Download - Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

Page 1: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

Welcome to St Margaret’s Church IfieldLoved as you are

Sunday 16th April 2017 Easter Day

All are welcome to St Margaret’s and we encourage all to take part fully in this service. If you have mobility issues that make it difficult for you to

come and receive communion or laying-on-of-hands for healing, should you want to, then do please notify our sides-people, and we will come to you.

Please do stay for coffee served at the back of church after the service. There is a toilet at the back of church should you need to use it during the


The Choir sing the Easter Introit

Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the feastChrist being raised from the dead dieth no more, death hath no more dominion over him.Christ is risen from the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept.For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 2: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

We stand as the priest enters and sing:

Hymn 3811. JESUS CHRIST IS RIS’N TODAY, 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Alleluia!Our triumphant holy day, Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia! Alleluia!Who did once, upon the cross, Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Alleluia!Suffer to redeem our loss, Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia! Alleluia!

3. But the pains that he endured, Alleluia!Our salvation have procured; Alleluia!Now above the sky he’s King, Alleluia!Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia!

Celebrant: The Lord be with youAll: and also with you

Celebrant: Alleluia! Christ is risenAll: He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 3: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

BLESSING OF THE EASTER GARDENBlessed are you, Lord God of all creation, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. To you be glory now and forever. In your great mercy you have given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (+) Bless this Easter garden that all who look upon it may share in the celebration of Christ’s victory, be strengthened in faith, know the power of his presence, and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory. Blessed be God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

BLESSING OF THE EASTER LILIESHeavenly Father (+) bless the Easter Lillies displayed in this church that as we look upon them and are reminded of those whom we love but see no longer, so too will we be reminded of Christ’s victory over death and the promise of eternal life offered to all who place their faith and trust in him. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

All: Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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PRAYERS OF PENITENCECelebrant: Our Lord Jesus Christ said: ‘The first commandment is

this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

All: Amen. Lord, have mercy. Celebrant: Christ our passover lamb has been sacrificed for us. Let

us therefore rejoice by putting away all malice and evil and confessing our sins with a sincere and true heart.Jesus Christ, risen Master and triumphant Lord, we come to you in sorrow for our sins, and confess to you our weakness and unbelief.We have lived by our own strength, and not by the power of your resurrection.In your mercy, forgive us.

All: Lord, hear us and help us. Celebrant: We have lived by the light of our own eyes, as faithless

and not believing.In your mercy, forgive us.

All: Lord, hear us and help us. Celebrant: We have lived for this world alone, and doubted our

home in heaven.In your mercy, forgive us.

All: Lord, hear us and help us.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 5: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

Celebrant: May the God of love and power forgive us and free us from our sins, heal and strengthen us by his Spirit, and raise us to new life in Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Gloria in Excelsis is sung

Michael Perry © 1982 The Jubilate GroupGlory be to God in heaven, Only Son of God the Father,peace to those who love him well; Lamb who takes our sin away,on the earth let all his people now with him in triumph seated speak his grace, his wonders tell. for your mercy, Lord we pray.Lord, we praise you for your glory, Jesus Christ, most high and holy,Mighty Father, heaven’s king; Saviour, you are God alonehear our joyful adoration in the glory of the Fatherand accept the thanks we bring. with the Spirit: Three in One!

THE COLLECTCelebrant Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty

resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might,now and in all eternity. Amen.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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THE LITURGY OF THE WORD First ReadingActs 10:34-43Reader This is the word of the Lord.All Thanks be to God. Second ReadingColossians 3:1-4Reader This is the word of the Lord.All Thanks be to God

Hymn 352Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend. Copyright ©2001 Thankyou Music

IN CHRIST ALONE MY HOPE IS FOUND,he is my light, my strength, my song;this cornerstone, this solid ground,firm through the fiercest drought and storm.What heights of love, what depths of peace,when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!My comforter, my all in allhere in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh,fullness of God in helpless babe!This gift of love and righteousness,scorned by the ones He came to save:till on that cross as Jesus died,the wrath of God was satisfied -for ev'ry sin on Him was laid;here in the death of Christ I live.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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There in the ground His body lay,light of the world by darkness slain:then bursting forth in glorious day,up from the grave he rose again!And as He stands in victory,sin's curse has lost its grip on me;for I am His and He is mine—bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,this is the pow'r of Christ in me;from life's first cry to final breath,Jesus commands my destiny.No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,can ever pluck me from his hand;till he returns or calls me home,here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

Remain standing and turn to face the Gospel:THE GOSPEL

Matthew 28:1-10Reader Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to

John.All Glory to you, O Lord.

