Download - Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Noahs day, so will it be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking,

Page 1: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Noahs day, so will it be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking,

Welcome to the Catholic parishes of

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SAINT THOMAS MORE Sisters of St Joseph of Peace 54 New Street Oadby Leicester LE2 4LJ

Primary School: Saint John Fisher CVA 0116 288 2203 Head Mr A Gallagher

Parish Priest: Fr Michael Moore Assistant Priests: Fr Kevin Athaide

and Fr John Owens 0116 221 8385


Deacon: Vince Kelly

Secondary School: Saint Paul’s 0116 241 4057

Principal Mrs S Conaghan Parishes Website

75 Knighton Road Knighton

Leicester LE2 3HN

Primary School: Saint Thomas More CVA

0116 270 6365 Head Mrs C Crosse

Celebrating the SacramentsDetails of Mass, Liturgies and Sacrament of Reconciliation can be found on the back page for

week commencing Sunday 1st December 2019

Baptism If you are thinking about having your baby or child baptised in the parish please speak to Fr. Michael in the first instance. Baptisms usually take place during Sunday Mass or at 12.30pm (Oadby) or 1.00pm (Knighton) Sunday outside of Mass.

First Reconciliation and Holy Communion for children of Year 4 and above. Preparation programme involves regular meetings for children and parents commencing September 2019 (Parents only Meetings) and January 2020 (Children only Meetings)

Confirmation for young people of secondary school age and above. Preparation programme involves a Rite of Commitment and regular meetings (including celebrating Reconciliation).

Marriage If you wish to marry please speak to Fr. Michael at least six months before your proposed wedding date. Please do not make any other arrangements concerning your wedding until Fr. Michael has confirmed the availability of the Church for your wedding.

Sacrament of the Sick As this is a Sacrament of Healing it is appropriate to request this if you are sick or before a hospital admission. Hospital chaplains can be contacted through the hospital staff or though our Parish Office. The Sacrament is no longer reserved for extreme circumstances. The Sacrament for the dying is Eucharist (Viaticum i.e. food for the journey).

Interested in the Catholic Faith? If you would find out more about the Catholic faith (no obligation to becoming a Catholic) please speak to Jackie Williams c/o the Parish Office about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) which is an enquiry programme for those interested in the faith.

Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available on request or by appointment with Fr. Michael

Mass Intentions Envelopes are available in the narthex for this. Please indicate if the Mass is for a deceased person, sick person, or other intention. Mass will be celebrated on requested dates if the date is available. Please indicate on envelope your preferred date.

Page 2: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Noahs day, so will it be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking,


Liturgy of the Word First reading Isaiah 2:1-5 The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In the days to come the mountain of the Temple of the Lord shall tower above the mountains and be lifted higher than the hills. All the nations will stream to it, peoples without number will come to it; and they will say: ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the Temple of the God of Jacob that he may teach us his ways so that we may walk in his paths; since the Law will go out from Zion, and the oracle of the Lord from Jerusalem.’ He will wield authority over the nations and adjudicate between many peoples; these will hammer their swords into ploughshares, their spears into sickles. Nation will not lift sword against nation, there will be no more training for war. O House of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 121(122):1-2,4-5,6-9

I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’

I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’

And now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem.

I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’

It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord.

For Israel’s law it is, there to praise the Lord’s name.

There were set the thrones of judgement of the house of David.

I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’

For the peace of Jerusalem pray:

‘Peace be to your homes! May peace reign in your walls,

in your palaces, peace!’

I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’

For love of my brethren and friends I say: ‘Peace upon you!’

For love of the house of the Lord I will ask for your good.

I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’

Second reading Romans 13:11-14 You know ‘the time’ has come: you must wake up now: our salvation is even nearer than it was when we were converted. The night is almost over, it will be daylight soon – let us give up all the things we prefer to do under cover of the dark; let us arm ourselves and appear in the light. Let us live decently as people do in the daytime: no drunken orgies, no promiscuity or licentiousness, and no wrangling or jealousy. Let your armour be the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gospel Acclamation Ps84:8 Alleluia, alleluia! Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help. Alleluia!

Gospel Matthew 24:37-44 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept all away. It will be like this when the Son of Man comes. Then of two men in the fields one is taken, one left; of two women at the millstone grinding, one is taken, one left. ‘So stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming. You may be quite sure of this, that if the

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householder had known at what time of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house. Therefore, you too must stand ready because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.’

