Download - Westie Watch Winter 14

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Office Bearers 2013 - 2014 CLUB PATRON

Maureen Billett


Geoff Flynn

Email: [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Glenn Mason SECRETARY/PUBLIC OFFICER Janet Street Email: [email protected] TREASURER Dianne Anderson Email: [email protected] COMMITTEE

Karen O’Connor Liz Boyle Janet Street Shirley Flynn Pam Abikhair Di Anderson SHOW SECRETARY Pam Abikhair Email: [email protected]


Cate Macnamara

email: westiewatchedi-

[email protected]


Louise Doubleday

LIFE MEMBERS Ms. Maureen Billett Mr. Barry Kirk Ms. M. A. Kirk Mrs. Lyn Roper Mr. Robert Stone Mrs. Carole Stone Mrs. Sue Stewart Mrs Mary-Ann O'Reilly Ms. Ann Deegan HONOUR ROLL Mr. Gordon Bradshaw Mrs M. Bradshaw Mr. Bert Cole Mrs. Roma Cole Mrs. Betty Fox Mr. Tom Fox Mr. Roy Gregor Mrs. Barbara Gregor Mr. Don McCaul Ms. Mary McCaul Mr. Vic Hewitt

From the President

Well, the 2014 Champ Show is over and what a great day was had by all.

On behalf of myself and our hard-working committee many thanks to the judge, Liselotte Johansson who came from Sweden and was certainly kept busy on the day.

Also thanks to the Steward, Pam Harrison who kept all the exhibitors on their toes. Also thank you to the Ticket Writer, Lisa Van Berendonk.

The exhibitors were kept busy brushing, combing and putting on the finishing touches to their dogs and helping others to touch up their pouches also. Co-operation was alongside competition. This was my first Westie Champ Show and I was so impressed by this co-operation.

Sue Stewart, Mary Ann O'Reilly, Maureen Murphy and Vanessa Edwards were the owners of the Best Exhibit in Show and congratulations to them. The overall standard of the dogs shown was impressive

Thank you to Pam Abikhair for her role of Show Secretary organizing the program, prizes etc. in a most excellent manner.

Thank you to Dianne Anderson and her cousin Jill for the great job of food catering. They had their hands full keeping us away until the appropriate time. The cakes were absolutely delicious.

Thank you to the prize presenters and also to those who donated prizes. Without this support the show would not be the same.

The weather was not that good but I know all who came enjoyed themselves. Quite a few new people who love westies came to add to the energy. Support from our members make the day and the Westie Club.

Regards from Geoff.,


Renewal form is located on the back page.

Members Fun Day OCTOBER 5th - Bulla Reserve, Greens Road, Bulla

from 11 am.

RSVP to [email protected] by Oct 1.

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I hope that you are all coping with the Winter okay; I think it has been quite a bit warmer this year than most, although in our

area at least it has been very wet. We had well over 200ml for June and then July started off wet but the last few weeks have

been much drier. I suppose the one thing we can say is that it will soon be hot again and that then in turn brings its own


My main aim in this communique is to bring you up to date with Club activities and plans.

Firstly, may I congratulate Pam Abikhair and those who helped by contacting sponsors and obtaining valued sponsorship for

our Club champ show. It was an amazing success, thanks to Diane Anderson and helpers who arranged the lovely spread that

we were all able to partake of after the show.

Congratulations to all winners. – A separate show report is included from Pam.

Welcome to our new Club members – Carole Cash/Paul Ash and Leanne McInnes, we hope your experience with the Club will

be a happy and enjoyable one.

We are looking forward with enthusiasm and renewed vigour to providing members with more activities and events that you

the member would like to be involved in, so please let us know what you would like and do not be afraid to ask, - westie walks

and other such activities are a definite, but we do need you all to get involved, bring your dog/s and meet other members and

have fun.

At the last committee meeting we discussed the possibility of having a social day, being planned for early October, featuring a

fancy dress day with the theme being along the lines of Halloween.

We will have numerous fun events, a bbq, hot and cold drinks etc... But the best part will be members getting together and

having fun. Please keep a keen eye on the Club website for more details and a members email will also be arrange in plenty of

time. Is there anyone who would like to assist, say in the arranging of the events or in any other way, we would love some help

not just on the day, but in the arrangements before hand – we look forward to your support.