At the end of the reading:Reader This is the Gospel of the Lord.All Praise to you, O Christ.

Remain standing until the Priest has introduced the Sermon:

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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Let us declare our faith in God.All We believe in God the Father, from whom every family

in heaven and on earth is named. We believe in God the Son,who lives in our hearts through faith,and fills us with his love. We believe in God the Holy Spirit,who strengthens us with power from on high. We believe in one God;Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayers for the Church, the world, and for all human need. After each petition the following response is used:

Lord in your mercyAll Hear our prayer

and at the end of the prayers: Merciful father,All accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,

our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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THE LITURGY OF THE SACRAMENTThe PeaceCelebrant The risen Christ came and stood among his disciples and

said, ‘Peace be with you.’ Then were they glad when they saw the Lord. Alleluia.

The peace of the Lord be always with you;All and also with you.Celebrant Let us offer one another a sign of peace. As the Body of Christ receives its life from God, and offers its life to God, so we, as members of that Body, greet each other in love.

The Preparation of the TableThe Taking of the Bread and Wine

Should you wish to make a donation to the work of St Margaret’s church a collection bowl is passed around during the following hymn. If you are a UK Tax Payer do please consider placing your gift in one of the yellow GiftAid envelopes provided and complete the required details as this will enable us to claim back 25p/£1 donated. Thank you!

Hymn 36Charles Wesley.

AND CAN IT BE that I should gainan interest in the Saviour's blood?Died He for me, who caused his pain?For me, who him to death pursued?Amazing love! How can it bethat thou, my God, shouldst die for me?Amazing love! How can it bethat thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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'Tis myst’ry all! Th’ Immortal dies:Who can explore his strange design?In vain the first-born seraph triesto sound the depths of love divine!'Tis mercy all! Let earth adore,let angel minds inquire no more,'Tis mercy all! Let earth adore,let angel minds inquire no more.

He left His Father's throne aboveso free, so infinite His grace;emptied himself of all but love,and bled for Adam's helpless race;'tis mercy all, immense and free;for, O my God, it found out me,'tis mercy all, immense and free;for, O my God, it found out me.

Long my imprisoned spirit layfast bound in sin and nature's night;thine eye diffused a quick’ning ray,I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;my chains fell off, my heart was free;I rose, went forth, and followed thee,my chains fell off, my heart was free;I rose, went forth, and followed thee.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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No condemnation now I dread;Jesus, and all in him, is mine!Alive in Him, my living Head,and clothed in righteousness divine,bold I approach the eternal throne,and claim the crown, through Christ my own, bold I approach the eternal throne,and claim the crown, through Christ my own.

Celebrant Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation. In your loving care you spread before us the table of life and give us the cup of salvation to drink. Keep us always in the fold of our Saviour and our Shepherd, your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Blessed be God forever


Celebrant The Lord be with youAll and also with you. Celebrant Lift up your hearts.All We lift them to the Lord. Celebrant Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.All It is right to give thanks and praise.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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Celebrant It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, always and everywhere to give you thanks, almighty and eternal Father, and in these days of Easter to celebrate with joyful hearts the memory of your wonderful works.

For by the mystery of his passion Jesus Christ, your risen Son, has conquered the powers of death and hell and restored in men and women the image of your glory. He has placed them once more in paradise and opened to them the gate of life eternal. And so, in the joy of this Passover, earth and heaven resound with gladness, while angels and archangels and the powers of all creation sing for ever the hymn of your glory:

A Gregory Murray, OSB 1905-1992©1975, 1987 McCrimmon Publishing Ltd

All Holy, holy, holy Lord,God of power and might,Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.

Celebrant Lord, you are holy indeed, the source of all holiness; grant that by the power of your Holy Spirit and according to your holy will, these gifts of bread and wine may be to us the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; who, in the same night that he was betrayed, took bread and gave you thanks; he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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In the same way, after supper he took the cup and gave you thanks; he gave it to them, saying: Drink this, all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.

