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124 Epidemiol Rev 2004;26:124–135

Epidemiologic ReviewsCopyright © 2004 by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthAll rights reserved

Vol. 26, 2004Printed in U.S.A.

DOI: 10.1093/epirev/mxh010

What’s Wrong with Social Epidemiology, and How Can We Make It Better?

George A. Kaplan1,2

1 Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 2 Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Received for publication December 11, 2003; accepted for publication February 20, 2004.


It is perhaps ironic that an epidemiologist who has beenworking in the field of social epidemiology for over a quarterof a century, and who directs a center focused on socialepidemiology, should coin a title suggesting that there issomething “wrong” with social epidemiology. Perhaps it iseven inopportune, as it could provide ammunition to thosewho believe that the practice of social epidemiology ismisguided, unscientific, ideological, or too overreaching (1–3). However, this title was chosen purposely with the hopethat identifying some of the critical intellectual, methodolog-ical, and empirical lacunae and challenges in social epidemi-ology might promote continuing development of a socialepidemiology that is both scientifically enlightening anduseful, productive, and contributory to the public’s health.

Indeed, the hope is that the “social” in epidemiology willbecome so integral a part of epidemiology that the term canbe dropped altogether. To assert that all epidemiology issocial is not an attempt at intellectual hegemony—that theproblems of disease and the distribution of disease in popu-lations over time and space can be understood from a socialperspective only or that such information is in some sensemore fundamental that other types of information aboutdisease determinants. In the same way that our under-standing of the etiology of chronic and infectious diseasesbenefits from knowledge of the pathobiologic processesinvolved in such diseases, increased understanding of socialfactors, broadly considered, may shed light on processesevery bit as integral to our understanding of the etiology ofthose diseases.

There is no question that social epidemiology has come ofage and that the term “social epidemiology” is being increas-ingly used to describe examination of the role of a broadarray of social factors in the development and progression ofmany important health problems, and in the natural historyof the risk factors for those diseases and conditions. Whilenot all may agree with Geoffrey Rose’s assertion that “theprimary determinants of disease are mainly economic and

social, and therefore its remedies must also be economic andsocial” (4, p. 129), there is no question that there has beenenormous growth in the study of these economic and socialforces on health and disease. Figure 1, which plots growthsince 1966 in use of the term “social epidemiology” in articletitles, abstracts, and keywords, graphically illustrates thisincreased interest. Beginning in the early 1980s, growth ofsuch publications increased rapidly, well fit by an exponen-tial curve. In fact, this figure is likely to dramatically under-represent the growth of social epidemiologists’ interest in thematter; a similar exponential growth pattern has been seenwhen studies examining socioeconomic position and health(5) and social capital and social relationships (6) were simi-larly totaled.

Other contributions in this volume of EpidemiologicReviews take up the wide variety of topics that social epide-miologists study. In what follows, I instead touch on a seriesof issues that highlight some of the critical problems withwhich social epidemiology must grapple. Many of the issuesdiscussed are not restricted to social epidemiology and havetheir analogs in other areas of epidemiology. Thus, while thefocus of this review is on social epidemiology, it would bemisleading to suppose that similar criticisms do not apply toother lines of research. In addition, I want to make it clearthat many of the criticisms raised apply to my own work aswell as to others’. Because this is an attempt at a form of self-criticism of the field, I do not focus on as extensive citationas other reviews do. Where I do cite the work of others, itshould be considered illustrative, not as singling out a partic-ular piece of work. The lessons to be learned hopefully applyto the many.


Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 present a few of the many diagram-matic models that have been used to illustrate recent socialepidemiologic approaches to understanding the social deter-minants of health and health disparities (e.g., Kaplan et al.(7), Marmot (8), House (9), Lynch (10)). These models have

Correspondence to Dr. George A. Kaplan, Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan, 1214 South University Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2548 (e-mail: [email protected]).

