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Sharjah Creek2008–2009


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Sharjah Creek2008–2009

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BarawaBerbera Bossaso KismayoKudhaa




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W H A R FAG EA project on the creek in Sharjah, from where a large number of dhows leave for ‘Somalia’. Somalia, a collection of semi-state entities, is also thereby a kind of ‘free trade zone’. This arrow of trade – in which the ship is not an escape from but an entry into, an engagement with, the space of conflict – is our subject. It may offer a few ways to think about how ‘business‘ and the spectral lives of these commodities and traders, point to life beyond war or ‘global capital’. With pirates up ahead and economic crisis at their tail, these mountains of goods and their sailors may trace old trade routes, but map out something new: a contemporary landscape of used things, ‘break-in-bulk’ trade, diasporas, and giant wooden ships being built in Salaya, Gujarat. The project consists of two parallel pieces: a book, and a radio transmission from the port.

W H A R FAG E is a two-part project by CAMP for the 9th Sharjah Biennial. This publication accompanies a series of radio broadcasts at the Sharjah Creek. From 18 –21 March 2009, from 7–10 pm, one could tune into Radio Meena on 100.3 FM, within a radius of about 2 kilometres from the port.

W H A R FAG E is part of the ‘Past of the Coming Days‘ programme, curated by Tarek Abou el Fetouh.

CAMP was started in November 2007 as an artist’s space in Mumbai, India. CAMP is not an ‘artists’ collective’ but a workspace gathering ideas, sensibilities and energies.

Designed by Europa, London

Printed by Spenta Press,

Printed March 2009, in an edition of 750.

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D I R E C T I o N ( D I S H A ) or the arrow of trade. In one of the most popular references to ships in western philosophy, Foucault describes the ship as the ultimate ‘heterotopia’, a fragment of space that contests or compensates for the spaces we usually live in. The ship is ultimate for two reasons, he says: because it has been since the sixteenth century the ‘great instrument of economic development’, and because it has simultaneously been the greatest reservoir of the human imagination: ’In civilisations without boats, dreams dry up, espionage takes the place of adventure, and the police take the place of pirates’.1

The geographer David Harvey is somewhat blunt in his response: ‘I keep expecting these words to appear on commercials for Caribbean cruises. […] the cruise ship is indeed a heterotopic site if ever there was one; and what is the critical, liberatory and emancipatory point of that?’.2 For Harvey the ship as metaphor (and other Foucauldian heterotopias: cemetries, prisons, brothels, saunas) are ultimately fantasies of escape … and this is not enough. It is not enough, he says, to merely point to ’other spaces’, as somehow ’different’ from the rest. This does not produce any actual engagements, nor does it produce new spaces. Harvey is a bit quick, for our tastes, to dismiss the possibilities and pleasures of the cruise. But his interpretation does point to something interesting: that many ’spatial’ concepts suffer from a curious lack of ’orientation’. one might even say, a politics. To play with Foucault’s examples, for instance, we could imagine extraordinary transformations occuring in any excursus from the school to the brothel (and back), in the road from the old-age home to the cemetery (difficult to escape), or in the forced move of housing ’heterotopias’ towards the edges of the city. To describe these, to understand them, is not merely a question of temporality, or of learning what lies in-between ’other’ sites. It is a question of suggesting the possible trajectory, i.e. the combination of forces, locations and times, of our engagement. So how do we understand these ships, moving in a direction opposite to ’escape’, willingly and repeatedly

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entering zones of conflict? What lights up the spectre of lives and goods that engage with this risk, with pirates, war, and typhoons? The short answer of course, is in Foucault’s first ’reason’ for the ship’s ultimateness: business. Somaliland, Puntland and other nearby lands are ’markets’. What is happening here is common, ancient, has a complex history that passes through colonalism and globalisation, and continues to be commonly known as ’trade’. Trade is like so many words, in that it has grown to obscure so much. In the 1400s trade meant ’a path, track, a course of action’. As treads and trades grew more numerous, they began to represent a field, a completely different kind of noun from the ‘path’. After encounters with morality and capitalism, the phrase becomes much more about suggesting relations of balance, of exchange, of ’fair exchange’. Trading posts, trademarks, and trade unions soon follow. Some things escape this, of course. The phrase ’trade wind’ doesn’t come from maritime commerce, but from the older sense, of ’a regular, habitual course’, a ’tradition’, even. These arrows repeat themselves, even as they are spiralling and complex. Their recurring directionality is not the opposite of complexity, it is the evidence of it, of systems that sustain themselves in a complex world. The modern term trade – like business, or smuggling, or networks – has an in-built, and growing, opacity to direction. What is being smuggled? From where? Such information is not required to establish the identity of ’smuggler’, or ’trader’. As abstractions go, trade appears to have a number of motivations to appear non-hierarchical, reciprocal, and matter-of-fact. In India, the combo words ’IMPEX’ and ’EXIM’ became symbols of this ’balance’, and were part of the names of many businesses (particularly in the pre-liberalisation phase, and in the course of ’opening up’, through the 1990s). The suggestion that both import and export happens somehow equally, was more attractive, perhaps more strategic, than specifying what was actually going on; that ’we are sourcing t-shirts for export’ or that ’we

import used tyres and retread them’. But the pose, the outward appearance of ’balance’ also had to do with anxieties of the state, and transnational economics: India seeks to maintain a ’trade balance’ that denotes, supposedly, that it is not being a complete loser in the global market. GATT and the WTo ensure a ’balance’ such that certain groups are always losers. Global corporations subsequently make the very idea of ’export’ somehow frozen, quaint. The story is a bit like that of the Balance Sheet, in which everything that goes in is necessarily, superficially, equal to what goes out. In which the entire production, the work of business is somehow effaced. Symmetry occludes our sense of beginnings and ends, lacks and excesses, overflows and residue, desire and drive. What does direction mean? Kierkegaard speaks of love as an arrow, without reciprocity, in which to love is full, self-sufficient. It means that we are able to speak of parasites and pirates, with affection. It means that the fundamental unit is not mass, it is momentum. Velocity, not speed, Africa, not geography, the lines, not just the quantities. Not up or down, but sideways. This does not mean that we just replace one abstraction with another. It means that when boats going to Somalia carry dentist’s chairs and steel and used clothes and cars, and those coming back carry charcoal, or frankincense, and often nothing at all, we can sense the change in perspective, and perhaps change our own. The boats may remain the same, but everything changes, smells different, stacks up in a different way, is differently valued. Everything changes, but not to its inve rse. The way out is not the opposite of the way in, it is another arrow. Trade is not just a fact; it is an act, it is work. In the acting out of trade, shippers, ships, dealers, loaders, cooks, crooks, pirates and other agents fill up a world that is larger than their own. They plan for the next destination, they prepare. They leave loved ones behind. They look to the horizon. Ships are built, and sail out with the tide. It is not enough to say that differences between here and there pre-exist. It is that the imagination of being able to

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ship something, this possible line of thought and movement, produces difference, openings, and opportunity, again and again. This is the sense in which arrow of trade becomes a plan of action, a work, that may deepen the tread upon the old path, but continues to produce, anew.


1 — Michel Foucault, ‘Des Espace Autres’, lecture 1967. First published in ‘Architecture/Mouvement/Continuité’, 1984. 2 — David Harvey, ‘Cosmopolitanism and the Banality of Geographical Evils, Public Culture’, 12, 2000, p9.

R A D I o The paradigm of radio broadcast, opposed to that of the telegraph, suggests a landscape, rather than a point, of reception. This presents three threats: of equal potential in all directions, of hidden spaces being reached, and of an equal authority to become the source from which sound emanates. As radio became more commonplace, its regulatory frameworks had to keep up with these technical characteristics, by restricting available ’spectrum’, making radio transmission itself illegal, and so on. Soviet Russia in the 1930s made it mandatory for all buildings to have ’wired radio’, or state-provided audio infrastructure in homes. of course, this denied the possibility of receiving any stray channels from the air. This was then non-radio radio, which in 1960s was expanded to two or three channels, still wired to the studios, producing a ’piping’ model for content distribution that was also ’insulated’ from the outside. In 1932, Bertolt Brecht had complained about one-sidedness of radio, and appealed to the radio to ’step out of the supply business’. The passage may be worth quoting in full, because it also refers to ’pipes’: ’But quite apart from the dubiousness of its functions, radio is one-sided when it should be two-. It is purely an apparatus for distribution, for mere sharing out. So here is a positive suggestion: change this apparatus over from distribution to communication. The radio would be the finest possible communication apparatus in public life, a vast network of pipes. That is to say, it would be if it knew how to receive as well as to transmit, how to let the listener speak as well as hear, how to bring him into a relationship instead of

isolating him. on this principle the radio should step out of the supply business and organize its listeners as suppliers. Any attempt by the radio to give a truly public character to public occasions is a step in the right direction’.1 In recent times the problem appears to have inverted itself. With ’Broadcast Yourself’ (the slogan of YouTube), it appears that non-alienated, spontaneous media productions are no longer in short supply. The result is perhaps not what Brecht-like supporters of ’communication’ had in mind. Jodi Dean calls the results a ’communicative capitalism’, a circulation of information that doesn’t result in any political shifts. A circulation for circulation’s sake, blogs referencing blogs, friends poking friend’s friends. Communication fully realised, but also fully contained, unable to escape its own skin. Further understanding of this could proceed in two ways: one is to follow Badiou in the 14th of his ’Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art’ and acknowledge that: ’Since it is sure of its ability to control the entire domain of the visible and the audible via the laws governing commercial circulation and democratic communication, Empire no longer censures anything. All art, and all thought, is ruined when we accept this permission to consume, to communicate and to enjoy. We should become the pitiless censors of ourselves’.2

on the other hand it may be too early to dismiss the question of ’censorship’ altogether, even as control of the airwaves themselves is so obviously heavy-handed reaches ridiculous extremes. About 200 organisations applied for licences for ’Community radio’ stations after this opportunity was opened in India in November 2006, after many years of lobbying. Until recently only two licences have been granted. In Somalia, where radio is quite popular, several radio journalists including two directors of stations have been killed in 2007–08. 3 ’We’ could become pitiless censors of ourselves, but there are many who haven’t even spoken, yet. The internet still means little to people such as the shippies on Sharjah Creek. It maybe worthwhile to remember the basic fact of radio broadcast … its voice,

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its mobility, its ability to penetrate physical and social boundaries... as a space of possibility. To do this, we may have to undo our favoured model of ‘communication’, to return to broadcast itself, and the open space of reception it generates: the space of listening.


1 — Bertold Brecht, ‘Bjitter des Hessischen Landestheaters Darmstadt’ No. 16. (1932), ‘The Radio as an Apparatus of Communication’.2 — Alain Badiou, ‘Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art’, Lacanian Ink, No. 23. Excerpt at — See for example:

F R E E P o RT A port is ‘free’ when customs and local jurisdiction on trade is waived. That is, when import and ‘transshipment’ duties are not applied, and traders can operate from the port as if it did not exist in any country. The free port is crucial to the concept of re-export, upon which the UAE’s economy is traditionally based. Dubai became a ‘duty-free’ port in 1894, when the then Sheikh Maktoum decided to give foreigner traders tax concessions. Since the 1930s, goods have entered and left Dubai with relative impunity. Recipient countries (such as India in the 1960s) have often interpreted this as a form of smuggling, and tightened regulations on imports such as gold. Within Dubai of course, this activity has always been seen as perfectly legal, even foundational to the state. With globalization and GATT, as free ports became a standard feature of many world economies, UAE ports have marketed more aggressively, with Dubai Ports World even offering to lease and operate all major ports in the USA’s, an offer ultimately rejected in 2006 by US Congress on grounds of ‘national security’.1

Dhow trade is very much a part of the ‘free port’ environment, if more informally and more specifically as a ‘very cheap port’ situation. The current boom in dhow trade between Sharjah and Somalia, parallel to the financial crisis, appears to be mirrored neatly by a much earlier crisis, in World War II. During that war, food and other supplies ran short, because normal trade routes were not active. The British, who had various deals with

the sheikhdoms came to the rescue with large supplies of sugar and rice. Sensing opportunity in this glut, Dubai traders bought and re-exported these goods to the Iranian black market, just across the strait. (Cheap goods today can be sourced from warehouses and shops that are not doing very much business in Sharjah. Somalia is hungry for these goods. The actual mechanics of purchase and order are controlled by a surprisingly small group of actors at each end, and what could be described as highly personal initiatives.) At the Sharjah end, the heightened volume of goods to Somalia is actually attributable to one person, a Yemeni trader who has extensive connections with Somali traders and port authorities. The story goes that he has over the past year managed to relocate a large chunk of the Somalia-bound trade from Dubai’s Creek to Sharjah’s. It is in ‘Somalia’ that the Free Port acquires its most powerful dimension. Mogadishu, Kismayo and Bossaso are free ports not because of the WTo, but because of various configurations of partial states and private enterprise, not particularly inclined to implement a customs regime. This means that much of Somalia is ‘Duty Free’ or duty flexible, so that the arrow that points from Sharjah to Somalia actually has both its tail and head in places beyond. In China and Kenya, for example. As all this becomes linked to the vahanvati construction boom in Salaya, in India, the logic of these two ‘free ports’ doing brisk business in times of crisis, unfolds. They reveal themselves to be ‘freer’ ports, in very concrete terms.


1— For more on the Dubai Ports World ‘purchase’ of US ports management, see DPW already operates ports in Djibouti, Mozambique, China and India.

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe SamdaniManifest no. 34Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cooking oil 2000 cartonsHandbags 200 cartonsBuckets 170 cartonsBlankets 20 cartons 69 100000Vests 20 cartonsWood 17 bundlesMugs 50 cartonsShoes 130 cartonsNew and used hospital supplies 592 packages 17.237 8696 Macaroni 1000 cartonsPersonal items and home appliances 70 packagesMattresses 20 bundlesClothes 40 bundles 7.423 2800Plywood 30 bundles Chillies and coriander 212 cartonsNails 1400 cartonsThermoses 200 cartons 25.23 65670Matches 2375 cartons 19 13216Metal boxes 300 cartons 19.2 19800Nails and wires 1938 cartons 25 43305Plastic slippers 890 cartons 14.26 12874

  Total weight of goods: 196.35  Total value of goods: 266631  Customs paid: 400  Docking charges: 240

January 02, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FeeratManifest no. 113Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 35 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Mats 300 bundlesBlue barrels 6 unitsCar spare parts 10 packagesCement powder 2000 bagsDates 500 bagsGarlic 500 cartonsHandbags 50 cartons 135 150000Juice 50 cartonsMilk 100 cartonsPlastic bags 100 bundlesPlywood 10 bundlesSmall radios 30 cartonsTyres 250 unitsWood 10 bundlesFlour 2250 bags 112.725 198315Generators 5 units 1.75 8570018 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 car 1.5 12000 Nissan Caravan 3 cars 4.89 33400 Nissan Cargo 1 car 2 12000 Nissan Datsun 1 car 1.725 3600 Nissan Homy 1 car 1.5 10400 Nissan Terrano 1 car 1.35 9600 Nissan van 1 car 1.5 15000 Toyota Caravan 1 car 2 5400 Toyota Corolla 1 car 1.08 6400 Toyota Hilux Surf 4 cars 7.6 25200 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 car 1.8 9000 Toyota Mark II 1 car 1.18 5400 Toyota Prado 1 car 1.6 9000

  Total weight of goods: 279.2  Total value of goods: 590415  Customs paid: 860  Docking charges: 880

January 06, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Goushe SailaniManifest no. 164Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 17 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 950 cartonsCar windows 2 boxesCeramics 1780 cartonsChairs 200 cartonsClothes 30 cartonsClothes 85 bundlesCooking pots and pans 300 cartonsCushions for traditional arabic seating 50 units 95 200000Macaroni 2000 cartonsOffice chairs 50 unitsPlastic 25 unitsPlastic chairs 110 unitsPlastic pipes 100 unitsRadiator oil 150 cartonsRadiators 75 cartonsRefrigerators 10 unitsShoes 100 cartonsTubes 70 cartonsWood 40 bundlesLamps 710 cartons 10.601 14222Thermoses 531 cartons 10.035 15560Tyres 1126 units 40.54 265257

  Total weight of goods:   156.176  Total value of goods:     495039  Customs paid:     315  Docking charges:     220

January 08, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Ghoushe Pirane PirManifest no. 174Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 15 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Chillies 80 cartonsChildren’s playing balls 15 cartonsCouches 4 bundlesCooking oil 1000 cartonsDates 12 cartonsGlue 280 cartonsHealth supplies 100 cartonsHome appliances 50 cartonsLamps 100 cartons 145 150000Pens 100 cartonsPerfume and body cream 55 cartonsPlastic pipes 400 unitsPlywood 2 bundlesRice 2000 bagsShampoo and soap 260 cartonsSweets 1100 cartonsTableware 100 cartonsWax 200 cartonsWood 43 bundles Juice 4224 cartons 50.688 61248Matches 2375 cartons 19 16740Plastic slippers 935 cartons 14.982 13525

  Total weight of goods: 229.67  Total value of goods:     241513  Customs paid:     460  Docking charges:     180

January 08, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ali HaidarManifest no. 194Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Biscuits 100 cartonsBlankets 20 cartonsClothes 20 bundlesFood containers 120 cartonsGarlic 50 cartonsMacaroni 2500 cartonsMattresses 10 bundlesMetal 15 stacks 180 150000Oil 2500 cartonsPlastic jugs 200 cartonsPlywood 45 bundlesRice 2500 bagsSoap 1000 bagsTyres 300 unitsWood 20 bundlesBatteries 1449 units 21 12901Batteries 1050 cartons 26.25 156008Clothes hangers 1836 cartons 19.2 75594Furniture 1382 packages 46.308 37163Linoleum 590 rolls 21.653 15757Macaroni 2550 cartons 26.418 80538Metal sheets 15 bundles 43.087 151348Nails 3300 cartons 52.9 25705Plastic slippers 935 cartons 14.982 13525Plywood 8 units 11.776 46528Thermoses 834 cartons 7.929 16395Travel bags 1140 cartons 24.9 45457Tyres 150 units 6.54 45598

  Total weight of goods:   502.943  Total value of goods:     872517  Customs paid:     1010  Docking charges:     340

January 09, 2008 January 16, 2008      Date of arrival:        

Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Haji AliManifest no. 942Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 760

Goods  Quantity 

Charcoal 15167 bags

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ReemyManifest no. 298Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Barrels 20 piecesBiscuits 800 cartonsCooking oil 680 cartonsDates 23 cartonsDried apricots 1000 cartonsGarden fences 100 rollsLemonade citrus 1100 cartonsMacaroni 1800 cartons 130 150000Medical supplies 70 packagesMetal 15 stacksPaint 150 piecesPlywood 15 bundlesWater 1500 cartonsWood 20 bundlesWooden doors 50 units Biscuits 34 cartons 42.386 136472Macaroni 5500 bags 55.55 19384Macaroni 2550 cartons 26.418 80538Plastic sandals 1480 cartons 23.714 21409Sheets 285 bundles 10.684 55123

  Total weight of goods:   288.752  Total value of goods:     462926  Customs paid:     585  Docking charges:     480

January 17, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor Al Haji HusseinManifest no. 299Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 6 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Bedroom furniture 1 unitEngine oil 2000 cartonsBarrels 20 unitsBlankets 80 cartonsChairs 10 unitsClothes 40 cartonsCooking oil 2000 cartonsDates 1300 cartonsEmpty water bottles 60 cartonsFish nets 40 units 163 150000House supplies 300 cartonsIron 15 tonsLamps 150 cartonsMacaroni 4500 cartonsPlastic pipes 43 unitsShoes 500 cartonsTomatoes 500 cartonsWater 1500 cartonsWood 30 bundlesMacaroni 2800 packages 28 41543Macaroni 2800 bags 28 76855Plywood 5 bundles 5.412 20977Plywood 16 bundles 23.552 93057Suitcases 473 packages 9.681 16669

  Total weight of goods:   257.645  Total value of goods:     399101  Customs paid:     50  Docking charges:  

January 20, 2008

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Macaroni 5300 packages 53.742 198535Matches 2375 cartons 19 16740Mats 365 bundles 10.77 56862Metal rods 17 bundles 45.45 143507Metal sheets 18 packages 54.99 195340Notepads, papers, metal doors, mattresses and glass shelves 268 units 8.5 12486Plywood 24 bundles 35.328 139586Textiles 180 packages 12.5 12686Tyres and tubes 550 units 17.617 17939

  Total weight of goods:  567.971  Total value of goods:     1402109  Customs paid:     1140  Docking charges:     760

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al BashirManifest no. 1744Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 605

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 12048 bags

January 28, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. MadeefManifest no. 1017Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 32 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 1000 cartonsTelevision sets 50 unitsCardamom 50 cartonsClothes 10 bundlesFish nets 35 bundlesGarlic 100 cartonsMedical equipment 200 cartonsRice 1200 bags 85 100000Rope 100 bundlesShoes 30 cartonsTomatoes 1000 cartonsTyres 200 unitsWashing machines 20 unitsWater 1200 cartonsWood 40 bundlesBeauty products 2100 cartons 14.507 127318Kettles 567 cartons 11.235 63747Kettles 531 cartons 10.035 15560Kitchen items 409 cartons 6.963 44611Linoleum 629 rolls 22.833 12367Macaroni 5300 bags 53.759 23590Macaroni 5100 cartons 52 22700Macaroni 5300 packages 53.742 198535

February 06, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shah e KalandarManifest no. 3431Flag: IndiaComing from: Berbera, SomalilandDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1302

Goods  Quantity

Stone 651 tons

February 10, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al AdnanManifest no. missingFlag: ComorosComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 800

Goods  Quantity

Stone 651 tons

February 10, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shree Shiv-e-ShaktiManifest no. 1438Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 32 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 450 cartonsMetal rods 20 bundlesCeramics 20 bundlesClothes 40 cartonsDates 1600 cartonsFish nets 6 bundlesMacaroni 2800 cartonsMats 150 bundlesPlastic bags 500 bagsPlastic chairs 500 units 190 200000Plastic pipes 30 bundlesPlywood 41 bundlesRefrigerators 20 unitsRice 2000 bagsShampoo 500 cartonsShoes 100 cartonsTyres 160 unitsWashing machines 10 unitsWater 2200 cartonsWood 42 unitsBrooms, hangers and curtain fittings 1033 cartons 11.5 7422Cooking oil 1199 cartons 22.877 11120Lanterns and glass 740 cartons 10.68 58205Macaroni 2800 cartons 28 79970Macaroni 2550 packages 25.882 11350Plastic slippers 935 cartons 13.602 12139Powdered milk 1500 cartons 24.15 225521Tomato paste 5760 cartons 63.36 141729Women’s shoes 310 cartons 2.309 49362Women’s shoes 440 cartons 3.039 67118

  Total weight of goods:  395.399  Total value of goods:   863936  Customs paid:   790  Docking charges:     760

February 17, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. AshimaManifest no. 4924Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1705

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 34079 bags

February 26, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al BisaratManifest no. 5378Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15000 bags