Great is the mystery of faith:All Christ has died:

Christ is risen: Christ will come again.

And so, Father, calling to mind his death on the cross, his perfect sacrifice made once for the sins of the whole world; rejoicing in his mighty resurrection and glorious ascension, and looking for his coming in glory, we celebrate this memorial of our redemption. As we offer you this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, we bring before you this bread and this cup and we thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you.

Send the Holy Spirit on your people and gather into one in your kingdom all who share this one bread and one cup, so that we, in the company of Saint Margaret and all the saints, may praise and glorify you for ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord; by whom, and with whom, and in whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honour and glory be yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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THE LORD’S PRAYER All Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

Celebrant We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.All Though we are many, we are one body, because we

all share in one bread. Celebrant This is the table of the Lord. It has been made ready

for those who love him and who want to love him more. So, come, you who have much faith and you who have little; you who have been here often and you who have not been for a long time; you who have tried to follow and you who have failed. Come, not because I invite you: it is our Lord. It is his will that those who want him should meet him here

We sing the Agnus Dei.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. Grant us peace.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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All are welcome to either come and receive Communion or a blessing. If you would like a blessing rather than to receive Communion (the bread and

wine) then please keep hold of your service sheet as you approach the servers at front of the church.

Laying on of hands for healing is offered in the south aisle chapel during the distribution of communion. This ministry is offered for your own

needs or for someone who maybe on your heart and mind at this time.

Those who are going into hospital in the coming week, or for some other reason, and who would like to be anointed with oil of healing and prayed for by a priest please do have a word with a priest after the service – they

will gladly offer you this ministry.

Communion HymnsHymn 62 David J. Evans. Copyright © 1986 Kingsway's Thankyou Music.

BE STILL, FOR THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD, the Holy One is here.Come bow before him now with reverence and fear.In Him no sin is found, we stand on holy ground.Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here. Be still, for the glory of the Lord is shining all around;he burns with holy fire, with splendour He is crowned.How awesome is the sight, our radiant King of light!Be still, for the glory of the Lord is shining all around.

Be still, for the power of the Lord is moving in this place;he comes to cleanse and heal, to minister His grace.No work too hard for him, in faith receive from him.Be still, for the power of the Lord is moving in this place.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 16: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

Hymn 294Unknown

HE IS LORD, he is Lord.He is risen from the dead and he is Lord.Ev’ry knee shall bow, every tongue confessthat Jesus Christ is Lord.

He is King, he is King. He is risen from the dead and he is King.Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry tongue confessthat Jesus Christ is King.

He is love, he is love.He is risen from the dead and he is love.Ev’ry knee shall bow, every tongue confessthat Jesus Christ is love.

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNIONCelebrant God of Life, who for our redemption gave your only-

begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection have delivered us from the power of our enemy: grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his risen life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

All Almighty God, we thank you for feeding us with the

body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ. Through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice. Send us out in the power of your Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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THE BLESSINGCelebrant God the Father, by whose love Christ was raised from

the dead, open to you who believe the gates of everlasting life.

All Amen

Celebrant God the Son, who in bursting from the grave has won a glorious victory, give you joy as you share the Easter faith.

All Amen

Celebrant God the Holy Spirit, who filled the disciples with the life of the risen Lord, empower you and fill you with Christ’s peace.

All Amen

Celebrant And the blessing of God almighty the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.

All Amen. Hymn 751George Handel. Copyright © Text Control

THINE BE THE GLORY, risen, conqu’ring Son,endless is the vict’ry thou o’er death hast won;angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,kept the folded grave-clothes where thy body lay.

Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,endless is the vict’ry thou o’er death hast won.

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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Lo, Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom.Let the Church with gladness hymns of triumph sing,for her Lord now liveth, death hath lost its sting:

No more we doubt thee, Glorious Prince of Life!Life is naught without thee: aid us in our strife.Make us more than conqu’rors through thy deathless love.Bring us safe through Jordan to thy home above:


Celebrant We go into the world to walk in God’s light, to rejoice in God’s love, and to reflect God’s glory.

Celebrant Go in the peace of Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia.All Thanks be to God. Alleluia, Alleluia.