A Christmas party is planned for late November. Diane is looking at the possibility of that being held in the Werribee area,

where there are a number of suitable facilities and play grounds for little children and bigger ones as well. I am still not too old

to have fun on a swing or something of the like. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Membership expires 30th September each year and are payable to the WHWT Club of Victoria

Single $20 • Dual/Family $30 • Pensioner $15 • Dual Pensioner $20 • Junior $15 (under 18yrs) • Renewal Breeders/

Stud List $50 (includes the Westie Watch Newsletter subscription)

Application Form is included in this edition (back page). THIS must be signed and sent in YEARLY.

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor or

The West Highland White Terrier Club of Vic Inc.

Breeders & Stud Dog Listing

– (when renewals are being placed and paid for, please

provide proof of current Dogs Victoria membership, not just

membership number)

$50 for first listing, $75 if 2 listings placed and $100 if 3

listings required

Website Advertising

$50 p.a. for business card size advertisement (approx.


Westie Watch Advertising

½ page single edition $30

½ page annually - $100

Business card size single $15

Business Card Size annually - $50

Combined Westie Watch & Website

Annually - ½ page WW + business card website $150 less

10% discount annually

NEW ADVERTISING RATES– effective 1st October, 2013

Glenn’s Communique

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Again keep an eye on the website for news re this event; we might even be able to get a Santa,

(any takers for that role)?

AGM: At this particular stage of the year, we all must start to seriously consider the Annual

General Meeting that is due on the third Thursday night in October at 7.30pm. The venue is yet

to be confirmed by Dogs Victoria but it will be either Bulla or Skye.

The two main issues I want to bring to notice are – membership and nomination.

The main point to both of these is that to vote or be nominated for a position on the executive/

committee your renewal of membership must be made prior to 30th September.

Any person wishing to vote or nominate for a position must also have been a member for the

preceding three months that is July, August and September and also remember that any

membership paid in the months of July, August and September is carried through until the 30th

of September the following year.

Nomination and election of Officers and Ordinary committee members is as per Rule 23 of the

Club’s constitution. Nominations must be in writing, nominated by two members of the Club

and signed by the candidate and received by the Secretary, twenty one days prior to the AGM.

In this case, this year that is 25th September.

Nomination and voting is complex and I suggest that you have a good look at Rule 23, if you do

not have a copy, you can download it from the Club website.

Please note, there is no proxy voting available at the AGM – voting is in person or by postal vote,

all of which is covered in Rule 23.

My personal desire would be to have more than enough people nominated and therefore to

require a ballot, it would be so pleasing and beneficial to see the enthusiasm of members,

wanting to ensure that the Club grows and prospers into the future. There are so many good

things that the Club can do not only for members but for the most important of all, the westie


Don’t hesitate to nominate or come to the AGM, if you need any advice or would like to know

anything at all, please feel free to contact me in the evening up to around 9pm on 5168 1360.

It is the desire of this current committee to have an influx of people wishing to help move the

Club forward in a very positive direction.

We welcome your participation, thoughts and ideas.

To me, it has been a privilege to provide my communique for each westie watch and this will

probably be my final one, at least prior to the AGM.

We on the committee look forward to meeting you all or at least as many as possible on our fun

day in early October.

All the best, keep safe and well.

Glenn Mason, Vice President

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Calendar of Events

SEPTEMBER 25th - Committee nominations to have been received by the Secretary.

SEPEMBER 30TH - Membership renewals to have been received by the Secretary.

OCTOBER 5th - Members Fun Day - Bulla Reserve, Greens Road, Bulla from 11 am.

OCTOBER 16th - Annual General Meeting - 7.30 pm. Venue to be confirmed.

Present this advertisement in - store to receive


With 19 years experience in the industry, our Grooming Manager Angela is a Master Groomer of Terriers and specialises in breed clips; with “Westie” clips being a personal favourite.

Our other professional groomers Nicole, Samantha & Siobhan are also very highly experienced in the field of

dog grooming.

So come down and visit us at ‘Count Dogula’s MOONEE PONDS’ today!