March 02, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FaisalManifest no. 5380Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1030

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20551 bags

March 02, 2008

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize BarakatManifest no. 218Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1514 

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 30283 bags

March 03, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faizane ChishtyManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


March 04, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Nigah e MakdumiManifest no. 5889Flag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1460

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 28768 bags

March 06, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al KausarManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1250

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25000 bags

March 08, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sahiba QasmiManifest no. 6219Flag: IndiaComing from: Berbera, SomalilandDuty (AED): 3750Landing fees (AED): 1000

Goods  Quantity

Coral reef stone 500 tons

March 09, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al UmeedManifest no. 6382Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1295

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25876 bags

March 10, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor Al Haji HusseinManifest no. 2267Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 400 cartonsBlankets 90 cartonsClothes 10 bundlesCooking oil 600 cartonsCream 50 cartonsFish nets 20 bundlesMacaroni 2000 cartonsMats 30 bundlesMetal rods 20 bundles 127 200000Pillows 60 bundlesPlastic pipes 40 bundlesPlywood 30 bundlesRefrigerators 12 unitsTomato paste 1500 cartonsWashing machines 12 unitsWater 3500 cartonsWood 20 bundlesWooden chairs 1 setCar spare parts 347 packages 26.624 106251Carton paper 76 cartons 64.133 470413Glue 1670 cartons 23.402 16725Kettles 531 cartons 10.56 15757Macaroni 8250 cartons 83.325 277416Metal boxes 300 cartons 18.889 20169Tyres and pipes 317 units 18.417 17959Welding metal 25 cartons 25.5 40856

  Total weight of goods:  397.85  Total value of goods:   1165546  Customs paid:   800  Docking charges:     340

March 10, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al AdnanManifest no. 6577Flag: ComorosComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 810

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 16002 bags

March 11, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al AhmediManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: Somalia via AjmanDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1258

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25157 bags

March 11, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al KausarManifest no. 6709Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 650

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 13000 bags

March 12, 2008

Page 19: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Raj SagarManifest no. 845Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1600 

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 32030 bags

March 13, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al HabibManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1600

Goods  Quantity

Stone 800 tons

March 13, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al YusufManifest no. 943Flag: IndiaComing from: Berbera, SomalilandDuty (AED): 5770Landing fees (AED): 1540

Goods  Quantity

Stone 16 tons

March 16, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sea QueenManifest no. 7062Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1010

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20041 bags

March 16, 2008

Page 20: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Thayeb IIManifest no. 2513Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 400 cartonsAir conditioner 1 unitAluminum 2 bundlesBedroom furniture 1 unitBiscuits 300 cartonsBlankets 30 cartonsCartons 400 cartonsChildren’s beds 4 unitsClothes 70 bundlesCooking oil 2000 cartonsCushions 40 bundlesDates 20 cartons 150 300000Empty barrels 50 unitsGenerator 1 unit Metal rods 20 bundlesPlastic pipes 39 cartonsPlastic woven mats 100 bundleRefrigerators 11 unitsTamarind 300 boxesTank 1 unitTelevision sets 60 unitsTyres 50 unitsWashing machines 11 unitsWater 1000 cartonsWood 20 bundlesInsecticide 675 cartons 12.413 12519Juice 1920 bags 23.04 12106Metal sheets 9 packages 26.924 92862Tent fabric 350 packages 12.276 50743Tuna 3150 cartons 16.48 232155Used clothes 600 units 14.515 300453 vehicles: Nissan Syriana 1 unit 1.5 10000

March 16, 2008 Suzuki Skoda 1 unit 1.19 7200 Toyota Hiace 1 unit 1.8 10000

  Total weight of goods:  260.138  Total value of goods:     757630  Customs paid:  580  Docking charges:     320

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. KasheeriManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1005

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20041 bags

March 20, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faizal BarakatManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 680

Goods  Quantity

March 24, 2008

Page 21: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Ghazal Manifest no. 7702Flag: PanamaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1330

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25577 bags

March 26, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Sabir PiyaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


March 26, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. DawoodManifest no. 7933Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1310

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 24259 bags

March 31, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Haji AliManifest no. 7932Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 770

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15280 bags

March 31, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. HassanManifest no. 8843Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1355

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 26040 bags

April 14, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safinat Al HussienManifest no. 9491Flag: IndiaComing from: Berbera, SomalilandDuty (AED): 3750Landing fees (AED): 1000

Goods  Quantity

Coral stone 500 tonsTyres 7 bundles

April 20, 2008

Page 22: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. JhulelaalManifest no. 3766Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Asbestos 5 bundles Ceramic tiles 22 bundlesFurniture 40 units 35 150000Plastic pipes 100 bundlesWhite wood 50 bundlesWooden doors 4 bundles Macaroni 5400 cartons 55.08 120178Macaroni 2700 cartons 27.54 60089Mango and guava juice 4224 cartons 31.68 61248Metal sheets 16 packages 52.46 22255School stationary 1413 cartons 25.991 18346Sweets 1600 cartons 27.187 46568

Total weight of goods:   158.971  Total value of goods:     225199  Customs paid:     320  Docking charges:     30

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al BisaratManifest no. 9924Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25577 bags

April 23, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al YasinManifest no. 3609Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 7 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 1000 cartonsAsbestos 15 bundlesClothes 1 bundleCooking oil 3000 cartonsMacaroni 1500 cartonsMatches 264 bundlesMats 100 bundlesPaint 2250 packages 135 150000Plastic barrels 30 unitsPlastic chairs 300 unitsPlastic pipes 400 unitsTables 30 unitsTyres 250 unitsWater 3000 cartonsWood 35 bundles Briefcases 500 cartons 13 43151Mats 320 packages 10.971 32048

Total weight of goods:   158.971  Total value of goods:     225199  Customs paid:     320  Docking charges:     30

April 27, 2008

April 30, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al RadwanManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 870

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 17461 bags

May 08, 2008

Page 23: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SalamManifest no. 11848Flag: CyprusComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1100

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25577 bags

May 11, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. MuskanManifest no. 11849Flag: IndiaComing from: Barawa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1950

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 38960 bags

May 11, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Garibe NawazManifest no. 4143Flag: India 

Going to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 500 cartonsBeds 12 unitsChairs 500 setsCooking oil 3000 cartonsMacaroni 5500 cartonsMetal 35 stacks 190 200000Metal pipes 8 bundlesPipes 2000 unitsSmall boat 1 unitTyres 100 unitsWater 1000 cartonsWood 65 bundles

  Total weight of goods: 190  Total value of goods: 200000  Customs paid: 400  Docking charges: 380

May 12, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al AdnanManifest no. missingFlag: ComorosComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 790

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15810 bags

May 13, 2008

Page 24: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al AbudManifest no. 12341Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 35000 bags

May 15, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al ShifaManifest no. 12345Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1620

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 32332 bags

May 15, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al YusafManifest no. 4260Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 26 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 3000 cartonsBuckets 850 boxesCar batteries 500 cartonsCeramics 30 cartonsContainers 330 cartonsDates 2400 cartonsGarlic 240 cartonsGlass 4 bundlesMetal 35 stacksPaint 800 cartons 200 250000Pipes 4 bundlesPlastic 5 boxesPlywood 22 bundlesRefrigerators 10 units Shoes 180 cartonsShovels 190 bundlesTyres, tubes and flaps 580 unitsWater 3180 cartonsWire 240 rolls Juice 3032 cartons 23.858 57074Macaroni 5400 cartons 55.08 120178Metal sheets 27 packages 78.69 37555Plastic slippers 1420 cartons 21.571 18435Tuna 2652 packages 30.922 318587Tyres, tubes and flaps 760 units 16.244 905359 Total weight of goods:   441.852  Total value of goods:     1707188  Customs paid:     890  Docking charges:     500

May 15, 2008

Page 25: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe SamdaniManifest no. 4377Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Brief cases 76 cartonsBrooms 8 cartonsCooking oil 3500 cartonsPlastic chairs 10 bundles 100 150000Plywood 2 bundlesSugar 760 bagsWood 43 bundlesMats 365 bundles 11.11 588938 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2 2000 Nissan diesel 1 unit 3.5 3600 Nissan van 1 unit 2 18000 Toyota Chaser 1 unit 1.25 5400 Toyota Mark II 4 units 5.19 28800 Total weight of goods:   125.05  Total value of goods:     266693  Customs paid:     385  Docking charges:     240

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: TaufeejManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: Somalia 

Duty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 980

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 19516 bags

May 16, 2008

May 19, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MukhtarManifest no. 13546Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1220

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 19516 bags

May 28, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ali MadadManifest no. 13950Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 820

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 16400 bags

June 01, 2008

Page 26: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. MadeefManifest no. 4874Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 31 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes 60 bundlesDates 800 cartonsDoors 3 bundlesFish tanks 3 unitsLadders 4 bundlesLamps 120 cartonsMacaroni 2000 cartonsPillows 40 bundles 180 250000Plastic chairs 50 bundlesPlywood 15 bundlesRefrigerators 10 unitsRims 40 unitsSugar 2000 bagsTelevision sets 40 unitsTyres 40 unitsWood 30 bundlesCar spare parts 16 packages 22.628 111034Carts 29 packages 10.7 39800Generators 3 packages 2.67 91500Handbags 347 cartons 9 12226Macaroni 5300 packages 53.742 229026Macaroni 5020 packages 51.204 111721Matches 2350 cartons 16.92 22035Plastic slippers 935 cartons 14.203 12139Plastic slippers 952 cartons 16.784 16595Tyres, tubes and flaps 391 packages 14.006 636847 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 2 15000 Toyota Hiace 1 unit 1.8 9000 Toyota Hilux Surf 5 units 7.5 375000

  Total weight of goods:   403.157  Total value of goods:     1358760  Customs paid:     806  Docking charges:     720

June 02, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shraddha SagarManifest no. 14217Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1005

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20010 bags

June 03, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. MaymunManifest no. 14215Flag: ComorosComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1170

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 23354 bags

June 03, 2008

Page 27: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al ArfanManifest no. 5025Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes 70 bundlesCooking oil 3900 cartonsIron pipes 1 bundleMacaroni 2000 cartonsMedical supplies 100 piecesPillows 70 bundles 170 300000Plastic buckets 60 piecesPlastic woven mats 70 bundlesPlywood 30 bundlesShoes 150 cartonsSugar 1000 bagsWater 1500 cartonsWood 35 bundles Macaroni 5300 packages 53.742 229026Tomato paste 2000 cartons 22.22 67574

  Total weight of goods: 245.962  Total value of goods: 596600  Customs paid: 500  Docking charges:      440

June 05, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Hud HudManifest no. missingFlag: ComorosComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 680

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 13540 bags

June 06, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. AweshkarniManifest no. 14216Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1200

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 24000 bags

June 06, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Haji AliManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 740

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14806 bags

June 10, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faizal BarakatManifest no. 14942Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1500

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 30000 bags

June 11, 2008

Page 28: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al RahmaManifest no. 5441Flag: IndiaGoing to: SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 33 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Fire extinguishers 350 piecesFilters 3 bundlesEngine oil 200 cartonsMetal pipes 85 piecesClothes 80 bundles Dates 1500 cartons 250 400000Home appliances 1 boxPaint 500 piecesPlastic pipes 50 bundlesPlywood 32 bundlesRice 2000 bagsWater tanks 12 piecesWood 80 bundles Batteries for toys 1100 cartons 26.5 14218Boy’s shoes 585 cartons 15.21 12695Car spare parts and oil filters 276 cartons 2.95 145361Diesel machine and electric power generator 2 pieces 9.73 40500Macaroni 5400 cartons 54.25 45612Metal sheets 18 packages 54.9 25307Sugar 2000 bags 250 400000Tuna 3150 cartons 16.48 240744Wireless communication devices 2 pallets 0.515 603609

  Total weight of goods: 680.535  Total value of goods: 1928046  Customs paid: 1360  Docking charges:      800

June 19, 2008      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al NazirManifest no. 15094Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1825

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 35091 bags

June 12, 2008

Page 29: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ya Ankahi KaramManifest no. 5488Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 30 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 1000 cartonsBedroom furniture 2 unitsCooking oil 1400 boxesCooking oil 2000 cartonsDates 20 cartonsEmpty boxes 10 bundles 115 250000Metal 10 stacksPaint 1900 unitsPlastic 70 cartonsTanks 2 unitsTyres 900 unitsWires 400 rollsWood 17 bundlesLinoleum 1300 rolls 45.5 54235Macaroni 2650 bags 26.871 115413Mats 335 bundles 10.837 57193Metal sheets 18 packages 54.9 280284Powdered juice 1325 cartons 8.957 38928Powdered milk 1900 cartons 25.65 443994Shoe polish 585 cartons 15.21 12695Textiles 175 bundles 15.4 16877Tuna 3150 cartons 16.48 240744   Total weight of goods: 334.805  Total value of goods: 1510363  Customs paid: 920  Docking charges:      680

June 22, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. DawoodManifest no. 16407Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1240

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 24800 bags

June 26, 2008

Page 30: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Anjali PoojaManifest no. 5744Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 35 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cooking oil 1000 cartonsFlour 3000 cartonsChinese nuts 2200 cartonsBeds 11 unitsChairs and tables 50 cartonsClothes 45 bundlesDoors 1 bundleFrames 300 unitsHealth supplies 100 unitsJuice 400 boxes 255 450000Macaroni 4000 boxesOffice appliances 26 cartonsPlastic chairs 500 unitsPlywood 7 bundlesSchool appliances 4 cartonsShoes 30 bundlesShovels 150 unitsSmall generator 1 unitSugar 2500 bagsWater purifiers 3 boxesWood 30 bundlesGenerators 6 units 7.5 12686Matches 2375 cartons 19 16736Metal sheets 9 packages 26.675 93039Plastic slippers 1000 cartons 17.3 15949Soaps 5000 cartons 1.12 328415Tent fabric 350 bundles 12.548 12333Tuna 3150 cartons 16.48 2407442 vehicles: Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.93 6300 Suzuki Escuda 1 unit 1.19 7200   Total weight of goods: 1477.623  Total value of goods:     1183402  Customs paid:     2954  Docking charges:     860

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al KabirManifest no. 16878Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 900

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 18005 bags

July 01, 2008June 29, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al AmiraManifest no. 16960Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1535

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 30700 bags

July 02, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al NazirManifest no. 17113Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 680

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 13500 bags

July 03, 2008

Page 31: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: Hud HudManifest no. 6507Flag: Comoros 

Going to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes 40 cartonsFrames 170 unitsHousehold appliances 20 packagesKettles 10 cartonsPillows 20 bundlesPlastic pipes 40 bundles 178 300000Rice 1500 bagsShampoo 400 cartonsShoes 150 cartonsThailand rice 3942 bagsVeils 40 bundlesWater jack 20 bundlesWood 20 bundlesFrames, tubes and flaps 150 units 12.728 101366Frames, tubes and flaps 200 units 2.28 16893Frames, tubes and flaps 200 units 4.406 33735Frames, tubes and flaps 100 units 3.456 31851Medicines 516 cartons 6.65 12823Nails 1640 cartons 26.3 103218Plastic shoes 920 cartons 18 107864Satellite receiver with other accessories 120 packages 6.48 212991Soap, house phones, jeans and glass 314 packages 9 12812   Total weight of goods: 267.3  Total value of goods:     933553  Customs paid:     540  Docking charges:     240

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. JheelManifest no. 17426Flag: ComorosComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 815

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 16307 bags

July 07, 2008 July 23, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al KausarManifest no. 17427Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1315

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 24320 bags

July 07, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Fayartajdeen BabaManifest no. 17428Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 735

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14643 bags

July 07, 2008

Page 32: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Harsha SagarManifest no. 6721Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 8 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cartons 15 bundlesComputers 7 unitsCups 100 cartonsDates 3000 cartonsFlashlights 60 cartonsFlour 4000 bagsMattresses 30 unitsMilk 1440 cartons 309 500000Perfume 300 cartonsPillows 150 bundlesPlywood 8 bundlesRefrigerator 1 unitShoe polish 20 cartonsShoes 200 cartonsTelevision sets 30 unitsUsed clothes 110 bundlesWire fence 100 rollsCooking oil 5320 cartons 93.1 492340Cooking oil 2400 cartons 45.739 237687Generator and generator supplies 4 packages 1.38 52000Home accessories 880 cartons 12.8 32318Linoleum 1258 rolls 45.666 25132Macaroni 2800 bags 28 35990Macaroni 8100 cartons 81.75 6849Mats 340 bundles 10.874 17278Medical supplies 4 packages 1.493 6102Tyres, tubes and flaps 575 packages 18.797 210640

Total weight of goods:   648.599  Total value of goods:     1616336  Customs paid:     1300  Docking charges:     50

July 29, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Vishwa KalyanManifest no. 7235Flag: India 

Going to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerators 4 unitsDates 40 cartonsBedroom furniture 4 unitsBoxes 300 cartonsClothes 120 bundlesCups 200 cartonsFlour 2000 bagsHandbags 120 cartons 330 380000Macaroni 4000 cartonsMats 200 bundlesPlastic chairs 500 unitsPlastic pipes 30 bundlesShampoo 400 cartonsShoes 300 cartonsSugar 2600 bagsSweets 200 cartonsWood 12 bundlesMedical supplies 1945 cartons 23.043 20314   Total weight of goods: 353.043  Total value of goods: 400314  Customs paid: 710  Docking charges: 540

August 14, 2008

Page 33: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Arafat BalajiManifest no. 7316Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 45 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 400 cartonsTableware 20 unitsBoxes 9 unitsClothes 26 bundlesClothes 50 cartons 35 100000Dates 720 cartonsFlashlights 100 cartonsShoes 300 cartonsWood 24 bundles Food flavors 1780 cartons 32.342 40529Macaroni 5400 bags 55 202281Mats 335 bags 10.533 59904Metal boards 7 bundles 19.98 116500Shoes 406 cartons 12 166981 vehicle Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1 35000   Total weight of goods: 165.855  Total value of goods: 570912  Customs paid: 370  Docking charges:      1260

August 17, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Anjali PoojaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


August 21, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SalamManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


August 29, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mishaal IManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


September 03, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e HashmiManifest no. 8140Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 14 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Home appliances, food supplies and gifts 1500 packagesSyrian almonds 2130 cartonsClothes 2000 cartonsGarlic 120 cartons 171 300000Macaroni 5000 cartonsOil 4000 cartonsRice 1000 bagsSpices 100 bagsUsed clothes 200 bundlesWood 20 bundles Nylon 350 bundles 11.15 117997

  Total weight of goods: 182.15  Total value of goods:     417997  Customs paid:     365  Docking charges:     160

September 11, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. MannatManifest no. 8193Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 37 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni 8000 cartonsCooking oil 2500 cartonsEmpty barrels 20 piecesClothes 8 bundlesClothes 20 cartonsCumin 95 bags 100 300000Dates 400 cartonsMilk 164 cartonsRope 30 bagsTape 30 cartonsTyres 62 piecesUsed clothes 250 bundlesWood 15 bundles Blankets 110 cartons 1.65 2000Plastic woven mats 370 bundles 10.747 16305Powder juice 2970 cartons 19.899 54536Textile 180 bundles 12.5 291434

  Total weight of goods:   144.796  Total value of goods:     664275  Customs paid:     290  Docking charges:     940

September 14, 2008

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Tyres and tubes 150 units 3.143 55152

Total weight of goods: 337.769  Total value of goods: 1668664  Customs paid: 690  Docking charges:      440

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Anjali PoojaManifest no. 8233Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Television sets 20 unitsFurniture 20 cartonsClothes 60 bundlesTyres 200 unitsMilk 1700 cartonsBattery water 300 cartonsEngine oil 200 cartonsTubes 150 cartonsTent fabric 50 bundlesPhotocopy machines 2 unitsTomato paste 1000 cartonsNewspaper 500 bundles 100 400000Bedroom furniture 160 cartonsCartons 30 bundlesMetal boards 9 bundlesLighters 100 cartonsOil 800 cartonsLamps 100 cartonsKettles 200 cartonsRefrigerators 21 unitsGenerators 5 unitsPlastic chairs 500 unitsWood 20 bundlesShampoo 300 cartons Electronic kettle 1 unit 19.348 15652Tyres and tubes 228 unitsBody cream 1400 cartons 16.644 503867Car spare parts 608 cartons 15.856 39922Cooking oil 2398 boxes 45.658 227650Cooking oil 1199 boxes 22.829 113825Cooking oil 1199 boxes 22.829 113825Cooking oil 1199 boxes 22.829 113825Mats 340 bundles 10.133 17106Salt 560 bags 28.25 8226Soap 2500 cartons 18.75 43959Suitcases 584 cartons 11.5 15655

September 15, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor GaribiManifest no. 8318Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Car batteries 100 unitsFertiliser 200 cartonsCardamom 100 cartonsCeramic tiles 5000 cartonsChildren’s beds 100 unitsClothes 400 bundlesDates 350 cartonsFlashlights 200 cartonsHome appliances 240 280000 and gifts 500 packagesMacaroni 8000 cartonsOffice supplies 50 cartonsOil 4000 cartonsRefrigerators 20 unitsShoes 500 cartonsTables 100 cartonsUsed clothes 120 bundlesWater 1200 cartonsBeds 150 packages 3.9 13771Mats 250 packages 7.612 44070Medicinal and pharmaceutical supplies 270 boxes 4.558 17572  

  Total weight of goods:   256.07  Total value of goods:     355413  Customs paid:     540  Docking charges:    200

September 17, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe FashiyaManifest no. 8316Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Soaps and creams 500 cartonsBaby bottles 60 cartonsBatteries 50 cartonsCeramics 24 packagesClothes and home appliances 150 packagesCooking oil 3000 cartonsDates 1000 cartonsFizzy drinks 1000 cartonsGarlic 150 cartonsGlass 15 boxesGlue 350 cartons 165 350000Jars 10 unitsMacaroni 10000 cartonsPlastic bags 100 bundlesPlastic chairs 300 unitsRefrigerators 20 unitsRubber bands 75 cartonsSheets 15 unitsShoes 200 cartonsSocks 40 bundlesUsed clothes 100 bundlesWater 500 cartonsWood 15 bundlesCooking oil 4776 boxes 61.193 320687Dates 1250 packages 250 39751Electrical plugs 20 cartons 0.3 11237Medical supplies 650 cartons 11.65 15516Plastic covers 61 cartons 1.648 6496Plastic sandals 892 cartons 16.91 15362Textiles 170 bundles 14.96 16113   Total weight of goods:   521.661  Total value of goods:     775162  Customs paid:     1042  Docking charges:     280

September 17, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sultan e MadinaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


September 21, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor Al Haji HusseinManifest no. 8496Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 19 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Battery fluid 100 unitsBiscuits 500 cartonsBlankets 20 cartonsClothes 100 cartonsClothes 20 bundlesDoors 20 units Fish nets 30 bundlesFlour 2000 bagsGarlic 300 cartonsGlue 300 cartonsMacaroni 7000 cartons 200 450000Oil 250 cartonsPaint 20 unitsPerfume 40 cartonsPillow 100 bundlesPlastic 1000 cartonsRefrigerators 2 unitsRefrigerators 46 unitsShampoo 1250 cartonsShoes 200 cartonsVests 50 cartonsWashing machine 1 unit Medical supplies 4 packages 1.493 6041Nylon 350 bundles 11.483 12211Shampoo 1403 cartons 27 46269Shoes 252 cartons 3.523 77740Water filters 580 cartons 10.902 63661