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many features in common, the most prominent being anemphasis on layered, multilevel understandings; a multi-plicity of pathways; and possibilities for reciprocal influ-ences. Such models serve as important metaphors,attempting to portray the component parts of complexprocesses, their interrelations, and the temporal relations

between components. They act as an important cautionagainst the potentially misleading oversimplification thatcomes from focusing on one level of influence, often the onemost proximal to the outcome, and not the flow of informa-tion and influence represented by the totality of processesand relations. Similar to a good cartoon, they remove extra-

FIGURE 1. Numbers of publications included in MEDLINE, Current Contents, and PsychINFO that contain “social epidemiology” in the title,abstract, or keywords, 1966–2002.

FIGURE 2. Upstream and downstream determinants of population health. Reprinted with permission from Promoting Health: Intervention Strat-egies from Social and Behavioral Research, by the National Academy of Sciences. Courtesy of the National Academies Press, Washington, DC.

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neous factors and draw our attention to what is believed to bemost critical.

While the heuristic utility of such models can be substan-tial, they do both too much and too little. Such models arecommon in science, but the span of factors considered inmodels of this type in social epidemiology—sometimeslinking the most macro- and microlevel phenomena—isconsiderably broader than that found in many scientificpursuits (e.g., figure 6; Kaplan and Lynch (11)), creatingconsiderable problems regarding data availability andanalytical methods. Information is seldom available at themultitude of levels portrayed in such models and, whereavailable, is often measured cross-sectionally, making thetemporal influences that we consider so important in theassessment of causality opaque. Against the backdrop ofthese models of complex longitudinal processes, it is notunusual to attempt to use various standard multivariatestatistical techniques to examine the relative contribution ofone social determinant versus another to the incidence orprogression of disease. Thus, the relative impact of incomeand race on an outcome may be compared; the independenteffect of income, education, and occupation may be esti-mated; or the strength of the association between job controland occupational social class and some outcome may be esti-mated. The critical problem is that simultaneous measure-

ment and use of these variables in multivariate models beliesthe historical, life-course, and temporally ordered socialstratification processes that they reflect. Use of the standardtoolbox of multivariate regression techniques to investigatethese complex social epidemiologic models becomes evenmore difficult absent information related to measurementerror (12); changes in exposure over time (13); the reciprocaleffects of behavioral and social factors, for example, on eachother over time (14); and deeper issues related to the veryidentifiability of certain kinds of causal effects (15).

Caught between this rock of inadequate data and the hardplace of analytical limitations, are such models worthwhile?The ultimate answer will of course result from the extent towhich both the heuristic use of such models and the analyt-ical results based on them are illuminating. On the analyticalside, new multilevel analytical techniques (e.g., Raudenbushand Bryk (16), Diez Roux (17)), extensions of recentadvances in causal analysis and simulation (e.g., Greenlandet al. (18), Wolfson (19)), and techniques borrowed fromother fields (e.g., Zohoori and Savitz (20)) may prove useful.

In my opinion, the recent substantively modest, but meth-odologically complex contribution by Adams et al. (21) andthe responses to it by economists, epidemiologists, andothers in the same publication suggest a less optimistic view.While methodological rigor is always to be applauded, one is

FIGURE 3. Environmental, psychosocial, and biological pathways linking socioeconomic status to diabetes mellitus (DM), coronary heart dis-ease (CHD), and well-being. CNS, central nervous system. Reprinted with permission from the American Sociological Association. James S.House, “Understanding Social Factors and Inequalities in Health: 20th Century Progress and 21st Century Prospects,” Journal of Health andSocial Behavior, volume 43, number 2 (June 2002), pages 125–142.

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left with the impression that a number of the authors believethat the analysis of causal relations in observational data isso flawed as to potentially threaten even the conclusion thatsmoking causes lung cancer.