‘Count Dogula’s MOONEE PONDS’

49 Mt. Alexander Road, MOONEE PONDS, VIC., 3039. Tel. No.: (03) 9370 - 9019

Open: Monday - Saturday

E - mail Address: [email protected]

Championship Show Raffle

Won by Mary Ann O’Reilly

Gold Westie Pendant by Siberian Art Jewelry

Donated by Pam Abikhair

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After less than 1 year of showing in Australia "Nandos" gained his Supreme Championship title. He will now be known as Supreme Ch, NZ Grand Ch and Swedish Ch Alborada Natalio (imp ESP) Since commencing his show career in July 2013 he has been awarded Three All Breeds BIS, 1 Specialty BIS, 4 All Breeds RUBIS, 21 BIG & 9 RUBIG . BIG 4th at both Melbourne & Adelaide Royal shows He was Westie Show Dog of the Year 2013 (DogzOnline-{DOL} point score) after only 5 mths in Australia And is currently the No 1 Terrier In Victoria, No 5 terrier in Australia, No 1 Westie in Australia, (DOL point score) and No 5 All Breeds in Victoria (Top Dog Point score)

Owned by Sue Stewart, Mary-Ann O'Reilly, Maureen Murphy & Vanessa Edwards Bred by Jesus Pastor & Maite Gonzalbo (Spain) The Editor always welcomes contributions to the

Westie Watch. If anyone has anything they

would like to put in the newsletter or ideas on

what they would like to see, please email it to

[email protected]

We welcome to the club this edition — Paul Ashton, Carole Cash and Leanne McInnes.

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I think all will agree that the 2014 Champ Show

was a great success. We had very good turnout

with 35 entries this year including entries from

Queensland and ACT. Also, many Victorian

exhibitors travelled for many hours to attend the

show and it was lovely to catch up with them.

A big thank you to all exhibitors and

congratulations to the winners. The trophies and

prizes made up a very full and interesting trophy


We extend our grateful thanks to our generous

sponsors, Pet Network, Clipper World, Avonsleigh

Veterinary Clinic, Natural Animal Solutions, Genes

In Motion, Sue Stewart, Liz Boyle, Cate

Macnamara, Maureen Billett, Mary Fry, Glenn

Mason, Devink Kennels and Heather Trevena.

Natural Animal Solutions set up a table of their

fabulous products.

Special thanks to Liz Boyle and Sue Stewart for

their extra effort in collecting many of the prizes,

also to Liz and Glenn for arriving early and helping

me with the show set-up.

A hallmark of the show was the relaxed and

friendly atmosphere and the support offered to

our newer exhibitors. I thoroughly enjoyed the

role of Show Secretary, again, thank you to

everyone involved.

Pam Abikhair - Show Secretary



S. Stewart/M. O'Reilly/M. Murphy/V. Edwards

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Class 1: Baby Puppy Dog

1. Mrs L. Pettigrove: Esiuol CONNEL MARKING TIME 3rd

w. 28/02/2014 br. Exh

s. Golspey Marking Time (Imp NZ) d. Weejasper Bitta Scotch

2. Ms C. Chan: AILTON BLACK JACK 2nd

w. 05/02/2014 br. Exh

s. Se Uch Ch Werweise's Brigadoon (Imp Swe) d. Whiteheather Hey Girl

3. Marydon Kennels: WESTMOR LATIN LOVER 1st

w. 10/12/2013 br. Mr B. & Mrs M. O'Reilly

s. Aust/ Swedish/NZ Grand Ch Alborada Natalio (Imp Spa) d. Ch Westmor Into Everything

Class 2: Minor Dog

No entries

Class 3: Puppy Dog

4. Mrs E. Boyle, Mrs S. Stewart: WHITEBRIAR JACK IN A BOX (Imp NZ) 1st

w. 29/08/2013 br. Miss M. Murphy & Mrs V. Edwards

s. Lynnsto-Truly Special (Imp UK) d. Ch Whitebriar Jee Whizkas


w. 23/7/2013 br. Mrs K. Klaassen

s. Bronteland Dreamers Jest d. Macmhuiraich Keita Kai

Class 4: Junior Dog

No entries

Class 5: Intermediate Dog

6. Mrs E. Boyle, Ms D. Bell: ARBERTH HANDSOME HARVEY 2nd

w. 15/11/2012 br. Mrs E. Boyle

s. Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n' Dandy d. Ch Beinardrie Maggie May


w. 17/07/2012 br. Bernhard, Luise & Tina Deipenbrook

s. Int Ch Ger Ch Nwy Ch Ger Vdh Ch Krisma Spitnpolish (UK)

d. Pol Ch UK Ch Dan Ch Swd Ch Ger Ch Ger Vdh Ch ROYAL DIVA VOM DEIPEN BROOK (Ger)

