Download - Welcome To a 4 week overview March 26- April 16 Discern the Times, and Prepare for The Soon Coming of The Lord To Protect Truth,


Welcome To a 4 week overview March 26-April


Discern the Times,and Prepare for

The Soon Coming of The


To Protect Truth,


Gods use of Satan’s plans for Gods glory

Pre-Christian:1968-1987: occult and New Age involvement, aerospace/defense industry employment and research, laser and electromagnetic device R & D

Christian:15 years in prophecy research, full Time ministry in '99 w/ NBC/CCC, 1.5 year of Bs. Theology NBC-'91, prophetic books: Ezekiel,minor prophets, many years small gp leader, teaching Evangel 2004: Prophets, psalms/proverbs and end times. Several years elder.

Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots – Grafted In, Symbols, Feasts


Week 2: Understanding our Jewish Roots – antisemitism, repentance, New ManWeek 3: Understanding the Endimes


Week 4: Preparation: To develop the Bereans “Scripture Reflex”, Objective thinking, and role of media

Protect the Truth

2) The Jews were blinded so WE could be saved3) God commanded the Jews to be a people of Remembrance and to preserve their traditions

Did You Did You KNOW?…KNOW?… Understanding

our Jewish Roots

4) Its our duty and command of the Lord to provoke the Jews to jealousy towards God5) 1st century believers had no bible

1) The Torah is the first 5 books of our bible and was written when in captivity in Babylon.

2) If we don’t stand up for Israel, who stands up for us when there’s no one left.3) The fastest heresy in the Christian church is replacement theology.

Why do we need Why do we need to KNOWto KNOW Understanding

our Jewish Roots

4) Its the thermometer of our love for each other and God.5) Because God will be hold us accountable.

1) IN times of religious persecution history shows 3 groups: Jews, Christians and Muslims

Understanding our Jewish Roots

Because, like Ruth in the Old Testament, every Gentile believer has come out of the land of famine and into the spiritual realm of abundance in the name of Jesus. But, unlike Ruth, we have turned our backs on the relatives of the Messiah. We need to confess personally and on behalf of the Church for centuries of persecution of the Jewish people, taking every opportunity to bless and not to curse them. Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the Church must effect reconciliation and how Israel, the Jewish people and the Christian Church will come together in the last days.Table of ContentsChapter 1The Beginning of the EndNot until I was challenged to take another look at the Scriptures - the prophets, the apostles and Jesus Himself - did I become aware that God still has a plan for His covenant people and that their return to their ancestral home signals the beginning of the end.Chapter 2The "Greater Riches" World RevivalThe unparalleled growth of the Church in our day, heralding the greatest awakening in world history, is connected to the rebirth of IsraelChapter 3Israel - A Nation of PriestsIsrael and the Jewish people have made a profound impact - both secular and spiritual - on the nations and have kept alive faith in the one true God.

Your People shall be My People

Chapter 4 -The Targeted AnnihilationFrom the call of Abraham down to the present time, man's invisible enemy has targeted Israel for extinction in order to thwart the purposes of God and abort His promises.Chapter 5 -The Early Jewish "Church"Although salvation was accomplished through the completed work of the Messiah alone, the all-Jewish Early Church continued to observe Sabbath and celebrate the feasts as a proclamation of the Messiah who had fulfilled them.Chapter 6 - The "Gentilizing" of the ChurchWhen the Romans destroyed the Temple and the city of Jerusalem, the Church assumed that God was finished with Israel and soon demanded that Jewish believers forsake their own heritage.Chapter 7 - Division - The DNA of the Gentile ChurchThe rejection of Jewish "parentage" in the Lord is the first major division in the Body of the Lord - a mutation that has entered the body, which will not be made whole until this wound is healed.Chapter 8 - Return to the LandBoth the incidents leading to the rebirth of the nation of Israel and the circumstances surrounding that epic event defy explanation except in terms of the miraculous intervention of the Almighty.Chapter 9 - The AwakeningAccording to the prophets, Israel's return to the Land signifies the time of her spiritual awakening as evidenced by the astounding growth of the messianic community of believers.

Your People shall be My People

Chapter 10The Resurrected "Nazarenes"Many questions have arisen as Jewish people by the hundreds of thousands have come to faith and Jesus-believing synagogues have been established around the world.Chapter 11Jew and Gentile - "One New Man"The words of Paul, the Jewish apostle to the Gentiles, take on fresh meaning as we consider the coming together of Jew and Gentile in our day.Chapter 12A Time to PrayThe prophetic fulfillment we are now seeing is a call to the church to participate with God in its completion and to hasten the Second Coming of Messiah to Earth.Chapter 13The Final ExodusJust as in the exodus from Egypt and the "second exodus" of Israel from the nations, so the final exodus of the entire Body of Messiah - the exodus to meet our King - will not be without its preceding plagues and persecution.Chapter 14Blessed to be a BlessingPractical ways in which the Church, blessed through her Jewish roots, can enter her fullest destiny by blessing her elder brother.

Your People shall be My People



Look over these names, events and peoples as they relate to the Genesis 3:15 promised “seed of the woman” who would crush Satan’s head and Satan’s plot to destroy the Seed, and consider how often God’s promise in the Garden has been threatened.

•The murder of the “good son” Abel •The disintegration of the whole race before the flood •The rebellion of the Tower of Babel •After Abraham’s call, Sarah’s barrenness

•Rebecca’s barrenness •Famine during the time of Jacob (Israel) •Israel in Egyptian bondage •Idolatry in the wilderness

•After the call of David, his sons become the targets •The promise in young King Joash at which time the entire Davidic Messianic promise rested in the loins of a one-year-old. •Unfaithfulness and exile to Assyria and Babylon

•The “Seed” in the young virgin Mary •The attempts on the life of Jesus during his earthly years •Since Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, the targeted family •Romans, early Christian replacement theology, Byzantines, Crusaders, Inquisition, Pogroms, Nazism, Muslim extremists today, etc.

Study Guide


Questions for consideration:

1) Why did Satan keep tempting Israel into idolatry?

2) Why was Israel not to intermarry?

3) How does this “intermarriage” apply to today?

4) Why is the story of Esther of such importance to Jewish people and to us?

5) What is so important about the events commemorated in Hanukkah?


In Daniel 2:31-45 Daniel tells the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar both his dream and

the interpretation. Recall Daniel’s interpretation and how it depicts the time of the

Romans in which the Messiah was to be born. Paul tells us in Galatians 4:4, “But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son.”

What were some of the ways in which God had prepared the time of Jesus and Paul for the spread of the gospel of the kingdom of God?

1.0  Understanding our Jewish Roots

1.1  History

1.2  Education

1.3  Feasts

1.4  Prophetic Significance

1.5  Field Trip—beit Maschiach

Curriculum: various

Refs to use: Glory of Israel and Church Conference videos, Apples of Gold-J. Rawlings, Blood on our hands- Dr. Michael Brown , Hebrew Interlinear, Awareness websites


ReferencesReferences Understanding our

Jewish Roots
