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Page 1: What is the Benefit of Blog Commenting – Top 6 Causes You Need to Know Technical and Non-technical

What is the Benefit of Blog Commenting – Top 6 Causes You Need to Know

Technical and Non-technical

Blog commenting is a very popular technique of offsite optimization. Many individuals and

companies are providing blog commenting services for clients’ benefits. If you see the view from

the non-technical angle, you will find that people love to read comments below the post.

Actually, people become interested when they find some controversial or funny comments about

the subject matter.

We all know about spam, so I would not like to discuss the same old topic.

In my point of view, there are top 6 benefits of blog commenting from technical and non-

technical perspective.

At first I would like to explain my point from non-technical side:

1) Improve online identity, let other people know you: If you are a regular contributor to

couple of blogs, you become popular to other bloggers and members. You certainly get

lots of replies, which mean that you are getting identified by other contributors and by

new blog visitors as well. If you are doing such thing, use “Gravatar”. Gravatar displays

your picture side of your comment, which makes blog commenting look more original.

2) Relationship building, blogging is a great platform: Blog owners love to see original

and related comments for blog posts. If you are able to provide such accurate

comments, you are actually building a good relationship with the blog owner. Moreover,

you are also improving your online relationship with other contributors by regular


3) Meet new people, Increase social media followers: Now a day, almost everybody has

social media account on facebook, twitter or Google plus, etc. Blogs are such a social

place where people interact with each other on different subject matters and also gain

new social followers by building new relationships.

Now, the technical side:

4) Link building, traditional, but effective method: Authority or we may call it popular

blogs contain good page rank and alexa, which are frequently indexed by search

engines. If the blog provides links in comment section with do-follow attribute, your

website or blog gains good links that also pass link juice. It is healthy for your website.

5) Improve ranking on search results: Getting links via blog comments from authority

niche blogs makes your blog or website backlink strong, which makes a positive impact

on search results according to different search terms.

6) Unlocks the door of Referral Traffic: I mentioned earlier, people love to read

controversial or funny comments. If you provide such comments, people would be

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interested to know you or your website. As a reward, your website or blog gets plenty of

referral traffic. We all know that more traffic means more readers, subscribers or buyers.

This is a continuous process that works like a circle.

This document is presented by Linkboostup, the company offers blog commenting service for

small business owners and helps improve organic rank. For more details visit: