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What Have You Learnt From Audience Feedback?

Page 2: What have you learnt from audience feedback

From this question we can see that the representation of the lyrics in the video was effective. This is a positive as from the outset this is something we aimed to do, to make a video that was emotive and gave the audience a true account of the meanings of the song. From research dance music videos tend to have a convention of including drinking and partying and being fairly meaningless, so therefore from this we can see the overall representation to the audience of the video has been successful.

Page 3: What have you learnt from audience feedback

This is an area that we knew would be lacking slightly. This is due to the fact that we missed out several conventions of videos from the dance genre, such as locations, eg nightclubs and also aspects such as dancing. The lesson from this is that in a future project of this genre more emphasis has to be put on aspects of Mise-en-scene and also of the locations, to not only get a video that is emotive and representative of the lyrics, but also something which represents the genre clearly so that the audience can make that connection instantly between the video and the dance music genre.

Page 4: What have you learnt from audience feedback

Overall from the audience feedback this seems to have gone well, we researched the clothing and found that urban clothing was recurrent through the genre and used this knowledge and applied it too the video. Learning from this, to improve the clothing aspect of the video there would have to be a couple more branded items and that were in focus on camera, this will make the audience see the performers and actors in a more aspiriational way, which is something seen in most music genres.

Page 5: What have you learnt from audience feedback

From the outset as mentioned previous we wanted to go for a video that emphasised the meaning and emotions surrounding the song, this meant selecting locations that would further enhance this emotive nature, some complacency was afoot with the lack of emphasis the locations was give in representing the dance genre and believing it would not be an important element, this being the first lesson learnt. Another lesson learnt from this feedback would be to include conventional locations such as parties or nightclubs, and if given the chance again we would encorporate the two characters into one of these locations and make narrative surrounding them within these locations.

Page 6: What have you learnt from audience feedback

This is great feedback for us as we hoped that the emotive nature of our video and the lack of a nightclub location which went against the conventions of dance music videos, had pulled of to an extent. The locations chosen help to enhance the emotions and meanings of the lyrics and going away from these usual locations that involve meaningless and repetativeness. Although we could of used some subtle use of these locations to better represent the dance genre, overall the exclusion of a nightclub or live venue has made a video that is emotive and refreshing.

Page 7: What have you learnt from audience feedback
Page 8: What have you learnt from audience feedback

The clear lesson learned is that if this video was to be done again, a female vocalist would be of clear importance. The fact that there was a male vocalist was down to issues faced when casting, but apart from this obvious issue, overall from audience feedback our video is an emotive and refreshing dance music video, the only things that are lacking are the clear cut representation of the dance music genre.

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Stats from youtube show that the more the video has been embedded on places such as blogpot and twitter the viewer number has picked up. Along the many stages of the project we have faced many setbacks and problems which meant our video got uploaded a little later than most, but to get over 50 viewers is positive, the lesson learned would be to use more sources, e.g facebook pages of the artist and forums.

Page 10: What have you learnt from audience feedback

This is another great tool from You tube that allows us to analyse the demographics of the viewers. It has enabled us to learn the key target audience from which we should have aimed our video specifically at. If given the chance to do the project again we would use this specific data and aim it at a teen bracket for males and early adult stage for females. Not suprisingly the majority of viewers come from within the United Kingdom, with a slight number coming from South America. We could take this information and learn from it and post links of the video and information on transnational music forums and also fan pages on Facebook from various nations of the artist. This would allows to maximise view not only in terms of numeric views but of demographics giving us a more reliable target audience data.

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Conclusion From Feedback.

Overall, from audience feedback it is clear we have learned lessons. The greatest of these would be the fact that if given another oportunity to do the project we would make a more well rounded video, that did not focus massivley on the emotive nature of the video in terms of representing the lyrics, we would put more conventional aspects of the dance genre, including the locations of perhaps a live venue or nightclub. Also other aspects such as the inclusion of lights and a live performance which included music equipment and maybe dancers would be benificial to the representation of the dance genre. Although we have also taken on board positive feedback such as the fact the video represents the lyrics of the song in a meaningful and emotive way which is an intention from the start of the project and has been furfilled, our intentions where to go for a less conventional style that would be new and exciting and the feedback from the audience has underlined that we have achieved that.