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What is Anthropometry?How would you feel if you were in a situation where you had to make a completely new room involving Anthropometry? Surely, people may ask that. Anthropometry is measuring proportions of the human body. There are four types of anthropometry, which are wellness and nutrition, ergonomics, biometrics, and anthropology. In math, we studied biometrics, identifying a person, so it helps in crime scenes. The tibia, humorous, and radius were measured. Wellness and nutrition was studied in global studies. We talked about how there is much malnutrition in Africa. There is a product called Plumy Nut that contains many nutrients that help you have a healthy lifestyle. Many kids in Africa almost die; then Plumpy Nut saves them. In science, we studied ergonomics, which is making things the correct size to fit certain people. In literature, we studied anthropology. This is the study of different cultures. We read a story on different cultures. Finally, after we learned all this, we were given a driving question to guide us along a task. What is an optimal middle school learning environment?Equally important, was Josh Mallard, my partner that I worked with on the task. He and I knew that in order to get a good grade we had to work hard and together. Josh and I came up with four major steps. One of them was to gather our supplies and thoughts so we could choose a classroom. We chose the Art room. Then, we needed to make our poster and floorplan. After that, we made our model out of clay. Finally, we worked on one of the most important pieces of the project, the presentation. When working on the model, we thought instead of having our supplies on the other side of the room. Why not have it right next to the desks? Thats what we did. We made it an open room but still had areas of privacy. Our poster consisted of the floorplan and other close up pictures with descriptions. Then, our model was painted a gold brown. This had a chair, desk, and shelves with a printer on top. After all, the results were satisfying.Before this unit, I could not even imagine what we were going to create. Now that I look back on this, there are many things that I would change. Like the way the model was done. If there was more time, I think it would have been a lot better. Time management was a big problem. There were things that were easy. The poster was the easiest. Overall, I was satisfied with the work Josh and I did. There were things I would change but that normal. I will take a fortune of things with me from this unit. Not just about anthropometry, but about teamwork and how to work together. Anthropometry has taught me to see the big picture in the world. Dont always think that your opinion is right. In addition, that if you make something, know who its for and how big or what is put into it. I really enjoyed this anthropometry unit. This unit was a big learning part of my 6th grade year!