The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, At the words that follow, up to and including ‘and became man’, all bow. and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Memorial Acclamation We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again. Scripture Readings from The Jerusalem Bible © 1966 by Darton Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday and

Company Ltd. Excerpts from the English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved

The Season of Advent…

Advent marks the beginning of our new liturgical year and this year is also the Year of the Word marking the 10th anniversary of Pope Benedict’s Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini, and in conjunction with the Bible Society, the Bishops’ Conference is undertaking a special year, with the focus on the Word of God. During this liturgical year, 2019-2020, we will read from the Lectionary the Sundays of Year A (Gospel of Matthew) and Weekdays of Year 2. The Book of the Gospels will be prominently displayed in our Churches especially during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to remind us of the equal importance of breaking both Bread and Word during our Mass. Advent marks a time of spiritual preparation leading to the Christmas season. During Advent we reflect on the events that are leading us to celebrate the anniversary of Jesus’ coming into this world “Word made flesh” and ponder more deeply this great mystery of our Lord taking on human form. We also look forward to the second coming when our Lord will come again at the end of time. Hence it is a season of joyful waiting and expectation. During Advent the Gloria is omitted from the liturgy and floral decoration of the Church is absent (with the exception of Solemnities, and Feasts) in anticipation of the full joy of the Nativity of the Lord. (Jackie Williams)

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Please remember in your prayers…

Cycle of prayer during Advent and Christmastide: Openness to the Word of God; Migrants and Refugees; Expectant Mothers; Survivors of Sexual Abuse

The names of our sick and housebound parishioners as placed by the statue of our Parish Patrons…

Immaculate Conception, Oadby Patricia Briner, John Duncan Cloud, Barry Dobson,

Tessa Ellis, Jean Farmer, Dr Mary Ginger, Bridget Harrigan, Canon Colin Taylor

St. Thomas More, Knighton Derek Allen, Natalie Ellis, Tom Ellis, Barbara Henry, Philomena Joyce, Geraldine McGlynn,

Brian Neill, John Newman, Patrick Maughan and Val Ratcliffe

Please note that we are only be able to publish in the newsletter/ website and display by our Patronal statues the names of those we have evidence of giving consent to do so. Forms are available in the narthex of both parishes for consent to be given either by the individual or

their relative(s) if individuals are unable to do so.

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time… Beatrice Burton, Mary Cart-Reed, Martha Clarke, Amy Cotter, Michael Dooney, Michael

English, Eveline Horan, Frances Horan, Antonia Ilnicki, Kathleen Jones, Eileen Kennedy, Mr and Mrs H. LeBas, Dorothy Mountford, Norah Myers, Elsie Paine, Lilian Pratt-Johnson, Frances Roberts, Caroline Thomas, George Thompson, Basil Turner

and Giuseppe Vizzello

Financial Matters…

Immaculate Conception Saint Thomas More

Envelopes £169.00 £200.50 Loose £113.49 £473.66

Standing Orders £182.00 £435.00

Intercare £184.20 £434.28 Coffee - £5.93

Candles - £67.44 Publications and Pens - £36.20

Thank you for your generosity NRCDT Company Number: 7151646 & Charity Number: 1134449

The Big Clean …

Wednesday 18th December after 12.00pm Mass at Oadby Monday 23rd December after 9.00am Mass at Knighton

Please come along and help with the cleaning of the Church for Christmas. Many hands make light work! If you are able to help with cleaning in either parish on a regular

basis, please let the Parish Office know.

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This coming week…

This weekend Saturday 30th November/Sunday 1st December Missio Boxes Beulah will be available after Masses at Knighton to hand out envelopes for emptying your

boxes. Please return your envelope to the Presbytery or the Sacristy.

Sunday 1st December Deanery Celebration for Launch of Year of the Word 5.00pm at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester

Wednesday 4th December Twilight Retreat with Fr John Daley IC 7.00pm – 9.00pm at St Joseph’s, Goodwood Road, Leicester £3.00 donation

Thursday 5th December UCM Advent Service St Mary’s, 2.00pm

Advent Eucharistic Devotions on Second, Third and Fourth Sundays of Advent 8th, 15th and 22nd December in both Parishes:

3.00pm at Immaculate Conception, Oadby 4.00pm at St. Thomas More, Knighton

Special Thanks from Fr Michael…

What a wonderful surprise to see so many people at the Canon Celebrations in St Thomas More School. The kindness and generosity of you all was quite overwhelming. Thank you for the cards, gifts and good wishes. They were very much appreciated. A big thank you to those who brought the food and the team who prepared the hall. Obviously a lot of hard work had gone into the event before and during. It was lovely to see so many people from the parishes gathered together. Special thanks to Mrs Crosse for allowing us to use the school premises.

