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Welcome Manual

Welcome ManualContent

1. Introduction2. Philosophy of the company Mission Vision Values Objectives3. Company History4. Company Policies Rights Obligations5. Code of Ethics6. Organization chart7. Our product8. Welcome Letter


This manual you hold in your hands, has been developed thinking of yourself that you incorporate you into the family of the Baroque Brewery, has been developed in order to help as a guide to your proper integration that now is your workplace.This manual is the primary information collected for your adjustment to your working environment.From now on it during your stay, you gain the commitment of fulfilling your job duties and develop your maximum effort, making participant to reach the achievement of our vision and mission to provide a quality product through your work.In this way we hope that you feel comfortable and enthusiastic, and read carefully and thoroughly this manual as part of your first job training within the Baroque Brewery.

Philosophy"Give maximum effort at all times to deliver quality products to customers in an atmosphere of kindness and respect within the team"

MissionWe are a irapuatense company dedicated to the production of craft beer, using the best inputs from our suppliers, with human capital better qualified to provide our customers products of the highest quality, distributing and marketing our various types of beer in the state of Guanajuato.

VisionBe the first craft brewery, known statewide, over a period of 5 years.


RespectWe must see our clients and partners as individuals, never as an instrument or property.

ToleranceTo act with kindness towards our customers and peers, people act and think differently, so respecting their idiosyncrasy is essential for a good working coexistence.

ResponsibilityDo our work in time and form

HumilityWe must see ourselves in the same way, regardless of the degree of job, keeping his due respect.ya que todos somos

SolidarityCollaborate with other partners in any difficulty presented to them, as we are all part of the same process, and we have the same goal.


Always be congruent in any decision making.


General ObjectivesOur overall goal is the creation of craft beer, using inputs (malt, yeast, hops, water) of the highest quality, and distribute and market our product in various establishments in the city and state, thus achieving the recognition of our product for a period of 5 years.

Specific Objectives Producing new types of beer in a period of 1 year. Generate publicity for our product to make it known, first locally in a period of 1 year and then at the regional level over a period of 2 years. To establish ourselves as the best-selling craft beer in the city over a period of 2 years. Increase our production capacity in a period of 4 years. To distribute our product in different establishments in the city, such as stores, warehouses, restaurants, and shops trading in chains and in different parts of the state over a period of 5 years.

Company History

Good businesses begin when someone opts for a simple idea. Two years ago Alberto Perez Zamudio, was a man full of dreams and unflinching courage when he decided to build a completely different brewer to the known, since their inception just brewed beer for him, his family and friends, who motivated him to take beyond their dreams. He kept his idea of having to create a beer that would break with the ordinary, this is how the origins of Baroque beer emerges. From this day the company is responsible for providing a quality beer, despite whirlwind of criticism, the company has positioned itself in the taste of people.

Company policies (quality and safety)

The purpose of this company is to regulate the activities of the production area, within the guidelines that have been established to achieve to fulfill our mission and achieve the vision accordingly.

Quality In our company we care about meeting the planned delivery dates. Fulfill all orders in a timely manner. Fill the bottles with the exact amount of beer Correctly label the bottles with the appropriate information. Fermenting beer exactly the stipulated days so there is no loss.

Security Put exact bottles that must contain one box Perfectly seal the boxes of beer In order, accommodate boxes in the warehouse Transport the merchandise in appropriate trucks to avoid accidents.

Rights and obligationsWorker RightsSalary Article 82 of the Federal Labour Act provides that the wage is the remuneration payable by the employer to the employee in return for their work. The wages paid to the workers as payment for his services will be entered in the Tab wage mandated by the Directors of the company. The wages may not be withheld or reduced for any reason, except for cases stipulated by law. The wages shall be paid in legal tender and deposited to his personal account on Friday.Holiday and vacation pay For vacations workers enjoy as established in Article 76 of the CFT: Employees with more than one year of service will enjoy an annual period of paid leave, which in no case be less than six working days, and will increase in 2 working days, up to 12 for each subsequent year of service . After the fourth year, the holiday period will increase by two days for every five years of service. Article 77. Workers who provide discrete services and seasonal entitled to an annual vacation period, in proportion to the number of days of work per year. Article 78. Workers will enjoy continuous holiday six days, at least. Article 79. The holiday may not be offset by compensation. If the employment relationship ends before it meets the year of service, the employee is entitled to compensation proportionate to length of service. Article 80. The employees are entitled to not less than twenty five percent premium over the wages they are entitled to during the holiday period.Utilities Workers are entitled to participate in the profits of the company in accordance with Chapter VIII of Title III Federal Labor Law.Annual bonus Article 87. Workers shall be entitled to an annual bonus, be paid before the day December 20, equivalent to fifteen days salary, at least. People who have not completed one year of service, regardless of whether or not they are laboring on the settlement date of the bonus, they shall be entitled to be paid the same proportional amount, according to the time which they have worked.GeneralsGeneral rights Perform work in a safe environment. Treated with respect. Having the tools necessary to carry out the required tasks.