The fundamental need for better and more comprehensivedata to “test” these models will not be solved by better statis-tical techniques, and there has been considerable lamentregarding the ascendancy of technique over theory in epide-miology (22, 23) and its separation from basic foci of public

health. Indeed, development of epidemiologic theory per se,separate from techniques for analyzing causal effects andpartitioning sources of noise in data (24), may be required.However, even such developments will not substitute forbetter sources of data and for new methods to allow thestitching together of data from a variety of sources, levels,periods, and places. Quilts of such data stitched together byusing such new techniques, and incorporating sensitivityanalyses and other techniques, could considerablystrengthen our ability to turn the complex models of socialepidemiology into useful analytical models of diseaseprocesses in persons and populations.


Perhaps nowhere is the need for social epidemiologictheory more apparent than in the study of “place” effects onhealth. While some have argued that it is methodologicallydifficult to identify the effects of context (25), and discussionof the role of context versus compositional effects continues(26), there is now an impressive array of studies from epide-miology, human development, sociology, and other disci-plines suggesting an important role of place in a variety ofhealth and developmental outcomes (27–30). For example,Haan et al. (31), using the Alameda County Study cohort,found that residence in a federally designated poverty areawas associated with more than a 50 percent increased risk ofdeath over the next 9 years. These findings were replicated atthe national level by Waitzman and Smith (32), and, in theAlameda County Study, residence in the poverty area wasassociated with greater declines in physical activity over

FIGURE 4. A conceptual framework for understanding social inequalities in health and aging. Solid arrows between boxes indicate presumedcausal relations among variables; dotted arrows intersect solid arrows, indicating an interaction between the conditioning variables in the box atthe beginning of the solid arrow in predicting variables in the box at the head of the solid arrow (10).

FIGURE 5. Multilevel, life-course determinants of populationhealth. Figure 15-3 from Chapter 15: “Multilevel Approaches toUnderstanding Social Determinants,” by Michael Marmot, fromSocial Epidemiology, edited by Lisa Berkman and Ichiro Kawachi,copyright 1999 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Used by permis-sion of Oxford University Press, Inc.

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time and an increased incidence of depression (33, 34). Sincethis early study, there has been a rapid increase in studies ofa variety of health and mortality effects associated with resi-dence in areas as small as census block groups and as largeas states and nations. Although use of sophisticated multi-level statistical techniques in such studies has increasedtremendously, numerous conceptual and methodologicalquestions still remain unanswered (17, 35).

Prominent among these are questions concerning what it isabout residence in a particular place that conveys increasedor decreased risk. In the case of more traditional environ-mental exposures, it is much easier to come up with anapproach to exposure measurement, modeling of exposureeffects, selection of possible confounders, and plausiblebiologic pathways. Such areas of research also point one inthe direction of a particular level or scope of spatial analysis.For example, studies of children’s exposure to lead-basedpaint would be more likely to focus on the spatial “grain” ofthe home and environment very proximate to the home; incontrast, studies of outdoor, airborne particulate matterwould likely focus on much wider areas, perhaps incorpo-rating knowledge of local geography and air circulationpatterns. In the relative absence of such well-specifiedmodels of the level of influence of a particular social oreconomic factor on a particular health outcome, one is left

with examples such as the literature relating incomeinequality to health outcomes, in which the “grain” variesfrom census block to country.

Similarly, the spatial scope over which determinants ofspecific outcomes such as all-cause mortality (36), infantmortality (37), or cardiovascular disease (38), or otheroutcomes, operate is less clear. Without some theory tosuggest the ways in which the determinants of theseoutcomes are spatially embedded, one is left with a plethoraof analyses of “area” effects that seem more often driven bythe level of spatial data available, or other arbitrary factors,than by reasoned etiologic considerations.

This lack of clarity is not without its perils because it oftenleads to wide use of terms such as “neighborhood,” which,while they may (or may not) invoke some shared implicitdefinition, are rather opaque with regard to the specificprocesses that are health damaging or enhancing. There aresome exceptions; for example, work exists on the impact ofinformal social controls, operating at the small-scale neigh-borhood level, on the antisocial behavior of adolescents (39).Here, there are clearly stated social processes, which can bemeasured on a relatively small geographic scale, and a spec-ified process that links these spatially distributed characteris-tics to the outcome in question.