Total weight of goods: 258.241  Total value of goods: 655922  Customs paid: 520  Docking charges: 260

September 24, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Shaheer Al MadinaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


September 25, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Garib NawazManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


September 26, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


September 27, 2008

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Mahmoud QuasmiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


September 27, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe SamdaniManifest no. 8613Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 7 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Rice 7800 bags 214 500000   Total weight of goods:   214  Total value of goods:     500000  Customs paid:     430  Docking charges:     30

September 28, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Sultan e MadinaManifest no. 8615Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 8 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Sugar 12000 bags 400 600000   Total weight of goods: 400  Total value of goods: 600  Customs paid:     800  Docking charges:     40

September 28, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Shaheer Al MadinaManifest no. 8621Flag: India 

Going to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 7 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tableware 50 cartonsSugar 11000 bags 378 600000Thermoses 200 cartons   Total weight of goods:   378  Total value of goods:     600000  Customs paid: 760  Docking charges: 30

September 28, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MurtajaManifest no. 8688Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 13 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Used clothes 100 bundlesWood 23 bundlesPlywood 10 bundlesMetal sheets 3 bundlesPaint 1700 cartons 100 400000Ceramic tiles 24 bundlesTomato paste 200 cartonsFish nets 20 bundlesShoes, clothes, home appliances 350 packagesBatteries 1050 cartons 26.25 11953Matches 2375 cartons 19 16573   Total weight of goods: 145.25  Total value of goods: 428526  Customs paid: 290  Docking charges: 140

September 30, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize MustafaManifest no. 8689Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 14 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Frames, tubes and flaps 290 packagesClothes 400 cartonsGarlic 200 cartonsMilk 500 cartonsRadiator water 200 cartons 80 300000Rice 1200 bagsSweets 200 cartonsTubes 150 cartonsUsed clothes 150 bundlesWood 4 bundlesCar batteries 1449 units 18.999 12772Shoes 227 cartons 3.044 63436Tyres 350 bundles 11.483 12211  

  Total weight of goods: 121.269  Total value of goods: 388419  Customs paid: 230  Docking charges:     160

September 30, 2008

Page 40: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mishaal IManifest no. 8690Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Personal and home appliances 150 packagesMedical equipment and connection pipes 200 packagesCar spare parts 40 packagesClothes 30 bundlesDoors 10 bundlesHousehold furniture 40 packages 100 500000Macaroni 7000 cartonsPaint 1000 unitsPlastic pipes 110 unitsPlywood 10 bundlesShoes 300 cartonsUsed clothes 150 bundlesVeils 50 bundlesWood 20 bundlesFrames, tubes and flaps 270 packages 1.884 192953Household tableware 1500 units 2.2 33588Shoes 225 cartons 3.008 66483Tent fabric 350 bundles 11.483 12211Thermoses 440 cartons 9.698 137359 vehicles: Nissan truck 4 units 47.55 53000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.18 3900 Toyota Mark II 4 units 4.72 25332

  Total weight of goods: 159.723  Total value of goods: 901202  Customs paid: 440  Docking charges:     318

September 30, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al BasmaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


October 01, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e HashmiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


October 02, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Goushe SailaniManifest no. missingFlag: India Coming from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


October 02, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SalamManifest no. 8703Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 6 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Garlic 100 boxes 282Rice 1000 bags   Total weight of goods:   282  Total value of goods:     0  Customs paid:     590  Docking charges:     10

October 04, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Haj Jasidia Manifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


October 05, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: SaifManifest no. 8721Flag: PakistanGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerators 30 unitsShoes 300 cartonsGenerators 2 unitsClothes 80 cartonsEngine oil 500 cartonsJuice 50 cartonsKettles 150 cartonsLight bulbs 80 cartons 122 300000Macaroni 7000 cartonsMetal scraps 4 packagesPlastic chairs 20 bundlesPlywood 12 bundlesSweets 1000 cartonsTyres 130 unitsUsed clothes 250 bundlesWood 2800 unitsHousehold items 6000 units 5.67 121814Powdered milk 2610 cartons 42.93 836860Tyres and tubes 70 units 5.939 137025 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2 15000 Nissan 2 units 4 25000 Suzuki 1 unit 1.21 7200 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 15000   Total weight of goods:   185.749  Total value of goods:     1334576  Customs paid:     550  Docking charges:     540

October 05, 2008

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      Date of departure:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al ShifaManifest no. 8776Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 13 days

Goods Quantity Weight (tonnes) Value (AED)

Sugar 14000 bags 700 700000

Total weight of goods: 700Total value of goods: 700000Customs paid: 1400Docking charges: 140

October 07, 2008





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Page 43: WHARFAGE -

2 — Loading usually happens through the day. The crew gets paid for loading, above their monthly salary. Somalia-bound second-hand cars are usually the last items lifted onto the dhows.

3 — Goods both in and out of packaging, line El Corniche Street along the Sharjah Creek. A quiet landscape of goods occupies the wharf through the night.

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4 — Unloading charcoal. Dhows coming in from the ports of Kismayo or Kudhaa are carrying up to 30,000 bags of charcoal. Those leaving from other ports in Somalia often arrive empty. Somali livestock no longer arrives here.

5 — Getting ready to sail. All goods are carefully covered with tarp to prevent damage at sea, for which the captain is responsible. Tea break after fixing tarp.

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      Date of departure:

Vessel name: Al NaveedManifest no. 8722Flag: Sri LankaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods Quantity Weight (tonnes) Value (AED)

Refrigerators 40 unitsCar batteries 500 cartonsDiapers 15 bundlesElectric appliances 300 cartonsEngine oil 1000 cartons Rice 1000 bags 105 350000Television sets 30 unitsTissues 70 bundlesTubes 40 bundlesUsed clothes 210 bundlesVests 200 cartonsWood 50 bundlesBuilding tools 12 packages 9.6 108338Household vessels 700 cartons 13.75 177381Shoes 225 cartons 3.008 66310Shoes 240 cartons 3.209 70730Tyres and pipes 228 units 19.029 172184

Total weight of goods: 153.596Total value of goods: 944943Customs paid: 500Docking charges: 300

October 08, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M. S.V. Faize Shekh MohyudinManifest no. 8813Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Assorted sweets 1000 cartonsCar batteries 300 unitsGarlic 300 cartonsJuice 200 cartonsJuice 80 bundlesNewspapers 300 bundlesOil 2700 cartonsPillows 70 bundlesPlastic chairs 50 bundles 150 500000Plastic pipes 50 bundlesShampoo 300 cartonsShirts 700 cartonsShoes 1000 cartonsTextiles 500 bundlesTyres 130 unitsWater 1500 cartonsWater 120 jerry cansWood 50 bundlesCanvas 180 bundles 12.5 291434Plastic bags 679 cartons 26 972516 vehicles: Nissan truck 3 units 6 40000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.91 6300 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.94 6900   Total weight of goods: 200.35  Total value of goods: 941885  Customs paid: 580  Docking charges: 460

October 08, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. 8862Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 13 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Plastic pipes 25 bundlesPlastic chairs 30 bundles 245 350000Rice 8000 bags   Total weight of goods: 245  Total value of goods: 350000  Customs paid: 490  Docking charges: 140

October 09, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor GaribiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


October 10, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Khawaja NawazManifest no. 9055Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Dates 1560 cartonsFertiliser 70 bagsMilk 1300 cartonsOil 1300 cartonsPerfume 50 cartonsRefrigerators 15 unitsShoes 600 cartons 115 450000Soap 150 cartonsTomato paste 500 cartons Various clothing 550 cartonsVarious sweets 300 cartonsWater 900 cartonsWood 6 bundlesClothes 22 cartons 1.282 47304Cooking oil 2400 units 45.528 20272Household appliances 672 cartons 14.1 156156Mats 370 packages 10.724 61759Soap 1516 boxes 26.621 12806Tent fabric 350 bundles 11.483 122113 vehicles: Truck 1 units 1.5 39000 Nissan truck 2 units 4 18000   Total weight of goods:   230.238  Total value of goods:     817508  Customs paid:     550  Docking charges:     280

October 14, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al BismiliaManifest no. 9058Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerators 10 unitsTelevision sets 15 unitsAsbestos 2 bundlesBeans 1800 cartonsBrooms 350 cartonsDates 1080 cartonsLamps 280 cartonsMirrors 50 cartonsPillows 30 bundles 160 500000Rice 1500 bagsShirts 520 cartonsShoes 450 cartonsSoap 350 cartonsTextiles 30 bundlesVarious clothing 530 cartonsVarious sweets 3500 cartonsVeils 30 bundlesWood 18 bundlesTomato paste 1875 cartons 18.75 48201 10 vehicles: Hino 1 unit 2 10000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.72 10400 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 10000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.8 7200 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.59 6300 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.5 9739 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.93 10300 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.72 6300 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.223 7200 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.2 1905   Total weight of goods:   195.433  Total value of goods:     627545  Customs paid: 390  Docking charges:     280

October 14, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: Al Shabab IIManifest no. 9187Flag: IranGoing to: SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 36 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Linoleum 70 unitsFood supplies and home appliances 500 packagesCandy 500 bundlesCar spare parts 35 bundlesChairs 20 bundlesCinnamon 20 unitsClothes 8 cartonsCurtains 10 units 250 500000Garlic 500 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartonsRice 850 bagsScales 20 unitsSugar 3000 bagsTomato paste 2000 cartonsUsed clothes 50 bagsWood 7 bundlesCooking oil 2400 cartons 46.152 16746Oil 2400 cartons 46.152 167468 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 8.8 14400 Nissan 1 unit 1.65 4500 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.27 7200 Toyota Corolla 1 unit 1.06 9600 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.41 17000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.5 10000 Toyota pick up 1 unit 2.2 4500   Total weight of goods: 362.194  Total value of goods: 600692  Customs paid:      724  Docking charges: 910

October 16, 2008 October 16, 2008      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Haj JasidiaManifest no. 9181Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 12 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerator 1 unitAssorted sweets 200 cartonsChildren’s pacifiers 20 cartonsClothes 100 bundlesCoffee 100 cartonsDates 1250 cartonsLighters 20 cartons 155 400000Rice 2500 bagsShoes 200 cartonsTelevision sets 20 unitsUsed clothes 80 bundlesVests 160 bundlesWater filters 100 cartonsCigarettes 1000 cartons 14.9 627570Milk powder 1500 cartons 24.05 274112Plastic slippers 1500 cartons 23.4 18729Popcorn 1000 cartons 14.9 627570   Total weight of goods:   232.250  Total value of goods:     1947981  Customs paid: 464  Docking charges:     120

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Madina ZulficarManifest no. 9287Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 10 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Rice 4000 bagsBlankets, personal items, clothes and household goods 200 parcelsPlastic mats 30 bundlesEmpty blue barrels 200 units 190 350000Chairs 30 stacksPlastic pipes 1000 unitsMetal ladders 3 unitsFibre glass 20 drumsKettles 100 cartonsLight bulbs 100 cartonsPlastic slippers 930 cartonsBed frames 18.6 113287 and mattresses 1 parcel   Total weight of goods: 208.6  Total value of goods: 463287  Customs paid: 420  Docking charges: 80

October 19, 2008 October 19, 2008      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e KasmiManifest no. 9207Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Personal and electronic home appliances 200 cartonsCar engines 3 unitsJuicers 2 unitsMetal 30 stacksBattery water 200 cartonsBedsheets 70 packagesBlankets 20 unitsClothes 100 cartonsDates 800 cartons 120 500000Handbags 50 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartonsMetal sheets 6 bundlesMilk 1200 cartonsPlastic chairs 80 bundlesPlastic pipes 50 bundlesRefrigerators 40 unitsShampoo 15 cartonsTents 270 bundlesUsed clothing 200 bundlesWooden doors 20 unitsCooking oil 3600 boxes 68.292 27764Macaroni 7500 cartons 77.584 24789Plastic sandals 930 cartons 14.508 116124 vehicles: Nissan truck 1 unit 4.01 10380 Scania truck 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota 1 unit 2.4 6300 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.4 6300

  Total weight of goods:   291.194  Total value of goods:     596145  Customs paid:     700  Docking charges:     340

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Garibe NawazManifest no. 9289Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Generator 1 unitPlastic chairs 80 bundlesAir conditioners 30 unitsBalls 12 bundlesBatteries 230 cartonsBattery water 148 packagesBeds and blankets 24 packages Black pepper 40 bagsChairs 12 bundlesCooking oil 1200 cartonsEmpty cartons 200 bundlesEngine oil 50 cartonsHandbags, household and personal appliances 500 packagesMacaroni 1100 cartons 165 500000Mattresses 40 bundlesMedical supplies 300 cartonsNotebooks 120 cartonsPapers 200 bundlesPlastic bags 200 cartons Plastic jugs 45 cartonsReadymade clothes 190 packagesShoes 620 cartonsSoap 100 cartonsTubes 40 cartonsTyres 70 unitsUsed clothes 20 bundlesWashing machines and refrigerators 25 unitsWood 17 bundlesMacaroni 5000 cartons 51.722 16526Spare parts for communication devices 3 packages 0.54 78732Textiles 30 bundles 1.549 16234

October 19, 2008 4 vehicles: Nissan truck 2 units 4 19000 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.55 12600   Total weight of goods: 226.561  Total value of goods: 643092  Customs paid: 440  Docking charges:     380

Page 52: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al YusafManifest no. 9361Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Medical supplies 25 packagesBedroom furniture 1 unitBlankets 200 cartonsCeramics 20 packagesClothes 500 cartonsDates 2000 cartonsLadders 50 unitsLight bulbs 150 cartonsMacaroni 5000 cartonsMilk 1000 cartons 195 450000Paint 1300 unitsPillows 150 bundles Plastic pipes 20 unitsPlywood 15 bundlesShoes 2000 cartonsSoap 650 packagesTyres 150 unitsUsed clothes 140 bundlesWood 20 bundlesMatches 2350 cartons 16.92 16397Shampoo 2130 cartons 26.966 46935Suitcases 552 cartons 10.5 15204Tomato paste 3764 cartons 43.827 19351

Total weight of goods:  293.213  Total value of goods:     547887  Customs paid:     590  Docking charges:      380

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ReemyManifest no. 9281Flag: IndiaGoing to: Somalia, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Wood 10 bundlesAir conditioners 16 unitsTelevision sets 21 unitsChairs 100 unitsClothes, shoes 150 packages 110 450000Construction metal 20 tonsDates 650 cartonsFlour 1200 bagsRefrigerators 22 unitsWater 430 cartons Batteries 364 cartons 4.897 46537Frames, tubes and flaps 174 units 10.14 85740Hair colour 1000 cartons 14 29380Medical supplies 1207 cartons 15 13742Plastic slippers 2390 cartons 38.24 29842Textiles 180 packages 12.5 17187Water filter 1050 cartons 16.055 258366 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2.95 10800 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.65 6300 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.903 18136 Toyota Townace 1 unit 1.28 3522

Total weight of goods: 230.615  Total value of goods: 737022  Customs paid: 465  Docking charges:     440

October 19, 2008 October 21, 2008

Page 53: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sultan Al HindManifest no. 9358Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Batteries 150 cartonsBattery water 49 boxesClothes 19 bundlesCooking oil 1000 cartonsCurtains 10 bundles Dates 840 packagesFlour 1000 bags 255 500000Macaroni 3000 cartonsPlywood 2 bundlesSugar 3500 bagsTubes 4 cartonsTyres 170 unitsWood 5 bundlesMacaroni 2500 cartons 25.861 8263Tyres, tubes 728 units 2.67 1171318 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 4 units 5.9 37800 Suzuki Escudo 8 units 9.62 53400 Toyota 1 unit 1.5 15000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.5 15000 Toyota Hilux Surf 4 units 7.06 25200

Total weight of goods:   309.111  Total value of goods:     666376  Customs paid:     618  Docking charges:     360

October 21, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al RadwanManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


October 22, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Husseini

Manifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 12600Landing fees (AED): 350

Goods  Quantity

Shark fins 177 bagsGlue 3234 cartons

October 22, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MurtajaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


October 22, 2008

Page 54: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Goushe SailaniManifest no. 9420Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Ceramics 1700 cartonsBriefcases 180 cartonsCandies 2500 cartonsClothes 300 cartonsCooking oil 1000 cartonsMacaroni 1920 cartonsPeanuts 2664 packagesPlastic rolls 10 bundles 155 450000Plywood 9 bundlesRice 30 bagsRugs 20 cartonsShoes 320 cartonsThermoses 85 cartonsUsed clothes 80 bundlesWood 12 bundles Plastic bags 680 packages 26.01 214106Tomato paste 3760 cartons 43.781 19331Tyres and tubes 540 units 19.343 1529512 vehicles: Nissan 1 unit 1.54 7200 Nissan diesel truck 2 units 5 18000 Nissan truck 4 units 10 46000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.63 9700 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.66 10800 Toyota Townace van 2 units 2.72 7198 Total weight of goods:   267.684  Total value of goods:     797630  Customs paid:     534  Docking charges:      300

October 22, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Khaleej Al ArabiManifest no. 9419Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Home appliances and clothes 200 packagesCardamom 20 cartonsEmpty bags 250 bundlesGarlic 200 cartonsPlywood 6 bundles 165 400000Sheets 50 bundles Shoes 50 cartonsSugar 2500 bagsUsed clothes 50 bundlesWood 40 bundles Cooking oil 2400 packages 46.152 22035The Quran and other religious books 171 cartons 1 1616011 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.91 2120 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.06 18563 Nissan Datson 1 unit 2 11000 Nissan van 2 units 3.5 18000 Toyota Corolla 1 unit 1.08 6400 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.2 9000 Toyota Hilux 2 units 2.97 20940 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.89 6300 Total weight of goods:   229.762  Total value of goods:     530518  Customs paid:     645  Docking charges:    300

October 22, 2008

Page 55: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e HashmiManifest no. 9453Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes 80 bundleChildren’s beds 50 unitsLighters 100 cartonsPillows 15 bundlesRefrigerators 20 unitsBlankets 50 unitsCar spare parts 74 unitsClothes 50 bundledCoffee 100 cartons 85 450000Curtains 50 rollsDates 800 cartonsEngine oil 500 cartonsHandbags 200 cartonsMacaroni 2500 cartonsMilk 500 cartonsSheets 20 rollsShoes 200 cartonsVarious clothing 500 cartonsTobacco 220 bags 11.352 220000Tomato paste 1880 cartons 21.89 96657 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2 9000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 2.17 12000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.91 6300 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.78 25973 Total weight of goods: 130.102  Total value of goods: 741938  Customs paid: 410  Docking charges: 340

October 23, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. BawidishManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


October 24, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faisal al BarakatManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1530

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 30570 bags

October 24, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. JayshreeManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 680

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 13600 bags

October 26, 2008

Page 56: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: Al AkbariManifest no. 9512Flag: U.A.EGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Food flavouring 70 cartonsClothes, home appliances and food supplies 400 packagesCeramic tiles 20 bundlesDates 1500 cartonsEngine oil 1000 cartonsGarlic 150 cartons 100 500000Plastic pipes 10 bundlesRefrigerators 20 cartonsShoes 100 cartonsTyres 200 unitsUsed clothes 20 bundlesWater 2000 cartonsWood 30 bundles Dry batteries 1200 cartons 24 13661Medical supplies 44 cartons 0.989 2100Plastic slippers 930 cartons 15.066 11612Shampoo 620 cartons 11.332 29393Telecommunication supplies 5 packages 1.015 683482Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 1718712 vehicles: Nissan Cedric 1 unit 1.2 8000 Nissan truck 4 units 8.5 42000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.15 31800 Toyota Toxnace 1 unit 2.6 4500 Total weight of goods:   185.352  Total value of goods:     1352735  Customs paid:     575  Docking charges:     440

October 26, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sultan KareemManifest no. 9590Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 19 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Shovels 100 bundlesCar spare parts 4 packagesCeramics 22 bundlesClothes 400 bundlesCooking oil 4000 cartonsHousehold goods and food supplies 40 packages 135 500000Macaroni 4500 cartonsMayonnaise 300 cartonsPlastic chairs 50 bundlesRope 40 bundlesShoes 1000 cartonsTextiles 600 cartonsCigarettes 1500 boxes 24 1500000Cigarettes 500 cartons 8 500000Cooking oil 2398 packages 45.921 16731Cooking oil 4796 packages 91.843 33463Mats 320 packages 11.072 56974Shoes 316 cartons 4.392 96151Textiles 180 packages 12.5 171879 vehicles: Mitsubishi Fuso 1 unit 5.02 15175 Nissan Caravan 2 units 2.87 17600 Nissan Patrol 1 unit 1.84 30929 Nissan truck 2 units 3 20000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.96 4500 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.84 30929 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.5 25000 Total weight of goods:   350.758  Total value of goods:     2864639  Customs paid:     850  Docking charges:     260

October 28, 2008

Page 57: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize MustafaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


October 31, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: MaymoonManifest no. missingFlag: ComorosComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1250

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 24987 bags

October 31, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Amar IManifest no. 28195Flag: ComorosComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1970

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 39338 bags

November 02, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


November 03, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FarhanManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1140

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 22728 bags

November 03, 2008

Page 58: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SibaManifest no. 9808Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Fibre glass 5 drumsClothes and textiles 9 bundlesConstruction metal 20 bundlesDates 1050 cartonsMacaroni 3500 cartons 531 600000Milk 1500 cartonsRope 200 cartonsSugar 12250 bagsUsed clothes 50 bundlesChicken stock 1584 cartons 19.609 175640Cooking oil 5300 packages 5.507 21102Cooking oil 4800 packages 156.432 59935Macaroni 5300 packages 53.742 2357Macaroni 6000 cartons 62.076 20712Medical instruments and requisites 424 packages 10.016 23357Metal sheets 18 bundles 55.237 23136Metal sheets 23136 bundles 55.237 23136Metal sheets 8 packages 25.016 11605Metal sheets 24 bundles 73.41 34815Powdered juice 1078 cartons 18.348 109200Sweets 1415 cartons 15.99 564902 vehicles: Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.64 10178 Nissan passenger van 1 unit 1.5 9000

Total weight of goods: 1084.760  Total value of goods: 1180663  Customs paid: 2168  Docking charges: 240

