Download - What Is A Magazine Advert?

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By Rezma Jusna

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Magazine Adverts

Focus On Star Image/Construction

Highly Aesthetical

Offers & Promotions On Artists Concerts

Voyeurism Is nearly always present


Big Fonts

Bold Colours

Glossy/Shiny Cover

Colours can relate to potential target market

I.e. The colour red can symbolise love or emphasise sex appeal. So Female artists could be surrounded by the colour red.


This could include competitions and offers that encourage the market to buy the magazine so that they can find out how to meet their artists through various ways.

Objectification of mainly females

Close up of artist looking directly ahead

Stars are always airbrushed and look ‘perfect’

Surrounded by some sort of background that represents the artist or their album

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Costume:The artist is wearing a type of natural looking ninja dress. Her make up emphasises her green eyes (bold eyeliner used with a distinctive flick). Her hair is part up do part messy throw down. All of this costume combined gives the impression that the artist is very down to earth yet still has that elegance that artists tend to be portrayed to have.

Star Image:The artist is portrayed in a mid shot with half her face covered by darkness. This effect could have been implemented to show that the artist herself is a very mysterious person. And that her potential is still unknown. This therefore will lure potential fans into finding out more about her.

Voyeurism/Background:The artist image combined with her direct stare, give the impression that she is very un kept and that she may have a rebellious side to her. The background of the trees and river illuminate her natural green eyes and therefore intrigues the viewer to keep on staring at her eyes.

Colours:The colours are all very basic and naturalistic. Shades of colours such as brown, green and gold are used. This could have been done to signify that the artist is very new and hence the natural colours that may imply that she’s fresh from the earth.

Text:The font that states the artist name is very big and bold. It is in block capitals and is filled with the colour white. This white colour ties in with the whole nature and star construction theme of this artist being a new artist and therefore pure.

General:There is a barcode present. Other elements to do with the artist main genre (Rock) is present along side her picture. The image of the artist overlaps the actual magazine name yet is layered underneath other artists name and information. Some information about the artist is present on the front cover.

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Costume:The artist is wearing a plain white t-shirt. His hair is in dreadlocks which is conventionally found within the Rastafarian community. He wears only a simple silver ring on one of his fingers.

Star Image:Through the very simple use of costume it is clear to see that the star is trying to relate to those who aim to lead a simple life and just want to hear music that is not all auto tuned and fancy but just sound, plain, simple and nice. Which is what this artist is trying to portray through his image.

Voyeurism/Background:The picture of the artist is placed above information about the artist latest single in a frame like manner. The artist who is not fully in the centre is seen looking away and laughing. This could signify that the artist wants to focus more on the music rather than himself.

Colours:The colours are restricted to three main colours; Black, white and red. Grey and a deeper shade of red such as maroon are used. These colours contrasting against one another are simple yet incredibly bold. It gives the impression that the artist is very straightforward and so is buying his single.

Text:The font for buying the single has the biggest font size and colour wise contrasts the most; the white font, against the black background yet has implements of red in it. The font that depicts the single is in a smaller font and is coloured white. Finally the artist name happens to be in the smallest font size, coloured red and seems to be squeezed together. The font sizes, colours and styles imply that the artist truly does want the focus to be on his music rather than himself.

General:The record company’s name is present. No conventional barcode is present. Information on how to buy the single in present however it is very vague at the same time.

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Costume: The artist costume appears to be a black shirt. This black shirt combines with the background to give the illusion of the artists’ head floating in mid air. The hair of the artist can not really be seen due to the over layers of text. However it seems to look like the artist has a mullet.

Star Image:There is a type of lightening image that is placed on top of the artist’s eye. This could have been placed there to signify that the artist is rising to fame ‘as fast as a lightening bolt’. The artist also looks very lost as if they are still searching for the potential fans that could support him. This type of lost and innocent look is contrasted with a dark and mysterious look (due to the dark background the artist merges with) can intrigue the viewer into wanting to find out more about him.

Voyeurism/Background:The artist is seen looking straight ahead. His eyes seem almost transparent as the light hits it. This may have been done so that the artist seems like his not really aware of the darkness around him. The background is pitch black and gives the impression that the artist has a dark and mysterious side to them.

Colours:Black, white, and hints of berry and blue are used. All this colours contrast against the image of the artist and therefore emphasise the artist image more.

Text:The font sizes and styles vary throughout the whole advertisement. When the text is coloured white, it normally entails some important information such as the artist name and other key information that gives clues as to what is hidden inside the magazine. When the text is coloured a different colour it highlights extra information that the buyer may want to know.

General:A barcode is present. Quotes from the artist himself is present. Effects on the artist name has been used to emphasise the artist. Offers are highlighted and present. The date is also seen on this magazine. Overlapping on top of the artist image is frequent on this cover. The actual image of the artist is very simple.

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Are not very colourful Artist name tends to be smaller than other text Very simple backgroundsTend to be based more around the artists genre then the voyeurism of the artistMagazine name is inconsistent when it comes to layeringThere are not a lot of offers and promotions when it comes to generic magazines

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Costume:The artist is seen wearing all black clothing with hints of gold being present with the earrings and makeup. Great care has been taking to ensure that the artist is covered with the colour black in various ways such as; nail polish, lipstick and hair colour. The gold may have been added to show that the artist is somewhat wealthy as she can afford to wear gold.