FIGURE 6. Primordial prevention of cardiovascular disease (11). Dashed lines indicate processes occurring in “developing” parts of the world.Reprinted from Preventive Medicine, volume 29, by G. A. Kaplan and J. W. Lynch, “Socioeconomic Considerations in the Primordial Preventionof Cardiovascular Disease,” pages S30–S35, copyright 1999, with permission from Elsevier.

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As in most areas of epidemiologic study, social epidemi-ology makes predominant use of observational data, with allof the attendant methodological and analytical challenges.For the most part, advances in measurement theory andcausal analysis have not penetrated social epidemiologicanalyses very deeply. For example, the search for socialfactors “independently” associated with a particular healthoutcome often involves use of more traditional risk factorsmeasured rather crudely, presumably leading to considerableresidual confounding. Along with the crudity of measure-ment, most often dictated by the data available in secondaryanalyses, these potential confounders are often subject toconsiderable change over time, which may or may not berelated to the social factor under examination; therefore,baseline adjustment for them results in considerable misclas-sification of exposure over time.

The search for “independent” risk factors has been a domi-nant force in social epidemiology, and certainly risk factorepidemiology has come under fire from a number of quarters(40). As is true for much of epidemiology, claims to inde-pendent effects often conflate issues of statistical indepen-dence that are at least dependent on measurement andmodeling approach with causal independence, a process notwithout its perils. In social epidemiology, this search forindependent effects may represent more of an attempt atlegitimization of a newly evolving field—identifying “new”risk factors—than something more informative. Many anal-yses stop with demonstrating a statistically significant asso-ciation between the risk factors and outcomes in questionafter adjustment for known risk factors. While it could beargued that identifying new risk factors can catalyze thesearch for new disease mechanisms, it can also result in aplethora of new “social” risk factors that sometimes exist inan almost miasma-like fog; we observe them to be impor-tantly related to some outcome but cannot really identify themechanisms that explain this association.

Leaving aside the very real possibility that the measure-ment and analysis issues discussed earlier lead to misleadingobservations of independence, several examples of thisproblem come to mind. For example, much of the early workshowing an association between socioeconomic position andmortality from cardiovascular disease or all causes statisti-cally adjusted for potential behavioral and pathophysiologicpathways and demonstrated that adjustment for these factorsdid not eliminate the increased risk associated with lowersocioeconomic position (41). This work has led to broadgeneralizations about these associations not being explainedby such pathways, although some analyses do not supportsuch a conclusion (42). Although eliminating candidatepathways can lead to identification of potentially new path-ways mediating the relation, it can also represent anapproach that focuses on eliminating all potential explana-tory pathways. Such an approach seems less useful than onecarefully demonstrating the contribution of intermediatepathways to the observed association. As a counterexample,the maturing approach to the relation between cynicalhostility and cardiovascular outcomes illustrates the value

(43, 44) of identifying the role of both behavioral andpsychophysiologic pathways in explaining this association.

To some extent, social epidemiology, similar to much ofepidemiology, would be well served by going back to carefulanalysis of antecedent, mediating, and confounding vari-ables in assessing causal relations, as portrayed in Susser’sbook, Causal Thinking in the Health Sciences, publishedover a quarter of a century ago (45). The book carefully laysout a logic of analysis based on a careful and informedbiologic and social understanding of the outcomes beingstudied sometimes not present in more quantitatively sophis-ticated approaches. While promising, it remains to be seenwhether recent work on counterfactual contrasts and causalanalysis (46, 47), for example, will take us substantiallyfurther than this earlier contribution.