November 03, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Ganje SagarManifest no. 9812Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Thermoses 300 cartonsBrooms 100 cartonsCar engines 8 unitsCarpets and curtains 100 rollsCarts 30 cartonsCooking oil 2640 cartonsCouches 4 unitsDates 900 cartonsFrames 120 unitsGarlic 200 cartons 100 450000Plastic chairs 100 unitsPlastic pipes 50 bundlesShoes 400 cartonsSteel 10 tonsTables 30 cartonsTent fabric 40 bundlesUsed clothes 100 bundlesVarious clothing 300 cartonsWater 800 cartonsWood 8 bundlesBeans with tomatoes 2900 packages 40.6 24495Car batteries 120 units 2.237 17900Dead batteries 1050 cartons 26.25 11953Tyres, tubes & flaps 288 units 17.738 176766 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.5 9000 Nissan Civilian 1 unit 2.81 9546 Nissan Condor 1 unit 3.68 12242 Nissan truck 1 unit 2 1200 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.5 1000 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.2 6600

Total weight of goods:   199.515  Total value of goods:     561612  Customs paid:     320  Docking charges:     240

November 03, 2008

Page 59: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. ForamManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1280

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25578 bags

November 04, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Sale Mohammedi Manifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


November 04, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. NarsinghManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 970

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 19377 bags

November 04, 2008

Page 60: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor GaribiManifest no. 9852/9851Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Chairs and tables 50 cartonsTableware and home appliances 100 packagesBiscuits 400 cartonsCandy 500 cartonsCeramic tiles 3000 cartonsClothes 300 cartonsClothes 100 bundles 150 500000Cooking oil 3500 cartonsFloor wax 200 rollsLighters 50 cartonsMats 100 bundlesNotebooks 200 cartonsPerfume 10 cartonsShoes 300 cartonsWater 1600 cartonsCigarettes 1000 cartons 14.9 627998Plastic bags 671 bags 25.522 1601916 vehicles: Daihatsu Rocky 1 unit 1.345 7200 Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2 11000 Mitsubishi Pajero 3 units 4.71 45200 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.5 12000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 9000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.25 4500 Toyota Crown 1 unit 1.5 15000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.31 4500 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.45 30000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.72 22735 Toyota Townace 1 unit 2.5 6300 Total weight of goods: 217.207  Total value of goods: 1320452  Customs paid: 710  Docking charges: 420

November 05, 2008      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Feej Taj DariManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 100

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 1999 bags

November 04, 2008

Page 61: WHARFAGE -

Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.52 9450 Toyota Toyoace 1 unit 2 10800 Total weight of goods:   566.648  Total value of goods:     1337786  Customs paid:     1132  Docking charges:     400

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Ghoushe AzamManifest no. 9907/9934Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tableware 100 cartonsCar spare parts 1 packageClothes 550 cartonsDates 300 cartonsEngine oil 100 cartonsMilk 1200 cartonsMirrors 4 bundlesOil 1000 cartonsRice 350 bags 125 450000Shampoo 1000 cartonsShoes 1000 cartonsSoap 500 bagsTomato paste 200 cartonsTyres 20 unitsUsed clothes 50 bundlesWater 1500 cartonsWood 20 bundlesBiscuits 5900 cartons 170 53664Car batteries 600 units 8.313 79040Car spare parts 5 packages 5.778 65579Cooking oil 2398 packages 45.921 16731Large travel bags 570 cartons 11.97 37261Macaroni 5300 bags 53.742 203401Macaroni 7200 cartons 76.464 240358Travel bags 1286 cartons 19 1511221 vehicles: Land Rover 1 unit 7.5 7000 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.5 7000 Nissan caravan 1 unit 1.61 10000 Nissan Homy 1 unit 1.67 10000 Nissan truck 7 units 19.82 58400 Nissan van 1 unit 1.5 9000 Toyota Dyna 3 units 7.39 30390 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.35 12600 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.6 12000

November 06, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al RadwanManifest no. 9814Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 6 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Mats 250 bundlesThe Quran 70 cartonsBathtubs 25 cartonsCandies 6172 cartonsClothes 20 cartonsCooking oil 1900 cartonsDiapers 68 bundlesEngine oil 470 barrelsFans 400 cartons 240 500000Milk 450 cartonsMirrors 9 bundlesShoes 500 cartonsSugar 2000 bagsTricycles 10 cartonsTyres 50 unitsUsed clothes 62 bundlesWood 12 bundlesCooking oil 870 cartons 46.152 16746Macaroni 600 cartons 54.54 198315Plastic shoes 24 cartons 18.3 15336Textiles 2400 cartons 9.044 12699Tyres and tubes 133 units 16.865 15865 Total weight of goods:   384.901  Total value of goods:     758961  Customs paid:   20  Docking charges:  

November 06, 2008

Page 62: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Bhakti SagarManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1850

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 37100 bags

November 08, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al Faha IIIManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: IndiaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 35015 bags

November 09, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Ghoushe Pirane PirManifest no. 9954Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, Punt land, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Flour 8000 bags 325 500000

Total weight of goods:   325  Total value of goods: 500000  Customs paid: 650  Docking charges: 280

November 09, 2008

Page 63: WHARFAGE -

Plastic bags 566 cartons 26 95389Plastic sandals 2000 cartons 35.6 245102Powdered milk 540 cartons 10.076 148220Ceramics 10 bundlesClothes 50 bundlesCooking oil 2000 cartonsDates 2000 cartonsEngine oil 2000 cartonsFrames 50 unitsGarlic 200 cartonsNutritional material 170 600000 and house supplies 700 packagesPlastic chairs 50 bundlesPlastic pipes 200 bundlesRice 500 bagsShoes 200 cartonsUnderwear 200 cartonsWater 3000 cartonsWood 40 bundles22 vehicles: Yamaha motor cycle 1 unit 0.9 9000 Honda motor cycle 1 unit 0.9 9000 Mitsubishi Fuso 1 unit 2.5 9000 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.5 9000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.8 9600 Nissan diesel 1 unit 2 10000 Nissan truck 3 units 7.5 36000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.19 7200 Toyota Hilux 3 units 4.65 25663 Toyota Hilux Surf 4 units 5.84 29950 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.66 23850 Total weight of goods:   306.254  Total value of goods:     1541430  Customs paid:     612  Docking charges:     620

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MurtajaManifest no. 9957/9958Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 19 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Plastic chairs 500 unitsPlastic pipes 100 unitsBiscuits 500 cartonsHome appliances 70 PackagesPerfume 200 cartons 70 400000Plywood 20 bundlesShoes 2000 cartonsSweets 300 cartonsWood 20 bundles Computers 5 Packages 1.5 59248Macaroni 5400 bags 54.54 48071Photocopy machines 2 units 0.319 119510Tea cups 672 cartons 12.9 156156Women’s shoes 250 cartons 3.474 760643 vehicles: Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.9 6200 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.55 9120 Total weight of goods:   147.183  Total value of goods:     874369  Customs paid:     360  Docking charges:     260

November 09, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Burhan NoorManifest no. 10003/10026/10027Flag: Sri LankaGoing to: Bossaso, Puntland/ Kismayo SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 29 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Electrical appliances 4 packages 4.2 4250Milk 1487 packages 24.938 270206

November 10, 2008

Page 64: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al AminManifest no. 29526Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1155

Goods  Quantity

Sesame 4000 bagsCharcoal 19200 bags

November 16, 2008      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ArifManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 715

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14308 bags

November 15, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e HashmiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


November 15, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al AdnanManifest no. missingFlag: ComorosComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 785

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15716 bags

November 15, 2008      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al FaisalManifest no. missingFlag: ComorosComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1025

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20500 bags

November 10, 2008

Page 65: WHARFAGE -

Toyota Hilux Surf 5 units 9.15 31400 Toyota Mark II 4 units 5.18 17500 Total weight of goods:   278.906  Total value of goods:     1550076  Customs paid:     556 

  Docking charges:     840

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al UmranManifest no. 10177/10184Flag: India 

Going to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 34 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Food supplies, home appliances, gifts and perfume 300 cartonsBatteries 300 cartonsBattery water 100 cartonsChairs 3 bundlesClothes 250 cartonsDates 500 cartonsEmpty bags 60 cartonsFloor coverings 100 rollsMacaroni 3000 cartons 135 600000Mats 200 bundlesMilk 600 cartonsNylon 200 bundlesOvens 100 cartonsPlastic 300 cartonsPlastic pipes 15 unitsRefrigerators 10 cartonsSlippers 300 cartonsSponge mattresses 20 unitsWater 3000 cartonsWater pipes 100 rolls Diesel generators 10 packs 4.69 268700Macaroni 5300 bags 53.742 203401Mats 380 bundles 11.023 59450Plastic slippers 1450 cartons 23.49 18105Tyres and tubes 575 packages 18.975 23862017 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 2 units 1.85 10000 Nissan Condor 1 unit 3.256 7200 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.37 38000 Nissan truck 2 units 6.18 39700 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 9000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.5 9000

November 16, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Jaya SagarManifest no. 10156Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Chairs 10 bundlesDates 320 cartonsGarlic 100 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartonsMats 40 bundles 70 350000Mattresses 10 bundlesMetal sheets 9 bundlesPigment 135 cartonsWater 1400 cartonsWood 35 bundlesHousehold utensils 350 packages 4.795 42340Macaroni 2700 packages 27.27 24035Medical supplies 582 cartons 8.144 20305Milk powder 1250 cartons 21.85 422394Soap 1000 cartons 22.4 53139Tables, plastic chairs 130 cartons 2.99 34757

  Total weight of goods:   157.449  Total value of goods:     946970  Customs paid:     640  Docking charges:    320

November 16, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe SamdaniManifest no. 10154Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Food supplies and clothes 550 packagesBattery water 50 cartonsCardamom 20 cartonsChair 14 bundlesContainers 6 cartonsDates 500 cartons 80 300000Flashlights 180 cartonsMacaroni 2500 cartonsMattresses 15 packagesMilk 1800 cartonsPerfume 30 cartonsPlastic 50 bundlesWater 800 cartons Batteries 742 parcels 9.31 6540Cooking oil 1223 parcels 23.323 12126Tomato paste 1923 cartons 22.114 7874328 vehicles: Mitsubishi Fuso 1 unit 6.26 35200 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.5 12000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 9000 Nissan van 2 units 3 30000 Nissan yode 1 unit 2.5 11000 Toyota car 3 units 3.99 11600 Toyota jeep 4 units 6.74 31050 Toyota pick up 1 unit 2 8000 Toyota station wagon 4 units 5.49 34538 Toyota Dyna 4 units 8.156 29500 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.5 11000 Toyota Hilux Surf 3 units 4.4 29450 Toyota Mark II 2 unit 2.875 14469 Total weight of goods:   185.658  Total value of goods:     664216  Customs paid:     370 

  Docking charges:     400

November 16, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al AzmatManifest no. 10162Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossasao, Puntland, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 28 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cooking oil 700 cartonCorn 4849 bagsFlour 1500 bagsHealth supplies 20 bundles 145 400000Mattresses 60 bundlesRice 1300 bagsUsed clothes 50 bundlesWood 5 bundles Car spare parts 534 packages 52.9 119616Cooking oil 392 cartons 79.968 287895Cooking oil 4800 cartons 91.152 138873Generators 14 packages 15.3 284764Macaroni 13500 cartons 136.35 150223Macaroni 10800 bags 110.16 62469Metal wires & nails 3216 packages 53.7 22438Milk powder 1500 carton 24.23 274112Oil 588 barrels 120.961 437659Papers 3040 carton 41.132 163158Plastic slippers 1928 cartons 33.714 228602Plastic slippers 696 carton 18.192 15079Soap 501 packages 25.116 14903

  Total weight of goods:   947.875  Total value of goods:    2599791  Customs paid:     1894  Docking charges:    600

November 16, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sultane KhawjahManifest no. 10176Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossasao, Puntland, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Towels 70 bundlesBlankets 40 cartonsMats 50 bundlesShampoo 800 cartonsSweets 1000 cartonsMilk 1500 cartonsMacaroni 8000 cartonsHome appliances and gifts 300 packages 170 500000Plastic jugs 50 bundlesTables 70 bundlesFood supplies and tableware 450 cartonsClothes 50 bundlesCumin 17 bagsFlour 500 bagsRope 20 bundlesUsed clothes 100 bundlesWax 40 bundlesWood 20 bundlesCigarettes 200 cartons 3.2 200000Cigarettes 1000 box 16 1000000Oil 2398 packages 45.921 1673116 vehicles: Nissan diesel truck 1 unit 4 12000 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.23 22300 Toyota cargo 1 unit 2.5 10000 Toyota Hiace 1 unit 1.5 11000 Toyota Hilux Surf 4 units 7.23 36750 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.26 9000 Toyota Mark II 6 units 7.04 35627 Total weight of goods:   262.881  Total value of goods: 1853408  Customs paid:     755  Docking charges:     400

November 16, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Pawdi ShahManifest no. 10241/10251Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes and gifts 100 packagesChairs 100 cartonsComputers 10 cartonsDates 360 bagsFood supplies 300 packagesHome appliances 500 cartonsMacaroni 2500 cartonsMilk 600 cartons 95 400000Plastic 400 bagsPlastic chairs 10 bundlesPlywood 10 bundlesShoes 300 cartonsTyres 30 piecesUsed clothes 70 bundlesWater 2000 cartonsWood 10 bundlesJuice 2112 cartons 19.008 36034Medical supplies 948 packages 12.85 34815Plastic shoes 1000 cartons 17.54 1048386 vehicles: Hino truck 1 unit 2.5 11000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.33 7200 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 8000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 13147 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.8 7000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 9000 Total weight of goods:   158.528  Total value of goods:     631034  Customs paid:     316  Docking charges:     380

November 17, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe VashilaManifest no. 10264/10263Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Bathroom and bathroom materials 300 packagesCardamom 10 cartonsCeramics 55 bundlesClothes 200 cartonsConstruction metal 10 tonsElectrical appliances 100 cartonsFans 200 cartonsMacaroni 3000 cartons 180 405000Milk 2000 cartonsPaint 1000 unitsPlywood 1 bundleShoes 1500 cartonsSoap 150 cartonsWashing machines 10 cartonsWater 2000 cartonsWater pipes 20 bundlesWood 20 bundles Batteries 1050 cartons 26.25 144693Juice 4224 cartons 38.016 72068Lawn mower 1 unit 0.5 4407Macaroni 5400 bags 54.54 49071Nails 1300 cartons 26.05 116492Shoes 100 cartons 1.945 45638Textiles 34 cartons 2.472 14697Textiles 22 cartons 1.295 4680214 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 2 units 3.11 10900 Nissan truck 3 units 8.05 27500 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.19 10800 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.77 20150 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.5 22000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.64 21000

November 17, 2008 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.9 7050 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.84 14800 Total weight of goods:   356.098  Total value of goods:     1033068  Customs paid:     1025  Docking charges:     540

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sultan e MadinaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 965

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15716 bags

November 17, 2008

Page 69: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe VashilaManifest no. 10264/10263Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes and gifts 100 packagesChairs 100 cartonsComputers 10 cartonsDates 360 bagsFood supplies 300 packagesHome appliances 500 cartonsMacaroni 2500 cartonsMilk 600 cartons 95 400000Plastic 400 bagsPlastic chairs 10 bundlesPlywood 10 bundlesShoes 300 cartonsTyres 30 piecesUsed clothes 70 bundlesWater 2000 cartonsWood 10 bundles Juice 2112 cartons 19.008 36034Medical supplies 948 packages 12.85 34815Plastic shoes 1000 cartons 17.54 1048386 vehicles: Hino truck 1 unit 2.5 11000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.33 7200 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 8000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 13147 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.8 7000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 9000

  Total weight of goods:   158.028 Total value of goods: 631034 Customs paid: 415 Docking charges: 380

November 17, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize MustafaManifest no. 10243/10239Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 54 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Battery water 80 cartonsClothes 20 cartonsFlour 1000 bagsFurniture 200 cartonsMilk 50 cartons 85 350000Refrigerators 10 cartonsShoes 20 cartonsTelevision sets 10 cartonsUsed clothes 20 bundlesWood 50 bundlesCigarettes 150 cartons 14.9 627570Dates 150 cartons 31.944 56083Juice 200 cartons 19.008 36034Milk powder 150 cartons 24.23 274112Soap 120 cartons 22.4 36053Textiles 10 bundles 1.67 16410Textiles 10 bundles 12.5 1352039 vehicles: Nissan diesel truck 1 unit 2.5 7200 Nissan truck 2 units 5 24000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.95 5950 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 4.227 41400 Toyota Mark II 3 units 4 24388

  Total weight of goods: 229.329  Total value of goods: 1634403  Customs paid: 1000  Docking charges:     1635

November 17, 2008

Page 70: WHARFAGE -

15 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.88 3400 Nissan truck 2 units 27.5 24000 Toyota Caldina 1 unit 1.23 4500 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.5 15000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.83 12600 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 2.5 47000 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.786 35583 Toyota pick up 1 unit 2 12000

  Total weight of goods:   326.64  Total value of goods:     1387156  Customs paid:     652  Docking charges:     460

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SalamManifest no. 10335/10358Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Thermoses and mugs 350 cartonsHealthcare and house supplies 300 packagesBlankets 100 cartonsFlour 2000 bagsHair oil 100 cartonsMacaroni 1750 cartons 165 400000Mats 100 bundlesMilk 700 cartonsPepsi 1000 cartonsPlastic 50 bundlesPlastic pipes 30 bundlesPlywood 2 bundlesWater 200 cartonsWood 6 bundlesBaby milk 2726 cartons 40.072 529968Car rims 400 units 14.5 52211Food flavouring 930 cartons 17.67 11612Frames, tubes and flaps 330 units 16.623 199876Paint chlorine 102 cartons 2.601 25970Shampoo 1355 cartons 23.372 13436

November 20, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Haji IsmailManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1600

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 32025 bags

November 20, 2008

Page 71: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. 10317/10348Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 17 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Food supplies and home appliances 300 packagesCandy 400 cartonsChairs 10 bundlesChicken stock 200 cartonsClothes 1500 packagesCooking oil 2500 cartonsFurniture 20 bundlesHair oil 100 cartons 160 400000Lighters 100 cartonsMacaroni 2700 cartonsMetal 30 bundlesMilk 500 cartonsPens 30 cartonsShoes 1000 cartonsSoap 200 cartonsTextiles 500 bundlesWood 5 bundlesFood flavourings 930 cartons 17.67 11613Medical supplies 6 packages 2.392 6042Milk 1634 cartons 20.328 40846Plastic bags 108 cartons 3.204 5950Shampoo 1712 cartons 29.53 16975

November 20, 2008

Shoes 130 cartons 2.587 60494Tent fabric 300 bundles 11.386 12339Textiles 180 bundles 11.5 1718716 vehicles: Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.84 15600 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.73 4790 Nissan truck 2 units 5 18000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.3 10570 Toyota Hilux 3 units 4.99 28950 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1 11000 Toyota Mark II 6 units 7.534 40276 

  Total weight of goods:   285.931  Total value of goods:     700632  Customs paid:     860  Docking charges:     220

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Nigah e MakdumiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1435

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 28679 bags

November 20, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: TaufeejManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1015

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20320 bags

November 22, 2008

Page 72: WHARFAGE -

Cumin 65 bags 3.25 16829Household vessels 700 cartons 13.75 177381Macaroni 8100 cartons 81.81 32721Metal sheets 20 packs 55.13 220302Oil 2400 boxes 45.6 22916Plastic bags 318 cartons 13.71 11094Shampoo 1950 cartons 26.5 42968Spare parts for vehicles 225 cartons 2.5 12444Tent textiles 740 bundles 23.164 21289514 vehicles: Nissan Caravan 3 units 4.63 29143 Nissan truck 3 units 7.5 23200 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.5 12000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.84 17900 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.71 14400 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.651 13600 Toyota Toyoace 1 unit 1.54 8000 

  Total weight of goods:   460.685  Total value of goods:     1945363  Customs paid:     1120  Docking charges:     100

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Shani SopniyaManifest no. 10529/10532Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 11 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Household appliances, food supplies and gifts 300 packagesBedroom furniture 30 bundlesCeramics 500 cartonsCigarette lighters 100 cartonsCooking oil 600 cartonsMacaroni 4000 cartonsMats 100 bundlesMetal 20 tonsPlastic pipes 30 bundles 155 450000Refrigerators 8 cartonsRice 1500 bagsShoes 400 cartonsTelevision sets 20 cartonsTextiles 300 cartonsUsed clothes 50 bundlesWashing machines 30 cartonsWater 200 cartonsWater cups 100 cartonsWood 10 bundlesCigarettes 1000 cartons 14.9 627570

November 24, 2008

      Date of arrival:  

Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MuneerManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods  Quantity


November 23, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e HashmiManifest no. 10555/10556Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 11 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes 220 cartonsThermoses 15 cartonsCardamom 20 cartonsPaint 50 cartonsGenerators 10 unitsLighters 40 cartonsCups 300 cartons 90 400000Metal 300 cartonsCooking oil 3500 cartonsWood 5 bundlesMetal rods 25 bundlesFood supplies, home appliances and gifts 300 packagesBaby clothes 100 packagesRefrigerators 20 cartons Blankets 1100 cartons 26.3 12523Juices 2112 cartons 25.344 36065Macaroni 2800 packages 28 1131113 vehicles: Daihatsu Rocky 1 unit 1.345 7200 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 2.5 10000 Mitsubishi V44 1 unit 1.95 6500 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.57 7200 Nissan truck 2 units 5 13100 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 10000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.82 8700 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.665 9000 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.64 8200 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.33 11470 

  Total weight of goods: 192.964  Total value of goods:     551216  Customs paid:     600  Docking charges:     100 

November 25, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al JuberiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 880

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 17516 bags

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FahadManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 150

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 3022 bags

November 28, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Jaya JamunaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1280

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25643 bags

November 28, 2008

November 26, 2008

Page 74: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Hud HudManifest no. 31412Flag: ComorosComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 700

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14000 bags

December 01, 2008      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Khaleej Al ArabiManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 700

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14000 bags

November 30, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al ShifaManifest no. 10731Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Flour 4000 bags 388 400000Sugar 5000 bagsOil 7200 cartons 136.668 50239 

  Total weight of goods:   524.668  Total value of goods:     450239  Customs paid:     1050  Docking charges:     240

November 30, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sahenshah e MadinaManifest no. 31413Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1030

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20600 bags

December 01, 2008

Page 75: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al JuberiManifest no. 10801/10807Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Bedroom furniture 20 packagesFood and gift items 300 packagesBags 90 cartonsBatteries 200 cartonsBlankets 50 cartonsCar engine 1 unitCardamom 40 cartonsClothes 300 cartonsCloves 40 bagsCooking oil 1000 cartonsElectrical appliances 70 cartonsEmpty cartons 250 bundlesEngine oil 200 cartons 150 450000Fabric 150 bundlesHome appliances 180 cartonsJuice 50 cartonsMacaroni 5000 cartonsOffice supplies 50 cartonsPlastic bags 300 bundlesPlywood 15 bundlesRefrigerators 2 cartonsRugs 100 bundlesShoes 500 cartonsTyres 20 unitsUsed clothes 100 bundlesWater 2000 cartonsWood 15 bundlesCar batteries 420 units 4.301 64852Car spare parts 757 packages 25.983 124708Ceramic tiles 2296 cartons 24.75 22930Cooking oil 2400 cartons 45.556 167469 vehicles: Nissan 1 unit 1.5 31000 Isuzu bus 1 unit 2 15000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.48 7200 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 9000