Star Image:The artist in essence looks perfect in the sense that there isn't a hair out of place. However the artists natural beauty marks have been kept to ensure that she still has a connection with average people. The artist due to the use of Mise En Scene looks very mysterious. The use of black clothing contrasts greatly with her pale skin almost making the artist seem unnaturally beautiful.

Voyeurism/Background:The artist looks straight ahead. No very objectification al poses or clothing is present. The background which is plain white contrasts against the artist image which in turn emphasises the artist’s chosen look overall.

Colours:Apart from the artist make up with is a smoky blue to contrast the blue eyes the artist has, the rest of the advertisement is mainly focused around three colours; black, white and gold. The gold colour emphasises the quality of music the artist intendeds to bring to the music industry with her music. The black and white may be to show that she is simple in the way that she is and therefore she will deliver on quality music.

Text:Various font styles and sizes are used in this advertisement. A metallic font is used to emphasise the artist name. The metallic effect gives the illusion that the name of the artist is made out of gold. A black coloured text is never used. Instead an off gold and white coloured text is used in different sections to highlight different information. Different font styles and sizes are used to show separate key aspects that are important such as the song name.

General:Sponsors and other brands that endorse the artist, have their logos present on the advertisement. Links to contact the artist and fan page is present.

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Costume:The artist looks very formal and is dressed in a white shirt, black tie, black trousers, black belt and is carrying a formal purple jacket over his shoulder. The artist overall looks very well kept. There is no sign of a very bushy beard or un kept hair. Everything is neatly trimmed to go with his overall presentation of looking very smart.

Star Image:The artist looks very charming and very gentlemen like through the use of Mise en scene. This gentlemen like stature is the very thing that the female audience may crave for in a male artist. Hence this adds to the sex appeal. The way in which the artist is standing and looking gives the impression that he is looking for something or someone. This could also in turn make the female audience think that he is looking for the special someone, and therefore it could potentially be them.

Voyeurism/Background:The artist in this case is looking away. The background contrasts highly with the way the artist is dressed. The background essentially looks like a dump compared to how classy the artist looks. This could have been done to show that the artist originally came from such a place and still has that down to earth connection to his fans. The way that the artist looks over his shoulder signifies that he will always be looking over his back like he used to before he became a star. So overall, this has all been implemented to connect the artist to his potential target audience.

Colours:Many colours have been used in this advertisement as the background is not just one block colour. The background is actually a setting that somehow relates to one of the artists songs or even the artist image. But overall the colours are naturally gloomy and dark, however when focused on the artist the colours seem to be brighter and almost give the illusion that the artist is shining.

Text:The same font style is used when stating information about the artist and his songs. However other information about where the songs can be purchased have a different font. This is so that the viewer can differentiate the information from one another. The actual name of the artist is in the biggest font size and is coloured in gold. The font style almost looked like something you would see in medieval times. Perhaps to show that the artist could potentially be a knight in shining armour that was a very popular belief back in those times.

General:The brands of sponsors are present. Copyright and patents over the advertisement is placed underneath everything in the smallest font size. No text is overlapping the upper half of the artist body. The artist is pictured in a long shot.

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Costume:The artist is wearing what seems like a black top. This top merges in with the background. The hairstyle of the artist is well made up and literally looks perfect. The make up is kept plain and simple.

Star Image:In this particular image of this artist, the artist looks almost alien like and unnatural. This unnaturalness can be the very thing that differentiates this artist from normal people and perhaps even other artists. This look can portray the artist has her own independence and style when it comes to her songs.

Voyeurism/Background:What is interesting about this particular artist is that although it seems like she is looking directly ahead, at the same time it seems as if she isn't looking directly ahead. In fact it seems like the artist is dazed. The background which is coloured in black yet surrounded by colourful vines makes it seem as if the artist is somewhat out of this world, hence why she is so unfocused.

Colours:There are many colours present in this advertisement. This was done to portray that the artist has many talents and is perhaps very diverse in music styles.

Text:Font styles and sized vary incredulously in this advertisement. The actual name of the artist is barely seen due to the small font size. What is very noticeable is the magazine/company name and what the overall magazine is about (Music). The magazine name and the title of the magazine issue is in different fonts styles, and in various colours. The issue name is plastered in front of the artist image, and the magazine name is placed behind the image of the artist.

General:A barcode is present. Copyright and patent information is present is very small print next to the barcode. Over information not concerning the artist seems to be floating everywhere. There is a lot going on in this advertisement. The advertisement has a distinctive yellow border which makes it stand out.

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Focus on the look of the artistArtists always look perfect however there is some element of naturalness implemented so that they can connect with the target audience Females tend to have mid shot’s or close up’s Males tend to have long shots or mid shotsFont styles usually relate to the star imageIn terms of voyeurism, artists tend not to look directly at the audience, but passed them or sometimes, the artists doesn’t even look at the direction in which the image is being captured