Notwithstanding the arguments about the logic of causalanalysis, the focus on multilevel determinants of disease, asillustrated in figure 2, presents new methodological and datachallenges to social epidemiologists. Few data sets containthe levels of information necessary to populate empiricaltests of such models, and the models are usually not speci-fied well enough to parameterize tests of them. In analysesfocused on such models, it is useful to contrast explanationsconcentrated on “how” and “why” (42). For example, anunderstanding of the association between socioeconomicposition and a particular outcome clearly benefits from anunderstanding of the specific social, behavioral, and physio-logical pathways that link socioeconomic position and theoutcome—the “how.” However, another question remains:“why” is it that these pathways are differently distributed bysocioeconomic position? Answering such a question, which,paraphrasing Geoffrey Rose, might be called the “causes ofthe causes” (48), requires casting a net across a broad arrayof determinants ranging from historical influences, to publicpolicy, and perhaps even to genes. Although difficult toaddress “why,” it seems clear that an explanation thatfocuses on only the “how” is a limited one.


A recent Institute of Medicine report concluded that “basicand applied research from a range of disciplines has demon-strated the importance of reciprocal interactions over timeamong health and biological, psychological, and socialfactors” (49, p. 332). In the category of biological factors, thereport included “genes, neurochemical, and hormonalprocesses and function of the physiological systems”; in thepsychological category, it included “behavioral, personality,temperamental, cognitive, and emotional” factors; and, inthe social category, it included “socioeconomic status, socialinequalities, social networks and support, and work condi-tions” (48, p. 332). With similar lists, other recent reportsand volumes have come to similar conclusions, all consistentwith the approaches illustrated in figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 (49–52). All reflect the widely appreciated fact that virtually allscientific endeavors are increasingly inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary. Although such approaches fit well within thedeveloping field of social epidemiology, they are associatedwith certain problems.

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Because many of the topics and constructs in social epide-miology come from the social sciences, they carry with theman immediacy and familiarity not found in the world ofgenetics, for example. Although we may not all know what a“haplotype” is, we all think we know what “neighborhood,”“poverty,” “community,” or “depression” means. This use offamiliar terms has led to a certain conceptual looseness thatmay not be found in other scientific areas, reminiscent ofHumpty Dumpty’s statement, “When I use a word … itmeans just what I choose it to mean” (53, p. 113). Thus,investigators might use the construct of “neighborhood” indescribing analyses of census tracts or zip codes. For some,the term might mean an area characterized by dense, inter-connected networks of people who care about each other; forothers, it might mean a historically defined spatial area. Inreality, what is meant is actually a spatial area constructeddecades ago to represent some degree of demographic homo-geneity (census tract) or an area defined by the location ofpostal facilities (zip codes). Similarly, the topic of “commu-nity” is often raised without any clarity as to how thatcommunity is defined or whether it has any phenomenolog-ical identity—whether the people whom the investigatorlocates as being part of the community actually believe theyare part of it, or whether that even matters.

As in any other interdisciplinary area, studies involvingmany disciplines present considerable challenges. Socialepidemiologists who would like to produce work that spansthe biologic and social face the challenges of integratingfindings from different fields, using disparate terminologyand analytic methods, and understanding the typically volu-minous literature in any field. To some extent, closelyconnected interdisciplinary groups can help to augment eachother’s gaps with respect to particular areas of expertise andknowledge. However, there is a considerable danger of thinglosses on areas of expertise not one’s own. For example,one social epidemiologic explanation of socioeconomicinequalities in health places great emphasis on comparisonsthat persons make between themselves and others, focusingon the links between judgments of relative deprivation thatthey make in comparing themselves with others, and thepsychosocial and neuroendocrine effects of such compar-ison. Thus, a critical component is this process of socialcomparisons. As it turns out, social comparison processeshave been studied extensively for 50 years by social psychol-ogists and sociologists, and a number of determinants andconsequences of social comparisons have been studied (54–56). However, it is rare to see any of this literature in thesocial epidemiologic literature discussing relative depriva-tion and health.

