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•Md. Mainul Islam•Id no.30•Assistant Teacher(English)•Mission Girls’ High school•Rajshahi.

Teacher’s Identity

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• Lesson Introduction• English Text• Unit-3 Lesson-1• Class-seven section-A

• Duration-50 minutes

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Look at the pictures

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Today’s lesson

Prize-giving day at school

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•Learning outcome•After studying the lesson, students will be able to-• a) match words with their meaning•B) ask and questions•C) fill in the gaps

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•Ideal reading

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•Some clues for word meaning• Eminent- Sher-E-Bangla A.K.Fazul Haque was an eminent person.• Praise-Sakib played cricket well . So everybody praises highly.• Outstanding-he showed his outstanding perfomace .

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•Activity sheet-1•Individual work•Time-07 minutes•Match words with their meanings:

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Words Meanings


Speak highly of something or someoneTo go to a person or placePeople having lots of power or influenceExtremely good

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•Solution•Visit= to go to a person or a place.•Praise=speak highly of something or someone.•Outstanding=extremely good.•Eminent=people having lots of power and influence.

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• Some information on the prize-giving day at Farabi’s school• The auditorium was nicely decorated• The chief guest was the principal of PN college• The function started at 4pm• The Head teacher read out the annual report.

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•Activity she-02• Pairs work• Time-10 minutes

• Make questions and then choose answers from the following tableQuestions Answers

Who Was the auditorium decorated? Readout the report

What did The chief guest at the function? Brightly

how The Head teacher do? The principal of PN college

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•Solution• a . who was the chief guest?• b .how was the auditorium decorated?• C. what did the head teacher readout?

•Answers • a . The principal of PN college was the chief guest.• b. the auditorium was decorated brightly.• C. the Head teacher readout the annual report.

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Activity sheet-3

group workcomplete the passage with the verbs in the box and give their correct forms

Be Sing Speak Stage

At the end of the prize-giving function there (a)---- a cultural show. The students (b)--- songs, danced and (c)--- a one –act play. It was so good that everyone (d)---- highly.

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•Solution• a. was•b. sang• c. staged•d. spoke

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• Evaluation•What is the meaning ‘ceremony’?•a. display b . function c. show d. festive•How was the auditorium decorated?•a. badly b. richly c . brightly d. awfully

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• Home task•Write a short paragraph about ‘a sports day’ at your school

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• Thanks all