The choir and clergy leave to music

Calamus Licence No: 95 C.C.L. Licence No: 210222The service material in this booklet is taken from Common Worship. ©

Copyright 2000 The Archbishop’s Council

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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Services next Sunday:Easter 2

Said Holy Communion (8am)Sung Eucharist (11am)

For our prayers The Parish:

The Sick:

The Departed:

Year’s mind:

Also for our Prayers:

Slinfold Walk, Southwater Close, Tangmere Road and The Millbank, Lark Rise, Latimer Close and Leveret Lane

Patients of Langley Green Hospital and Barry, Pete, Bill Winstone, Toby Barton, Debbie and David Talbot

Angela Borlace and Joan Wicks

Edith Strevett, Oliver Martin, Richard Burrell, Keith Ireland and Marjory Sugg

For our Parish Treasurer and Finance Officers

For those who take Home Communion to the housebound

Thanksgiving for those who have decorated our church today

Thanksgiving for all who work in our local shops

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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Notices Continued

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make the church look so beautiful for our Easter celebrations.

Financial Position for March Income £9325Expenditure £11669The main sources of income were:Parish Giving Scheme £4002Rent – Langley Green £2500The main sources of expenditure were:Diocesan Contribution £6125Mission £1327For further information please contact Ray Budd 01293 520407.

New Daylight - A Bible Reading Fellowship Publication. New Daylight is an excellent quarterly booklet produced by the Bible Reading Fellowship. It contains a page for every day of the year with a Bible reading, a comment on the reading, and a prayer. Regular daily readings can help to focus on and enrich knowledge of the Scriptures. Subscriptions for 2017/2018 are due for the forthcoming year, which starts in May, so now is the time to be deciding if you would like to receive the booklet. For 3 booklets per year the cost is £13.20, or £16.95 for the large print version. If you already subscribe to New Daylight, I shall soon be asking if you wish to continue with your subscription. If you wish to begin subscribing, please see me or call me on 512255 - Jane Binmore Resources for children in church. Thanks to a financial gift from the Mothers' Union, we have been able to make up a set of 6 ‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’

(Romans 15:7)

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activity bags which parents can use to help amuse children during the service. There are also 10 new pencil cases filled with colouring pens and pencils, as well as activity sheets on new clipboards. Please encourage families to use them where appropriate, and ensure that these lovely new resources are looked after, and returned to the basket at the back of church.

Knit 1 Pray Too are knitting prayer shawls and blankets to give to those baptised in our church and those in need of comfort at times of illness, bereavement and distress. They also knit for fish and chip babies in Africa that are born into such poverty that they are wrapped in newspaper when they are born and that is how they are sent home. We will be very grateful for any donations of knitters, wool or money to help us. Please see Susan Maries or Pat Palmer

St Margaret’s Spring 2017 Mission Link newsletter is now available to take away.

Chit Chat. Monday afternoons in the church between 2pm and 4pm. Come along to enjoy a drink and a chat. The Knit One Pray Too group will be knitting shawls. They are given to those in the Parish that need comfort and those Baptised in our church. Knitters and non-knitters are welcome.

Lent Quiet Days details at Worth are available on the porch notice board.

Practical Pastoral Care: this is to provide help for example lifts, meals, a dog walker, child care, shopping, the list is endless. Should

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

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you find yourself or someone else in need please contact coordinator Susan Maries on 07543 071 698 or 01293 416610. More help is needed, please speak to Susan to offer your talents should you be available when required. The email address for the emergency pastoral care is: [email protected]

This year's Church Mission Society collection boxes are now available in church. Please take one on your way out if you feel you may be able to put your spare change (or more) into it between now and Easter Sunday. St Margaret's supports Dr Ruth Hulser who works for CMS as a GP and health centre manager (and much more) in Tabora in Tanzania.