Obligations of the workerYour obligations as a worker are:Workday Work schedules for Beer Baroque shall: Monday to Sunday with a day off in the week; there will be a tolerance of 15 minutes and in turn will have 60 minutes to consume their food.ID card As part of our company will provide a credential, which is a measure of identification and security.Delays, Absences and PermissionsDelays The tolerance on the check in time is 15 minutes.What should you do if the employee comes late? If you arrive after the time of tolerance, shall report to his immediate boss. Or if you choose to retire, the employee must be submitted the following day in their normal working hours.How does affects the absence in the worker's salary? If the employee will stay to work you will be paid half day of salary (more proportional of Saturday and Sunday). If you are resting, will be deducted the full day more proportional of Saturday and Sunday

Absences When the employee needs to be absent from work for reasons other than a disease, it must: Ask permission from his immediate boss with anticipation. If permission is granted, you must submit a document to make a record of the absence accompanied by the signature of supervisor. The employee must be submitted the day after that he was authorized not to attendHow does affects the absence in the worker's salary? If the boss gives permission to account of vacation, day shall be paid. In the case of a justified permission, will be deducted one day, more the proportional of Saturday and Sunday.

Permissions In the event that an employee needs to retire before their departure time or entry time, for reasons other than illness. What should do the employee? the employee must ask permission from their immediate boss with anticipation. If the boss authorize the permit, you must complete the permission form and make signing his the immediate boss (before retiring). How does affects the absence in the worker's salary? If the boss gives permission to account of vacation, day shall be paid. In the case of a justified permission, will be deducted one day, more the proportional of Saturday and Sunday.

Code of Ethics

It provides the basis to ensure the performance and behavior of employees, in conjunction with corporate values that guide the organization, thus avoiding undesirable practices.The code of ethics is a vital tool for the success of the organizational strategy to be adopted by all employees.All employees of Baroque Brewery should be guided by the values and principles, which are: To offer products of the highest quality Commitment to quality Equal opportunities Deal with your colleagues Ensure respect for our employees Relationship with distributors of our product Maintain healthy and honest relationships with our suppliers Fair competition in the market Compliance with laws and regulations To promote the strengthening of values

Organization chart

Our ProductBaroque is the style that was born in the Mexican Bajio, with work and taste of its creators, its mixed in a magical alchemy of water, hops, yeast and malt recipes.The company has three different style of beer:

Brown AleOne of the oldest and most traditional beer, ideal for removing the thirst, a beer with a Baroque-style brewery, due to the addition of cinnamon, twist styles. Besides being slightly bitter, ideal for people who are not very fond of beer. Light and fresh, making it a more than special beer.Features: Fermentation: Alta.Visual: brown color, little by low carbonation bubbling and lightly colored foam coffee.Aromatic: Sweet caramel malt aroma, slight notes of chocolate and cinnamon aroma, light citrus flavors because aroma hops and smoked because of the roasted malt.Taste: smoky flavor, crisp sweetness of caramel malt and chocolate slowly cinnamon flavor is not very intense that invites further tasting this beer begins to appear.

India Pale AleIndia Pale Ale (IPA) is a variety of ale That Is Characterized as a Pale Ale and frothy. Commonly high level of bitterness but Barroca Beer In This case has to balance Achieved With The sweet caramelized malts support. Thanks con sus large number of hops, Becomes a great tasting beer and floral aromas.Features:Fermentation: High.Visual: Pale amber, low-medium body and low carbonation but fairly persistent foam.Aromatic: very aromatic beer with sweet caramel malt notes to, and citrus fruit flavors, along with floral notes.Taste: fruity notes of peach and citrus, slight sweetness at first sip and slowly Presence de este characteristic bitter style of beer intensifies.

PorterBeer belonging to the family of Ale, distinctive for its roasted malt character, and appears to be a creamy, dry, strong and dark beer. Being a well-balanced drink, makes it a very versatile, suitable beer to enjoy at any time.Features: Fermentation: HighVisual: Intense black color, medium-bodied, slightly bubbling due to low carbonation and persistent foam.Aromatic: slightly fruity aromas, predominantly roasted malts and hints of coffee and cocoa.Gustatory: Crisp toasted flavor, slightly bitter with a dry earthy hop finish because, feelings of coffee and caramel notes.

Welcome Letter

From the moment you belong to our team of Baroque Brewery, as such, we warmly welcome you to our company that is always looking for the best in quality.We want the Baroque Brewery is an important means to enable lograrte you as a person, in personal and workplace, by interacting with and committed to continuous improvement willing people.Belonging to our company you have assumed duties as well as a number of duties and responsibilities that are required to observe and follow.Welcome to what is now your team, and your new family ... The Baroque Brewery.

Yours truly:________________________CEO Alberto Perez Zamudio18