Download - What contributes to living well? good health nice companion positive attitude enough money …

Page 1: What contributes to living well? good health nice companion positive attitude enough money …
Page 2: What contributes to living well? good health nice companion positive attitude enough money …

What contributes to living well?

good healthnice companion

positive attitudeenough money

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What’s wrong with the person in the following pictures? What difficulties do they have ?

What do they use to try to overcome these difficulties?

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• leg• crippled=/ lame • walking stick

• ear• deaf • hearing aid

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• eye• blind • walking stick\

guide dog

• lower body• paralyzed • wheelchair

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• mouth• mute/dumb • sign language

• brain• weak-minded• ---

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---They are disabled people

--- They are disabled.

--- They are people with disabilities

--- They have disabilities

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---There are a good ______ disabled people in the world. Some of them are p_______ disabled . Some of them are m________disabled. Life is very t_____ for them. As you can i_______, they face a lot of difficulties and dangers in their daily life in order to l___ well. In s____ of their disabilities , still some made great a_______________ in their field.


entally ough


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Do you know any famous people who

are disabled? What achievements do

they made?

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Steven Hawking 1942 England

Speech impaired, can only move one of his fingers

Physicist / mathematician made a research in the beginning of space, matter and time. and his famous book “On History of Time” used to be a best seller.

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Helen Keller ( 1880-1968 )United States

blind and dumb educator/writer

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She learn to read Braille ( 盲文 ) , to speak and write .Finished the studies in Radcliff College. Became famous writer --- “Three days To See.”

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Franklin Roosevelt 1882- 1945, America .

the 32nd, 33rd and 34th president, and was selected the 35th a year before he died. The only one who was selected the president four times in American history.

a disease in legs and had to use wheel chair

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Vincent Van Gogh(1853—1890) Holland

凡高Epilepsy 癫痫症

Impressionist painter

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Zhang Haidihas no feelingbelow the waist,uses a wheel chair


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Hu yizhou ( 胡一舟)

1978--- ,China

some problems in his brain. His IQ is only 30. A famous conductor ( 指挥家)

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SanglanSanglan (桑兰)(桑兰) 1981 --, China1981 --, China..

a famous gymnast ( 体操运动员 ).She got seriously hurt in a competition and can’t stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics (残疾人运动会)

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the disabled people


What spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful?






Pair work:

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They’re broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚)

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Read the pre-reading carefully and find out what is “Family Village”? & what is its function?

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What’s the purpose of the website?

To give __________a chance to tell their stories.

the disabled

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Page 23: What contributes to living well? good health nice companion positive attitude enough money …

1. Marty has a muscle disease.

Fast reading

1. What’s wrong with Marty?

2. Find the main idea for each paragraph.

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2. The main idea of each paragraph2. The main idea of each paragraph

Para 1:

Para 2:

Para 3:

Para 4:

Para 5:

An An introductionintroduction to Marty and to Marty and his diseasehis disease

The The advantages advantages of his diseaseof his disease

Marty met a lot of Marty met a lot of difficulties difficulties at schoolat school

How his How his lifelife has become has become easier easier

How his How his disabilitydisability developeddeveloped

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Careful reading

Para 1~3

1. When did Marty fall ill?2. What kind of disease is it? 3. How can Marty deal with his How can Marty deal with his disease?disease? 4. Make a list of problems caused by his disabilities.

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• 1. When did Marty fall ill?

• At about 10

• 2. What kind of disease is it?

• It is an unknown disease./a rare It is an unknown disease./a rare disease.disease.

• 3. How can Marty deal with his How can Marty deal with his disease?disease?

• He has learned to adopt to his disability.

• 4. Make a list of problems caused

• by his disabilities.

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• 1. weak and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as others

• 2. clumsy and often drop things or bump into furniture

• 3. can’t play football

• 4. has missed a lot of school

• 5. felt stupid because of being behind the others

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Para 4

1.Why does his life become easier at high school?

2. What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying?

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1. Why does his life become easier at high school?

Because his fellow students have accepted him.

2. What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying?

• enjoys writing and computer programming.

• goes to movies and football matches with friends

• looks after pets.

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Para 5

1.In what ways does his disability help him?

2. What advice does he give the healthy children?

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1. In what ways does his disability help him?

• Disability has helped him grow stronger psychologically and become more independent.

2. What advice does he give the healthy children?

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Marty tells the non-disabled :

•Don’t feel sorry for the disabled.

•Don’t make fun of them.

•Don’t ignore them.

•Accept them for who they are.

•Give them encouragment to live a rich and full life.

All in all, ______ and __________.accept encourage

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Summary: Marty’s Story

Marty’s disease

Marty’s difficulties

Marty’s ambition

Marty’s achievement

Marty’s hobby

Marty’s motto

Marty’s advice

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__ ______ _________ that makes

him very weak

_________and can’t ____ or ______

stairs as quickly as other people

To work for a ____ ____ ______ ______

A muscle diseasedisease



Weak/clumsy run climb

Invented a ________ __________computer game

firm that develops software

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motto To live one day ___ _____ ______

Don’t ___ _____ _____the disabled or ____ _____ ____them but ______them and give them__________________

to live a full and rich life.



Going to the ________and ___________ ___________ and keeping _______

movies footballmatches pets

at a time

feel sorry formake fun of accept


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What kind of person do you think Marty is?

Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life. He is realistic about his disability, but doesn’t let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a psychologically strong independent boy.


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Discussion From Marty’s inspiring story, what have you learned?

1: We should be p_______ with people with d__________. We shouldn’t get a________ just because they are slow.

2: We shouldn’t f______sorry for them. That might h_____ them.

3: We should help them in a c_______ way.

4: We should e_________ them when they feel d____.

5.Just having a disability doesn’t mean your life is not s_________.

6.Everyone can live w____ even if he has a disability.

atientisabilities nnoyed

eel urt


ncourage own



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Discussion From Marty’s inspiring story, what have you learned from?

1: We should be patient with people with disabilities. We shouldn’t get annoyed just because they are slow.

2: We shouldn’t feel sorry for them. That might hurt them.

3: We should help them in a clever way.

4: We should encourage them when they feel down.

5.Just having a disability doesn’t mean your life is not satisfying.

6.Everyone can live well even if he has a disability.

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Disabilities can be visible or invisible.

People with invisible disabilities don’t look

disabled. Depression, sleep disorders and

learning difficulty are invisible disabilities. No

matter what disability one has, life is not easy.

They have many difficulties to overcome, but

if they keep in mind they can also live well,

even achieve great success.

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People do not lack strength, they lack will. ---Hugo ( 雨果 )

人缺少的不是力量 , 而是意志。   Chances favor the minds that are prepared. ---Pasteur ( 巴斯德 )

机遇总是垂青于有准备的人。    Every man is the master of his own fortune.

---R. Steels ( 斯蒂尔斯 )

每个人都是自己命运的主宰者。    Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.

---Samuel Johnson ( 塞缪尔.约翰逊 )


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“Even for a withered flower, it longs to contribute all of its fragrance.

Even it is a broken tree, it longs to contribute all of its shade.”
