Download - Welcome Guest GOD CALLS US TO BE HIS PEOPLE


120 N Mt Vernon Ave ~ Prescott, AZ 86301 ~ (928) 445-5190 Minister: Ronald Bryant

Associate: Gordon Gower

Shepherds: Otto Buehler ~ Glenn Kenner ~ Larry Miller

Deacons: Don Dillahunty Spencer Guest Eddie Redman Fellowship & Membership/Attendance Education, Youth Work & Technology Building & Grounds

Larry Sanderson Lester Turner Personal Work Missions & Worship

Schedule of Services Sunday Pioneer’s Home Service 8: 30 am Bible Classes 9: 30 am Worship Assembly 10: 30 am Worship Assembly 6: 00 pm Wednesday Ladies Bible Study (at the church building) 12: 00 pm Bible Study 7: 00 pm

Church Statistics Bible Class 55 Worship Attendance 110 Pioneer’s Home 17 Weekly Budget $4498 Mt Vernon Contributions $3209

Welcome Guest We are glad you chose to worship

with us. Please fill out a visitor’s

card so we have a record of your

visit. Come and worship with us

again and often.

Assemblies Sunday Evening 6pm

Wednesday Bible Study 7pm

Children’s Training Age 3 thru 11 years old

Room 4 After Communion

Nursery/Cry Room Available at the back of the


Greeters for December Before Bible Study & Worship

LTC Service Kids:

Abby, Anna, Brannon, Bret,

Emilee, Matthew and Shelby


[email protected]

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Mt Vernon Church of Christ

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Mon – Thurs 8am to 1pm

Office Phone


Pioneer Home Date Song Leader Lesson

Dec 13 Roger

Derda Troy


GOD CALLS US TO BE HIS PEOPLE The Christian faith is personal, but not individualistic. Each person who becomes a

Christian, becomes not only a child of God, but he also becomes part of the family of God. The family of God is a fellowship of caring and sharing--a family of believers who belong to the Lord and to one another, and that have responsibility to one another (Acts 2:41, 47; Romans 12:1-5; I Corinthians 12:12-27; Ephesians 4:1-6, 11-17). One of the most self-evident facts set forth in the New Testament is that Christians need one another, even the members of the physical body need one another. As Paul wrote, "But now are there are many members, yet but one body, and the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have not need of thee; nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you ...Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular. " (I Corinthians 12:20-21, 27). In God's design, the physical body needs each member. By His design every member of the body (the church) needs every other member of the body. In God's plan for the church and it’s functioning, individual Christians cannot go their own way. Even when the figure of speech is changed, and the church is spoken of as a family, the plan of God remains the same. God's plan for life in the spiritual family created in Christ is interdependency, not individuality. The people of God are a family of interdependent members.

No Christian can afford to be careless about his or her place in the body of Christ, the family of God. This is basic; for it is God who adds the saved together (Acts 2:41, 47). This is also bound up in the fact that "Christ is the head of the body, the church" (cf Colossians 1:18, 24). God's appointed means of strengthening each believer, of protecting each, and stimulating growth in grace on the part of each, is in the context of a fellowship--a communion of mutual commitment, of mutual caring and mutual sharing.

It is in view of these great truths that each Christian is privileged to consider his, or her, purpose in the family, his participation in the fellowship--the work and worship, the ministry and outreach of the church. In view of God's purpose there is no room for being careless about the worship, the fellowship, or the unity of God's people. Undergirding all of this is the fact that God's purpose for the church is bound up in the blood of Christ. Because Jesus purchased the church with His own blood, it is obvious that the body (the church) is no mere social entity, of temporary importance! The church--the people of God--is a blood­ bought family, whom God expects to function as His family! It is a family, a people preparing for eternity.

Two questions each of us need to face. The first is personal: Am I a child of God? The second is collective: Are we the people of God? These are followed by a third: Would anyone ever suspect that we are?

- Ronald Bryant

Morning Assembly December 13th Assembly

Announcements Don Dillahunty Announcements Don Dillahunty Song Leader Roger Derda Song Leader Dieter Pleier

Opening Prayer Larry Sanderson Opening Prayer Glenn Kenner Scripture Reading Gary Zito Scripture Reading Roger Derda

Prayer Leader Rick Pinney Prayer Leader Morris Guest Lord’s Table Andrew Matthews Lord’s Table Greg Hendrickson

Pat Myers Charles Hughes Richard Davis Keith Drochak

Bill Stewart Richard Davis Closing Prayer Winn Hendricks Closing Prayer David Kirschner


Ronald Bryant will be teaching

Chapter 12 this Wednesday.


Sing Practice TONIGHT 5:30pm HOLIDAY HOOPLA Dec 13th after morning worship. Men’s Coffee Dec 15th 9am Breakfast at IHOP Dec 16th 8am Pioneer Home We have been collecting money for our annual Holiday Bags for those at the Pioneer Home and our Shut-Ins. If you would like to contribute please give your cash or check to Sally Guest or Dolores Buehler. We need people to deliver Holiday bags to the shut-ins, if you are interested please sign-up on the sheet on back table. COOKIES! COOKIES! COOKIES! As an outreach to the staff and others at the Pioneer Home we deliver cookies each year, we also include cookies in the Holiday Packages. If you can, please make about 3 dz. each of whatever kind, place them in air tight containers or bags and place them in the church freezers. All cookies need to be in the freezers no later than December 16th. Please contact Sally Guest or Dolores Buehler with any questions. ELDERS AND DEACONS The elders would like each member of body to be prayerful and consider carefully any of those who are qualified for the position of Elder or Deacon. There is information available on the back table about the biblical qualification for these positions. Please review this information carefully and pray on this topic before considering nominating any man. There will be plenty of time to pray about the matter and lessons to focus your mind about this important decision. Plan HEAD January 3, 2016 will be our annual Corporation Meeting time to be announced. From Kathy There is a letter from Kathy Scott posted on the back board, please take a moment to read it.

December Old Test. New Test.

6 Ezekiel 47-48 1 John 1

7 Daniel 1-2 1 John 2

8 Daniel 3-4 1 John 3

9 Daniel 5-6 1 John 4

10 Daniel 7-9 1 John 5

11 Daniel 10-12 2 & 3 John

12 Hosea 1-3 Jude

Kelsey Crenshaw (Troy and Kelly Kenner’s daughter-granddaughter of Glenn and Wanda Kenner) admitted into hospital on Thursday (in New Mexico) doctors running tests to determine cause of pain. Please keep Kenner and Crenshaw family in your prayers. Joe Hixenbaugh will be having chemo for his cancer, it has moved to his ribs. Kelly Whisenant continued health improvement and possible upcoming brain surgery. Dale Cureton qualified for his treatment, medication to come within two weeks prayerfully. Continues to have testing done.

Continual Prayers Health Reason/Treatment Mary Pleier collapsed lung Michelle Henry recovering from her elbow

surgery Christian (Becky Hanna’s nephew) terminal

leukemia. Nick Cureton (nephew to Dale Cureton)

acute leukemia rare type. Larry Simmons (friend of Larry Miller)

prostate cancer Helen Stalmaker (friend of Marcia Serrano)

lung cancer. Those in the Pioneer’s Home who suffer

physical problems. Gene Harmon Alzheimer’s / Dolores

caregiver Eddie Redman’s niece Rose terminal illness

Our Shut-ins Ruth Hague Dwain Oliver Cathy Verley Danny Jones Marjorie Trammell

Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does

marvelous deeds. Praise be to his glorious name

forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory

Psalm 72:18-19