December 01, 2008 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 9000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.5 7198 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.23 8000 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.66 11800 

  Total weight of goods:   265.960  Total value of goods:     777434  Customs paid:     530  Docking charges:     200

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. KasheeriManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1310

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 26200 bags

December 01, 2008

Page 76: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Bahara TasneemManifest no. 10788/10789Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Food supplies and gifts 300 packagesBattery water 100 cartonsBlankets 20 bundlesBlankets 40 cartonsChair 10 bundlesClothes 450 cartonsElectrical generators 1 unitEmpty boxes 50 bundles 100 400000Garlic 100 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartonsOil 3500 cartonsPillows 20 bundlesRope 20 bundlesShoes 430 cartonsTelevision sets 20 cartonsUsed clothes 100 packagesWood 5 bundles 12 vehicles: Small tractors 3 units 1.6 8612 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.89 7200 Toyota Hilux 3 units 5 23300 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.22 7200 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.95 12096 Toyota Townace 1 unit 1.433 7000 

  Total weight of goods:   115.093  Total value of goods:     465408  Customs paid:     390  Docking charges:     280

December 01, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Shaheer Al MadinaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14964 bags

December 01, 2008

Page 77: WHARFAGE -

Metal sheets 10 bundles 27.565 110151Milk powder 1000 bags 25.8 69000Salt 7120 bags 129.37 209185Shampoo 1950 cartons 26.5 42968Tents 457 bundles 21.707 15441Textiles 180 bundles 11.5 17187Tyres 100 units 3.86 53079Tyres 60 units 4.403 4577819 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.89 5700 Nissan truck 5 units 13.98 39000 Nissan UD dump truck 1 unit 3 3600 Nissan van 1 unit 1.8 8000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.55 10000 Toyota Hilux Surf 3 units 5.76 18976 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.75 21957 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.78 34600  

  Total weight of goods:   620.253  Total value of goods:     1832458 

  Customs paid:     1240  Docking charges:     700

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al YakubManifest no. 10756/10763Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 31 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Pillows and mattresses 40 packagesFood supplies, home appliances and clothes 300 packagesAir conditioners 8 cartonsBathtubs 20 cartonsCar spare parts 150 packagesCarpets 50 rollsCarts 10 packagesClothes 300 packagesDoors 2 bundlesElectric appliances 250 cartonsFlashlights 30 cartonsGarlic 150 cartonsLinoleum 100 rolls 190 400000Metal 20 tonsOil 4000 cartonsPaint 800 cartonsPapers 60 cartonsPerfume 15 cartonsPlastic barrels 50 unitsPlastic pipes 100 packagesRefrigerators 1 cartonsRice 1000 bagsShoes 600 cartonsSpices 30 packagesTubes 10 cartonsUsed clothes 120 packagesWater 280 cartonsWood 6 bundlesBody cream 1654 cartons 18.507 591360Juice 4224 cartons 50.688 72131Lentils 290 bags 13.179 38124Macaroni 5400 cartons 54.54 21814Medical supplies 4 packages 3.124 4407

December 01, 2008

Page 78: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Sri NareenManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1620

Goods Quantity

Charcoal 32376 bags

December 02, 2008

      Date of arrival:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Sri NareenManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1620

Goods Quantity

Charcoal 32376 bags

December 02, 2008

      Date of arrival:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Jaya JamunaManifest no. 31664Flag: IndiaComing from: Barawa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1290

Goods Quantity

Charcoal 25643 bags

December 04, 2008

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      Date of arrival:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MurtajaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000

Goods Quantity


      Date of arrival:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Mohyudin ChishtyManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1710

Goods Quantity

Charcoal 34102 bags

December 05, 2008

      Date of arrival:

Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FadalManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1070

Goods Quantity

Charcoal 21300 bags

December 05, 2008

December 04, 2008

Page 83: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SaharaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: Somalia via OmanDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 05, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. AmritaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1050

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20993 bags

December 05, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Arabian StarManifest no. 10951/10952/10953Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Rice 12000 bags 385 3000001 1 vehicle: Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.91 5800 

  Total weight of goods: 386.91  Total value of goods:     305800  Customs paid:     1310  Docking charges: 310

December 05, 2008

Page 84: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: Al AdnanManifest no. 10950/10948Flag: ComorosGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Mats 20 bundlesAluminium 13 bundlesSatellite receivers 30 bundlesBeds 20 cartonsBikes and associated materials 57 packagesCar batteries 100 cartonsCar glass 1 boxCardamom 7 cartonsCeramics 25 cartonsCinnamon 15 bundlesDates 680 bags 210 50000Frames 90 unitsGarlic 200 cartonsHealth/house supplies and clothes 150 packagesMetal pipes 3 bundlesOvens 15 cartonsPlastic pipes 8 bundlesPowdered milk 600 cartonsRefrigerators 7 cartonsSheets 5 bundlesSheets 600 unitsSugar 4000 bagsSun umbrellas 5 cartonsWood 13 bundlesTextiles 167 bundles 13.5 1594516 vehicles: MF440 2 units 6.08 100000 Mitsubishi Pajero 3 units 2.67 20291 Nissan Caravan 3 units 4.95 33865 Nissan Datsun 1 unit 1.5 7000 Nissan van 2 units 3.56 22400 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.62 11100

December 05, 2008 Toyota Liteace 1 unit 1.8 5000 Toyota Prado 1 unit 1.99 8696 Total weight of goods: 251.67  Total value of goods:     733297  Customs paid:     502  Docking charges: 280

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sea QueenManifest no. 31835Flag: IndiaComing from: Mogadishu, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1325

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20416 bagsCooking oil 600 barrels

December 07, 2008

Page 85: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al GhazalManifest no. 31840Flag: PanamaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1270

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 25295 bags

December 07, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FahadManifest no. 31841Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1515

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 30221 bags

December 07, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Haj JasidiaManifest no. 11019Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 11 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni 5000 cartonsDates 900 cartonsBlankets 150 cartonsHome appliances and food supplies 300 packagesLighters 100 cartonsFlour 200 bagsCandy 150 cartons 135 400000Cups 250 cartonsClothes 200 cartonsUsed clothes 40 packagesTyres 250 unitsWood 3 bundlesShoes 600 cartonsCeramics 1500 cartonsBeds 20 cartonsOil 3090 cartons 62.727 170220Plastic slippers 960 cartons 18 115238

  Total weight of goods:   215.727  Total value of goods:     685458  Customs paid:     680  Docking charges:     100

December 07, 2008

Page 86: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. BismiliaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 540

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 10700 bags

December 08, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. FaisrubaniManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 520

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 10407 bags

December 08, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 08, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor SagarManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000

Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 09, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. AshimaManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1710

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 34193 bags

December 09, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. JheelManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1710

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 34193 bags

December 11, 2008

Page 87: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shari Al RazzakManifest no. 11084/11085Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Plastic bags 150 cartonsClothes 100 cartonsDates 2000 cartonsFood oil 500 cartonsFrames 50 unitsMacaroni 2750 cartonsMedical and house supplies 300 packages 130 400000Medical supply 50 packagesMetal 50 bundlesPerfume 100 cartonsPillows 60 packagesShoes 700 cartonsSoap 400 cartonsWater 800 cartonsWood 10 bundles Cooking oil 2218 boxes 34.956 57683House and office furniture 603 cartons 16.86 15945Macaroni 2800 bags 28 11311Medical supplies 74 cartons 0.901 45411Plastic sandals 890 cartons 16.91 15362Tents 457 package 21.707 1544110 vehicles: Nissan Caravan 2 units 1.71 24000 Nissan Condor 1 unit 3.68 4500 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 10000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.65 16700 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.8 11000 Toyota Mark II 3 units 4.5 20300

  Total weight of goods:   267.174  Total value of goods:     647653  Customs paid:     534  Docking charges:     420

December 11, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al KadriManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1180

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 23570 bags

December 14, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Nabiyo BismillahManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 14, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob HashmiManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 14, 2008

Page 88: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ArifManifest no. 11120Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cooking oil 2400 units 45.556 16746Sugar 6000 bags 300 400000

Total weight of goods: 345.556 Total value of goods:  416746 Customs paid:  690 Docking charges:  540

December 14, 2008       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize Noor SuleimaniManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 17, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al Shabaab IIManifest no. missingFlag: Sri LankaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1005

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20066 bags

December 17, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Sale Mohammedi 

Manifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 000 

Goods  Quantity


December 18, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Silviana al MasoomManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 925

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 18500 bags

December 16, 2008

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. KohinoorManifest no. missingFlag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 710

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14200 bags

December 16, 2008

Page 89: WHARFAGE -

Tents 1026 bundles 48.735 29765Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 17188Tubes 90 boxes 1.977 2697418 vehicles: Kato truck 1 unit 2.5 9000 Nissan Condor dumper 2 units 7.87 14400 Nissan truck 2 units 5 23000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 9000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.8 11000 Toyota Hilux Surf 5 units 8.84 37211 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.67 18800 Used unit unimogs 1 unit 4.4 27841

Total weight of goods:   589.449  Total value of goods:     1349741  Customs paid:     1580  Docking charges:     360

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Jalsana Faize KadriManifest no. 11342Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Small water dispensers 30 cartonsMetal 20 stacksHome appliances and food supplies 300 packagesBlankets 50 cartonsBlankets 200 packagesCar rims 30 unitsCement mixer 1 unitClothes 300 packagesDates 1000 cartonsDoormats 20 packagesFlour 1000 bags 160 400000Household vessels 150 cartonsKettles 100 cartonsLinoleum 50 rollsMats 150 bundlesMattresses 50 unitsMilk 400 cartonsRice 1000 bagsShoes 150 cartonsTubes 40 cartonsUsed clothes 120 bundlesWashing machines 10 cartons Wood 5 bundlesCooking oil 4796 units 92.227 263283Cooking oil 4776 units 25.945 140318Cooking oil 1130 packages 17.809 29387Frames and tubes 200 packages 4.14 24909Household appliances 465 bundles 4.5 12296Macaroni 2800 packages 28.153 9254Oil 2400 packages 23.088 70512Shoes 910 cartons 16.835 41756Shoes 930 cartons 16.74 41838Soap 2500 cartons 18.5 23137Soda 600 bags 29.985 39107

December 18, 2008

Page 90: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mohyudin ChishtyManifest no. 32925Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1710

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 34102 bags

December 21, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe OliyaManifest no. 11380Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Flour 5000 bagsMacaroni 6000 cartons 340 400000Refrigerators 20 cartonsRice 2500 bagsCooking oil 10630 cartons 186.66 97616Tea 2100 bags 63 33163

Total weight of goods:   589.66  Total value of goods:     530779  Customs paid:     1180  Docking charges:     200

December 21, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al ArfanManifest no. 11397/11398Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 29 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Goods manifest missing unknown unknown12 vehicles: Daihatsu Rocky 1 unit 1.25 7200 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.92 7400 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.29 10875 Nissan Mark II 2 units 2.64 9800 Nissan truck 2 units 4.6 24500 Nissan van 1 unit 1.56 7200 Toyota Chaser 1 unit 1.25 3600 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.6 4500 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.665 12000

Total weight of goods: 18.775  Total value of goods: 87075  Customs paid: 830  Docking charges: 640

December 21, 2008

Page 91: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. FatrManifest no. 11392/11393Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 29 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Engine oil 200 cartonsFertiliser 250 bagsFlour 1000 bagsFrames 20 unitsMilk 700 cartons 100 300000Perfume 165 cartonsTomatoes 499 cartonsUsed clothes 105 packagesWater 500 cartonsWood 24 bundlesCooking oil 2398 packages 57.072 283169Cooking oil 4436 packages 69.913 115366Cooking oil 1200 units 22.778 88373Cooking oil 4800 units 91.152 37018Floor wax 2215 rolls 50.86 26030Metal sheets 9 packages 26.773 139099Nylon textiles 740 bundles 13.7 11685Nylon textiles 749 bundles 13.750 1182923 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 2 units 4.1 11800 Nissan station wagon 1 unit 1.8 8000 Nissan Caravan 3 unit 5.15 37350 Suzuki Askuda 1 unit 1.5 6400 Toyota Carib 1 unit 1.05 8000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.7 8800 Toyota Hilux 6 unit 11.275 75877 Toyota Hilux Surf 5 units 9.4 39380 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.2 15000 Toyota Prado 2 units 3.8 22000

Total weight of goods:   487.973  Total value of goods:     1245176 

  Customs paid:     974  Docking charges:     640

December 21, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Khaleej Al ArabiManifest no. 11443Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Empty barrels 1500 units 70 150000Wood 10 bundles

Total weight of goods:   70  Total value of goods:     150000  Customs paid:     140  Docking charges:     340

December 23, 2008

Page 92: WHARFAGE -

Food supplies, home appliances and gifts 300 packagesBedroom furniture 10 cartonsClothes 250 cartonsCooking oil 2000 cartonsDates 400 cartonsEngine oil 100 cartonsFlour 700 bagsGarlic 100 cartonsMattresses 10 unitsMetal pipes 25 unitsPaint 300 units 105 500000Plywood 5 bundlesRims 30 unitsRope 15 bundlesShoes 100 cartonsTelevision sets 20 cartonsToilet materials 100 cartonsTyres 60 unitsUsed clothes 40 bundlesWashing machines 15 cartonsWater 500 cartonsWater pipes 25 bundlesWood 25 bundlesWooden doors 10 bundles

Total weight of goods:   177.845  Total value of goods:     912902  Customs paid:     530  Docking charges:     560

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize MustafaManifest no. 11440Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Wood 1 bundleBarrels 80 unitsChairs 40 bundlesClothes 50 packages 170 400000Mattresses 50 unitsRefrigerators 5 unitsRice 4000 bagsShoes 100 cartonsCigarettes 1000 cartons 14.9 627570Plastic slippers 930 cartons 16.74 41838

Total weight of goods:   201.64  Total value of goods:     1069408  Customs paid:     1000  Docking charges:    280 

December 23, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Barkati IIManifest no. 11465/11466Flag: KoreaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Milk 1500 cartons 24.23 271397Shoes 910 cartons 16.835 41756Small ovens 1058 boxes 14.386 12435Tyres 160 units 3.104 129239 vehicles: Jeep Wrangler 1 unit 1.52 7800 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.7 5000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.48 12491 Toyota Hilux Surf 3 units 5.6 38700 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.99 10400

December 23, 2008

Page 93: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MausamManifest no. 33481Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 940

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 18500 bags

December 24, 2008      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MurtajaManifest no. 11486/11489Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Dates 2500 cartonsHandbags 50 cartonsMacaroni 2000 cartonsPlastic chairs 5 bundlesRice 500 bags 95 300000Sheets 50 bundles Sheets and blankets 70 packagesShoes 150 cartonsVarious clothing 300 packagesWood 10 bundlesElectric generator 1 unit 1.01 41500Flour 1000 bags 83 300000Frames, tubes and flaps 200 units 16.972 1840087 vehicles: Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.17 7200 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.82 14800 Toyota Mark II 4 units 5.15 18064

Total weight of goods: 206.122  Total value of goods: 865572  Customs paid: 412  Docking charges: 280

December 23, 2008

Page 94: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. 11529Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tomatoes 1200 cartonsHome appliances and utensils 300 packagesClothes 100 cartonsDates 500 cartonsJuice 500 cartonsNewspapers 700 bundles 125 350000Plastic 150 cartonsPlastic bags 100 packagesRice 2000 bagsShampoo 400 cartonsShoes 1000 cartonsWood 5 bundlesCigarettes 500 cartons 7.95 500000Mats 200 bundles 6.081 31494Plastic slippers 1500 cartons 21 35806Textiles 180 bundles 11 8593 7 vehicles Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.88 5000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.57 11357 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 12000 Toyota Hiace 1 unit 1.76 11200 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.24 6350 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.34 4400 Toyota pick up 1 unit 1.5 10000

Total weight of goods: 181.821  Total value of goods: 986200  Customs paid: 500  Docking charges: 200

December 24, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ReemyManifest no. 11511/11512Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

12 vehicles: Isuzu pickup 1 unit 2 15000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 9000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.626 6300 Toyota Hilux 3 units 5.73 18900 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.5 12000 Toyota Mark II 4 units 5.46 22748 Toyota Townace 1 unit 1.427 9345

Total weight of goods:   20.243  Total value of goods:     93293  Customs paid:     530  Docking charges:     280

December 24, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Shaheer Al MadinaManifest no. 11569Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Sugar 11000 bags 450 400000

Total weight of goods:  450  Total value of goods:     400000  Customs paid:     900  Docking charges:     380

December 25, 2008       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Pawdi ShahManifest no. 11560/11561Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 12 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Pillows, mattresses and blankets 100 bundlesClothes, food supplies and home appliances 200 packagesCarpets 10 bundlesFurniture 350 cartons 170 450000Garlic 100 cartonsMats 100 bundlesPlastic chairs 100 bundlesRice 3000 bagsWater 1500 cartonsWood 10 bundles12 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2.5 12000 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.92 4500 Nissan Homy 1 unit 1.54 10287 Nissan van 1 unit 2 9000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.21 6650 Toyota Dyna 3 units 5.4 25300 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 2 12000 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.78 12500 Toyota Toyoace 1 unit 1.67 6300 Total weight of goods:   190.02  Total value of goods:     548537  Customs paid:    580  Docking charges:     120

December 25, 2008

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: Hud HudManifest no. 11556Flag: ComorosGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Rings 50 packagesSugar 7000 bags 280 5000013 vehicles: Fiat 1 unit 2.5 15000 Nissan Caravan 3 units 4.66 28835 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.15 24000 Nissan Homy 2 units 3.28 22000 Nissan Sunny 2 units 2.4 12000 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.1 16679 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.8 12000 Total weight of goods:   302.49  Total value of goods:     180514  Customs paid:     840  Docking charges:     420

December 25, 2008

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Haji IsmailManifest no. 14/15Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 33 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Carpets 30 unitsGarlic 400 cartonsPlastic bags 100 bagsPlastic barrels 100 unitsSugar 5733 bags 250 450000Tomatoes 2000 cartonsUsed clothes 50 bundlesWater 200 cartonsWood 10 bundlesEdible oil 500 cartons Cooking oil 3588 box 46.048 22403Cooking oil 8400 box 159.852 107493Cooking oil 1200 boxes 22.8 14243Dry batteries 1050 cartons 26.25 11954Macaroni 2700 bags 27.27 1130314 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.98 6000 Nissan 1 unit 1.8 9000 Nissan van 3 units 5.25 32150 Suzuki Gemini 5 units 4.88 31400 Toyota Caldina 1 unit 1.28 3300 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.6 20000 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.29 5400 Total weight of goods:   801.3  Total value of goods:     724646 

  Customs paid:    1602  Docking charges:     800

January 04, 2009       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Fayaz OthmaniManifest no. 142Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 600

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 12000 bags

January 05, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al RashidManifest no. 140Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 500

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 10000 bags

January 05, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al BariManifest no. 279Flag: IranComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1220

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 24281 bags

January 06, 2009

Page 97: WHARFAGE -

Rice 1100 bagsEdible oil 1320 cartonsRefrigerators 10 cartonsTelevision sets 20 cartonsCardamom 16 cartonsBarrels 20 unitsBathtubs 40 cartonsChildren’s beds 10 packagesClothes 350 packagesDates 1050 cartonsEngine oil 100 cartonsGarlic 200 cartons 250 450000Glass 19 bundlesHandbags 30 cartonsMirrors 70 cartonsPeanuts 1332 bagsPerfume 30 cartonsPersonal supplies 100 cartonsPillows 20 bundlesPlastic pipes 30 bundlesShoes 200 cartonsStereos 20 cartonsUsed clothes 20 bundlesWater 2070 cartonsWood 8 bundles Total weight of goods: 289.215  Total value of goods: 622652  Customs paid: 770  Docking charges: 280

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al RadwanManifest no. 278Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 880

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 17500 bags

January 06, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Nazar e KaramManifest no. 280Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 600

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 12000 bags

January 06, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Ghoushe SailaniManifest no. 76/75Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 20 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Plastic slippers 930 cartons 16.74 15369Textiles 18 cartons 2 6567311 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 2 units 2.2 12600 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 9000 Toyota Dyna 4 units 8.185 28500 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.8 7974 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.49 21600 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.3 11936

January 06, 2009

Page 98: WHARFAGE -

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. HusseiniManifest no. 401Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1350

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 26976 bags

January 07, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al SahibaManifest no. 394Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1810

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 36148 bags

January 07, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SalamManifest no. 77/78Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Blankets 100 cartonsDates 350 cartonsEngine oil 500 cartonsFrames 150 unitsLighters 150 cartonsMats 100 cartonsMilk 300 cartonsPlastic chairs 30 bundles 130 62811Plastic pipes 30 bundlesRefrigerators 8 cartonsRice 2000 bagsTelevision sets 90 unitsTent fabric 50 bundlesUsed clothes 50 bundlesWater 500 cartonsCeramics 4347 cartons 79.101 62811Health items and tableware 14 bundles 24.77 44200Metal sheets 8 bundles 6.97 17550Steel pipes 5 bundles 14.47 560008 vehicles: Mitsubishi 1 unit 1.36 13771 Mitsubishi Fuso 1 unit 6.46 33200 Nissan 1 unit 1.36 13771 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.54 11770 Nissan truck 2 units 6.69 38700 Nissan UD dump truck 1 unit 3.85 4000 Toyota Dyna pick up 1 unit 2.4 6300 Total weight of goods:   278.971  Total value of goods:    302073  Customs paid:     795  Docking charges:     400

January 06, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. HusseiniManifest no. 118/119Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Wood 6 bundlesBathtubs 4 cartonsClothes 200 cartonsGarlic 200 cartons 110 250000Macaroni 5500 cartonsPaper 20 bundlesShoes 200 cartonsSugar 1000 bags4 vehicles: Toyota Hilux 3 units 5.55 27785 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.33 4000 Total weight of goods: 116.88  Total value of goods:     281785  Customs paid:     660  Docking charges:     300

January 07, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe FashiyaManifest no. 214/218Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Used tyres 3 boxesCar rims 50 unitsCar windows 70 unitsClothes 1000 cartonsDates 1000 cartonsGarlic 400 cartonsLinoleum 100 rollsMacaroni 5500 cartons 225 380000Metal 120 bundlesPlastic pipes 250 bundlesPlywood 6 bundlesRice 3000 bagsShoes 700 cartonsTyres 250 unitsUsed clothes 150 packagesWater 2000 cartonsWood 20 bundlesNails 1650 cartons 26.45 73702News papers, soap, pillows, gloves, sponges and dishes 1 carton 0.055 247917Shampoo 1589 cartons 26 43854Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 244864Tyres, tubes & flaps 228 units 4.72 28397Wrapping paper 82 cartons 2.34 185038 vehicles: Nissan Civilian 1 unit 3 20908 Nissan truck 3 units 9.52 32000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.4 7737 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.53 10000 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.34 6000

Total weight of goods:   315.855  Total value of goods:     1113882  Customs paid:     760  Docking charges:       480

