Download - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Whilst filming for our main task, I feel that I learnt a large variety of skills, this included using adobe premiere pro to edit our film, a Nikon D3200 to film and pull focus, I also learnt to act to camera and make sure that all of my actions are caught by the camera. I also learnt how to do a wheel spin whilst pulling away in a car! Whilst documenting all of my work I have learnt how to use YouTube to upload a video, and slowly become accustomed to Tumblr.

I think the most important thing that I learnt, alothough I was acting was where to place the camera to get the best angle and shot of the character. The shot that is of ‘Katie’ reaching for her clothes in the cupboard was created by placing a member of the team inside of the wardrobe. This is because we wanted it too seem like the audience was in the cupboard and viewing ‘Katies’ life from all aspects, through camera postioning and also the situations she was put into. I think it helps that I am a keen photographer therefore when I see a shot I like I will try and use it to the best

of my ability, yet I was restriced to being the actress in this project so had little control, if I was to do this again I would ask to be a camera operator as I think it would benefit my learning of film cameras and improve my skills. I also designed the shot of ‘Katie’ looking in the drawer for her necklace,

previously it was going to be an over the shoulder shot, yet we felt that this shot was very unstable so we wanted to find somewhere else to put the camera. I thought the shot within the drawer worked well as it looked professional and gave a good point of view to the audiece

of ‘Katies’ situation. I was a struggle to get the camera in the right place to be able to fit in the drawer and captures ‘Katies’ expression. I like the way that there are a few objects out of focus in the foreground of the shot, I think this is really important as I makes it seem realistic and is

also very chaotic, just like ‘Katie’!

I eally enjoyed acting in this piece, I think It was really useful for me to be able to go either side of the camera and watch back what we had just filmed, this ment that if anything was “off” or looked odd, it was easy for me to see what needed to be changed in order for our task to look professional and well made. Through doing this I have learnt a lot about editing and sound matching. This was through trial and error, we need to leave a few seconds at the start and the end of each clip so we have room to edit and cut different shots together. I found this really useful because in post production it ment that I was able to see how each clip could be meshed together to create the whole film.

I felt that I gave a good input into our film with different ideas and variations on conventional camera shots and angles, this has benifitted our film as we don’t just use normal OTS and POV shots. I think the way we have designed the

title sequence to also compete with conventions as well as the shots we have used makes our Title sequence stand out from the rest. This has taught me about marketing and how,

to be noticed and be seen you have to do something original and a little different.