the image of the President. In the process, they have made inconsistent

and incompatible and sometimes misleading statements, while consistently resisting

all formal investigations. But as international unease and distrust of Bush’s handling

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of the War on Terrorism grows, it is more important than ever that the administration

come clean about the mistakes that were made. If they initially obfuscated in the

wake of a devastating attack to buck up American confidence in the President, that

can be forgiven. But if they don’t explain the President’s actions on the morning of

9/11, the failure of our air defenses, and cooperate with investigators they will

inadvertently promote theories that America perpetrated the attacks on ourselves.

The risk, that Dean so sloppily tried to explain, is that Bush will cause damage in our

international relations that could extend well beyond the current administration.