Dates for your diary…

Outside the City – a documentary film about the community at Mount St Bernard Abbey will be screened at Phoenix Cinema, Leicester between 6th-12th December

Sunday 8th December Patronal Feast 11.00am Mass Immaculate Conception Church, Oadby

Friday 13th December 11.00am The Christmas Story with St. Mary’s Folk Group, Magna Care Home, 27/29 Long Street, Wigston

Friday 13th December Deepening our Faith The “O” Antiphons of Advent and the Jesse Tree followed by Festive Food. This group is for Catholics who would like to explore more about

their faith and Catholic traditions and practices

Sunday 29th December Oadby Tote Final Draw after 11.00am Mass. Thank you for your support over the years. If you pay by standing order please remember to cancel this with your

bank after this date. November winner no. 10

Travelling Nativity, Knighton During Advent every year our travelling nativity takes a journey around the parish. If you would like to be part of it's journey, all you have to do is put your name on the day you want to receive the travelling nativity into your home, the list is in the narthex at Knighton. The travelling nativity will be brought to you on this day. The following day you will deliver it to the next family on the list. You can agree the arrangements and the time to meet with the families yourself. You can also follow it's journey on Facebook.

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Christmas Vigil Mass Oadby 5.00pm If your child would like to take part in the Nativity, there are two rehearsals taking place on

Saturday 14th and 21st December 3.00pm – 4.00pm at Oadby parish room. We need musicians and singers and do we have anyone who can help with making costumes for the children?

Please contact Jenny Walsh on 279 3281 if you can contribute or help in any way

Services of Reconciliation Monday 16th December St Thomas More 7.00pm

Thursday 19th December St Mary’s 7.00pm

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord 2019…

Tuesday 24th December Vigil Masses 5.00pm Immaculate Conception,

Oadby, LE2 4LJ 5.00pm St Mary, Wigston, LE18 4PG

6.00pm St Thomas More, Knighton, LE2 3HN 7.00pm St John Bosco, Eyres Monsell,


Tuesday 24th December Carols and Mass during the Night 9.15pm Carols and 10.00pm Mass

St Thomas More, Knighton, LE2 3HN 9.15pm Carols and 10.00pm Mass

St Mary, Wigston, LE18 4PG

Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day Mass 9.00am St Thomas More, Knighton, LE2 3HN

9.30am St Mary, Wigston, LE18 4PG 11.00am Immaculate Conception, Oadby, LE2 4LJ 11.15am St John Bosco, Eyres Monsell, LE2 9BU

Care for Creation…

A small group of parishioners has been meeting to think deeply about Laudato Si-Pope Francis’ letter on Care for Creation. The letter addresses the whole human family and talks about care for ‘our common home.’ Each Sunday of Advent, we share some of its inspiration with you, and encourage you to take action in simple ways: The First Sunday of Advent focuses on the Second Coming, and we are reminded to stay awake, and walk in the light of the Lord. Pope Francis says “Doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain. We may well be leaving to coming generations debris, desolation and filth.” “[The earth] now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her.” “Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.” “Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it.” Action: notice your environmental impact this week in relation to your use of light and generation of rubbish. (written by Catherine Danaher on behalf of the group)

The Briars Catholic Youth Retreat Centre… …have written to say thank you for £601.00 raised by LACY at the end of August by the

Sponsored Walk held at Rutland Water. A plaque is to be created to recognise the parishes and groups who have so generously donated

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… THIS WEEKEND 30th/1st December 2019

NEXT WEEKEND 7th/8th December 2019

Doorkeepers/Welcomers 6.00pm Knighton

Shelley and Isabella Conaghan

Rod Teo Claudia Coxon

Doorkeepers/Welcomers 9.00am Knighton

Sebastian Family We need your help here!