8. Greta Willenberg: CH WHITEBRIAR JERSEY BOY (Imp NZ) Absent

w. 31/01/2012 br. Miss M. Murphy & Mrs V. Edwards

s. NZ Grand Ch Candido Du Moulin De Mac Gregor ((Imp Fra)

d. NZ Ch Bellevue Bossy Boots (Imp UK)

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Class 10: Australian Bred Dog

9. Ms Teresa Messenger: CH BOKUJU BOJANGLES 1st

w. 30/10/2009 br. Exh.

s. Lochgool Razzamataz d. Lochdue Bonnie Rose

Class 11: Open Dog

10. S. Stewart/M. O'Reilly/M. Murphy/V. Edwards:


w. 05/01/2008 br. Jesus Pastor & Maite Gonzalbo

s. Alborada No Va Mas d. Alborada Hierbabuena


Class 1a: Baby Puppy Bitch

15. Glenn Mason: GLEMAND TOUCH OF WONDER 3rd

w. 30/01/2014 br. Exh

s. Royal Casanova Vom Deipen Brook (Imp Ger) d. Glemand Bright Eyes

16. Mrs B. Bowler, Ms M. Murphy & Mrs V. Edwards: WHITEBRIAR JERITZA (Imp NZ) 2nd

w. 20/01/2014 br. Miss M. Murphy & Mrs V. Edwards

s. Ch Vito Corleone De New Gryffindor (Imp Spa) d. Whitebriar Just Play'n Havoc

17. Deanne Bell & Mrs S. Stewart: WHITEBRIAR JOY TO BEHOLD (Imp NZ) 1st

w. 20/01/2014 br. Miss M. Murphy & Mrs V. Edwards

s. Ch Vito Corleone De New Gryffindor (Imp Spa) d. Whitebriar Just Play'n Havoc

Class 2a: Minor Puppy Bitch


w. 13/09/2013 br. Exh

s. Grand Ch Ailton The Secret Is Out d. Ailton The Soloist

Class 3a: Puppy Bitch


w. 12/07/2013 br. Exh

S. Beinardrie Snow Tavish d. Beinardrie Aurora Dora

20. Mrs P. C. Abikhair: MCKERRAL AGNES DE BOHUN 2nd

w. 27/09/2013 br. Exh

s. Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n' Dandy (Imp NZ) d. McKerral Alyce de Bohun

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21. Ms J. Martin: KANYAS ROSIE JADE 3rd

w. 17/07/2013 br. Exh

s. Esiuol Eskimo Joes Riley d. Finnion Foxy Lady

Class 4a: Junior Bitch


w. 17/01/2013 br. Exh

s. Ch Mintonmaia Flying Scotsman d. Ch Celticbrae Adoxas Lass

23. Mrs P. C. Abikhair: MCKERRAL INA DE BOHUN 2nd

w. 28/02/2013 br. Exh

s. Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n' Dandy d. Ch Westmor Envy Me

24. Mrs S. Stewart & Mrs M. O'Reilly: Ch MARYDON MY LIVING DOLL 1st

w. 31/03/2013 br. Marydon Kennels

s. Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n Dandy d. Aust & NZ Ch Whitebriar Just A Livin' Doll (Imp NZ)

25. Mrs B. & Mr S. Bowler: KANYAS MAYBELL 3rd

w. 17/02/2013 br. Mrs J. Martin

s. Esiuol Eskimo Joes Riley d. Kanyas Hopes Holly

Class 5a: Intermediate Bitch


w. 04/10/2012 br. Exh

s. Beinardrie Snow Tavish d. Beinardrie Royal Ivy


w. 27/10/2012 br. Exh

s. Ch Devnik Bailey d. Glemand Heart Of Fire


w. 18/07/2012 br. Mrs L. Tennant

s. Swd Ch NZ Gnd Ch Alborada Natalio (Imp Spa) d. Tentyne Pepermint Twist (NZ)

29. Mr Max & Mrs Agnes L. Martin: CH WHITEBRIAR JUICY JULEP (Imp NZ) 1st

w. 26/03/2012 br. Ms M. Murphy & Mrs V. Edwards

s. NZ Ch Bellevue Street Legal (UK) d. Whitebriar Just Play'n Havock (NZ)