As another example, consider the evidence linking domi-nance and social organization in nonhuman primates (mainlymacaques) with coronary heart disease, or that linking domi-nance and rank with neuroendocrine function, often reflectedby variations in cortisol levels. A recent systematic reviewby Petticrew and Davey Smith (57) suggests that many of thebroad generalizations about the former work do not reflectthe considerable heterogeneity in findings found in thestudies; overall, the studies showed no systematic associa-tion between rank and disease endpoints. These authorssuggest that considerably more reference is made to these

studies in the literature on social determinants of health thanis borne out by the inconsistency of the findings. Similarly,while there is also considerable citation of results indicatinga consistent relation between rank and cortisol levels innonhuman primates, a recent review of studies across anumber of nonhuman primates indicates little consistency offindings (58). In fact, Sapolsky, a leading researcher in thearea, commented that “a prime revisionist emphasis of thischapter has been how little, in fact, rank per se predicts anyof those endpoints. Instead, it seems virtually meaningless tothink about the physiological correlates of rank outside thecontext of a number of other modifiers” (59, p. 39; emphasisin original). The purpose of this discussion is not to singleout particular investigators—indeed, there may or may notend up being consistent findings in these areas—but rather tohighlight some of the potential perils of interdisciplinarywork, particularly in areas of research that are fast moving.The lesson is not to shun integration across multiple disci-plines, because it is critical, but to suggest that it be done ina way that maximizes the ability of each discipline tocontribute information and nuance to the effort.

Personalizing populations

Although many of the discussions of the need for a socialepidemiologic approach cite the work of Geoffrey Rose (60)as the rationale for a population-focused strategy, much ofthe work in social epidemiology focuses on individuals.Surprisingly, this focus on individuals is found even whenstudying factors such as social networks and social support,where the concepts refer to exchanges between individualpersons and participation in groups, but the data used in moststudies are collected from individuals (61). The literaturedemonstrating an important association between aspects ofsocial relationships and health is now substantial (62), but,for the most part, there is relatively little study in socialepidemiology of the population distribution of these factorsor the determinants of their distribution. In some cases, suchas studies linking health disadvantage to low levels of socialcapital, the lack of a population-based focus is particularlynoticeable when social capital—conceived of by most as anattribute of a social group—is measured by individualreports (63). Indeed, some investigators (64) see the samequestions about distrust and cynical hostility as reflectingindividual attributes; others (63) consider them indicators ofsocietal attributes.

While Margaret Thatcher may have said that “as youknow, there is no such thing as society: there are individualmen and women, and there are families” (65, p. 9), socialepidemiologists who discuss the importance of population-level phenomena and determinants of health have an obliga-tion to be articulate about the difference between a popula-tion and a Thatcherian aggregate of individual persons. Tosome extent, this tack has been taken in studies of incomeinequality and health (66) and of societal influences onhuman development (67). In many respects, John Cassel’s(68) seminal paper, “The Contribution of the Social Environ-ment to Host Resistance,” was a step in that direction. Muchmore work (perhaps integrating the insights of demography,political science, sociology, and economics) needs to be

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done by social epidemiologists before Rose’s (69) observa-tion—that the causes of cases within populations may bevery different from the causes of differences in incidencebetween populations—can be fully appreciated. Socialepidemiology has much to contribute to this search, but, todo so, it will need to move to a more population-basedapproach with respect to putative causal factors (70),notwithstanding the perils of ecologic studies (71).