January 11, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shahi Al SabarManifest no. 208Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 17 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Wood and plywood 50 bundlesHome appliances and gifts 100 packagesChairs 500 setsFlour 3000 bagsOil 2000 cartons 235 400000Paint 1000 cartonsPlastic pipes 100 bundlesRefrigerators 40 unitsRice 700 bagsWater 4000 cartons

Total weight of goods: 235  Total value of goods: 400000  Customs paid: 500  Docking charges: 220

January 11, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Garibe NawazManifest no. 227/229Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 15 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Ceramics 32 bundlesTomatoes 1800 cartonsFlashlights 50 cartonsPineapples 250 cartonsCandy 200 cartonsClothes 400 cartonsCurtains 80 cartonsDates 900 cartons 135 400000Garlic 200 cartonsLinoleum 50 rollsMacaroni 2750 cartonsPlastic chairs 20 bundlesPopcorn 300 cartonsRice 800 bagsShoes 400 cartonsWood 10 bundlesCar filters 420 cartons 10.6 31491Car spare parts 500 units 14.9 28190Tyres 958 units 34.167 32950 Construction plywood fences 9 bundles 26.998 99934Mango juice 2112 cartons 25.344 130703 vehicles Nissan diesel 1 unit 1.8 6300 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.91 12000 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.29 4000 Total weight of goods:   252.009  Total value of goods:     627935  Customs paid:    560  Docking charges:     180

January 11, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ShamsManifest no. 238/242Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 19 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Readymade clothes 350 cartonsDates 700 cartonsFrames 200 unitsGarlic 200 cartonJuice 1100 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartonsOil 1000 cartons 105 450000Perfume 80 cartonsPlastic barrels 20 unitsShoes 600 cartonsSweets 500 cartonsUsed clothes 90 packagesWater 1000 cartonsWood 9 bundlesMango and guava juice 6336 cartons 76.032 105015Textile bundles 165 bundles 14.52 19967213 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.34 11300 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.66 12000 Nissan van 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.427 25414 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 4.37 26267 Toyota Mark II 5 units 7.021 28100

Total weight of goods: 217.37  Total value of goods:     875768  Customs paid: 420  Docking charges:     260

January 11, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al OmarManifest no. 210/217Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tableware 200 cartonsReadymade clothes 150 bundles Garlic 100 cartonsMats 200 bundles 130 350000Sheets 100 unitsShoes 100 cartonsSugar 3000 bagsUsed clothes 50 packagesDiesel engines and director 112 packages 21.51 37672Nails 1572 packages 26.733 12122Oil 4800 units 91.344 22255416 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 3 units 3.56 25100 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.22 23875 Nissan Datson 1 unit 1.65 9500 Nissan Homy van 1 unit 1.62 4500 Nissan Safari 1 unit 1.7 4500 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.685 9000 Toyota Carib 1 unit 1.2 10500 Toyota Corolla 1 unit 1.13 9100 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.4 10214 Toyota Hilux 2 units 4.24 19890 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.6 4500 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.758 8000

Total weight of goods:   295.350  Total value of goods:     761027  Customs paid:     860  Docking charges:     300

January 11, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Haj JasidiaManifest no. 323/324Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 31 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerators 2 cartonsPineapples 200 cartonsBlankets 20 cartonsCeramics 1700 cartonsClothes 280 cartonsDates 1000 cartonsFood oil 1300 cartons 170 350000Garlic 100 cartonsHousehold appliances 100 packagesMacaroni 5500 cartonsMats 80 bundlesRice 880 bagsShoes 200 cartonsUsed clothes 100 bundlesWood 4 bundlesBatteries 1050 cartons 26.52 11953Chewing tobacco 220 cartons 11.352 227040Medical supplies 5 bundles 2.385 81529Rotman cigarettes 1050 cartons 15.645 6589499 vehicles: Mitsubishi 1 unit 2.5 12000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 11000 Toyota Cresta 1 unit 1.4 5400 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.2 19000 Toyota Mark II 4 units 5.19 17143

Total weight of goods:   240.692  Total value of goods:     1394014  Customs paid:      480  Docking charges:      700

January 12, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor GaribiManifest no. 413Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 6 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Mats 60 bundlesCarts 3 boxesHeaters 40 cartonsTableware 150 packagesBiscuits 300 cartons 120 300000Candies 300 cartonsClothes 200 packagesKettles 100 cartonsRice 4000 bagsCigarettes 1038 cartons 15.466 651418

Total weight of goods:   295.35  Total value of goods:     761027  Customs paid:     860  Docking charges:     300

January 18, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faizane ChishtyManifest no. 370/397Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 31 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tent fabric 100 packagesBeans 50 cartonsCarpets 20 packagesClothes 150 cartonsCouches 20 bundlesDates 500 cartonsDining mats 25 packagesFood oil 1600 cartonsFreezers 20 cartonsHammer 16 packagesHandbags 60 cartonsMattresses 5 packagesMetal 80 bundles 185 450000Milk 500 cartonsNails 20 cartonsPacifiers 30 cartonsPlastic bags 200 packagesPlastic chairs 20 bundlesPlastic pipes 50 packagesRice 2000 bagsShoes 150 cartonsTextiles 200 bundlesUsed clothes 50 packagesVeils 60 packagesWater 3000 cartonsHospital supplies and chairs 403 packages 3.8 15244Lentils 525 bags 23.625 99950Lentils 1006 bags 45.27 191525Mats 377 bundles 10.896 33561Medicine 55 cartons 0.3 30705Tyres, tubes and flaps 768 units 38.691 2641515 vehicles: Nissan truck 6 units 14.8 63000 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.17 4400

January 18, 2009 Toyota Cresta 1 unit 1.41 6500 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 3.5 6993 Toyota Hulux 1 unit 1.75 4500 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.69 27000 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.75 15994

Total weight of goods: 337.652  Total value of goods: 975787  Customs paid:     910  Docking charges: 700

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize RabbaniManifest no. 430/433Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Home appliances and food supplies 200 packagesClothes 250 cartonsMacaroni 5400 cartonsPlastic bags 300 packagesPlastic chairs 30 bundles 100 250000Rice 500 bagsShoes 300 cartonsTableware 25 packagesUsed clothes 50 packagesWood 20 bundlesBatteries 1050 cartons 23.45 28936Photocopiers 6 bundles 1.063 2937Shampoo 1402 cartons 26 1524010 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.9 10800 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.41 8000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 11000 Nissan van 1 unit 1.5 15000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.8 7000 Toyota Dyna van 1 unit 1.98 12540 Toyota Hilux Surf 4 units 7 36034 Total weight of goods:   168.603  Total value of goods:    397487  Customs paid:     560  Docking charges:     200

January 18, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. JhulelaalManifest no. 473/475Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 29 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Empty bags 240 bundlesFlour 1500 bagsFrames 200 unitsGarlic 300 cartonsHousehold appliances 150 cartonsMats 200 bundles 45.552 15340Plugs 30 cartonsSugar 2500 bagsUsed clothes 100 bundlesWood 12 bundlesOil 2000 cartons Textiles 663 bundles 12.5 3256817 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 3 units 4.02 13820 Nissan Caravan 3 units 4.832 28000 Nissan van 1 unit 1.8 10000 Toyota Camry 1 unit 1.17 3800 Toyota Carib 1 unit 1.2 10500 Toyota Hilux Surf 5 units 9.44 42443 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.05 5400 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.54 15320

Total weight of goods:   245.104  Total value of goods:     177191  Customs paid:     490  Docking charges:     640

January 19, 2009

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al AmeeraManifest no. 1773Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1580

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 31557 bags

January 21, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al BisaratManifest no. 1774Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15000 bags

January 21, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al YasinManifest no. 704/707Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Pillows and blankets 80 bundlesClothes 150 bundlesFlour 450 bagsMacaroni 5500 cartonsMetal 15 bundles 120 350000Milk 900 cartonsPepsi 700 cartonsPlastic chairs 30 bundlesShoes 500 cartonsWater 1000 cartonsGlue 2480 cartons 25 39163Mats 377 bundles 10.782 37756Textiles 16 cartons 0.88 339995 vehicles: Nissan Homy 1 unit 1.64 11936 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.2 12403 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.91 12000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.8 10800 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.33 2200

Total weight of goods: 165.542  Total value of goods: 510257  Customs paid: 420  Docking charges: 400

January 25, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Bahara TasneemManifest no. 695Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 15 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Biscuits 5000 cartonsMats 177 bundlesTableware 100 cartons Heaters 25 cartonsBicycles 56 unitsMacaroni 4620 bagsMilk 200 cartonsPlastic chairs 20 bundles 90 450000Plywood 4 bundlesShoes 50 cartonsSoap 150 cartonsTyres 20 unitsUsed clothes 120 bundlesWater 1500 cartonsWood 6 bundles9 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.97 6500 Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.2 6000 Toyota Caldina 1 unit 1.28 6500 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.2 6000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.23 6350 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.58 19827 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.8 8000 Toyota pick up 1 unit 2.3 12000

Total weight of goods:   104.56  Total value of goods:     521177  Customs paid:     208  Docking charges:     180

January 25, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mehboob e HashmiManifest no. 681/686Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 15 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Rice 2100 bagsSmall generators 10 cartonsBags 150 cartonsClothes 400 bundlesHair oil 200 cartons 75 300000Milk 50 cartonsShoes 2500 cartonsTyres 50 unitsWood 10 bundlesCar batteries 1561 cartons 19.129 193377Tobacco 220 bags 11.352 22704011 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 3.5 15000 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.92 6500 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.28 22124 Nissan truck 3 units 7.67 54300 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.93 6000 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.66 17135

Total weight of goods:   127.661  Total value of goods: 841476  Customs paid:     254  Docking charges:     190

January 25, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Sultane MohyudinManifest no. 766Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 17 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Water jugs 25 bundlesMacaroni 20000 cartonsOil 4000 cartons 800 640000Plastic chairs 15 bundlesSesame 18000 bagsWood 3 bundles

  Total weight of goods:   800  Total value of goods:     640000  Customs paid:     1280  Docking charges:     220

January 26, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe SamdaniManifest no. 761Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 11 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tomatoes 1100 cartonsMats 50 bundlesPaint thinner 30 cartonsCotton sheets 20 bundles 140 300000Macaroni 5000 cartonsRice 4000 bagsWater 700 cartons

  Total weight of goods:   140  Total value of goods:     300000  Customs paid:     280  Docking charges:     100

January 26, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Taj Dari HaramManifest no. 756Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 29 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Medical supplies and building materials 150 bundles Water dispensers 10 unitsHousehold supplies 150 packagesClothes 200 cartons 55 320000Macaroni 2700 cartonsMetal 10 bundlesPlastic pipes 3 packagesShoes 200 cartonsWood 10 bundlesBatteries 200 cartons 2.225 30882Batteries 300 cartons 3.729 34188Batteries 1200 cartons 26.8 33070Medical supplies 973 cartons 16.425 22197Telecommunication supplies 1131 boxes 130.468 132142Tyres 100 units 9.036 99184Tyres 119 units 4.408 42346

  Total weight of goods:   248.091  Total value of goods:     714009  Customs paid:     500  Docking charges:     620

January 26, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Arafat BalajiManifest no. 763/765Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 29 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Ceramics 4000 cartonsCooking oil 1400 cartonsFrames 100 unitsMacaroni 8000 cartonsShoes 300 cartonsSweets 500 cartons 26.356 104581Telephone materials 400 boxesUsed clothing 50 bundlesWood 20 bundlesConstruction plywood fences 9 bundles Hair cream 1500 cartons 16.62 5178229 vehicles: Daihatsu Rocky 2 units 2.53 15240 Isuzu truck 1 unit 3.87 14600 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.97 8000 Toyota 1 unit 2.20 12000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.91 8000 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.43 7513 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.22 7200

  Total weight of goods:   248.106  Total value of goods:     694956  Customs paid:     800  Docking charges:     650

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al JuberiManifest no. 762/764Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Rice 3000 bagsMats 200 bundlesPens and notebooks 300 cartonsTableware 500 cartonsAir conditioners 6 cartonsAnimal food 20 bagsBedroom furniture 100 cartonsBlankets 50 bundlesCar rims 50 packages 160 400000Cart 40 bundlesHandbags 100 cartonsMetal 100 bundlesPillows 100 cartonsPlastic wrap 100 cartonsPlywood 30 bundlesSoap 200 cartonsTyres 50 unitsWater 2000 cartonsWood 20 bundlesCream 1363 cartons 17.612 606300Juice 6368 cartons 76.416 105114Shampoo 2130 cartons 26.5 333175Telecommunication appliances 414 boxes 47.757 48369998 vehicles: Mitsubishi truck 1 unit 6.73 14500 Nissan truck 2 units 5 24000 Nissan UD pick up 1 unit 2.5 12000 Toyota Dyna 2 units 4 22000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.685 8000 Toyota Toyoace 1 unit 1.9 4500

  Total weight of goods:   350.1  Total value of goods:     6366588  Customs paid:     820  Docking charges:     300

January 26, 2009 January 26, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SalamManifest no. 859/860Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni 5500 cartonsBiscuits 1400 cartons Clothes 100 cartonsEngine oil 1000 cartonsGarlic 300 cartonsHousehold appliances 200 bundlesHousehold appliances 200 cartons 135 300000Plastic bottles 30 unitsPlastic pipes 15 bundlesSafe 20 bundlesShoes 150 cartonsUsed clothes 150 bundlesWater 3000 cartonsWood 30 bundlesBattery chargers 80 cartons 0.571 12097Children’s toys 220 cartons 4.781 16159Macaroni 7500 cartons 77.492 30298Milk powder 1300 cartons 21.5 366973Slippers 1000 cartons 17.15 15461Telecommunication supplies 209 packages 23.639 31473Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 31546Tyres,tubes 740 units 15.022 152958 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.97 5000 Nissan truck 2 units 5 20000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 6.51 19772 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.37 9976 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.22 14700

  Total weight of goods:   324.725  Total value of goods:     888750  Customs paid:     648  Docking charges:     400

January 27, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al BismiliaManifest no. 920/913Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Curtains 55 bundlesUsed clothes 50 bundlesClothes 260 cartonsAir conditioners 20 unitsSweets 500 cartonsTomatoes 1500 cartonsEngine oil 500 cartonsBread 2500 bags 110 300000Shaving blades 50 cartonsPineapples 50 cartonsBlack pepper 20 bagsCardamom 30 cartonsIron pipes 500 unitsLighters 60 cartonsGarlic 300 cartonsShoes 230 cartonsSweets 584 cartons 11.68 1308112 vehicles: Mitsubishi Fuso 1 unit 2.5 12000 Nissan 1 unit 4.22 14437 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.317 20400 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.317 20400 Nissan truck 3 units 7.5 29000 Toyota Cresta 1 unit 1.32 5400 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.35 7689 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.96 20500

  Total weight of goods:   146.847  Total value of goods:     442907  Customs paid:     292  Docking charges:     240

January 28, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Faize MustafaManifest no. 915/919Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 14 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Metal 20 stacksLighters 100 cartonsBedroom furniture 80 cartonsBiscuits 700 cartonsChickpeas 500 cartonsChildren toys 50 cartonsClothes 300 cartonsGlue 200 cartonsLinoleum 200 rolls 150 400000Macaroni 7000 cartonsMats 20 bundlesPlastic bags 300 packagesRadios 50 cartonsRice 1200 bagsShoes 150 cartonsTextiles 130 cartonsWood 13 bundlesCigarettes 1000 cartons 14.9 627757Macaroni 5300 cartons 54.59 2335710 vehicles: Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.5 12000 Nissan truck 2 units 4.5 21000 Nissan UD pick up 1 unit 2.5 9000 Nissan Urvan 1 unit 2 12000 Toyota Dyna 2 units 4.5 18300 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.72 10200 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.5 11350 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.29 5400

  Total weight of goods:   239  Total value of goods:     1150364  Customs paid:     600  Docking charges:     160

January 28, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Prem SagarManifest no. 892/896Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Edible oil 4000 cartonsReadymade clothes 400 cartonsTableware 600 cartonsStationery 220 cartonsBody cream 50 cartonsLollipops 10 cartonsMacaroni 10000 cartonsMats 100 bundles 200 400000Perfume 50 cartonsRice 1300 bagsShoes 300 cartonsSteel 30 bundlesTomatoes 1400 cartonsUsed clothes 100 bundlesWood 3 bundlesTextiles 180 bundles 12.5 30044Travel bags 330 cartons 8.25 391696 vehicles: Mazda pick up 1 unit 1.9 7000 Mitsubishi 1 unit 2.5 12000 Nissan diesel 1 unit 4 12000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 12000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 6000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 2 9000

  Total weight of goods:   236.15  Total value of goods:     527213  Customs paid:     565  Docking charges:     200

January 28, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Feerat IIManifest no. 923/969Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Machines 6 unitsPlastic barrels 50 unitsHandbags 60 cartonsUsed clothes 100 packagesWood 12 bundlesRims 50 unitsRice 3000 bags 260 350000Utensils 356 bundlesMats 100 bundlesTableware 200 bundlesTyres 300 unitsWater 600 cartonsCeramic tiles 2 bundlesSugar 5500 bagsCooking oil 3597 box 68.487 170113Dry batteries 2250 cartons 50.25 58833Macaroni 5000 cartons 51.335 23871Macaroni 5000 cartons 51.661 20198Tyres, tubes and flaps 100 units 3.334 4094816 vehicles: Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 3.79 19700 Mitsubishi Pajero 3 units 2.78 30200 Mitsubshi Pajero 1 unit 0.92 10800 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.08 22400 Nissan Homy 2 units 3.11 16593 Nissan truck 2 units 5 24000 Toyota Carib 1 unit 1.24 10000 Toyota Corona 1 unit 1.21 4500 Toyota Cresta 1 unit 1.26 4500 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.7 9000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.93 12000

  Total weight of goods:   511.87  Total value of goods:     827656  Customs paid:     1022  Docking charges:     360

January 29, 2009       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al FuttayiemManifest no. 3213Flag: IndiaComing from: Bossaso, PuntlandDuty (AED): 9400Landing fees (AED): 200

Goods  Quantity

Glue 1405 bagsGlue 650 cartonsSharkfins 57 bags

February 01, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Mohammad KayuumManifest no. 3243Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1450

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 29039 bags

February 01, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al MeenaManifest no. 1101Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tableware 30 bundles Clothes 260 cartonsLighters 150 cartonsMacaroni 5500 cartonsPlastic bags 470 packagesPlastic pipes 26 bundles 110 350000Plywood 10 bundlesRice 500 bagsShoes 70 cartonsSoft drinks 750 cartonsWater 700 cartonsWood 35 bundles

  Total weight of goods:   110  Total value of goods:     350000  Customs paid:     220  Docking charges:     340

February 01, 2009      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al EjazManifest no. 1095/1096Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 28 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni 7000 cartonsMetal rods 10 bundlesLighters 100 cartonsMats 100 bundlesBatteries 1000 cartonsClothes 1500 packagesCotton sheets 200 bundles 170 400000Incense 200 cartonsShoes 1000 cartonsSoap 400 cartonsTamarind 1000 cartonsUsed clothes 100 bundlesWater 2500 cartonsWood 15 bundlesConstruction site plywood fence 18 bundles 53.792 269327Insecticides 675 cartons 12.413 39433Plastic bags 668 cartons 28.795 13747914 vehicles: Mitsubishi Chariot 1 unit 1.67 4500 Nissan 1 unit 1.8 8000 Nissan van 1 unit 1.78 7800 Toyota Dyna 3 units 7.35 14700 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.67 18300 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.6 11284 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.868 30168

  Total weight of goods:   289.738  Total value of goods:     940991  Customs paid:     810  Docking charges:     580

February 01, 2009

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ali MadadManifest no. 3352Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 800

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 16000 bags

February 02, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Burhan NoorManifest no. 1142Flag: Sri LankaGoing to: Bossasa, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 27 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni 8000 cartonsMats 100 bundlesTyres 100 unitsCarts 40 boxesAluminium 4 bundlesClothes 125 packagesConstruction metal 20 bundlesEngine oil 3000 cartons 245 500000Household appliances 880 cartonsJuices 2000 cartonsPaints 2500 unitsPlywood 12 bundlesShoes 300 cartonsUsed clothes 50 bundlesWater 4800 cartonsWood 20 bundlesSoap 1555 cartons 27.276 53468Soda powder 720 bags 35.982 46929Telecommunications supplies 46 boxes 5.202 6927Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 195291Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 239757Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 240358

February 02, 2009

Tyres, tubes and flaps 100 units 2.351 2504025 vehicles: Mitsubishi Chariot 1 unit 1.57 3200 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.54 10652 Nissan diesel 1 unit 4. 20000 Nissan truck 6 units 15 72000 Tadano 1 unit 2.5 20000 Toyota Dyna 4 units 8.64 41788 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 1.8 8000 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.5 8000 Toyota Hilux Surf 3 units 5.56 32600 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.19 13000 Toyota Mark II 4 units 3.73 26400 

  Total weight of goods:   402.341  Total value of goods:     1563410  Customs paid:     804  Docking charges:     540

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Ghoushe OliyaManifest no. 1191/1192Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 26 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Ready-made clothes 300 cartonsEdible oil 5000 cartonsFlour 3000 bagsHair oil 150 cartonsJuice 2000 cartonsLighters 100 cartonsMacaroni 7000 cartons 350 450000Mat 100 bundlesPlastic bags 400 bundlesShampoo 750 cartonsShoes 300 cartonsSugar 1400 bagsUsed clothes 70 bundlesWood 10 bundles6 vehicles: Nissan 1 unit 10.628 18180 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 11000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.91 6400 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.61 23400

  Total weight of goods:   368.648  Total value of goods:     508980  Customs paid:     820  Docking charges:     510

February 04, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Pawdi ShahManifest no. 1404/1405Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 18 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Wood 8 bundlesMats 30 bundlesMetal rods 16 bundlesStationery 130 cartonsBeans 200 cartonsClothes 30 cartonsConstruction materials 30 cartonsDates 1600 cartonsEmpty barrels 20 unitsFlashlights 50 cartons 130 350000Food oil 1200 cartonsGarlic 100 cartonsHome appliances 150 cartonsMacaroni 5500 cartonsPapers 2 bundlesPlastic 20 bundlesPopcorn 500 cartonsRice 20 bagsShoes 225 cartonsSoft drinks 200 cartonsMedical supplies 125 cartons 1.125 25163Shampoo 1540 cartons 25.65 4634612 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.97 7000 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.13 20642 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.33 7200 Toyota Dyna 4 units 9.9 46700 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.7 9700 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 4.67 19976 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.22 4500

  Total weight of goods:   179.695  Total value of goods:     537227  Customs paid:     500  Docking charges:     240

February 08, 2009

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Nissan 1 unit 2.5 6266 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 12000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.93 11643 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.955 23650

  Total weight of goods:   370.214  Total value of goods:     17255861  Customs paid:     740  Docking charges:     460