Class 10a: Australian Bred Bitch


w. 15/11/2012 br. Exh

s. Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n' Dandy d. Ch Beinardrie Maggie Mae

31. Marydon Kennels: CH WESTMOR INTO EVERYTHING 1st

w. 11/01/2011 br. Mr B. & Mrs M. O'Reilly

s. Aust Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n' Dandy d. Ch Westmor Femme Fatale


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w. 02/12/2011 br Exh

s. Beinardrie Snow Tavish d. Beinardrie Tilly Tinker

Class 11a: Open Bitch


w. 15/11/2012 br. Exh

s. Sup Ch Whitebriar Just Fine 'n' Dandy d. Ch Beinardrie Maggie Mae


w. 05/03/2012 br. Mr R. & Mrs D. Goodall

s. Sk Jr Ch Ch Verdell Sunshine Celebration (Imp Svk) d. Ch Westjarrah Freya

35. Mrs S. Stewart & Mrs M. O'Reilly: Aust & NZ WHITEBRIAR JUST A LIVIN' DOLL (Imp NZ) Absent

w. 14/10/2009 br. Miss M. Murphy

s. NZ Gd Ch Candido Du Moulin De Mac Gregor (Imp Fra) d. Ch Whitebriar Just Awesome


Best Exhibit In Show #10 Runner Up to Best Exhibit #29

Opposite Sex in Show #29

Best Baby Puppy #17 Opposite Baby Puppy #3

Best Minor Puppy #18 (No Opposite Minor)

Best Puppy #4 Opposite Puppy #19

Best Junior #24 (No Opposite Junior)

Best Intermediate #29 Opposite Intermediate #7

Best Australian Bred #31 Opposite Australian Bred #9

Best Open #10 Opposite Open #33

Right: President Geoff Flynn enjoying a chat with a member while taste testing the cakes.

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A home

environment for

expert Westie


Joymont Terrier Grooming Ashburton Vic

Top Breeder

& Terrier Judge

& Terrier Judge

Phone Cathy Scotton

03 9885 0050

for appointments

Page 13: Westie Watch Winter 14


BREEDERS LIST Name, area & contact Details as supplied by breeder

Karen O’Connor, Rosebud 0419 926 225

Weewhitie: Breeding now for 10 years, happy healthy quality pups in a friendly family environment in suburban Melbourne. After sales service and advice welcomed

Jan & Bruce Harper, Cranbourne Sth 03 5998 1868

Whitehurst Kennels: We welcome the opportunity to share with others these wonderful little dogs. Our Westies are bred with a focus on temperament and personality whilst maintaining the qualities of the breed.

Andrena Fielding, Kalista 03 9752 1352 [email protected]

Beinardrie Kennels: Breeder of Westies for show, stud and happy pets for the past 30 years. Raised in an English country garden atmosphere, focus is on sound health and

Shirley Flynn, Hillcrest 03 5344 9419 [email protected]

SebaSam Kennels: SebaSam Westies, founded in 1979, originally set in Warrnambool. Being an indispensible part of our lives they came with us to Hillcrest. We`ve bred for robust health, type and temperament.

Pamela Abakhair Geelong West 06 5222 5115

McKerral Kennels: A small kennel dedicated to quality not quantity. Employing natural diet and healthcare practices. Puppies sometimes available to approved homes. Ongoing care

Carolyn Gipp, Sunbury 03 9744 3465

Melbapark Kennels: Genuine lover of this fabulous breed since ownership in 1990. Eager to share passion with others. All puppy enquiries welcome.

Louise Pettigrove, Cohuna 03 5487 1456 [email protected]

Esiuol Kennels

Teresa Messenger, Mornington 03 5973 4857

[email protected]

Bokuju Kennels: We are a small kennel dedicated to breeding happy, healthy pups & striving for correct standard and sound temperament, Raised in a caring family environment and socialised with children.

Kim Pearce, Bendigo

0405261667 [email protected]

Wattleglen Kennels: Our Westies are a part of our family with loving affectionate natures which makes them a delight to have as companions, each one has their own personality with hearts as big as lions, they just keep you smiling all day. Westies are very easy to care for.

