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What I have learned

Aubrey Franklin

Page 2: What I learned

Throughout the year we read and analyzed numerous plays, novellas, books, and poems.

When I look back on it this class has made me a better reader. Before this class I wouldn’t think about what I read all of the time, and it made me go back and really think about what is going on in the story or whatever we were reading at the time. I learned

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Terms I learned



MotivationFeminist critic

Aristotellian Tragedy








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What I got out of reading this year

Everything we read or talked about had a certain meaning be hide it. “A Doll’s House”, for example helped me learn a whole lot more about feminist point of views. “The Metamorphosis” made me think about how to write a proper thesis, and to explain why certain things happened. We have read a handful of Shakespeare’s plays this year. Being in this class it gave me a better idea of what he was saying and what his words meant. Also I feel like when I go on to college or even next year I will understand it a whole lot better. Being in this class has really opened my eyes to how I should read, and do imagery. Also when we went over books or what we read we didn’t have tests on it. We talked about it as a class and that really helped me understand what was going on and get others opinions. It made me second guess my opinions or think about something completely different.

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Lots and lots of Websites!

• Wordpress• Edublogs• ToonDoo• Powerpoint online• Animoto• Wordle• Voki• Xtranormal• Live Binders

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What I learned from writing

I learned how to set up my paper in a certain way. We used TEDDA and ANT. Also writing in this class has helped me use more details, and describe the setting, characters, feelings, and the plot. This class has extended my vocabulary, and learned new words. I also have learned how to write blogs, and poems. We learned a lot of poems this year and how to analyze them. We wrote examples of poems like Haikus, couplets, and ABC poems. This year we wrote a huge research paper. I didn’t know what all of the critic was for a research paper until you taught me. That’s going to benefit me for next year and college. Another thing I have gained from this class is how to do a works cited page. This class has really improved my writing skills, and made me become a better writer all around.

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Blogs!Before this class I had no idea how to blog or even wanted to. Then you showed us all of the tricks and what people get out of blogs. Blogging is a really neat way to write really anything. I thought it was a better learning experience than writing papers on paper or typing it. The blogging challenge we did was a way to get us out there and for people to read our blogs. I didn’t realize how many people blog. I think even after this class I might still blog.

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How to play paintballGeocaching isWhat a college DJ doesYour favorite Christmas

songAll about your kidsHow to work a

handheld GPSNew bandsBento boxTed TalksNew Technology

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What I liked about this class

It was different from any regular English class we didn’t have tests or do stems. We read a lot and we talked about everything we read. I liked the diversity of the books, plays, and poems we read. Also we didn’t just write papers, we used all kinds of internet sites to show what we were learning. I really liked how we did our final to. We arent taking a test to show you what we learned. This class was really fun, and I really enjoyed it.