Download - What are the doctrines of Sikhs?. Guru: Teacher Sikh: Learner Began about 500 years ago in Punjab (India) About 30 million Sikhs Started by Guru Nanak.


What are the doctrines of Sikhs?

Guru: Teacher

Sikh: Learner

Began about 500 years ago in Punjab (India)

About 30 million Sikhs

Started by Guru Nanak

Shaped by his 9 successors

Preached tolerance of other faiths Co-existence of Muslims & Hindus

All are Equal

Equal in the eyes of God (regardless of sex, race, or religion) and can realise the divine within them through devotion to God, truthful living and service to humanity.

* No fasting, superstitions, ritualism, caste system, alcohol/drugs

“Ek OnKar“ (“One supreme reality”)

One true God, Creator of the Universe.

Sikhs do not worship idols.


hould remember God in everything they doL

iving an honest life and caring for othersS

haring, charity, working for good of society

The 10th Guru did not appoint a successor

He transferred authority to two institutions:

1) Guru Granth Sahib A

collection of hymns/writings by Guru Nanak and

other Gurus AND Sikh, Hindu, Muslim


Added to the Adi Granth

Serves as the perpetual Guru of the Sikhs

2) Guru Khalsa Panth (The Sikh community )

All who are baptized are connected through the Khalsa.

*** Decisions & resolutions also made through the Akal Takth (the timeless throne)

Five symbolic articles of faith (Panj Kakkar)

Five symbolic articles of faith (Panj Kakkar)

1) Kesh: Uncut hair (SPIRITUALITY)

Reminder to not disturb nature

Symbol of their faith (turbans)

2) Kangha: Wooden comb (CLEANLINESS)

Represents commitment to society

Reminder to shed impurities of thought

3) Kaccha: White shorts (SELF-DISCIPLINE)

Reminder of need for self-restraint over passions and desires

4) Kara: Steel bracelet (GOOD DEEDS) Represents strength and eternity Shape is a reminder that God is


5) Kirpan: sword (PROTECTION) Reminder to defend what is right Always fight for righteousness

Can equality truly be

achieved in religion, if so how and give
