Download - WELLBEING. FOCUS Student wellbeing Why do some students cope with transitions and increased work loads better than others? How does stress affect.




Student wellbeing Why do some students cope with transitions

and increased work loads better than others? How does stress affect our wellbeing? Resilience Concept of mindsets


Typically decreases to its lowest between the ages of 12-16

Shifting from child behavior to adult behavior

Issues such as stress, anxiety & depression affect up to 1 in 6 young people


It’s contagious Stress can be good to motivate you to act Quit talking about how stressed you are

creates a confirmation bias as well as competition

Research suggests students who lock themselves away and never go out perform worse and are at greater risk of burn out


Multi-taskers experience more stress

Lowers productivity: Do fewer things for more effect

Researchers estimate we lose about 28% of an average workday due to multitasking ineffectiveness

Control your environment or it will control you

Constant emailing or text messaging reduces mental capacity by 10 IQ points


Biological need to be connected Locking yourself away leads to burn out 6 second hugs Back praising Show appreciation Communicate meaningfully



Improving your wellbeing can increase academic performance on average by 11%

HOW? Be active


Success doesn’t bring happiness, happiness beings success.

Look after yourself – sleep and food

Be kind to self and others


It is a simple idea discovered by Carol Dweck through decades of research on achievement and success

It explains why brains and talent alone don’t necessarily bring success

In fact she has demonstrated that praising intelligence and talent does not promote self esteem and a sense of accomplishment but rather can in fact jeopardize them.

The view that you adopt for yourself can profoundly affect your life.


FIXED MINDSET Basic qualities such as

intelligence or talent are simply fixed traits

Spend time documenting evidence of intelligence/talent vs developing them

Belief that talent creates success without much effort

Worry about your abilities and how adequate they are

GROWTH MINDSET Basic abilities can be developed

through dedication & hard work

Your intelligence or talent is merely a starting point

Creates a love of learning

Increases motivation and productivity

Mindset Self-talk

Failure is Part of Growing

Mindsets also affect our emotional responses

The Benefits of a Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset and the Workplace

Lt General David Morrison states that leaders are made from the school of hard knocks.

3 core elements needed for the role of leadership:

1. To make mistakes safely

2. To develop the practise of leadership

3. To be empathetic to others.

Good Leaders have a growth mindset

Leaders in the workplace

Managers Technical


Focuses on systems

Has authority

Asks how and when

Knows how it is done

Says “I”

Does things right

Leaders Visionary


Focuses on people

Has influence

Asks Why

Shows how it is done

Says “we”

Does the right thing

An Important Note …