Global social epidemiology

With social epidemiology’s emphasis on a broad array ofhealth determinants, it is surprising that so little work takesplace in the context of global or international health. By thispursuit I mean not simply conducting studies of disease X orrisk factor Y in various countries but instead using a trulycomparative approach. To some degree, this approach hasbeen attempted in research considering the associationbetween income inequality and life expectancy or mortality(66) and in that examining differences in inequalities inhealth across countries (72, 73). In both cases, the work hasmet with some obstacles—in the first case because of thesensitivity of the results to time, period, and outcomes (74)and in the second case because the results depended on themeasures of association used in the comparisons (75–77).However, the large variation between countries, and varyingtrends within countries, in many of the core determinants ofhealth studied by social epidemiologists—socioeconomicposition, race and ethnicity, gender, poverty and welfarepolicy, education, immigration, and so forth—suggests arich field for examining both the impact of social determi-nants on health and the extent to which they depend oncontext. In carrying out such analyses, it is critical to havespecific hypotheses that inform the enterprise. Rather thansimply examining the health effects of a particular socialfactor in different countries, it is far more instructive toexamine variations in the levels or distribution of the factoracross countries by using between-country variations as atest of the relation. At the same time, such studies also enableexamination of the ways in which context affects the rela-tion. Thus, in countries with strong economic and socialsupports for the unemployed, we might expect unemploy-ment to have less of an effect on health than in countrieswhere such policies are weak. The growing number ofsystematic surveys and cohort studies across the globe meanthat, in carrying out such activities, one is no longer limitedto assessment of only ecologic associations.

Health versus health care

In many areas of social epidemiology, the dominantapproach to health care has been to ignore or dismiss it.Thus, numerous articles argue that the contributions ofmedical care to the health of the population are, at best,modest (78–80). Reflecting the historical influences ofMcKeown (81) and others, these attempts might be seen asstaking out an area of research that is independent of medicalcare and as legitimizing the enterprise. For example, theargument goes, one needs to look beyond the contributionsof medical care to explain gradients of health by socioeco-

nomic position (82). Although that statement is undoubtedlytrue, it ignores the fact that medical care is provided by insti-tutions (figure 2) and that decisions as to who receivesmedical care, and the quality of that care, are shaped bysocial processes. A recent Institute of Medicine report (83)on racial and ethnic inequalities in health care and the conse-quences of lack of insurance makes this strikingly clear.Thus, rather than health care being excluded from socialepidemiologic approaches, it needs to be reintroduced as oneof the potential social determinants of health, with the impor-tance of its contribution varying depending on the specifichealth issue being considered.

Moderating essentialism

Although Humpty Dumpty chooses to make a word meanjust what he wants it to mean (52), use of certain constructsin social epidemiology carries with it an almost essentialism,an observation that has even entered the discussion of thecounterfactual approach to understanding adjustment forconfounding in social epidemiology (84). Consider, forexample, socioeconomic position. Despite observations thatthe magnitude, and in some cases the direction, of the rela-tion between socioeconomic position and health outcomes isnot fixed over time or across places, the graded relationbetween the two has become almost reified. In fact, nothingintrinsic to income, education, or occupation, or othermeasures of socioeconomic position, specifies a particularassociation with any health outcomes. It all depends on therelation between these markers of socioeconomic positionand the more proximal risk factors for the particular outcomebeing considered (85). Conceivably, in some circumstances(rare, to be sure), there could be no relation at all, or the rela-tion could be in the opposite directions, as for education andbreast cancer incidence. Alternatively, the nature of the asso-ciation could change over time, as with the reversal of thesocioeconomic gradient in coronary heart disease as theassociation of socioeconomic position with smoking and dietchanged (86).

Furthermore, focusing on the “gradient” per se can lead toa search for a unitary factor that explains the entire range ofvariation across the range of socioeconomic position. In fact,there may be a variety of factors, each contributing to agreater or lesser extent to health at various socioeconomiclevels (87). Discussion of “the gradient” in a reified way hastended to imply that there is a very linear relation betweensocioeconomic position and a health outcome when, in fact,the relation between household income and risk of death, forinstance, is decidedly nonlinear (88, 89). This strikingnonlinearity has important implications for both our under-standing of the causal pathways involved and the publichealth significance of the gradient. For example, the verysmall increased risk associated with increases in householdincome above the median level makes the observation ofdifferences in disease risk between the highest levels muchless compelling and suggests that more attention should befocused on those persons at the lower ranges of socioeco-nomic position.