Ifield Village Conservation Area Spring Clean. Saturday 22nd April 2017 starting at 10:30 am at Royal Oak, Ifield Green. Bring just yourselves, equipment provided by CBC. Children are most welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Duration is 1-2 hours (or whatever time you can give). Tasks include litter clearing, cutting shrubs, general tidying. For further details please contact Jenny Frost 01293 527693, Secretary, Ifield Village Conservation Area Advisory Committee. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting Wednesday 26.4.17. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will take place at St. Alban’s Church, Gossops Green, on Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 7:30 pm. The meeting will include an update on the Parish Electoral Roll, the annual Report of the proceedings of the PCC and the activities of Ifield Parish generally; the Trustees annual report and Financial Statement and other reports on matters of parochial or general church interest, including plans for the future. All those ‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’

(Romans 15:7)

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whose names appear on the Ifield Parish electoral roll are very welcome to attend this meeting. A documentation pack is available for you to collect in church prior to the meeting. Clare Wilson, Ifield PCC Secretary [email protected]

CAP (Christians Against Policy) – Please join us for a Celebration of Crawley CAP Debt Centre’s 2nd Anniversary! Sunday 30th April, 18:30pm at St Andrew’s Church, Weald Drive, Furnace Green, Crawley, RH10 6NU. Join us for Wine, Nibbles and an update on our activities and a time to recognise what God has achieved through our gifts of Prayer, Time and Money, and have fun and fellowship together too. So we know for catering purposes please can you let me know if you can come and how many people you are bringing too – Yes – a great way of introducing others to one way we serve our communities. Please RSVP to Rob Pudney – [email protected] or Tel: 07833 305119

Ifiled Mayfayre Monday 1st May is just 2 weeks away! Please can everyone think about how they can help – see detailed flyer in church - and especially with setting up over the weekend and manning stalls on the day. Whatever time you can give will be hugely appreciated so please contact Sue Gilbert a.s.a.p on 07932 106688 or [email protected].

Benches... the next play at The Ifield Barn. It is warm, funny, poignant and thought provoking. One fifth of tickets already sold

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 24: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

and it doesn't start until 17th May! Get yours asap. Pop over to the Barn after Church.

Mothers’ Union Family Fun Day will take place on Saturday 8 July at Amberley Heritage Museum and is open to all families. All the attractions of Amberley + extra activities from MU. Cheaper entry prices have been negotiated and there are under-cover areas if it rains. Put the date on your calendar now. Application forms for tickets will be available from May.

See for service times, The Buzz, current service sheets, Church groups and events

EASTER LILIES IN MEMORY OF:Bob Richmond Christ Richmond

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 25: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

William LewisEileen LewisJim WilliamsFred JohnstoneBrenda HidePatricia HartridgeWilson FamilyHollis FamilyLennard FamilyRuga HopcroftAshley HopcroftArthur FernandezAshley Alan HopcroftArthur ChallonerJenny BuckCyril WakelingBob BradstreetLeonard & Violet RobinsonGeorge CauserMark CauserWendy MillerSamuel AlexanderJeremy SuterWalter ‘Len’ HillsMary HallBrenda WilkinsIan WaltonJeffrey Walton

Constance CollinsGeorge CollinsJack & Irene MerrickCharles & Millie SwaineEmily & Victor NealDorothy NealNorman CarterLen & Eva NeenanMarian BowenBrian LloydBill & Elsie CriggalElaine SnowdonYvonne BantinNora MankelowDouglas MankelowJune TurneyRuss TurneyJean MattenJean JudgeJoseph LucyJack WiseTom MoorhouseMary MoorhouseHarold MartinAnnie MartinKenneth FairbournRoy FairbournSam Smith

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)

Page 26: Welcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield Web viewWelcome to St Margaret’s Church Ifield. Loved as you are. ... being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, ... We will be

Marion & Tony WrightLouisa & Charles GibbonsRita & Jack HitchBarry Edward LakerRoger John LakerSarah Budgen LakerThomas Harold FosterCharlie WilloughbyPhyllis CourseOlive & Frank SkiltonFrederick & Grace ColesCiss MerritCatherine WattsEric KentVeronica PearceEvelyn ToyEdna SimmondsJohn Shrives, Ann FlahertyGerald SandersLeonard WardMoira PlunkettPeter PlunkettFrederick CrisfieldDick CooperDulcie RatcliffDesmond KerrRichard LawMargaret Rowntree

Rowland & Helena Thorne-DaviesWilliam & Dorothy BinmoreLeslie CooperBill WebsterMartin WebsterChristine WondersAmanda RobinsAudrey BartonGeorge BartonSid EllisJane & John NewmanPhyllis CapeKarl Browne

‘Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.’ (Romans 15:7)