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sultan KareemManifest no. 1390/1393Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Iron 80 cartonsRefrigerators 80 unitsMats 30 unitsAmerican corn 930 cartonsIndian hummus 900 bagsCardamom 30 cartonsChairs 200 unitsCloth 320 cartonsDry fig 1760 cartonsEgyptian black hard limon 200 bags 235 400000Garlic 300 unitsHouse appliances and food and gifts 800 cartonsMacaroni 5000 cartonsOil 600 cartonsPlastic barrel 20 unitsPlastic pipes 20 bundlesShoes 150 cartonsTextiles 150 bundlesWood 3800 unitsCar spare parts 12 bundles 22.453 8940863Communication accessories 174 boxes 19.68 26203Communication appliances and phones 150 boxes 2.145 523331Construction plywood fence 8 bundles 23.998 88830Generators 2 packages 2.8 138700Medical supplies 714 cartons 16.383 3290560Spare part box 3 boxes 1 20163Thinner 1000 cartons 11.9 3745950Tyres, tubes, flaps 840 packages 19.68 182027 vehicles: Mitsubishi Fuso 1 unit 4.79 9500

February 08, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al Fahad IIIManifest no. 4178Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1660

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 33143 bags

February 09, 2009

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Al AdnanManifest no. 4179Flag: ComorosComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 785

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15700 bags

February 09, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Shah MuradManifest no. 1460Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 22 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Sesame 6350 bags 270 255000

  Total weight of goods:   270  Total value of goods:     255000  Customs paid:     540  Docking charges:     360

February 09, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor e ShabirManifest no. 1464/1466Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Flour 1500 bagsMetal rods 20 bundlesGenerators 10 unitsBath tubs 50 bundlesMats 60 bundlesBeverages 250 cartonsPhotocopy machine 1 unitsAir conditioners 20 cartonsBrooms 25 cartons 140 350000Car batteries 70 cartonsClothes 600 packagesMilk 750 cartonsPlastic bags 70 bundlesShoes 400 cartonsTelevision sets 20 unitsTyres 80 unitsUsed clothes 20 bundlesCigarettes 1000 cartons 14.9 627757Coconut oil 1330 cartons 15.971 3875398Plastic rolls 73 rolls 2.177 1630590Shampoo 1950 cartons 26.5 407643815 vehicles: Daihatsu Rocky 1 unit 1.29 5000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.423 12000 Nissan Condor 1 unit 4.23 18478 Nissan truck 3 units 9.02 37900 Toyota Dyna 3 units 6.97 23500 Toyota Land Cruiser 3 units 6.96 43000 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.83 19800

  Total weight of goods:   233.271  Total value of goods:     10719861  Customs paid:     700  Docking charges:     300

February 09, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Madina ZulficarManifest no. 1468/1457Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 26 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Clothes 250 cartonsCooking oil 1400 cartonsEngine oil 550 cartonsFlour 2000 bagsHair oil 300 cartonsHome appliances 100 cartonsMats 150 bundlesMetal 30 bundlesMilk 650 cartons 58 43027Mustard 200 cartonsPillows 60 bundlesPlastic jugs 10 bundlesSatellites, televisions 40 cartonsShoes 300 cartonsSweets 200 cartonsUsed clothes 20 bundlesMacaroni 5800 cartons Shampoo 1540 cartons 25.65 4634610 vehicles: Mitsubishi Fosu 1 unit 5.665 12381 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.45 7515 Nissan Condor 1 unit 5.08 16447 Nissan Homy 1 unit 1.48 8464 Toyota Dyna 2 units 4.4 20541 Toyota Hiluxsurf 1 unit 1.91 9000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.31 7200 Toyota Toyoace 1 unit 1.51 4500

  Total weight of goods:   233.455  Total value of goods:     184421  Customs paid:     620  Docking charges:     520

February 09, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al YusafManifest no. 1560/1562Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni and sweets 2800 cartonsWashing machines 4 units Clothes 400 packagesEngine oil 300 cartonsFlour 1000 cartonsPipes 30 units 95 300000Plastic bottles and barrels 20 packagesSoap 100 cartonsTyres 100 unitsWater 500 cartons8 vehicles: Mitsubishi Chariot 1 unit 1.57 4800 Nissan Atlas 1 unit 1.98 11000 Toyota Caldina 1 unit 1.28 4800 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.2 9000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.9 12000 Toyota Mark II 3 units 3.84 19500

  Total weight of goods:   107.77  Total value of goods:     361100  Customs paid:     430  Docking charges:     480

February 11, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al Nabiyo BismillahManifest no. 1561/1564Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 16 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Edible oil 2680 cartonsReadymade clothing 200 cartonsAir conditioner 3 bundlesBiscuits and sweets 900 cartonsCaravans 20 bundlesCarpets 150 unitsDates 325 cartonsFilters 300 cartonsFlour 1500 bagsFrames 300 unitsMilk 500 cartons 135 380000Notebooks 500 cartonsPlastic chairs 10 bundlesSafe and bed rooms 22 packagesShoes 250 cartonsSteel 31 bundlesTelevision sets 10 cartonsTextiles 10 bagsVeils 70 bundlesWood 6 bundlesCalenders 9 bundles 0.21 411055Glue 2221 cartons 25 3345170Metal sheets 9 units 26.896 134663Tuna 4900 cartons 40.526 74054689 vehicles: Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.28 23986 Nissan truck 2 units 5 22000 Toyota Toyoace 1 unit 2.57 8200 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 11000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2 9000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3 13300

  Total weight of goods:   245.482  Total value of goods:     11763842  Customs paid:     640  Docking charges:     200

February 11, 2009       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Sheer SpearManifest no. 4548Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 830

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 16574 bags

February 12, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al DastajeerManifest no. 1589/1587Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Stationery 40 packages Batteries 200 cartonsBrooms 20 packagesCarpets 20 unitsClothes 90 packagesClothes iron 10 cartonsDates 500 cartonsEmpty boxes 300 bundlesFarming wire fence 50 units 60 250000Handbags 150 cartonsHandbags 140 cartonsPillows 30 bundlesPipes 50 unitsRefrigerators 12 unitsShoes 100 cartonsTyres 200 unitsWater 1000 cartonsConstruction ply wood fence 9 bundles 27.36 72385Construction ply wood fence 34 bundles 94.075 81262Insecticides 675 cartons 12.413 3755512 vehicles: Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 12000 Toyota Hilux Surf 3 units 5.516 36700 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 4.56 23000 Toyota Mark II 4 units 5.185 32600 Toyota pick up 2 units 5 24000

  Total weight of goods:   216.609  Total value of goods:     569502  Customs paid:     432  Docking charges:     460

February 12, 2009       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Hud HudManifest no. 4863Flag: ComorosComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 700

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 14036 bags

February 15, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MurtajaManifest no. 1688/1690Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Fibre glass 3 barrelsTurkish nuts 200 cartonsAsbestos 2 bundlesChinese nuts 4800 bagsClothes 550 cartonsJuice 300 cartonsMacaroni 5500 cartons 140 400000Paint 150 cartonsPlastic chairs 5 bundlesPlastic pipes 7 bundlesPlywood 6 bundlesShoes 250 cartonsSyrian flour 1000 boxesWood 10 bundlesTyres, tubes and flaps 60 units 2.211 17025Tyres, tubes and flaps 100 units 2.98 57006Tyres, tubes and flaps 150 units 4.362 570065 vehicles: Suzuki Escudo 1 unit 1.34 6300 Toyota Hilux 3 units 4.43 24400 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.40 10524

  Total weight of goods: 156.723  Total value of goods: 572261  Customs paid: 400  Docking charges: 320

February 15, 2009       Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al KabirManifest no. 4864Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 900

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 18000 bags

February 15, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al SaharaManifest no. 1689/1695Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Car heads 1 unitMacaroni 6000 cartonsEdible oil 2000 cartonsStationery 460 cartonsChildren’s toys 50 cartonsHousehold items and gifts 300 packagesAlmonds 360 bagsAluminium 300 unitsBeans 1520 cartonsCar accessories 20 bundlesChinese nuts 1275 cartonsClothes 150 cartonsConstruction materials 150 cartons 280 500000Dates 1000 cartonsFishing supplies 100 cartonsFurniture 150 cartonsHousehold items 600 cartonsMedical supplies 200 packagesMilk 600 cartonsPerfume 150 cartonsPlastic 500 bundlesPlastic jugs 20 packagesPlastic wraps 300 cartonsShoes 570 cartonsSweets 1000 cartonsTextiles 100 bundlesWater heater 4 unitsWood 15 bundlesMats 376 bundles 10.529 3472715 vehicles: Isuzu Escudo 1 unit 1.16 4500 Isuzu truck 1 unit 6.29 12800 Mercedes well excavator 1 unit 2.7

February 15, 2009 Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2.79 10000 Mitsubishi Pajero 2 units 1.93 21000 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.491 12000 Nissan pick up 1 unit 2.4 8000 Nissan Homy van 1 unit 1.475 8000 Nissan Prado jeep 1 unit 2.25 11878 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.4 12000 Saurer 1 unit 2.4 15000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.95 8000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.795 13640 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.3 7200

  Total weight of goods:   323.86  Total value of goods:     678745  Customs paid:     880  Docking charges:     380

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. FarhatManifest no. 5045Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 680

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 27195 bags

February 16, 2009      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: HamzaManifest no. 5025Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 685

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 13640 bags

February 16, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shahi Faize NooriManifest no. 1752Flag: 

Going to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 15 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cooking oil 6000 cartonsFlour 1200 bags 420 0Sugar 8000 bags

  Total weight of goods:   420  Total value of goods:     0  Customs paid:     840  Docking charges:     180

February 16, 2009

Page 123: WHARFAGE -

Toyota Mark II 4 units 4.95 28400 Toyota Dyna 2 units 4.8 22000

  Total weight of goods:   303.11  Total value of goods:     761986  Customs paid:     900  Docking charges:     420

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Krishna JyotiManifest no. 1750/1756Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 24 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerators 15 cartonsAlmonds 1000 cartonsCinnamon 256 bagsClothes 10 bundlesConstruction site plywood fence 4 bundlesDates 1280 cartonsFood oil 1320 cartonsHeater 5 cartonsJuice 200 cartons 210 400000Macaroni 7500 cartonsMetal 5 bundlesMilk 950 cartonsNuts 230 cartonsPeanuts 2600 bagsRice 300 bagsShampoo 250 cartonsWater 1550 cartonsWood 15 bundlesPlastic bags 686 cartons 28 73060Shampoo 1454 cartons 24.554 43695Tyres 100 units 2.399 28375Tyres 150 units 3.182 4017218 vehicles: Nissan dump truck 1 unit 2.3 11000 Comasco 1 unit 2.4 9000 Honda CR-V 1 unit 1.37 6500 Mitsubishi Canter 1 unit 2.45 12000 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.92 10500 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.6 12000 Nissan Condor 1 unit 4.04 13701 Nissan diesel dump truck 1 unit 2.3 8000 Toyota Dyna 2 units 4.8 18600 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.045 24983

February 16, 2009

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Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.24 6350 Toyota Land Cruiser 2 units 3.932 44000

  Total weight of goods:   226.834  Total value of goods:     591577  Customs paid:     430  Docking charges:     300

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Faize Ganje SagarManifest no. 1795/1796Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 21 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Cool boxes 200 cartonsCaravans 25 bundlesWashing machines 10 cartons Battery water 190 boxesBlankets 10 cartonsChairs 200 unitsCumin 20 bagsCurtains 70 rollsFloor wax 60 rollsFlour 1250 bags 150 300000Frames 10 bundlesFurniture 150 cartonsMacaroni 5500 cartonsMedical supplies 100 unitsMilk 750 cartonsShoes 800 cartonsTextile with strings 80 bundlesVarious clothing 100 bundlesVeils 60 bundlesWood 7 bundlesBiscuits 6170 cartons 17 24549Car batteries 200 units 2.54 24915Frames 100 units 2.187 28647Shoe polish 585 cartons 15.21 35152Tent fabric 350 bundles 11.635 35052Tent fabric 350 bundles 11.635 35052Textiles 40 bundles 1.855 198607 vehicles: Isuzu pick up truck 1 unit 2.4 10000 Nissan diesel truck 1 unit 2.3 9000 Nissan pick up truck 1 unit 2.4 12000 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.5 7000

February 17, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al BukhariManifest no. 5402Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1100

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 22000 bags

February 19, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al BukhariManifest no. 5402Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1100

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 22000 bags

February 19, 2009

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al BisaratManifest no. 1774Flag: IndiaComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 750

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 15000 bags

February 21, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al AmeeraManifest no. 1773Flag: Sri LankaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1580

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 31557 bags

February 21, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: Safinat Al FaisalManifest no. 5697Flag: ComorosComing from: Kudhaa, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1040

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20700 bags

February 22, 2009

      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Shraddha SagarManifest no. 5695Flag: IndiaComing from: SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1000

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 20000 bags

February 22, 2009

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al SahebaManifest no. 2031Flag: IndiaGoing to: Mogadishu, SomaliaDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 43 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Macaroni 6000 cartonsCloves 81 unitsBlack wire 536 rollsCeramic powder 1060 bagsClothes 95 bundlesCooking oil 196 barrelsCooking oil 3579 barrelsCooking oil 294 barrelsCooking oil 196 barrels 744.613 550000Engine oil 1982 cartonsFlour 4500 bagsFrames 350 unitsIron wires 536 rollsMetal sheets 27 packagesMilk 1200 cartonsSugar 7000 bagsUsed clothes 36 bundlesWood 32 bundles

  Total weight of goods: 744.613  Total value of goods: 550000  Customs paid: 1500  Docking charges: 1200

February 23, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al AdamManifest no. 2032/2033Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Shampoo 400 cartonsMacaroni 5500 cartonsIron 50 bundlesElectric wires and nails 120 packagesEmpty barrels 20 unitsChairs 5 bundlesUsed clothes 20 bundlesPlastic bags 300 cartonsHome appliances and curtains 500 cartons 210 350000Stationery 50 cartonsSugar 1000 bagsWater 4000 cartonsMilk 100 cartonsPlastic pipes 50 bundlesBattery water 200 cartonsShoes 180 cartonsFans 500 cartonsWood 25 bundlesPaint 500 cartonsDates 7 unitsHand pumps 13 unitsGenerators 6 unitsLocks 82 cartonsNails 20 cartonsCars rings 10 unitsBags 180 cartons 18.12 28133Construction ply wood fence 7 bundlesSewing machines 200 unitsAir compressor for paint 1 unitsCar spare parts 53 cartonsHeaters 10 units

February 23, 2009 13 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 0.93 9500 Nissan pick up truck 1 unit 2.4 10000 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.3 10000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.746 12500 Toyota Land Cruiser 4 units 7.17 44500 Toyota Mark II 5 units 6.7 31610

  Total weight of goods:   249.366  Total value of goods:     496243  Customs paid:     760  Docking charges:     460

Page 127: WHARFAGE -

      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Noor Omar ShahManifest no. 2068/2070Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 6 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Tamarind 100 boxesCarts 30 boxesMats 100 bundlesStationery and household appliances 300 cartonsHair oil 50 cartonsClothes, perfume and gifts 2000 packagesFood items and sweets 2500 cartonsBags 200 cartonsDates 2000 cartons 200 350000Juice 500 cartonsLinoleum 200 bundlesMacaroni 5400 cartonsMattresses 50 bundlesPaper 1000 cartonsPillows and blankets 300 bundlesPlastic 2500 cartonsShoes 1000 cartonsTyres 100 unitsWater 500 cartonsWood 10 boxesBumpers 1150 cartons 5.05 36293Textiles 180 cartons 12.5 232847Watches 20 cartons 0.19 212076 vehicles: Toyota Dyna 2 units 5.3 13100 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.845 22722 Toyota Mark II 2 units 2.58 14000 Toyota pick up 1 unit 2.5 12000

  Total weight of goods:   229.965  Total value of goods:     702169  Customs paid:  

  Docking charges: 

February 24, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Jaya SagarManifest no. 2078/2077Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Refrigerators 15 cartonsBread 1170 bagsDates 1500 cartonsFans 50 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartons 115 300000Pepper 40 bagsSoft drinks 2000 cartonsWashing machines 10 cartonsWater 1500 cartonsWood 15 bundlesAsbestos 9 bundles 26.985 12394Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 217842Textiles 180 bundles 12.5 2403589 vehicles: Mitsubishi Pajero 2 units 4.2 28800 Nissan Caravan 1 unit 1.57 6706 Nissan Homy 1 unit 1.8 9211 Toyota Hilux 1 unit 1.8 8000 Toyota Hilux Surf 2 units 3.69 14100 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.44 5400 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.33 7200

  Total weight of goods:   187.415  Total value of goods:     850011 

  Customs paid:     374  Docking charges:     460

February 24, 2009

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      Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al MadinaManifest no. 2123/2126Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 23 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Bed sheets 30 bundlesBread 600 bagsCloth 250 cartonsEngine oil 500 cartonsMacaroni 2750 cartonsMilk 2000 cartonsPaper 300 bundles 115 300000Plastic 50 unitsPlastic pipes 100 bundlesShampoo 500 cartonsShoes 100 cartonsTamarind 300 cartonsUsed cloth 100 bundlesWater 3000 cartonsBarytes powder (barium sulphate) 40 packages 2.1 16526Mobile x-ray machines 11 packages 0.97 48844Salt 560 bags 28.08 6750Tyres 820 units 15.269 86228Vegetable cooking oil 3090 cartons 62.727 10372613 vehicles: Isuzu truck 1 unit 2.5 9000 Mitsubishi Pajero 1 unit 1.6 12000 Nissan truck 4 units 10.99 50800 Toyota Dyna 2 units 4.9 11500 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.5 12000 Toyota Hilux Surf 1 unit 1.83 5000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 1.6 11030 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.22 7200 Toyota Prado 1 unit 1.79 9000

  Total weight of goods:   252.076  Total value of goods:     689604  Customs paid:     600  Docking charges:     380

February 25, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al Sabir PiyaManifest no. 2188/2180Flag: IndiaGoing to: Bossaso, PuntlandDocked at Sharjah Creek for: 28 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Plastic pipes 40 bundlesUsed clothes 20 bundles Mats 200 bundlesBags 100 cartonsDates 300 cartonsIron 20 bundles 65 250000Pillows 100 bundlesPlastic 250 cartonsPlywood 11 bundlesShoes 200 cartonsThermoses 200 cartonsWood 12 bundlesConstruction plywood fence 9 packages 26.985 12394Construction plywood fence 9 packages 26.696 12394Glutanium sodium salt 1780 cartons 32.342 112241Mats 372 bundles 10.893 34023Nissan diesel car head 1 units 1.5 20000Plastic bottles 521 cartons 8.927 62129Water purifiers 11 boxes 5.24 502297 vehicles: Nissan Condor 1 unit 5.665 12381 Nissan truck 1 unit 2.5 12000 Toyota Dyna 3 units 7.15 32600 Toyota Dyna 1 unit 2.57 6300 Toyota Mark II 1 unit 1.33 5500

  Total weight of goods: 196.798  Total value of goods: 622191  Customs paid: 500  Docking charges: 580

February 26, 2009

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      Date of arrival:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Safina Al ShifaManifest no. 5379Flag: IndiaComing from: Kismayo, SomaliaDuty (AED): 000Landing fees (AED): 1600

Goods  Quantity

Charcoal 31930 bags

March 02, 2009       Date of departure:   Vessel name: M.S.V. Al ArifManifest no. 2402/2405Flag: IndiaGoing to: Kismayo, Somalia  

Docked at Sharjah Creek for: 25 days

Goods  Quantity  Weight (tonnes)  Value (AED)

Batteries 40 cartonsEmpty bags 200 bundlesEngine oil 100 cartonsEngine oil 100 cartonsMacaroni 2700 cartonsMilk 1000 cartons 245 380000Strings 50 cartonsSugar 5000 bagsTelevision sets 25 cartonsWater 300 cartonsWood 8 bundles16 vehicles: Mitsubish Pajero 2 units 2.3 22500 Nissan 1 unit 1.76 12000 Nissan Caravan 2 units 3.2 29400 Nissan Datsun 3 units 4.55 14200 Suzuki Escudo 2 units 2.535 13878 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.3 16000 Toyota Hilux 2 units 3.3 16000 Toyota Land Cruiser 1 unit 2.2 12000 Toyota station wagon 1 unit 18 7200

  Total weight of goods: 266.645  Total value of goods: 507178  Customs paid: 770  Docking charges: 460

March 04, 2009

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31— Some dhows have manual cranes. Loading continues until dhows sink to the water mark painted on their sides.

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A n n otAt i o n s f o r i m Ag e simage 2 and 3 Used cars are high on the list of exports from sharjah to somalia. the ship is loaded in layers, with most of the food produce, and other assorted break-in-bulk cargo stored in the holds, which are shelved with planks. the vehicles, several in number – cars, mini-vans, sUVs, and even huge trucks – are lifted by cranes and loaded on the upper deck of the dhow. Bought in second-hand car auction sales in sharjah and Dubai, these vehicles can be seen standing on the wharf labelled with a sticker saying ‘soLD’. sometimes they are shipped with goods stuffed inside. on reaching somalia, the vehicles are sold either for personal use, or to private enterprises who provide public transport services, often even crossing over the ethiopian and Kenyan borders. sailors contend that unlike india’s market, which imposes an over 100% import duty on cars, somalia’s unregulated economy – ‘vahan pe hukumat nahi hai’, there is no governance there – presents no such barriers to the mobility of these motors. Beside entire cars, spare parts – ranging from car rims to motor heads, new tyres, engine oils, which are unavailable in somalia – also make their way over by sea. Diesel, also in high demand, is always stocked as surplus fuel in barrels on or under the deck. sometimes it comes in use as collateral in somali waters and somali ports.

image 4Boat after boat that goes to the somali coast from sharjah, packed with a litany of miscellaneous goods, comes back with one thing: charcoal. the somali economy has been largely based on the rearing of livestock. the export of livestock from somalia to sharjah traces trade links that the gulf countries have had with the somali region since colonial times, in europe’s scramble for Africa, the British made somaliland a protectorate and built the Berbera port to ship goats and sheep across the gulf of Aden to feed their garrisons in Yemen (see image 20). export of ‘Berberawi’, as the black-headed goats are called in the middle east, continued unabated till very recently, and the UAe’s meat consumption relied mostly on 32

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imports of somali livestock that used to peak during Haj and eid. in 1998 and 2000, following an outbreak of rift Valley fever, most gulf countries banned the import of livestock from somalia (and other countries of the Horn of Africa), which adversely affected the economy of the region, as boats returned empty. nowadays, even with the provisions of quarantines and the enforcement of health standards, livestock trade has remained erratic. in somalia’s export economy, livestock has been outrun by charcoal. this increase in charcoal export, a consequence of the restrictions on livestock, is in turn also a result of another ban: charcoal production is prohibited in the gulf countries as in most of the first world. the southern part of somalia, with its transnational federal government and militia-controlled market, exports an abundance of charcoal from its port in Kismayo (see image 21 and 24). Kudhaa, an uninhabited island used solely for charcoal production, where trees are felled and buried in pits and burned to form charcoal, serves as another such port. the UAe still depends on somali meat for its grills. now, due to health and environmental laws, whose effects work completely against somalia’s traditional pastoral economy, it also depends on somalia’s charcoal to fuel those grills.

image 5 and 6on arriving in sharjah, sailors are made to deposit their seaman’s passes with the authorities at the Creek Customs office, before crossing over to park their vessel at the dhow wharfage on the other side. the captain is handed a crew list: a sheet of paper that verifies who his crew members are, what their nationality is, which boat they belong to, and who he, their captain, might be.

