Download - Welcome to SOS Children’s Villages

Page 1: Welcome to SOS Children’s Villages

Welcome to SOS Children’s Villages

Page 2: Welcome to SOS Children’s Villages

Global reach

SOS Children’s Villages is helping children and families in 133 countries and territories worldwide (Dec. 2012).

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What is a child soldier?

• Under the age of 18.

• Member of, or attached to, government armed forces or

irregular/rebel armed forces.

• Someone who has joined against his/her free will.

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S/he might:

• Participate in combat

• Lay mines and explosives

• Carry out domestic tasks for

an armed group

What is a child soldier?

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• Forced to join under threat

• Be motivated by revenge

• Get paid to join

• Join to avoid forced marriage

• Join to feed a drug/alcohol addiction.

Why do children become child soldiers?

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Child soldiers in Uganda

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• Disarmament

• Demobilization

• Reintegration

How can the use of child soldiers be stopped?

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• Build SOS Children’s Villages where children can live

• Find SOS Mothers to look after the children

• Rehabilitation and Education.

What does SOS Children do?

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The SOS Children’s Village in Gulu, Uganda

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A reconciliation ceremony in Gulu

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How you can help…

•Become a sponsor

•Give a one-off donation

•Tell someone about SOS Children’s Villages