Helen Brown, Pascoe Vale South 03 9386 0646/0417 509 287

[email protected]

Eilidhbrae: Enthusiactic Westie lover for over 30 years. A small kennel dedicated to breeding happy and healthy Westies. Our Westies are raised in a friendly family environment. Stud dog also available to approved bitches

Glenn & Sigrid Mason, Narracan [email protected] 03 51681360

Glemand Kennels: Active exhibitors breeding for quality, temperament & type. Puppies are born and raised in the home to provide loving and outgoing natures


Liz Boyle, Emerald, Vic 03 5968 4014 [email protected]

Arberth: We are a small kennel located in the Dandenong ranges .Our dogs are well socialised and of great temperament. Our Westie's are part of our family and raised with lots of

love and attention, puppies occasionally available to loving homes.

Heather Trevena

Mont Albert Nth 03 9890 4949

Mintonmaia Kennels: DNA Approved Breeder. Fun Loving Westies. Raised on a

natural diet in a caring and stimulating home environment. Puppies sometimes


Mark Attard SUNSHINE

Phone: 0411786683

Royalwesties: Here at Royalwesties we are dedicated to breeding quality and healthy puppies with lovable temperaments. We occasionally have puppies available to approved homes. All enquires welcome.

Name, area & contact Dogs name, age & parents Description as supplied by owner

Kim Pearce, Bendigo 03 5442 2303

Ch Renoir White Man Cometh (Imp NZ) Sire:Vallange White Spark (UK) Dam: Renoir Just for a Smile (NZ)

Excellent top line, strong head, fantastic temperament, very gentle in nature. Max will stand to approved girls only

The Breeders on this list are all members of the West Highland White Terrier Club of Victoria and as such are bound by the Code of Ethics of our club and of Dogs Victoria (the Victorian Canine Association). The Club does not recommend or endorse these breeders and is in no way responsible for their actions or the quality of their stock. The onus is on YOU, the purchaser, to make sure you ask questions and are satisfied with the conditions of sale before you purchase a puppy.

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Name:(Single or First member) Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./


(Second member) Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss: _________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Suburb/Town: ___________________________State: _________________________Post Code: ___________

Country: _______________________Phone: ____________________________ Mob: ____________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Name/s of your Westie/s:_____________________________________________________________________

Are you a registered breeder with the VCA? Yes No

If YES, your registered breeder prefix is:__________________________________________________________________

Are you a financial member of the VCA? Yes No Membership No: __________________________________

1. Would you be willing to volunteer time to the

club? Yes No

2. Would you prefer to receive your Westie Watch

newsletter via email? Yes (no hard copy) No


YEARLY—See below for payment details

I/We agree to abide by the Rules & Regulations of the West Highland White Terrier Club of Victoria Inc.

1st Member - Signed:____________________________

2nd Member - Signed: ____________________________

Date: ________________

If under 18 yrs, Parent or guardian’s consent:

Name: (print)_______________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________

I am the Parent / Legal Guardian (circle correct one)

West Highland White Terrier Club of Victoria Inc. Founded 1978—V.A. No. A20670E (affiliated with the Victorian Canine Association of Victoria) Membership expire 30th September yearly Only financial club members of the WHWT Club of Vic. Inc. of more than 12 months are eligible to be added to the “Breeders/Stud List”. To be added to the breeders listing please fill in a Breeders List Application Form which can be downloaded from our website or by contacting the Secretary. Junior members are not eligible to vote at AGMs or any other meetings. Single memberships cannot be transferred to dual membership without committee approval.

Membership Fees [please cross the applicable box

New Member joining fee ………… $5.00 Membership/Renewal Fees

Single ……………………………… $20.00

Dual/Family(includes 2 children under 18) $30.00

Pensioner………………………… $15.00

Pensioner (Dual)…………….. $20.00

Junior (under 18 yrs)…….. $15.00

Renewal Breeders/Stud List $50.00


Send Cheque & Form to: ______

The Membership Coordinator

Diane Anderson

199 Ballan Road, Wyndham 3024

Email: [email protected]

CHEQUES Made Payable to:

The West Highland Terrier Club of Victoria Inc.


BSB—633 108 ACCOUNT—1464 13091

ACCOUNT Name: West Highland Terrier Club of Victo-ria

NOTE: If using direct deposit transfer, enter your name

at the time of transfer. Indicate the date of transfer & then post or email us this completed form.

Please print clearly in all sections below: