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What is gin.o.mai?

gin.o.mai is a college age ministry designed to equip young adults with the principles and mechanics required for living the Christian life. From the Koine Greek verb ginomai

gin.o.mai (gihn-o-my) Verb:to become into existence through

transition from one state into another.

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2 Corinthians 5:21

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

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Introduction to gin.o.mai

Two Terms to know:

1. Positionally: A reference to one’s position in relationship to something else.

2. Experientially: A reference to one’s experience in relationship to something else.

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Introduction to gin.o.mai

1. Jesus did not know sin (experientially)“ton mh gnontaamartian” = “the (one) not knowing sin”

“gnonta” means “to know” and is used here to identify knowledge through experience with something.

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Introduction to gin.o.mai

2. God introduced Jesus to sin under humanity“ uper hmwn amartian epoihsen” =“under us sin He performed”

“epoihsen” means “to perform” in the sense that an action is recorded as having been completed by the actor, in this case God (the Father).

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Two important doctrines to note:

1. The Doctrine of Imputation.Imputation identifies that an act or state of being is applied to someone or something which assumes the act or state of being which is applied as its own.

2. The Doctrine of Redemption.Redemption identifies the release of an individual from his charge or responsibility because a debt or obligation has been fulfilled by the one bound to the responsibility or by another individual on his behalf who has fulfilled the responsibility to which the individual is bound.

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Introduction to gin.o.mai

3. God imputed all sin to Jesus on humanity’s behalf.

“ uper hmwn” =“under us”

The use of “uper” identifies that Christ is imputed sin under the sphere of humanity.

In this way, Christ is experientially sinless, but positionally sinful.

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Introduction to gin.o.mai

4. Jesus’ positional sinfulness creates the possibility of positional righteousness for man.“ ina hmeiV ginomeqa dikaiosunh”“in order that we might become righteousness”

“ginomeqa” is the middle subjunctive form of “ginomai” which means “to become into existence through transition from one state to another.”

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Mood in Koine Greek

Mood is used in Koine Greek to establish the atmosphere of an action or state of being. There are four types of mood in Koine Greek:

1. Indicative Mood- identifies reality2. Optative Mood- identifies desire3. Imperative Mood- identifies command4. Subjunctive Mood- identifies possibility

“ginomeqa” is in the Subjunctive Mood. This identifies the possibility of becoming.

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Voice in Koine Greek

Voice is used in Koine Greek to express how the subject operates in relationship to the verb. There are three types of voice in Koine Greek:

1. Active Voice – the subject performs the action.2. Middle Voice – the subject participates in the action.3. Passive Voice – the subject is acted upon by the


“ginomeqa” is in the Middle Voice. This identifies the subject as participating in the action of becoming.

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Four Things to Note

1. The imputation of sin upon Jesus creates the possibility for humanity to become righteous instead of sinful.

2. The imputation of sin upon Jesus does NOT mean that humanity is instantly righteous.

3. Therefore, there must be some other action or process which must take place in order for man to become righteous.

4. Man participates in that process because of the use of the Middle Voice with ginomeqa.

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The Process Identified• Romans 4:5 -

“But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.”

• Philippians 3:9 -“and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith.”

Humanity must place their faith in Jesus Christ in order to secure righteousness.

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Righteousness Identified• “dikaiosunh” means “conformity to the

specifications of the blueprint.”

1. God has established the blueprint of what is just.

2. He is the only One who has not operated in disagreement with His blueprint.

3. Jesus was fully God and fully man while on earth, yet He maintained His righteous state.

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The Work of Jesus Christ• Jesus’ righteous life means He can pay the penalty for sin (1

Peter 1:18-19).

• Jesus’ death on the cross pays the righteous and just penalty for sin, which is death (1 Peter 3:18).

• God imputes all of the sin from all of humanity to Jesus through His’ death on the cross (1 Cor. 15:3).

• Jesus’ resurrection guarantees the finality of sin (Hebrews 10:12-14).

Faith in the Work of Jesus Christ secures salvation for all who believe (John 3:16).

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Introduction to gin.o.mai5. The righteousness imputed to

believing man is God’s type of righteousness.“ dikaiosunh Qeou” =righteousness God

“Qeou” is in the Genitive Case, which describes possession. In our text, the grammar indicates the genitive case to stress the quality or type of the righteousness imputed.

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Protocol For Imputed Righteousness

1. God imputes humanity’s sin to Jesus through His death on the cross.

2. Jesus being imputed humanity’s sin creates the possibility for righteousness to be imputed to man.

3. Man places his faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

4. God imputes His righteousness to believing man.

5. Believing man is now positionally righteous.

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Introduction to gin.o.mai• Because believing man is positionally

righteous, he can begin progression towards experiential righteousness (Romans 12:1-2).

• Experiential righteousness deals with the believer’s standing in relationship to the blueprint of God during his time on earth, following his positional sanctification.

• Believing man is ultimately righteous once he is removed from this earth and God removes the sin nature from his genetic makeup.

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Summary of Righteousness Types

1. Positional Righteousness: The imputation of God’s righteousness to believing man.

2. Experiential Righteousness: Believing man’s spiritual growth progression to conformity to God’s blueprint of justice while on earth.

3. Ultimate Righteousness: Believing man’s final and ultimate righteousness completed after the Judgment Seat of Christ and the removal of the sin nature from his genetic makeup.

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Introduction to gin.o.maiTherefore, humanity has the opportunity to become righteousn because of the imputation of all of humanity’s sins to Jesus Christ.

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

2 Corinthians 5:21

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