Download - Welcome to Chandlers Field School


Welcome to Chandlers Field


Welcome to our school.

The purpose of this presentation is to provide you with introductory information about some of the Reception routines, our curriculum and how we

approach Maths No Problem, Talk for Writing and Reading. As well as some ways you can help your child

to prepare for school.

Firstly you’ll be keen to know who the class teachers are…

Meet the team

Assistant Head Teacher and Dragonflies class teacher: Mrs Linnegar

Bumblebees class teachers: Mrs Starkey (3 days) and Miss Mellou (2 days)


We follow the National Curriculum in an exciting, innovative and creative way.

You will receive further information about the curriculum via our weekly blogs and website as well as stay and learn sessions when we are able to run these


You will have access to Tapestry, our on-line learning journals as the children work towards achieving the

Early Learning Goals.

Our innovative way to learn MathsMaths No Problem

Maths No Problem focuses on the use of concrete resources, moving on to children recording their own ideas and applying their knowledge independently. It

is play-based, child centered maths learning, and covers the development of early mathematical

concepts and ideas needed in early years maths.

Reading and Phonics

Once settled, the children will bring a new book home twice a week. Reading books are expected to be read

at home every night and records to be signed daily too as this ensures that the children get enough time to

practise and consolidate their phonics learning.

We use a phonics scheme called Sounds~Write. We regularly share the sounds that we are learning on Tapestry and will run phonics sessions for parents

again when it is safe to do so.


Children have the opportunity for many practical activities to build up their muscles and skills for

writing. They will be gradually introduced to formal letter formation through Sounds~Write phonics and a

handwriting scheme called PenPals.

Our innovative way to learn writingTalk for Writing

As part of our literacy, we deliver exciting and engaging Talk 4 Writing sessions which give an

introduction to writing (through the imitation stage). This is always supported visually by a hook. eg

spaceships landing in the playground, and a story or text map.

In this way, the children hear the text and language used, say it for themselves and enjoy it before seeing

it written down. We focus on the language of the text and the children being able to retell it once familiar with it before then

going on to develop the children’s independent writing skills.

Here is an example of astory map:Can you guess the story?

The innovation stage of Talk for WritingWe enhance the text map together. Children share

their own ideas to make changes to the story and we develop vocabulary. The children use their knowledge

of stories and create a new story.

Independent application of Talk for WritingOur aim is to have a cohort of confident, articulate

learners.Children develop their writing independently with lots

of opportunities to develop their strengths and improve with support.

Reception Routines (You will receive a parentmail on any changes due to

Covid updates from the DfE)

Start of the day:Children may arrive from 8.45am. Parents will bring

their children to the green fence at the front of Reception and children will enter through the gate. The teachers will be excitedly waiting to meet the

children and we ask that parents allow their children to enter the building independently where possible.

End of the day:School finishes at 3.15pm and children will be

released one at a time to parents who wait outside of the green fence.


All children in Reception receive a universal free school meal. They can choose what they would like for

lunch from a choice of 3 options and the menu is shared at the start of the school year. For the first few

weeks of term, Reception staff spend part of lunch time with the children to encourage eating and help with cutting food when required. There will also be

lunchtime staff to help the children. We are always amazed at how quickly the children

build independence in the lunch hall.

Communication between home and school

Your first point of contact should always be the class teacher but the morning is a busy time. So do feel free

to make an appointment, call the office, or leave a note for the teacher to follow up.

If someone else is collecting your child please let us know.

Remember if your child is absent for any reason please phone the school on the day of absence.


Please name all clothing and shoes. Each child has a hook in the cloakroom and hanging loops work best

on these.

It is helpful if shoes and trainers are velcro fastening or slip on as children are expected to change them

themselves. Elasticated waists on trousers and skirts are really useful for the children to gain more


On the day that your child has PE they will be expected to come into school wearing their PE kit.

Preparing for School

The most useful skills that children need to learn in preparation for school are self-care, social skills and positivity about this wonderful school

adventure. Between now and September, it would be helpful for the children to work

on the following skills at home:Pack their school bag, hang their bag and coat up, put on their coat, uniform and shoes all by themselves, independently manage zips and buttons, to be able to feed themselves independently and have table manners, to tidy up

after themselves, to independently manage toileting and hygiene, develop correct pencil grip and strengthen their muscles in preparation for

writing (threading, scissors, pegs and mark making)

Communication skills are also key. Encourage your child to communicate their needs : for example: if he/she needs help with opening their lid on a lunchbox, explain that we all need to ask for help, encourage your child to

use their words to explain how they feel.

Here are a few photos of our Reception area.

Our outside area…

Indoor areas

Thank youWe hope this has provided you with more


If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to answer your

questions as soon as possible [email protected]