Download - What Exercise Equipment Do You Need For a P90X Workout?

Page 1: What Exercise Equipment Do You Need For a P90X Workout?

When beginning any exercise routine there are going to be certain items that will be needed to do it properly. The

P90x workout is no different in the respect that there are several pieces of equipment that will be key to completing the routines correctly. The gear is not expensive and can

be purchased at any sporting goods store, and even some super stores.

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Absolutely Essential

Page 3: What Exercise Equipment Do You Need For a P90X Workout?

The most important piece of equipment in any workout is water. Staying hydrated is of utmost importance. We lose about 3 to 4 litres a day under normal circumstances by breathing, in urine, stools and sweat. The body loses a larger amount of water content when it sweats more

heavily in a workout situation, so replenishing what is lost is mandatory. The process of dehydration while exercising can happen very quickly. It is recommended that you take in 1 liter of water for every 60 minutes of exercise, and on a hot day you need to replace up to 2 liters per hour. Keep a water bottle close by and full at all times when training. It is important to balance water intake with sodium intake


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A Good Footing!

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Another crucial element is shoes. The correct shoes can aid in the prevention of injury while training. The impact felt by the ball of the foot, the knees, hips and back can

greatly be lessened by the right pair of shoes, thus reducing or even eliminating the amount of pain endured

while or after completing a program like the P90X schedule. Since the program is performed on a hard, flat

surface, shoes must be worn during the workout.

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Keeping A Close Eye On Things

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A watch or a heart rate monitor may be needed also (depending on your existing level of fitness). It is

important to keep track of how fast the heart is beating while training. Irregular heart rate can indicate

dehydration, while an excessively high rate indicates pushing oneself to work too hard. A slow heart rate is

indicative of not working hard enough to get good results, and thus the need to push a little harder. Therefore being

in the target rate zone is imperative to fitness.

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A Good Foundation

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The P90x course includes Yoga as well as positions on the back, hands and knees. A quality mat is required for

adequate cushioning under the body and also to reduce the amount of pressure felt on the joints. Additionally, a

yoga block can also be used to complete stretching moves more accurately, to achieve the full beneficial effect.

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Useful Household Items

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During the series of routines, there are a few moves that need a chair or a stool to be used. A towel is also used

throughout not only to dry off, but to be used as an accessory as well. Since these are items that most people already have in their possession, they should not pose any

problem or expense to obtain.

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Other Accessories That Can Really Help

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There are a large number of "drills" that focus on upper body strength. As a result, hand weights, resistance bands,

or a pull up bar are going to be needed. During the program, there are optional ways shown to carry out the

drills with each item used. Based on P90X reviews, choosing which piece of equipment to use is based more

on personal preference.

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Completing a P90x workout will not only prove to be challenging, but rewarding as well. Having the correct

equipment will accomplish two factors, first by keeping one safe and second by ensuring that the results desired are actually achieved. As with any program, consulting a

doctor to make sure that the body can handle, and is ready for any type of exercise before beginning, is highly


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