Download - Werewolves Variant


Werewolves - Rice Variant

Killing Role - Pre-Med Nightly Kill (for scientific purposes, dissection, etc.) Once-per-game Snoot - Since everyone at Rice is so much better than everyone else, everyone decides to keep their eyes closed as to not look upon the peons before them. This continues through the rest of the day, until the following morning. Silence - Chooses someone; that person cannot speak the following day.

Assistance Role - Innocent Bystander Nightly Wakes up after Pre-Meds decide to kill, learns identity of intended victim. Once-per-game May use Distress Call: If chosen, upon the waking of EMS, Moderator will point to the same person he/she pointed to when Innocent Bystander was awake. EMS can then choose to save the person or to save someone else.

Healing - EMS Nightly Wakes up, and chooses someone to save. Whether or not the Innocent Bystander has designated the moderator to point at the victim determines the effect of the save: Save with point: Amnesty Policy. This person cannot killed the next night. Save without point: If someone is successfully saved w/o confirmation, the person saved does not get to vote in the morning, because they are facing legal struggles from all the vodka they drank last night. Investigative Role - U-Court Rep Nightly U-Court Rep has a choice between two abilities each night Peep - Point to someone to investigate (specifically, browser history), and the moderator shows the card of that person. Judge - Automatically add one vote toward chosen person the next morning. However, the U-Court Rep must have previously peeped upon them.

Troll Role - Professor Once-per-game (May choose two total per game) Distribution Curve - All votes the following day will go to the person to the Left OR Right of the person voted for. This will be decided by a coin flip by the moderator after everyone votes. Orgo - No Pre-Med kill that night; they're busy studying. Any other one-off effects for that turn are expended. Voting the next morning will take place immediately under, "Surely it isn't him." Extension - The person the Pre-Meds would have killed does not die that night, but rather, dies the following night. Everyone will be informed of the impending doom of this person in the morning. This does not replace the following night's kill. Cheating - Catches someone cheating off the person who was deemed to die by the Pre-Med. The person you designate takes the fall, and dies instead of the intended kill.

Superman Role - Engineer At the beginning of the game, the engineer is given a specialization Elec Nightly Power Outage - Designates one player to keep their eyes closed throughout the next day. Continuous Resistance - For every day the Elec is still living, one-half of a vote is removed from the pool that would have been cast against them during lynching time. Mech Twice-per-game Gadget - If the Mech-E chooses to employ a gadget, a random effect will take place (unknown to the player). The possible effects include: Guilt trip - Because Pre-Meds don't work hard enough, they are racked with guilt about how they are spending their time. Thus, the nightly kill has a 50% chance of failing. Mirror Shield - The intended kill is redirected, now killing the person to the left OR right (chosen by moderator) of a Pre-Med. The town will know if this happens. Dud Paper Airplane - Everyone stands to view the awe of flight, and thus can only sit if they are deemed to by "Surely it wasn't him." Precision Tool - If the town decides to lynch someone who is not a Pre-Med the following morning, everyone re-votes immediately. That person is then killed. Set Design - Blocks VADA's block. Blast Shield - The intended kill of the Pre-Med is not killed, but rather flips and reveals their card. This person will die during the day unless someone volunteers to die for them. Portal - The Mech-E wakes up during the Pre-Med phase, and chooses one of the existing Pre-Meds to die, to be replaced by the Mech-E, who loses all their powers to be replaced with only a nightly Kill. Dud Time Travel - Everything that happened the previous night is reversed, (i.e. kills and lynches) but everything that happens the night of the time travel still happens. Civic Once-per-game Community Spirit - Decides in the night to promote a sense of community by designating to moderator to flip and reveal the card of the person lynched the following morning. Chem Once-per-game Poison - Kill someone to the left/right (Chem's choice) of someone killed the previous night. This person dies in the morning, along with the nightly kill. All specializations Once-per-game Double major - during the next round of voting, everyone must vote twice, for two different people.

Additional Villain - VADA Alliance Initially, not on the side of the Pre-Med, but not on the side of the University either. Cause like, they're weird and do their own thing. Can win with the town, but begrudgingly. Nightly Entertain - Blocks the ability of a designated person. Consequence If VADA blocks the Pre-Med, the VADA loses their Entertain ability the following night. The VADA will know if the person they Entertain is a Pre-Med. At this point, the VADA shifts their alliance to lie with the Pre-Med, effectively becoming a Pre-Med-VADA, waking up during both phases.

Whore - Seventh Floor Slut Nightly Smexy Time - Designates someone to "sleep with." If this sleepee is a Pre-Med, the Seventh Floor Slut dies in place of the intended kill. If the sleepee is an Engineer, the Seventh Floor Slut turns into an engineer and randomly given a specialization. If the sleepee is a VADA, the Seventh Floor Slut is so embarrassed that they do not talk the following day. If the sleepee is any other special role (except U-Court Rep), the sleepee's role is blocked that turn because they were too distracted by a hottie on top of them to do their damn job. Once-per-game Chastity - the Seventh Floor Slut chooses to turn into the Seventh Floor Person Who Doesn't Prioritize Sex for the night, and thus does not sleep with anyone.

Standard Role - Major Daily Vote with the town to lynch.