‘We don’t have passports. Also, we don’t have CDCs (Continuous Discharge Certificate) like the people who work on merchant vessels have; instead we have seaman’s passes. CDCs are only issued for crews of larger shipping vessels, not for those on wooden boats. A CDC allows entry into any port, anywhere, anytime.’

While crew members, for the most part, eat their meals and spend their nights on the dhow, they do have permission to visit the city. Until last year, sailors say, they would be given temporary photo iDs on entering sharjah, which they would carry around and even use to go to Dubai. now, with no other photo identification on them, the crew list, the original of which tends to remain in the captain’s cabin on board, is the only proof of a sailor’s legal status in the UAe; furthermore, its only applicable to sharjah.

‘mostly it’s all right, but sure, sometimes it’s a problem. Just the other day two members from the neighbouring launch got picked up and taken to a police station in Abu Dhabi because they were thought to be loitering around and were found with no identification on them. the captain had to go all the way with the crew list to get them released.

‘Does this happen often?’

‘not very, but it does happen.’

‘And every time it does, the captain has to go and rescue them?’

‘Well, if one of your men gets caught, what are you going to do? of course you go and find him.’

if the crew list is confiscated, the captain must pay 500 AeD to retrieve it. if the crew list is lost, the boat must cease to exist. on leaving sharjah, the captain produces the crew list for the authorities at the Custom’s office and the seaman’s passes are returned to the sailors. the boat sets out to restore a strange legitimacy that these sailors only seem to have at sea.

image 7 and 8 most often, the manual labour of loading is done by the crew themselves, who are paid wages against the total weight and nature of the bulk. somali agents and traders can often be seen on the boat with the sailors supervising some of the tasks, hanging out over tea a bit later. Cranes are hired by the

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somali agent and manned by somali employees. When the goods are loaded and the inspection is complete, the agent and the captain spend a couple of days at the Creek Customs office submitting their documents at the counter window. it takes two to five days to complete this process, after which the customs office prepares the manifests, which contain a complete list of the general cargo, their weights and values. An invoice is calculated to include the duty paid against the weight of the load – 2 AeD per tonne, and docking charges – the first 6 days are free, after which the port authority levies a 20 AeD fee per day, making sharjah Creek by far the cheapest port in the UAe. the answers to the questions about ‘why dhows?’ and ‘why from here?’ begin here. the log books were what the authorities first handed us when we requested to see the records, which consisted of handwritten entries of dhow trade from this port, including the date of arrival or departure, name of vessel, its number and country of registration. in the logbook of departure, under a goods column was a reference to a ‘manifest number’ (image 7a). the cover page is a yellow coloured invoice which mentions the manifest numbers, the docking fee, wharfage, and total duty paid against weight of the cargo. Attached to it are several forms with details of the ship’s inventory taken at the time of inspection, and the final export manifests often running long (see image 8). We finally got access to the much awaited port records on march 4, 2009; the staff of the Creek Customs office spent copious hours with us, looking up the logs for trade to and from somalia, which we then removed from box files in a storage room. others we were able to print (see image 7b). We left the Creek Customs office three days later with literally thousands of documents of various corresponding forms, written mostly in Arabic. sanjay Bhangar wrote a database software over-night to incorporate information from various forms and fields and a committed team of interns and employees of the sharjah Biennial camped at the office through some intense nights translating and entering the data into his programme. the 288-page book, designed in London, went to press in india on the morning of march 16,

2009, to be hand carried in time for the opening of our radio show two days later.

image 9 to 16 salaya, once a tiny fishing village, also has a tradition of building vahanvattis, the local name for wooden ships. the sailors on these boats sail not only between iran, oman, Yemen and the UAe but increasingly and now routinely to somalia. salaya’s boat making industry has grown quite visibly in the last two years; boat owners in salaya are making larger dhows, sometimes on commissions from the gulf. We hear that 1,200 tons is quite normal now, and there have some that have been with a 2,000 ton capacity. A great deal of this is influenced by the fact that the ancient trade routes between the indian ocean, the Persian gulf and east Africa have been reactivated, due to the following configuration: somalia requires supplies, sharjah Creek is one of the few ports that has a wharfage exclusively for dhows, and salaya, with its builders and sailors, anchors these openings, and demands, shapes and sails these vessels carrying the trade to and from the Persian gulf through ostensibly dangerous waters. this year, despite the global financial crisis, trade with somalia carries on unhindered, continuing to fuel not only the construction of bigger dhows, but also the livelihood of their crews, almost all of whom hail from salaya and its neighbouring towns mandvi and Porbandar.

‘the boat business in gujarat is more of a family business. it is passed on from father to son or to nephews. in salaya, children usually make their first trip on boat at an age of 12–14 years accompanying either their father or uncle. After the first trip, most of them drop out of school and start working on the boat itself. for them, the boat is their home. even when they are in salaya, they end up spending more time on the boat than at their home. staying on the boat is also a way to avoid family tensions and frustrations.’

salaya’s population of 20,000 is predominantly muslim.

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Literacy like in the rest of gujarat is low; almost all the village’s young men work on boats as ship hands and crew, as carpenters and gaiders (contractors), or otherwise, as fishermen. often a new dhow fitted with a tiny motor sails from salaya, only to be refurbished with a far more powerful one in the UAe And the ships spend a great deal of time on the sharjah Creek, as this has become their most frequented docking bay. During their 9 month period at sea, families communicate with the crewmen via VHf radio on bands that are assigned to ships. Down time occurs during the monsoons when ships and crew return to salaya to rest and repair, and for sailors, a time to marry.

‘in those two months back home, a lot of us get married and begin families. All the eligible bachelors are back home then and their marriages are arranged by their families. Like this boy here, we have to get him married when we return. But, often when we leave, its as good as giving “talaaq” to our wives.’

image 18 to 19somalia, a collection of quasi-government and semi-state entities, an economy based largely on the export of livestock from the region, a private telecommunication system with the cheapest cell phones rates on the continent, and a post-war diaspora interconnected and spread all across the world.

‘When we sail out of sharjah we put back the indian flag as we are in international waters. When we enter the waters of the nation who’s port we are to dock at, we have to mount their flag. it’s a law. if its mogadishu or Kismayo we use the blue flag, it’s really simple, with a white star. We made one on our own.’

What about somaliland?

‘Ah, for Berbera, it’s just like the indian flag with a black emblem. But upside down, with La ilaha il allah written on it.’

image 25 and 26in the wake of a global financial crisis, business in the string of shops across the sharjah Creek has slowed down. Around sunset, migrant workers from south Asia hang around a couple of empty plots, clustered under street lights. many of them have started buying tickets to return home, unable to cope with the pressure of paying back their guest-worker loans at a time when their salaries are also being withheld. of recent, many have even approached sailors on the old sharjah port to ask if they could sail back to india on the boats with them, offering themselves as ship hands in exchange for a passage. on the port, trucks line up, offload wares and leave; the loading of dhows goes on well into the night; a strange scuttle of human bodies carrying sacks around a maze of stacked boxes, up a slim ramp and onto the deck. seemingly unaffected by the economic turn, dhows traverse pirated waters, as trade with war-torn somalia goes on. sailors from salaya say that had it not been for the demand from somalia, their dhows would not have much to carry, and not so many places to go. for salaya, somalia is then, in a sense, somehow symptomatic of possibilities. though sometimes troubled by pirates, there seems to be a consensus among sailors, agents and traders, that when compared to container traffic and navy vessels, these relatively ‘smalls’ dhow, are rarely ever a desirable target, bound as they are for somalia, carrying essential supplies and commodities. And that, after all, this is business, and that this will go on.

image 28, 29 and 30 ‘We take a whole super market with us. sometimes even used medical dispensaries on the boat with us. Vahan pe kuch bhi nahin hai, there is nothing there’

‘focussing on things that are exchanged, rather than simply on the forms or functions of exchange makes it possible to argue that what creates the link between exchange and value is politics…this argument…justifies the conceit that commodities like persons, have social lives’1

1— Arjun Appadurai, ’the social Life of things’, 1992 (p. xiii)

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r eg i st rY o f D HoW s ComorosAl AdnanAl faisalAmar iHud Hudm.s.V. Jheelm.s.V. maymunmaymoonsafinat Al faisal

indiam.s.V. faize shekh mohyudinm.s.V. Al salamm.s.V. Al Yusufm.s.V. Ashimam.s.V. Bawidishm.s.V. feej taj Darim.s.V. foramm.s.V. safina Al sahebam.s.V. Al faize noor suleimanim.s.V. safina Al Yusafm.s.V. Al Aminm.s.V. Al Arifm.s.V. Al Azmatm.s.V. Al Bashirm.s.V. Al Basmam.s.V. Al Bisaratm.s.V. Al Bismiliam.s.V. Al Dastajeerm.s.V. Al ejazm.s.V. Al fadalm.s.V. Al fahadm.s.V. Al faisalm.s.V. Al faize Barakatm.s.V. Al faize mustafam.s.V. Al farhanm.s.V. Al feerat

m.s.V. Al futtayiemm.s.V. Al ghoushe Azamm.s.V. Al ghoushe Pirane Pirm.s.V. Al Haj Jasidiam.s.V. Al Juberim.s.V. Al Kabirm.s.V. Al Kadrim.s.V. Al Kausarm.s.V. Al Khaleej Al Arabim.s.V. Al madinam.s.V. Al mausamm.s.V. Al mukhtarm.s.V. Al muneerm.s.V. Al murtajam.s.V. Al nabiyo Bismillahm.s.V. Al nazirm.s.V. Al omarm.s.V. Al radwanm.s.V. Al rahmam.s.V. Al reemym.s.V. Al saharam.s.V. Al shah muradm.s.V. Al shaheer Al madinam.s.V. Al shamsm.s.V. Al sibam.s.V. Al sultan e madinam.s.V. Al Yakubm.s.V. Al Yasinm.s.V. Ali Haidarm.s.V. Ali madadm.s.V. Amritam.s.V. Anjali Poojam.s.V. Arabian starm.s.V. Arafat Balajim.s.V. Ashimam.s.V. Aweshkarnim.s.V. Bhakti sagarm.s.V. Bismiliam.s.V. faisal al Barakat

m.s.V. faisrubanim.s.V. faizal Barakatm.s.V. faizane Chishtym.s.V. faize ganje sagarm.s.V. faize garibe nawazm.s.V. faize rabbanim.s.V. faize sale mohammedi m.s.V. faize sultane mohyudinm.s.V. farhatm.s.V. fatrm.s.V. fayartajdeen Babam.s.V. fayaz othmanim.s.V. feerat iim.s.V. ghoushe fashiyam.s.V. ghoushe oliyam.s.V. ghoushe samdanim.s.V. Haji ismailm.s.V. Harsha sagarm.s.V. Husseinim.s.V. Jalsana faize Kadrim.s.V. Jaya Jamunam.s.V. Jaya sagarm.s.V. Jayshreem.s.V. Jhulelaalm.s.V. Kasheerim.s.V. Khawaja nawazm.s.V. Kohinoorm.s.V. Krishna Jyotim.s.V. madeefm.s.V. madina Zulficarm.s.V. mannatm.s.V. mehboob Hashmim.s.V. mehboob e Hashmlm.s.V. mehboob e Hashmim.s.V. mehboob e Kasmim.s.V. mishaal im.s.V. mohammad Kayuumm.s.V. mohyudin Chishty

m.s.V. muskanm.s.V. narsinghm.s.V. nazar e Karamm.s.V. nigah e makdumim.s.V. noor Al Haji Husseinm.s.V. noor garibim.s.V. noor omar shahm.s.V. noor sagarm.s.V. noor e shabirm.s.V. Pawdi shahm.s.V. Prem sagarm.s.V. raj sagarm.s.V. safina Al Adamm.s.V. safina Al Arfanm.s.V. safina Al goushe sailanim.s.V. safina Al meenam.s.V. safina Al sabir Piyam.s.V. safina Al sahibam.s.V. safina Al shifam.s.V. safina Al Yusafm.s.V. safina Haji Alim.s.V. sahenshah-e-madinam.s.V. sahiba Qasmim.s.V. sea Queenm.s.V. shah e Kalandarm.s.V. shahi Al sabarm.s.V. shari Al razzakm.s.V. sheer spearm.s.V. shraddha sagarm.s.V. shree shiv-e-shaktim.s.V. silviana al masoomm.s.V. sri nareenm.s.V. sultan Al Hindm.s.V. sultan Kareemm.s.V. sultan e madinam.s.V. sultane Khawjahm.s.V. taj Dari Haramm.s.V. Ya Ankahi Karammahmoud Quasmi

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safinat Al Bisaratsafinat Al Bukhari

iransafinat Al Bari

KoreaAl Hassanm.s.V. Al Barkati ii


Panamam.s.V. Al ghazal

sri lankaAl AhmediAl faha iiiAl HabibAl naveedAl shabaab iiHamzam.s.V. Al Abudm.s.V. Al Amiram.s.V. Al Umeedm.s.V. Burhan noorm.s.V. Dawoodm.s.V. Hassansafinat Al Ameerasafinat Al fahad iiisafinat Al rashidtaufeej

UAeAl Akbari

A — air compressor for paint, air conditioners, almonds, aluminium, American corn, animal food, asbestos, assorted sweets B— boy’s shoes, baby bottles, baby clothes, baby milk, bags, balls, barrels, barytes powder (barium sulphate), bathroom materials, bathtubs, batteries, batteries for toys, battery chargers, battery fluid, battery water, beans, beans with tomatoes, beauty products, bedroom furniture, beds, bed sheets, beverages, bicycles, biscuits, black pepper, black wire, blankets, personal items, clothes and household goods, blue barrels, body cream, boxes, bread, briefcases, brooms, hangers and curtain fittings, buckets, building tools, bumpers C— canvas, construction site plywood fence, calenders, candy, car accessories, car batteries, car engines, car filters, car glass, car heads, car rims, car spare parts and oil filters, car windows, caravans, cardamom, carpets, car’s rings, carton paper, cartons, carts, cement mixer, cement powder, ceramics, ceramic powder, ceramic tiles, chairs, charcoal, chewing tobacco, chicken stock, chickpeas, children’s beds, children’s pacifiers, children’s playing balls, children’s toys, chillies, coriander, Chinese almonds, Chinese nuts, cigarette lighters, cigarettes, cinnamon, cloth, clothes, clothes hangers, clothes iron, perfumes, cloves, couches, coconut oil, coffee, communication accessories, communication appliances and phones, computers, construction materials, construction metal, construction site plywood fence, containers, cooking oil, cooking pots and pans, cool boxes, coral reef stone, corn, cotton sheets, cream, cumin, cups, curtains, cushions, cushions for traditional Arabic seating D— diesel car heads, diesel machine, dates, dead batteries, diapers, diesel engines and director, diesel generators, dining mats, door mats, doors, dried apricots, dry batteries, dried figs e— edible oil, egyptian black hard lemons, electric generators, electric wires and nails, electrical appliances, electrical generators, electrical plugs, electronic kettles, empty bags, empty barrels, empty blue barrels, empty boxes, empty cartons, empty water bottles, engine oil f— fabric, fans, farming wire fence, fertiliser, fibreglass, filters, fire extinguishers, fish nets, fish tanks, fishing supplies, fizzy drinks, flash lights, floor coverings,

L i tA n Y o f g o o D s

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floor wax, flour, food containers, food flavouring, food items, food oil, food supplies, flaps, frames, frankincense, freezers, fruit juices g—gardening fences, garlic, generator supplies, generators, gifts, glass, glue, glutanium sodium salt H—health supplies, home and personal appliances, hair colour, hair cream, hair oil, hammers, hand pumps, handbags, heaters, home accessories, home appliances, house and office furniture, household appliances, household furniture, household tableware, household utensils, household vessels i— insecticides, incense, indian hummus, iron, iron pipes, iron wires J— jars, jeeps, juicers, K— kettles, kitchen items, kitchen utensils L— ladders, lamps, lanterns, large travel bags, lawn mower, lemonade citrus, lentils, light bulbs, lighters, linoleum, locks, lollipops m— macaroni, machines, matches, mats, mattresses, mayonnaise, medical equipment, medical instruments and requisites, medical supplies, medicines, metal, metal boards, metal boxes, metal doors, metal ladders, metal pipes, metal rods, metal scraps, metal sheets, metal wires, milk, mirrors, mobile x-ray machines, motorcycles, mugs, mustard n— nails, new and used hospital supplies, newspapers, notebooks, notepads, papers, nutritional material, nuts, nylon, nylon textiles o— office appliances, office chairs, office supplies, oil, ovens P— Pepsi, plastic bags, pacifiers, paint, paint chlorine, paint thinner, paper, peanuts, pens, pepper, perfumes, personal supplies, photocopy machines, pigment, pillows, pineapples, pipes, plastic, plastic bags, plastic barrels, plastic bottles, plastic buckets, plastic chairs, plastic covers, plastic jugs, plastic mats, plastic pipes, plastic rolls, plastic sandals, plastic shoes, plastic slippers, plastic woven mats, plastic wraps, plugs, plywood, popcorn, powdered juice, powdered milk Q — the Quran and other religious books r— rothman cigarettes, radiator oil, radiator water, radiators, radios, readymade clothes, refrigerators, rice, rims, rings, rope, rubber bands, rugs s — syrian flour, safes, salt, satellite receivers, satellites, scales, school appliances, school stationery, sesame, sewing machines, shampoo, shark fins, shaving blades, sheets, shirts, shoe polish, shoes, shovels, slippers, small boat, small generators, small ovens, small radios, small tractors, small water dispensers, soap,

socks, soda, soda powder, soft drinks, spare part box, spare parts for communication devices, spare parts for vehicles, spices, sponge mattress, stationery, steel, steel pipes, stereo, stone, strings, sugar, suitcases, sun umbrellas, sweets t—turkish nuts, tables, tableware, tamarind, tanks, tape, tea, tea cups, telecommunication appliances, telecommunication supplies, telephone materials, television sets, tent fabric, tents, textile bundles, textile with strings, thai rice, thermoses, thinner, tissues, tobacco, toilet materials, tomato paste, tomatoes, towels, travel bags, tricycles, trucks, tubes, tuna, tyres U—underwear, used clothing, used tyres V—veils, vests W—washing machines, watches, water, water bottles, water cups, water dispensers, water filter, water heater, water jack, water jug, water pipes, water purifiers, water refinement machines, water tanks, wax, welding metal, white wood, wire fence, wireless communication devices, wires, women’s shoes, wood, wooden chairs, wooden doors, wrapping paper.

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W H A r fAg eA project by CAmP

Produced by the sharjah Biennial ‘09 ‘Past of the coming days’ curated by tarek Abou el fetouh.

i n s H A r JA HProduction Amna Ali Abdulla and mohamed tohami.

manifests and port records Department of sharjah, Department of seaport and Customs, (Creek Customs).

Data entry and translation Khalid Abdul Khaleq Abdulla, mohammed Al Ahdal mohammed Al shaibani, Hala Al Hedeithy, omar Arif, Alaa edriss, sameh ghassan, nada Al Jasmi, Khalid mezaina, noaf Yusif.

f r o m C A m P research and interviews shaina Anand, nida ghouse, Hakimuddin Liliyawala, Ashok sukumaran, samira nadkarni.

Database software sanjay Bhangar.

Photographs nida ghouse, Hakimuddin Liliyawala, shaina Anand (sharjah), samira nadkarni (salaya).

Copy editing Zinnia Ambarpardiwala, samira nadkarni.

editorsshaina Anand, nida ghouse and Ashok sukumaran.

this publication accompanies radio meena (100.3 fm), a radio broadcast on the sharjah Creek, march 18 – march 21, 2009.

C A m P was founded by Ashok sukumaran, shaina Anand and sanjay Bhangar in mumbai, india in 2007.

not an ‘artists’ collective’ but a temporary gathering of ideas, sensibilities and energies, CAmP centres around an ability to work ‘infrastructurally’, to produce configurations of technology, space and time that locate human agency in the ‘networks’.

in 2008–09, CAmP’s members have had exhibitions or other participation in: Digital media and Democracy, tactics in Hard times. (mit Press); metropolis Copenhagen; Dakar Biennale-off; Dictionary of War (taipei Biennale edition); manifesta 7 (Companion Book); AV festival newcastle (Broadcast Yourself); 48˚C: Public.Art.ecology, Delhi; the Power Plant, toronto (if We Can’t get it together.) Kharita 01: symposium on Urban trajectories in Cairo by Pericentre projects and the serpentine gallery London (indian Highway), among other events and residencies.

CAmP are co-initiators of the PAD.mA footage archive, and a number of other projects out of their home base in mumbai.

CAmP is an artist-run space in collaboration with Khoj international Artists Association, new Delhi.

m A n Y t H A n K s to Jarsh mohammed Jarsh, Ahmed mohammed iqbal, esam eisa Al Hashmi, Jamal Ahmed Abdalla Al shaikh, Abdul rahman saeed Bughanim, Ahmed Abdul rahma, Ahmed Abdul Bughanim, eisa Khalifa Bin Qasmoul, majid rahma Al shamsi, Hamad sultan Abu shibs, muneer mukilapeedikayil from the Creek Customs office for their co-operation.

Abdul rashid Bhaya, Adam noor mohammed Bhaya, Adam Bhaya, gafur, Zubair, Abu Bakar, Ali and rest of the crew on board m.s.V. faize sultane Khwaja.

ibrahim bhai, Hamid bhai, Bashir Uthad, osman and rest of the crew on board m.s.V. ghoushe Vashila.

Akbar bhai on m.s.V. madina Zulficar, Hussain Bhaya on m.s.V. Al Bismillah, eesa Ali bhai on m.s.V. ratna sagar, siddique Umar and Junis on m.s.V. sabir Priya.

mohammed Abdul Qadir and his father Abdul Qadir from Al tayseer shipping Company.

mohammed salat, Yusuf, farah and other somali traders.

tarek Abou el fetouh. Jack Persekian, Lara Khaldi, Khalid mezaina, noura randle, Amna Ali and mohammed tohami at the sharjah Biennial office.

mia frostner and Paul tisdell at europa, London.

Catalina Lozano and Anna Colin at gasworks, London.

Janna graham at serpentine gallery, London.

rob la frenais and gillean Dickie at Arts Catalyst, London.

rishita Chandra and minoo Davar at spenta multimedia Production, mumbai.

James onley, exeter and Kaushik Bhowmik, mumbai

Jan gerber and sebastian Lüetgert at Pirate Cinema, Berlin.

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BarawaBerbera Bossaso KismayoKudhaa

