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Advisory, 2012-2013

Page 2: Welcome Back To School CAVS!

Before we get into the purpose of advisory, we’re going to do a quick ice breaker!

At this time I need everyone to stand up. When everyone is standing (and you don’t need any materials for this), I’ll turn to the next slide and give you directions.

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Purpose of the activity: You are going to line up in order of your birthday. So if your birthday is January 1st, you would definitely be at the beginning of the line. If your birthday were December 31st, you would definitely be at the end of the line.

And the only rule is: You must complete this activity without talking!!! You can communicate in any other way. Ready? Go!!!

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1. What did you find was most difficult about this ice breaker? Why? ( I’ll take volunteer answers)

Possible Answer for #1: Sometimes we get so used to communicating by talking and we forget how difficult it is to communicate when we can’t talk.

2. What other forms of communication did you use in order to successfully complete the ice breaker? ( I’ll take volunteer answers)

Possible Answer for #2: Maybe you used sign language or wrote down information…

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3. Why do you think we started off the year with an activity like this one? (anyone want to volunteer)

Possible Answer for #3: We can communicate in many different ways, and if we work together, we can successfully accomplish goals.

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So what’s the purpose of Advisory?

To ensure than each student is known well at school by at least one adult who is that student’s advocate (advisor).

I want YOU to come to me if you need help with anything!!!

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To guarantee that every student belongs to a peer group.

Let me help YOU find a club or organization that you would like to be a part of…Get involved!!

To help every student find ways of being successful within the academic and social options the school provides.

Let me help YOU with questions you may have about your other classes or problems you may be having!!

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• “Getting to Know You Activities”

• Team Building

• Tutorials• Article Discussions/MYP Activities

• Character Education Activities

• Assemblies


• Channel One

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Monday – Character Education Lesson or MYP Lesson

Tuesday – Finish previous day’s lesson; Begin tutorials

Wednesday – DEAR (all students read silently OR teacher chooses book to read to class each Wednesday)

Thursday – Tutorials

Friday – Channel 1

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No! It is about learning new things that we can apply to our own lives (Character Education/MYP lessons will help us with this).

Tutorials will help us in our other classes because you can get help from me (your advisor)!

This is also an opportunity for you to explore new reading materials during DEAR!

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Yes! Students may go to another teacher’s class except for Monday. Monday is our Character Education/ MYP lesson for the week and this is mandatory.

Aside from Monday, students must have a pass in hand from the teacher they want to go to.

For example: If I’m in Mr. Barker’s class, and I ask him to go to Ms. Flagg’s class but I don’t have a pass from Ms. Flagg, Mr. Barker is going to tell me No!!!

In other words…if you don’t already have a pass in your hand from the teacher you want to go to, you don’t even have to ask because the answer will be no!

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1. What day of the week am I NOT allowed to go to another teacher’s class?

Answer: Monday

2. Why?Answer: This is the day of our lesson!

3. What must I have already in my possession in order to go to another teacher’s class?

Answer: A pass from the other teacher.

Great Job CAVS!!

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Looking forward to a great year and looking forward to making a