Doorkeepers/Welcomers 11.00am Oadby

Chris Hardy Alka Hyams-Foster

Lilian Onuoha Maria D’Souza

Readers 6.00pm Knighton

Rosanna De Marco Coxon Jackie Troy

Fiona Teo Jackie Williams

Readers 9.00am Knighton

Class Mass Eileen Spencer Jeremy O’Dwyer

Reader 11.00am Oadby

Pat Mason Teresa Heaps

Ozzie Chilaka Ugonna Chinedu-Madubuko

Procession of Gifts 11.00am Oadby

Maria Blanco Margaret Phipps

Paddy Stone

Extra-Ordinary Ministers 6.00pm Knighton

Mike Cummins Ameeta D’Souza Peter Hendrick

Ian Hudson Paul Danaher

Geraldine Wiselka Extra-Ordinary Ministers

9.00am Knighton

Paul Spencer June Kearns

John Watters

Jane Gadsby Andrew Doubt

Chantal Spencer

Extra-Ordinary Ministers 11.00am Oadby

Carmel Gibbons Suzanne Kelly

Mary Quinn Liz Pretty

Tea and coffee 9.00am Knighton

Joan Thompson Margaret Rees

Chantel Spencer Ann Kearns

Tea and coffee 11.00am Oadby

Vernon Wilson Gabriella Di Palma

Shirley Kirk Alka Foster Hyams

Liturgy of the Word for Children

9.00am Knighton Sophie Keane

Clare McDonald Joe and Anita Bakowski

Liturgy of the Word for Children

11.00am Oadby Jane Marie Wastling Gabriella Di Palma

Jenny Walsh Imogen Walsh

Counters Oadby

Vince Hope Shannon Michael Bailey

Jane Marie Wastling Gabriella Di Palma

Counters Knighton Stan Andrzejewski Malcolm Wilson

Bernard and Julie Attard

Cleaners Knighton

Chiara and Keith Culverwell Peter and Helena Baron

Cleaners Oadby Carmel Gibbons

George Pasternicki

Thank you for your ministry. If you are unable to fulfil your role, please arrange an exchange and ask your replacement to make themselves known to Father or Sacristan on arrival.

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Weekly Liturgical Programme week commencing 1st December 2019 Sunday Readings Year A Weekday Readings II Prayer of the Church Week 1

FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (Year A) Saturday 30th November 5.30pm Knighton Sacrament of Reconciliation 6.00pm Knighton Vigil Mass Mary Jo Collier RIP (Fr John)

Sunday 1st December 9.00am Knighton Mass All Parishioners (Fr John) Class Mass, Liturgy of the Word for Children, Tea and Coffee after Mass 11.00am Oadby Mass Frances Marie Newton RIP (Fr John) Liturgy of the Word for Children, Tea and Coffee after Mass 5.00pm Holy Cross, Leicester Deanery Celebration for the Year of the Word

Monday 2nd December Advent Feria 8.45am Knighton Morning Prayer (Page 402) 9.00am Knighton Mass Sr Joan Agnes Intentions (Fr Michael)

Tuesday 3rd December Saint Francis Xavier, Priest 10.00am Oadby Service of the Word and Holy Communion (Deacon Vince)

Wednesday 4th December Advent Feria 12.00pm Oadby Mass Angela Basher RIP (Fr Michael)

Thursday 5th December Advent Feria 10.00am Knighton Mass Joan Ayres RIP (Fr John) Class Mass, Drop In after Mass

Friday 6th December Saint Nicholas, Bishop 9.00am Knighton Mass Judy Durkan RIP (Fr Michael) and Elizabeth Stamford RIP (Fr Kevin)

Saturday 7th December Saint Ambrose 10.00am Oadby Mass Lynn & Melyvn Milikafu (In Thanksgiving) (Fr Kevin) 10.30am Oadby Sacrament of Reconciliation

SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday 7th December 5.30pm Knighton Sacrament of Reconciliation 6.00pm Knighton Vigil Mass Edwin Goodwin RIP (Fr Kevin) Sunday 8th December 9.00am Knighton Mass Krystyna Heiniger RIP (Fr Kevin)

Liturgy of the Word for Children, Tea and Coffee after Mass 11.00am Oadby Patronal Feast of the Immaculate Conception Parish

Mass All Parishioners (Fr Kevin) Liturgy of the Word for Children, Tea and Coffee after Mass

1.00pm Knighton Baptism Jack Young (Fr Michael) 3.00pm Oadby Advent Eucharistic Devotions (Deacon Vince) 4.00pm Knighton Advent Eucharistic Devotions (Fr Kevin)