This essentialist approach also applies, strangely enough,to many social epidemiologic uses of race and ethnicity in

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analyses. While most social epidemiologists wouldacknowledge that race and ethnicity are mainly socialconstructions, many studies discuss “race” or “ethnicity”effects when what they are really observing are the social,environmental, economic, and historical facts that lie under-neath those terms. Indeed, notwithstanding the possiblepsychosocial impact of discrimination on health, socioeco-nomic position appears to “explain” many disparitiesbetween minority and majority group health outcomes, andthere are undoubtedly other critical factors as well (90, 91).For the most part, it may not be possible to separate themultifaceted patterns of historical and contemporary expo-sures that have led to and underlie the social construction ofrace and ethnicity from the terms “race” and “ethnicity.”Thus, when race effects are examined in epidemiologicstudies, we risk viewing race as an essentialist category andignoring what it stands for. A good example is the contro-versy surrounding the finding that college-educated African-American and White women have different birth outcomes(92). This finding has often been interpreted by some,although not by the authors, as implying that biologic differ-ences must be responsible for the difference. This conclusionignores the substantial differences in quality of education,differing contexts for both education and pregnancy, and thewide disparities in economic and social returns for a collegeeducation between African-American and White women.Thus, such an interpretation privileges race rather than theconditions for which it is a proxy indicator.


With social epidemiology’s emphasis on a broad array ofdeterminants of health, many of which are sensitive toeconomic and social context, it would seem that social epide-miologists would be deeply involved in examining theimpact of social and economic policy on health (93). For themost part, however, such pursuits are not well represented insocial epidemiology, possibly because of the difficultiesinvolved in considering all of the hidden sources of variationthat could result in misleading conclusions. However, onewonders whether this task is really any more complicatedthan understanding the causes of the recent decline in cardio-vascular mortality (94–96) or interpreting the results ofcommunity intervention on cardiovascular disease (97).While those studying the relation between income inequalityand health have been motivated by the large changes ineconomic inequality introduced by relatively recenteconomic and social changes, evaluation of the effects ofsocial and economic policy on health has mostly fallen toother disciplines. For example, epidemiologists have not hada major role in assessing major trials focused on housingrelocation (98) or poverty reduction (99), and little socialepidemiologic work has examined the health effects ofwelfare reform (100). Some of this work can be quitecompelling, such as a recent study by economists suggestingthat welfare reform has led to a decrease in breastfeeding 6months after birth (101). The lack of social epidemiologicinvolvement in many of these studies, particularly in theirdesign and evaluation, has more often than not resulted inlittle health data being collected, even in the case of social

and economic changes likely to have considerable effects onhealth.


It would be foolish to suggest that social epidemiologyshould adopt a particular set of tools or perspectives; as inany scientific discipline, invention and discovery are bestserved by using a diversity of approaches. However, theareas highlighted in this review are those that present consid-erable opportunities for clarification and progress. Theexplosion of interest in social determinants of health andmultilevel approaches to health determinants has opened upa broad arena for research. A few years ago, a report from theHastings Center called for an expansion of research on socialdeterminants of health equal to that devoted to the humangenome effort (102). In all likelihood that will not happen;however, this is still an era of great opportunity for socialepidemiology. Before its promise can be fulfilled, it will benecessary to wrestle with difficult conceptual, methodolog-ical, and analytical problems, some of which have beendiscussed in this review. Social epidemiology is poised tocontribute to a new paradigm that bridges the social and thebiological, the ultimate mark of success being incorporationof this expanded view of social determinants of health into ascience of epidemiology that sees all that it does asembedded in the social world.


Partial support for preparing this article was provided byawards from the National Institute on Aging (R37AG11375), the National Institute of Child Health andHuman Development (P50 HD38986-05), and the RobertWood Johnson Foundation Health and Society ScholarsProgram.


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